Warning, /include/Geant4/tools/sg/h2plot is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 // Copyright (C) 2010, Guy Barrand. All rights reserved.
0002 // See the file tools.license for terms.
0004 #ifndef tools_sg_h2plot
0005 #define tools_sg_h2plot
0007 // Connexion tools/histo to sg/plotter.
0009 // Inheritance :
0010 #include "plottables"
0012 #include "../histo/h1d"
0013 #include "../histo/h2d"
0014 #include "../histo/p1d"
0015 #include "../histo/p2d"
0017 #include "../words"
0018 #include "../num2s"
0020 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
0021 #include "../mem"
0022 #endif
0024 namespace tools {
0025 namespace sg {
0027 class h1d2plot : public virtual bins1D {
0028 public:
0029 TOOLS_SCLASS(tools::sg::h1d2plot)
0030 public:
0031 virtual void* cast(const std::string& a_class) const {
0032 if(void* p = cmp_cast<h1d2plot>(this,a_class)) {return p;}
0033 return bins1D::cast(a_class);
0034 }
0035 public: //plottable
0036 virtual plottable* copy() const {return new h1d2plot(*this);}
0037 virtual bool is_valid() const {return true;}
0038 virtual const std::string& name() const {return m_name;}
0039 virtual void set_name(const std::string& a_s) {m_name = a_s;}
0041 virtual const std::string& title() const {return m_data.title();}
0042 virtual const std::string& legend() const {return m_legend;}
0043 virtual void set_legend(const std::string& a_s) {m_legend = a_s;}
0045 virtual void infos(const std::string& a_opts,std::string& a_sinfos) const {
0046 a_sinfos.clear();
0047 std::string f_lf("\n");
0048 std::vector<std::string> ws;
0049 words(a_opts," ",false,ws);
0050 std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it;
0052 /*bool show_fit_ndf = false;
0053 {for(it=ws.begin();it!=ws.end();++it) {
0054 if((*it)=="fit_ndf") {show_fit_ndf = true;break;}
0055 }}*/
0057 for(it=ws.begin();it!=ws.end();++it) {
0058 if(((*it)=="name") && m_name.size()) {
0059 if(a_sinfos.size()) a_sinfos += f_lf;
0060 a_sinfos += "Name";
0061 a_sinfos += f_lf;
0062 a_sinfos += m_name;
0064 } else if((*it)=="entries") {
0065 if(a_sinfos.size()) a_sinfos += f_lf;
0066 a_sinfos += "Entries";
0067 a_sinfos += f_lf;
0068 if(!numas<unsigned int>(m_data.all_entries(),a_sinfos)){}
0070 } else if((*it)=="mean") {
0071 if(a_sinfos.size()) a_sinfos += f_lf;
0072 a_sinfos += "Mean";
0073 a_sinfos += f_lf;
0074 if(!numas<double>(m_data.mean(),a_sinfos)) {}
0076 } else if((*it)=="rms") {
0077 if(a_sinfos.size()) a_sinfos += f_lf;
0078 a_sinfos += "RMS";
0079 a_sinfos += f_lf;
0080 if(!numas<double>(m_data.rms(),a_sinfos)) {}
0082 } else if((*it)=="underflow") {
0083 if(a_sinfos.size()) a_sinfos += f_lf;
0084 a_sinfos += "UDFLW";
0085 a_sinfos += f_lf;
0086 if(!numas<double>(m_data.bin_height(histo::axis_UNDERFLOW_BIN),a_sinfos)){}
0088 } else if((*it)=="overflow") {
0089 if(a_sinfos.size()) a_sinfos += f_lf;
0090 a_sinfos += "OVFLW";
0091 a_sinfos += f_lf;
0092 if(!numas<double>(m_data.bin_height(histo::axis_OVERFLOW_BIN),a_sinfos)){}
0094 /*
0095 } else if((*it)=="fit_quality") {
0096 //look in m_data annotations for "fit.chi2" and "fit.ndf" keys :
0097 if(show_fit_ndf) {
0098 std::string schi2;
0099 std::string sndf;
0100 if(m_data.annotation("fit.chi2",schi2) &&
0101 m_data.annotation("fit.ndf",sndf) ){
0102 if(a_sinfos.size()) a_sinfos += f_lf;
0103 a_sinfos += "[h]^2! / ndf";
0104 a_sinfos += f_lf;
0105 a_sinfos += schi2;
0106 a_sinfos += " / ";
0107 a_sinfos += sndf;
0108 }
0109 } else { //show chi2 only.
0110 std::string schi2;
0111 if(m_data.annotation("fit.chi2",schi2)){
0112 if(a_sinfos.size()) a_sinfos += f_lf;
0113 a_sinfos += "[h]^2!";
0114 a_sinfos += f_lf;
0115 a_sinfos += schi2;
0116 }
0117 }
0119 } else if((*it)=="fit_parameters") {
0120 //look in m_data annotations for "fit.param.<name>" keys :
0121 typedef std::map<std::string,std::string> annots_t;
0122 const annots_t& annots = m_data.annotations();
0123 annots_t::const_iterator it;
0124 for(it=annots.begin();it!=annots.end();++it) {
0125 const std::string& key = (*it).first;
0126 if(key.substr(0,10)=="fit.param.") {
0127 //fit.param.mean 14
0128 //01234567890123
0129 std::string name = key.substr(10,key.size()-10);
0130 if(a_sinfos.size()) a_sinfos += f_lf;
0131 a_sinfos += name;
0132 a_sinfos += f_lf;
0133 a_sinfos += (*it).second;
0134 }
0135 }
0136 */
0137 }
0138 }
0139 }
0140 public: //bins1D
0141 virtual void bins_Sw_range(float& a_mn,float& a_mx,bool a_with_entries) const {
0142 if(a_with_entries && m_data.has_entries_per_bin()) {
0143 double mn,mx;
0144 m_data.min_bin_height_with_entries(mn);
0145 m_data.max_bin_height_with_entries(mx);
0146 a_mn = float(mn);
0147 a_mx = float(mx);
0148 } else {
0149 a_mn = (float)m_data.min_bin_height();
0150 a_mx = (float)m_data.max_bin_height();
0151 }
0152 }
0153 virtual unsigned int bins() const {return m_data.axis().bins();}
0154 virtual float axis_min() const {return (float)m_data.axis().lower_edge();}
0155 virtual float axis_max() const {return (float)m_data.axis().upper_edge();}
0156 virtual float bin_lower_edge(int aI) const {return (float)m_data.axis().bin_lower_edge(aI);}
0157 virtual float bin_upper_edge(int aI) const {return (float)m_data.axis().bin_upper_edge(aI);}
0159 virtual bool has_entries_per_bin() const {return m_data.has_entries_per_bin();}
0160 virtual unsigned int bin_entries(int aI) const {return m_data.bin_entries(aI);}
0162 virtual float bin_Sw(int aI) const {return (float)m_data.bin_height(aI);}
0164 virtual float bin_error(int aI) const {return (float)m_data.bin_error(aI);}
0165 virtual bool is_profile() const {return false;}
0166 public:
0167 h1d2plot(const histo::h1d& a_data):m_data(a_data) {
0168 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
0169 mem::increment(s_class().c_str());
0170 #endif
0171 }
0172 virtual ~h1d2plot(){
0173 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
0174 mem::decrement(s_class().c_str());
0175 #endif
0176 }
0177 public:
0178 h1d2plot(const h1d2plot& a_from)
0179 :plottable(a_from),bins1D(a_from)
0180 ,m_data(a_from.m_data)
0181 ,m_name(a_from.m_name)
0182 ,m_legend(a_from.m_legend)
0183 {
0184 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
0185 mem::increment(s_class().c_str());
0186 #endif
0187 }
0188 h1d2plot& operator=(const h1d2plot& a_from){
0189 m_name = a_from.m_name;
0190 m_legend = a_from.m_legend;
0191 return *this;
0192 }
0193 public:
0194 const histo::h1d& data() const {return m_data;}
0195 protected:
0196 const histo::h1d& m_data;
0197 std::string m_name;
0198 std::string m_legend;
0199 };
0201 class h2d2plot : public virtual bins2D {
0202 public:
0203 TOOLS_SCLASS(tools::sg::h2d2plot)
0204 public:
0205 virtual void* cast(const std::string& a_class) const {
0206 if(void* p = cmp_cast<h2d2plot>(this,a_class)) {return p;}
0207 return bins2D::cast(a_class);
0208 }
0209 public: //plottable
0210 virtual plottable* copy() const {return new h2d2plot(*this);}
0211 virtual bool is_valid() const {return true;}
0212 virtual const std::string& name() const {return m_name;}
0213 virtual void set_name(const std::string& a_s) {m_name = a_s;}
0214 virtual const std::string& title() const {return m_data.title();}
0215 virtual const std::string& legend() const {return m_legend;}
0216 virtual void set_legend(const std::string& a_s) {m_legend = a_s;}
0218 virtual void infos(const std::string& a_opts,std::string& a_sinfos) const {
0219 a_sinfos.clear();
0220 std::string f_lf("\n");
0221 std::vector<std::string> ws;
0222 words(a_opts," ",false,ws);
0223 std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it;
0224 for(it=ws.begin();it!=ws.end();++it) {
0225 if(((*it)=="name") && m_name.size()) {
0226 if(a_sinfos.size()) a_sinfos += f_lf;
0227 a_sinfos += "Name\n";
0228 a_sinfos += m_name;
0230 } else if((*it)=="entries") {
0231 if(a_sinfos.size()) a_sinfos += f_lf;
0232 a_sinfos += "Entries\n";
0233 if(!numas<unsigned int>(m_data.all_entries(),a_sinfos)) {}
0235 } else if((*it)=="mean") {
0236 if(a_sinfos.size()) a_sinfos += f_lf;
0237 a_sinfos += "MeanX\n";
0238 if(!numas<double>(m_data.mean_x(),a_sinfos)) {}
0239 a_sinfos += f_lf;
0240 a_sinfos += "MeanY\n";
0241 if(!numas<double>(m_data.mean_y(),a_sinfos)) {}
0243 } else if((*it)=="rms") {
0244 if(a_sinfos.size()) a_sinfos += f_lf;
0245 a_sinfos += "RMS X\n";
0246 if(!numas<double>(m_data.rms_x(),a_sinfos)) {}
0247 a_sinfos += f_lf;
0248 a_sinfos += "RMS Y\n";
0249 if(!numas<double>(m_data.rms_y(),a_sinfos)) {}
0251 }
0252 }
0253 }
0254 public: //bins2D
0255 virtual void bins_Sw_range(float& a_mn,float& a_mx,bool a_with_entries) const {
0256 if(a_with_entries && m_data.has_entries_per_bin()) {
0257 double mn,mx;
0258 m_data.min_bin_height_with_entries(mn);
0259 m_data.max_bin_height_with_entries(mx);
0260 a_mn = float(mn);
0261 a_mx = float(mx);
0262 } else {
0263 a_mn = (float)m_data.min_bin_height();
0264 a_mx = (float)m_data.max_bin_height();
0265 }
0266 }
0267 virtual unsigned int x_bins() const {return m_data.axis_x().bins();}
0268 virtual unsigned int y_bins() const {return m_data.axis_y().bins();}
0269 virtual float x_axis_min() const {return (float)m_data.axis_x().lower_edge();}
0270 virtual float x_axis_max() const {return (float)m_data.axis_x().upper_edge();}
0271 virtual float y_axis_min() const {return (float)m_data.axis_y().lower_edge();}
0272 virtual float y_axis_max() const {return (float)m_data.axis_y().upper_edge();}
0274 virtual float bin_lower_edge_x(int aI) const {return (float)m_data.axis_x().bin_lower_edge(aI);}
0275 virtual float bin_upper_edge_x(int aI) const {return (float)m_data.axis_x().bin_upper_edge(aI);}
0276 virtual float bin_lower_edge_y(int aI) const {return (float)m_data.axis_y().bin_lower_edge(aI);}
0277 virtual float bin_upper_edge_y(int aI) const {return (float)m_data.axis_y().bin_upper_edge(aI);}
0279 virtual bool has_entries_per_bin() const {return m_data.has_entries_per_bin();}
0280 virtual unsigned int bin_entries(int aI,int aJ) const {return m_data.bin_entries(aI,aJ);}
0282 virtual float bin_Sw(int aI,int aJ) const {return (float)m_data.bin_height(aI,aJ);}
0284 virtual float bin_error(int aI,int aJ) const {return (float)m_data.bin_error(aI,aJ);}
0285 public:
0286 h2d2plot(const histo::h2d& a_data)
0287 :m_data(a_data)
0288 {
0289 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
0290 mem::increment(s_class().c_str());
0291 #endif
0292 }
0293 virtual ~h2d2plot(){
0294 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
0295 mem::decrement(s_class().c_str());
0296 #endif
0297 }
0298 public:
0299 h2d2plot(const h2d2plot& a_from)
0300 :plottable(a_from),bins2D(a_from)
0301 ,m_data(a_from.m_data)
0302 ,m_name(a_from.m_name)
0303 ,m_legend(a_from.m_legend)
0304 {
0305 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
0306 mem::increment(s_class().c_str());
0307 #endif
0308 }
0309 h2d2plot& operator=(const h2d2plot& a_from){
0310 m_name = a_from.m_name;
0311 m_legend = a_from.m_legend;
0312 return *this;
0313 }
0314 protected:
0315 const histo::h2d& m_data;
0316 std::string m_name;
0317 std::string m_legend;
0318 };
0320 //NOTE : for the moment, same code as h1d2plot !
0321 class p1d2plot : public virtual bins1D {
0322 public:
0323 TOOLS_SCLASS(tools::sg::p1d2plot)
0324 public:
0325 virtual void* cast(const std::string& a_class) const {
0326 if(void* p = cmp_cast<p1d2plot>(this,a_class)) {return p;}
0327 return bins1D::cast(a_class);
0328 }
0329 public:
0330 virtual plottable* copy() const {return new p1d2plot(*this);}
0331 virtual bool is_valid() const {return true;}
0332 virtual const std::string& name() const {return m_name;}
0333 virtual void set_name(const std::string& a_s) {m_name = a_s;}
0334 virtual const std::string& title() const {return m_data.title();}
0335 virtual const std::string& legend() const {return m_legend;}
0336 virtual void set_legend(const std::string& a_s) {m_legend = a_s;}
0338 virtual void infos(const std::string& a_opts,std::string& a_sinfos) const {
0339 a_sinfos.clear();
0340 std::string f_lf("\n");
0341 std::vector<std::string> ws;
0342 words(a_opts," ",false,ws);
0343 std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it;
0344 for(it=ws.begin();it!=ws.end();++it) {
0345 if(((*it)=="name") && m_name.size()) {
0346 if(a_sinfos.size()) a_sinfos += f_lf;
0347 a_sinfos += "Name\n";
0348 a_sinfos += m_name;
0350 } else if((*it)=="entries") {
0351 if(a_sinfos.size()) a_sinfos += f_lf;
0352 a_sinfos += "Entries\n";
0353 if(!numas<unsigned int>(m_data.all_entries(),a_sinfos)) {}
0354 } else if((*it)=="mean") {
0355 if(a_sinfos.size()) a_sinfos += f_lf;
0356 a_sinfos += "Mean\n";
0357 if(!numas<double>(m_data.mean(),a_sinfos)) {}
0358 } else if((*it)=="rms") {
0359 if(a_sinfos.size()) a_sinfos += f_lf;
0360 a_sinfos += "RMS\n";
0361 if(!numas<double>(m_data.rms(),a_sinfos)) {}
0363 }
0364 }
0365 }
0366 public:
0367 virtual unsigned int bins() const {return m_data.axis().bins();}
0369 virtual void bins_Sw_range(float& a_mn,float& a_mx,bool a_with_entries) const {
0370 if(a_with_entries && m_data.has_entries_per_bin()) {
0371 double mn,mx;
0372 m_data.min_bin_height_with_entries(mn);
0373 m_data.max_bin_height_with_entries(mx);
0374 a_mn = float(mn);
0375 a_mx = float(mx);
0376 } else {
0377 a_mn = (float)m_data.min_bin_height();
0378 a_mx = (float)m_data.max_bin_height();
0379 }
0380 }
0382 virtual float axis_min() const {return (float)m_data.axis().lower_edge();}
0383 virtual float axis_max() const {return (float)m_data.axis().upper_edge();}
0384 virtual float bin_lower_edge(int aI) const {return (float)m_data.axis().bin_lower_edge(aI);}
0385 virtual float bin_upper_edge(int aI) const {return (float)m_data.axis().bin_upper_edge(aI);}
0387 virtual bool has_entries_per_bin() const {return m_data.has_entries_per_bin();}
0388 virtual unsigned int bin_entries(int aI) const {return m_data.bin_entries(aI);}
0390 virtual float bin_Sw(int aI) const {return (float)m_data.bin_height(aI);}
0392 virtual float bin_error(int aI) const {return (float)m_data.bin_error(aI);}
0394 virtual bool is_profile() const {return true;}
0395 public:
0396 p1d2plot(const histo::p1d& a_data):m_data(a_data){}
0397 virtual ~p1d2plot(){}
0398 public:
0399 p1d2plot(const p1d2plot& a_from)
0400 :plottable(a_from),bins1D(a_from)
0401 ,m_data(a_from.m_data)
0402 ,m_name(a_from.m_name)
0403 ,m_legend(a_from.m_legend)
0404 {}
0405 p1d2plot& operator=(const p1d2plot& a_from){
0406 m_name = a_from.m_name;
0407 m_legend = a_from.m_legend;
0408 return *this;
0409 }
0410 protected:
0411 const histo::p1d& m_data;
0412 std::string m_name;
0413 std::string m_legend;
0414 };
0416 /*
0417 class p2d2plot : public virtual SbPlottableBins2D {
0418 public:
0419 TOOLS_SCLASS(tools::sg::p2d2plot)
0420 public:
0421 virtual void* cast(const std::string& a_class) const {
0422 if(void* p = cmp_cast<p2d2plot>(this,a_class)) {return p;}
0423 return bins2D::cast(a_class);
0424 }
0425 public: //SbPlottableObject
0426 virtual bool is_valid() const {return true;}
0427 virtual const char* name(){return m_name;}
0428 virtual const char* legend(){return m_legend;}
0429 public:
0430 virtual int getDimension() const{return 2;}
0431 virtual const char* title(){return m_data.title();}
0432 public: //SbPlottableBins2D
0433 virtual void getBinsSumOfWeightsRange(float& a_mn,float& a_mx) const {
0434 a_mn = (float)m_data.min_bin_height();
0435 a_mx = (float)m_data.max_bin_height();
0436 }
0437 virtual int getAxisNumberOfBinsX() const {return m_data.axis_x().bins();}
0438 virtual int getAxisNumberOfBinsY() const {return m_data.axis_y().bins();}
0439 virtual float getAxisMinimumX() const {return (float)m_data.axis_x().lower_edge();}
0440 virtual float getAxisMaximumX() const {return (float)m_data.axis_x().upper_edge();}
0441 virtual float getAxisMinimumY() const {return (float)m_data.axis_y().lower_edge();}
0442 virtual float getAxisMaximumY() const {return (float)m_data.axis_y().upper_edge();}
0443 virtual float getBinLowerEdgeX(int aI) const {
0444 return (float)m_data.axis_x().bin_lower_edge(aI);
0445 }
0446 virtual float bin_upper_edgeX(int aI) const {
0447 return (float)m_data.axis_x().bin_upper_edge(aI);
0448 }
0449 virtual float getBinLowerEdgeY(int aI) const {
0450 return (float)m_data.axis_y().bin_lower_edge(aI);
0451 }
0452 virtual float bin_upper_edgeY(int aI) const {
0453 return (float)m_data.axis_y().bin_upper_edge(aI);
0454 }
0455 virtual int getBinNumberOfEntries(int aI,int aJ) const {
0456 return m_data.bin_entries(aI,aJ);
0457 }
0458 virtual float getBinSumOfWeights(int aI,int aJ) const {
0459 return (float)m_data.bin_height(aI,aJ);
0460 }
0461 virtual float getBinBar(int aI,int aJ) const {
0462 return (float)m_data.bin_error(aI,aJ);
0463 }
0465 virtual void infos(const std::string& a_opts,std::string& a_sinfos) const {
0466 a_sinfos.clear();
0467 std::string f_lf("\n");
0468 std::vector<std::string> ws;
0469 words(a_opts," ",false,ws);
0470 std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it;
0471 for(it=ws.begin();it!=ws.end();++it) {
0472 if(((*it)=="name") && m_name.size()) {
0473 if(a_sinfos.size()) a_sinfos += f_lf;
0474 a_sinfos += "Name\n";
0475 a_sinfos += m_name;
0477 } else if((*it)=="entries") {
0478 if(a_sinfos.size()) a_sinfos += f_lf;
0479 a_sinfos += "Entries\n";
0480 if(!numasd int>(m_data.all_entries(),a_sinfos)) {}
0481 } else if((*it)=="mean") {
0482 if(a_sinfos.size()) a_sinfos += f_lf;
0483 a_sinfos += "MeanX\n";
0484 if(!numas<double>(m_data.mean_x(),a_sinfos)) {}
0485 a_sinfos += f_lf;
0486 a_sinfos += "MeanY\n";
0487 if(!numas<double>(m_data.mean_y(),a_sinfos)) {}
0488 } else if((*it)=="rms") {
0489 if(a_sinfos.size()) a_sinfos += f_lf;
0490 a_sinfos += "RMS X\n";
0491 if(!numas<double>(m_data.rms_x(),a_sinfos)) {}
0492 a_sinfos += f_lf;
0493 a_sinfos += "RMS Y\n";
0494 if(!numas<double>(m_data.rms_y(),a_sinfos)) {}
0496 }
0497 }
0498 }
0500 public:
0501 p2d2plot(const histo::p2d& a_data)
0502 :m_data(a_data)
0503 {
0504 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
0505 mem::increment(s_class().c_str());
0506 #endif
0507 }
0508 virtual ~p2d2plot(){
0509 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
0510 mem::decrement(s_class().c_str());
0511 #endif
0512 }
0513 public:
0514 p2d2plot(const p2d2plot& a_from)
0515 :m_data(a_from.m_data)
0516 ,m_name(a_from.m_name)
0517 ,m_legend(a_from.m_legend)
0518 {
0519 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
0520 mem::increment(s_class().c_str());
0521 #endif
0522 }
0523 p2d2plot& operator=(const p2d2plot& a_from){
0524 m_name = a_from.m_name;
0525 m_legend = a_from.m_legend;
0526 return *this;
0527 }
0528 protected:
0529 const histo::p2d& m_data;
0530 std::string m_name;
0531 std::string m_legend;
0532 };
0533 */
0535 }}
0537 #endif