Warning, /include/Geant4/tools/sg/base_tex is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 // Copyright (C) 2010, Guy Barrand. All rights reserved.
0002 // See the file tools.license for terms.
0004 #ifndef tools_sg_base_tex
0005 #define tools_sg_base_tex
0007 #include "../platform"
0008 #include "../img"
0009 #include "../lina/line"
0010 #include "../lina/vec3f"
0012 #include "sf_vec"
0013 #include "sf_img"
0014 #include "../colorfs"
0016 namespace tools {
0017 namespace sg {
0019 class base_tex {
0020 public:
0021 TOOLS_SCLASS(tools::sg::base_tex)
0022 public:
0023 virtual void* cast(const std::string& a_class) const {
0024 if(void* p = cmp_cast<base_tex>(this,a_class)) return p;
0025 return 0;
0026 }
0027 public:
0028 sf_img<byte> img;
0029 sf_vec<colorf,float> back_color;
0030 sf<bool> expand;
0031 sf<unsigned int> limit;
0032 sf<bool> nearest; //for glTexParameteri. See exlib/sg/GL_manager. default=true for astro images.
0033 public:
0034 enum intersect_type {
0035 intersect_down,
0036 intersect_move,
0037 intersect_up
0038 };
0039 virtual bool intersect_value(std::ostream&,intersect_type a_type,const line<vec3f>& a_line,std::string& a_s) const = 0;
0040 public:
0041 base_tex()
0042 :img(img_byte())
0043 ,back_color(colorf_white())
0044 ,expand(false)
0045 ,limit(device::tex_mem_limit()) //OpenGL-ES glTex limitation.
0046 ,nearest(true)
0047 ,m_img()
0048 {}
0049 virtual ~base_tex(){}
0050 public:
0051 base_tex(const base_tex& a_from)
0052 :img(a_from.img)
0053 ,back_color(a_from.back_color)
0054 ,expand(a_from.expand)
0055 ,limit(a_from.limit)
0056 ,nearest(a_from.nearest)
0057 ,m_img()
0058 {}
0059 base_tex& operator=(const base_tex& a_from){
0060 img = a_from.img;
0061 back_color = a_from.back_color;
0062 expand = a_from.expand;
0063 limit = a_from.limit;
0064 nearest = a_from.nearest;
0065 m_img.make_empty();
0066 return *this;
0067 }
0068 protected:
0069 void _update_sg_(std::ostream& a_out) {
0070 //clean_texs(); //must reset for all render_manager.
0072 const img_byte& _img = img.value();
0074 //::printf("debug : base_tex::_update_sg : size = %d, w = %d, h = %d, bpp %d\n",
0075 // _img.size(),_img.width(),_img.height(),_img.bpp());
0078 if(_img.is_empty()) {
0079 m_img.make_empty();
0080 return;
0081 }
0083 unsigned int bpp = _img.bpp();
0084 if((bpp!=1)&&(bpp!=3)&&(bpp!=4)) {
0085 a_out << "tools::sg::tex_rect::update_sg :"
0086 << " bpp " << bpp << " not handled."
0087 << std::endl;
0088 m_img.make_empty();
0089 return;
0090 }
0092 //a_out << "debug : tools::sg::tex_rect::update_sg :"
0093 // << " this " << tools::p2s(this)
0094 // << std::endl;
0096 // image must be power of two in width and height.
0098 const colorf& bc = back_color.value();
0099 //::printf("debug : back_color %g %g %g %g\n",bc.r(),bc.g(),bc.b(),bc.a());
0101 byte pixel[4];
0102 pixel[0] = bc.ruchar();
0103 pixel[1] = bc.guchar();
0104 pixel[2] = bc.buchar();
0105 pixel[3] = bc.auchar();
0107 //dump(a_out,"debug : 0000 :",_img);
0109 if((back_color.value().a()!=1)&&(bpp!=4)) {
0110 //transparent background.
0112 //NOTE : the node must be rendered after the "behind nodes" so that
0113 // transparency be taken into account for the "behind nodes".
0115 img_byte img4;
0116 if(!_img.rgb2rgba(img4,255)){
0117 a_out << "tools::sg::tex_rect::update_sg :"
0118 << " rgb2rgba failed."
0119 << std::endl;
0120 m_img.make_empty();
0121 return;
0122 }
0124 if(!img4.to_texture(expand.value(),pixel,m_img)){
0125 a_out << "tools::sg::tex_rect::update_sg :"
0126 << " problem with tools::tex_rect::to_texture."
0127 << std::endl;
0128 m_img.make_empty();
0129 return;
0130 }
0132 } else {
0133 if(!_img.to_texture(expand.value(),pixel,m_img)){
0134 a_out << "tools::sg::tex_rect::update_sg :"
0135 << " problem with tools::tex_rect::to_texture."
0136 << std::endl;
0137 m_img.make_empty();
0138 return;
0139 }
0140 }
0142 //a_out << "debug : limit : 000 : " << limit.value() << std::endl;
0143 if(limit.value()) {
0144 unsigned int tw = m_img.width();
0145 unsigned int th = m_img.height();
0146 if((tw*th*m_img.bpp())>limit.value()) {
0147 //a_out << "debug : trunc " << (tw*th) << std::endl;
0148 unsigned int fac = 2;
0149 while(true) {
0150 unsigned int pw = tw/fac;
0151 unsigned int ph = th/fac;
0152 if((pw*ph)<limit.value()) {
0153 unsigned int sx = (tw-pw)/2;
0154 unsigned int sy = (th-ph)/2;
0156 img_byte part;
0157 if(!m_img.get_part(sx,sy,pw,ph,part)) {
0158 m_img.make_empty();
0159 return;
0160 }
0161 //a_out << "debug : base_tex : img.get_part due to limit (" << limit.value() << ")." << std::endl;
0162 m_img = part;
0163 break;
0164 }
0165 fac *= 2;
0166 }
0167 }
0168 }
0169 //dump_not_null(a_out,"debug : base_tex::_update_sg_ :",m_img);
0171 }
0173 static void dump(std::ostream& a_out,const std::string& a_cmt,const img_byte& a_img) {
0174 if(a_cmt.size()) a_out << a_cmt << std::endl;
0175 a_out << " width " << a_img.width()
0176 << " height " << a_img.height()
0177 << " bpp " << a_img.bpp()
0178 << std::endl;
0179 }
0181 static void dump_not_null(std::ostream& a_out,const std::string& a_cmt,const img_byte& a_img) {
0182 if(a_cmt.size()) a_out << a_cmt << std::endl;
0183 unsigned int w = a_img.width();
0184 unsigned int h = a_img.height();
0185 unsigned int n = a_img.bpp();
0186 a_out << "img_byte : width " << w << " height " << h << " bpp " << n << std::endl;
0187 byte* pos = (byte*)a_img.buffer();
0188 if(n==3) {
0189 byte r,g,b;
0190 for(unsigned int j=0;j<h;j++) {
0191 for(unsigned int i=0;i<w;i++) {
0192 r = *pos;pos++;
0193 g = *pos;pos++;
0194 b = *pos;pos++;
0195 if(r||g||b)
0196 a_out << " " << i << " " << j
0197 << " : " << (unsigned int)r << " " << (unsigned int)g << " " << (unsigned int)b
0198 << std::endl;
0199 }
0200 }
0201 }
0202 }
0204 void set_tcs(float a_tcs[8]) {
0205 const img_byte& _img = img.value();
0207 a_tcs[0] = 0;a_tcs[1] = 0;
0208 a_tcs[2] = 1;a_tcs[3] = 0;
0209 a_tcs[4] = 1;a_tcs[5] = 1;
0210 a_tcs[6] = 0;a_tcs[7] = 1;
0212 float ax = 1;
0213 float bx = 0;
0214 float ay = 1;
0215 float by = 0;
0216 {unsigned int iw = _img.width();
0217 unsigned int ih = _img.height();
0218 unsigned int rw = m_img.width();
0219 unsigned int rh = m_img.height();
0220 if(rw>iw) {
0221 float part = float(iw)/float(rw);
0222 ax = part;
0223 bx = 0.5f*(1-part);
0224 }
0225 if(rh>ih) {
0226 float part = float(ih)/float(rh);
0227 ay = part;
0228 by = 0.5f*(1-part);
0229 }}
0231 {unsigned int num = 12/3;
0232 for(unsigned int index=0;index<num;index++) {
0233 a_tcs[2*index] = ax*a_tcs[2*index] +bx;
0234 a_tcs[2*index+1] = ay*a_tcs[2*index+1]+by;
0235 }}
0237 }
0238 protected:
0239 img_byte m_img;
0240 };
0242 }}
0244 #endif