Warning, /include/Geant4/tools/rroot/tree is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 // Copyright (C) 2010, Guy Barrand. All rights reserved.
0002 // See the file tools.license for terms.
0004 #ifndef tools_rroot_tree
0005 #define tools_rroot_tree
0007 #include "ifac"
0008 #include "branch_element"
0009 #include "../sout"
0010 #include "iobject"
0012 namespace tools {
0013 namespace rroot {
0015 inline const std::string& TTree_cls(){
0016 static const std::string s_v("TTree");
0017 return s_v;
0018 }
0020 class tree : public virtual iobject {
0021 public:
0022 static const std::string& s_class() {
0023 static const std::string s_v("tools::rroot::tree");
0024 return s_v;
0025 }
0026 virtual const std::string& s_cls() const {return s_class();}
0027 public: //iobject
0028 virtual const std::string& name() const {return m_name;}
0029 virtual const std::string& title() const {return m_title;}
0030 virtual const std::string& store_class_name() const {
0031 static const std::string s_v("TTree");
0032 return s_v;
0033 }
0034 public:
0035 tree(ifile& a_file,ifac& a_fac)
0036 :m_file(a_file)
0037 ,m_fac(a_fac)
0038 ,m_out(a_file.out())
0039 ,m_name("")
0040 ,m_title("")
0041 ,m_branches(a_fac)
0042 ,m_entries(0)
0043 {
0044 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
0045 mem::increment(s_class().c_str());
0046 #endif
0047 }
0048 virtual ~tree(){
0049 #ifdef TOOLS_MEM
0050 mem::decrement(s_class().c_str());
0051 #endif
0052 }
0053 protected:
0054 tree(const tree& a_from)
0055 :iobject(a_from)
0056 ,m_file(a_from.m_file)
0057 ,m_fac(a_from.m_fac)
0058 ,m_out(a_from.m_out)
0059 ,m_branches(m_fac)
0060 {}
0061 tree& operator=(const tree&){return *this;}
0062 public:
0063 std::ostream& out() const {return m_out;}
0065 ifile& file() {return m_file;}
0066 ifac& fac() {return m_fac;}
0068 const std::vector<branch*>& branches() const {return m_branches;}
0070 bool find_entry(uint64 a_entry,uint32& a_nbytes) {
0071 a_nbytes = 0;
0072 if(a_entry>=m_entries) return false;
0073 int nbytes = 0;
0074 //fReadEntry = a_entry;
0075 tools_vforit(branch*,m_branches,it) {
0076 uint32 n;
0077 if(!(*it)->find_entry(m_file,a_entry,n)) return false;
0078 nbytes += n;
0079 }
0080 a_nbytes = nbytes;
0081 return true;
0082 }
0084 void dump(std::ostream& a_out,const std::string& a_spaces = "",const std::string& a_indent = " "){
0085 a_out << a_spaces
0086 << "tree :"
0087 << " name=" << sout(m_name)
0088 << " title=" << sout(m_title)
0089 << " entries=" << m_entries
0090 << std::endl;
0091 _dump_branches(a_out,m_branches,a_spaces+a_indent,a_indent);
0092 }
0094 branch* find_branch(const std::string& a_name,bool a_recursive = false) const {
0095 return _find_branch(m_branches,a_name,a_recursive);
0096 }
0098 branch_element* find_branch_element(const std::string& a_name,bool a_recursive = false) const {
0099 branch* b = _find_branch(m_branches,a_name,a_recursive);
0100 if(!b) return 0;
0101 return id_cast<branch,branch_element>(*b);
0102 }
0104 base_leaf* find_leaf(const std::string& a_name,bool a_recursive = false) const {
0105 return _find_leaf(m_branches,a_name,a_recursive);
0106 }
0108 void find_leaves(std::vector<base_leaf*>& a_leaves) const {
0109 a_leaves.clear();
0110 _find_leaves(m_branches,a_leaves);
0111 }
0113 void find_branches(std::vector<branch*>& a_branches) const {
0114 a_branches.clear();
0115 _find_branches(m_branches,a_branches);
0116 }
0118 branch* find_leaf_branch(const base_leaf& a_leaf) const {return _find_leaf_branch(m_branches,a_leaf);}
0120 bool show(std::ostream& a_out,uint64 a_entry){
0121 a_out << "======> EVENT:" << a_entry << std::endl;
0122 tools_vforit(branch*,m_branches,it) {
0123 if(!(*it)->show(a_out,m_file,a_entry)) return false;
0124 }
0125 return true;
0126 }
0128 uint64 entries() const {return m_entries;}
0130 virtual bool stream(buffer& a_buffer) { //virtual for iobject.
0131 //uint64 m_tot_bytes;
0132 //uint64 m_zip_bytes;
0133 //uint64 m_saved_bytes;
0135 short vers;
0136 unsigned int _s,_c;
0137 if(!a_buffer.read_version(vers,_s,_c)) return false;
0139 //::printf("debug : tree::stream : version %d count %d\n",vers,c);
0141 //if (vers > 4) {
0142 //TTree::Class()->ReadBuffer(b, this, vers, s, c);
0143 //if (fEstimate <= 10000) fEstimate = 1000000;
0144 //m_saved_bytes = m_tot_bytes;
0145 //fDirectory = gDirectory;
0146 //gDirectory->Append(this);
0147 //return;
0148 //}
0150 if(!Named_stream(a_buffer,m_name,m_title)) return false;
0152 {short color,style,width;
0153 if(!AttLine_stream(a_buffer,color,style,width)) return false;}
0154 {short color,style;
0155 if(!AttFill_stream(a_buffer,color,style)) return false;}
0156 if(!AttMarker_stream(a_buffer)) return false;
0158 if(vers<=4) {
0159 int dummy_int;
0161 if(!a_buffer.read(dummy_int)) return false; //fScanField
0162 if(!a_buffer.read(dummy_int)) return false; //fMaxEntryLoop
0163 {int fMaxVirtualSize;
0164 if(!a_buffer.read(fMaxVirtualSize)) return false;}
0165 {double v;
0166 if(!a_buffer.read(v)) return false;
0167 m_entries = uint64(v);}
0168 {double v;
0169 if(!a_buffer.read(v)) return false;
0170 //m_tot_bytes = uint64(v);
0171 }
0172 {double v;
0173 if(!a_buffer.read(v)) return false;
0174 //m_zip_bytes = uint64(v);
0175 }
0176 {int fAutoSave;
0177 if(!a_buffer.read(fAutoSave)) return false;}
0178 if(!a_buffer.read(dummy_int)) return false; //fEstimate
0180 } else if(vers<=9) {
0181 {double v;
0182 if(!a_buffer.read(v)) return false;
0183 m_entries = uint64(v);}
0184 {double v;
0185 if(!a_buffer.read(v)) return false;
0186 //m_tot_bytes = uint64(v);
0187 }
0188 {double v;
0189 if(!a_buffer.read(v)) return false;
0190 //m_zip_bytes = uint64(v);
0191 }
0192 {double v;
0193 if(!a_buffer.read(v)) return false;
0194 //m_saved_bytes = uint64(v);
0195 }
0197 int dummy_int;
0198 if(!a_buffer.read(dummy_int)) return false; //fTimerInterval
0199 if(!a_buffer.read(dummy_int)) return false; //fScanField
0200 if(!a_buffer.read(dummy_int)) return false; //fUpdate
0201 if(!a_buffer.read(dummy_int)) return false; //fMaxEntryLoop
0203 {int fMaxVirtualSize;
0204 if(!a_buffer.read(fMaxVirtualSize)) return false;}
0205 {int fAutoSave;
0206 if(!a_buffer.read(fAutoSave)) return false;}
0207 if(!a_buffer.read(dummy_int)) return false; //fEstimate
0209 } else if(vers<16) { //FIXME : what is the exact version ?
0210 double dummy_double;
0211 int dummy_int;
0213 {double v;
0214 if(!a_buffer.read(v)) return false;
0215 m_entries = uint64(v);}
0216 {double v;
0217 if(!a_buffer.read(v)) return false;
0218 //m_tot_bytes = uint64(v);
0219 }
0220 {double v;
0221 if(!a_buffer.read(v)) return false;
0222 //m_zip_bytes = uint64(v);
0223 }
0224 {double v;
0225 if(!a_buffer.read(v)) return false;
0226 //m_saved_bytes = uint64(v);
0227 }
0228 if(!a_buffer.read(dummy_double)) return false; //fWeight
0229 if(!a_buffer.read(dummy_int)) return false; //fTimerInterval
0230 if(!a_buffer.read(dummy_int)) return false; //fScanField
0231 if(!a_buffer.read(dummy_int)) return false; //fUpdate
0232 if(!a_buffer.read(dummy_int)) return false; //fMaxEntryLoop
0234 {int fMaxVirtualSize;
0235 if(!a_buffer.read(fMaxVirtualSize)) return false;}
0236 {int fAutoSave;
0237 if(!a_buffer.read(fAutoSave)) return false;}
0238 if(!a_buffer.read(dummy_int)) return false; //fEstimate
0240 } else { //vers>=16
0241 double dummy_double;
0242 int dummy_int;
0243 int64 dummy_int64;
0245 {uint64 v;
0246 if(!a_buffer.read(v)) return false;
0247 m_entries = v;}
0248 {uint64 v;
0249 if(!a_buffer.read(v)) return false;
0250 //m_tot_bytes = v;
0251 }
0252 {uint64 v;
0253 if(!a_buffer.read(v)) return false;
0254 //m_zip_bytes = v;
0255 }
0256 {uint64 v;
0257 if(!a_buffer.read(v)) return false;
0258 //m_saved_bytes = v;
0259 }
0260 if(vers>=18) {
0261 if(!a_buffer.read(dummy_int64)) return false; //fFlushedBytes
0262 }
0264 if(!a_buffer.read(dummy_double)) return false; //fWeight
0266 if(!a_buffer.read(dummy_int)) return false; //fTimerInterval
0267 if(!a_buffer.read(dummy_int)) return false; //fScanField
0268 if(!a_buffer.read(dummy_int)) return false; //fUpdate
0270 if(vers>=18) {
0271 if(!a_buffer.read(dummy_int)) return false; //fDefaultEntryOffsetLen
0272 }
0273 int fNClusterRange;
0274 if(vers>=20) {
0275 if(!a_buffer.read(fNClusterRange)) return false; //fNClusterRange
0276 }
0278 if(!a_buffer.read(dummy_int64)) return false; //fMaxEntries
0279 if(!a_buffer.read(dummy_int64)) return false; //fMaxEntryLoop
0280 {uint64 fMaxVirtualSize;
0281 if(!a_buffer.read(fMaxVirtualSize)) return false;}
0282 {uint64 fAutoSave;
0283 if(!a_buffer.read(fAutoSave)) return false;}
0284 if(vers>=18) {
0285 if(!a_buffer.read(dummy_int64)) return false; //fAutoFlush
0286 }
0287 if(!a_buffer.read(dummy_int64)) return false; //fEstimate
0288 if(vers>=20) {
0289 int64* fClusterRangeEnd = 0; ///<[fNClusterRange] Last entry of a cluster range.
0290 if(!fixed_array_stream<int64>(a_buffer,fNClusterRange,fClusterRangeEnd)) return false;
0291 delete [] fClusterRangeEnd;
0292 int64* fClusterSize = 0; ///<[fNClusterRange] Number of entries in each cluster for a given range.
0293 if(!fixed_array_stream<int64>(a_buffer,fNClusterRange,fClusterSize)) return false;
0294 delete [] fClusterSize;
0295 dummy _dummy;
0296 if(!_dummy.stream(a_buffer)) { //TIOFeatures fIOFeatures
0297 m_out << "tools::rroot::tree::stream : can't read (dummy) TIOFeatures." << std::endl;
0298 return false;
0299 }
0300 }
0301 }
0303 //FIXME if (fEstimate <= 10000) fEstimate = 1000000;
0305 //TObjArray
0306 //The below m_branches.read will create leaves.
0307 //::printf("debug : tree : read branches : begin\n");
0308 {ifac::args args;
0309 if(!m_branches.stream(a_buffer,args)) {
0310 m_out << "tools::rroot::tree::stream : "
0311 << "can't read branches."
0312 << std::endl;
0313 return false;
0314 }}
0315 //::printf("debug : tree : read branches : end\n");
0317 //TObjArray
0318 // We read leaves in order to keep streaming synchronisation.
0319 // In fact m_leaves are references to existing leaves read by
0320 // the branches in the upper line of code.
0321 //::printf("debug : tree : read leaves : begin\n");
0322 {obj_array<base_leaf> m_leaves(m_fac);
0323 //branch b(m_out,m_fac);
0324 ifac::args args;
0325 //args[ifac::arg_branch()] = &b;
0326 if(!m_leaves.stream(a_buffer,args)) {
0327 m_out << "tools::rroot::tree::stream : "
0328 << "can't read leaves."
0329 << std::endl;
0330 return false;
0331 }}
0332 //::printf("debug : tree : read leaves : end\n");
0334 if(vers>=10) {
0335 //TList* fAliases
0336 if(!dummy_TXxx_pointer_stream(a_buffer,m_fac)) {
0337 m_out << "tools::rroot::tree::stream : "
0338 << "can't read fAliases."
0339 << std::endl;
0340 return false;
0341 }
0342 }
0344 //m_saved_bytes = m_tot_bytes;
0345 {std::vector<double> v;
0346 if(!Array_stream<double>(a_buffer,v)) return false;} //fIndexValues TArrayD
0348 {std::vector<int> v;
0349 if(!Array_stream<int>(a_buffer,v)) return false;} // fIndex (TArrayI).
0351 if(vers>=16) {
0352 //TVirtualIndex* fTreeIndex //FIXME ???
0353 if(!dummy_TXxx_pointer_stream(a_buffer,m_fac)) {
0354 m_out << "tools::rroot::tree::stream : "
0355 << "can't read fTreeIndex."
0356 << std::endl;
0357 return false;
0358 }
0359 }
0361 if(vers>=6) {
0362 //TList* fFriends
0363 if(!dummy_TXxx_pointer_stream(a_buffer,m_fac)) {
0364 m_out << "tools::rroot::tree::stream : "
0365 << "can't read fFriends."
0366 << std::endl;
0367 return false;
0368 }
0369 }
0371 if(vers>=16) {
0372 //TList* fUserInfo
0373 if(!dummy_TXxx_pointer_stream(a_buffer,m_fac)) {
0374 m_out << "tools::rroot::tree::stream : "
0375 << "can't read fUserInfo."
0376 << std::endl;
0377 return false;
0378 }
0379 //TBranchRef* fBranchRef
0380 if(!dummy_TXxx_pointer_stream(a_buffer,m_fac)) {
0381 m_out << "tools::rroot::tree::stream : "
0382 << "can't read fBranchRef."
0383 << std::endl;
0384 return false;
0385 }
0386 }
0388 if(!a_buffer.check_byte_count(_s,_c,TTree_cls())) return false;
0390 return true;
0391 }
0392 protected:
0393 void _dump_branches(std::ostream& a_out,
0394 const std::vector<branch*>& a_bs,
0395 const std::string& a_spaces = "",
0396 const std::string& a_indent = " "){
0397 tools_vforcit(branch*,a_bs,it) {
0398 if(branch_element* be = safe_cast<branch,branch_element>(*(*it))) {
0399 a_out << a_spaces
0400 << "branch_element :"
0401 << " name=" << sout((*it)->name())
0402 << " title=" << sout((*it)->title())
0403 << " entry_number=" << be->entry_number()
0404 << " ref_cls=" << sout(be->class_name())
0405 << " (type=" << be->type()
0406 << ",id=" << be->id()
0407 << ",stype=" << be->streamer_type()
0408 << ")."
0409 << std::endl;
0410 } else {
0411 a_out << a_spaces
0412 << "branch :"
0413 << " name=" << sout((*it)->name())
0414 << " title=" << sout((*it)->title())
0415 << " entry_number=" << (*it)->entry_number()
0416 << std::endl;
0417 }
0420 {const std::vector<base_leaf*>& lvs = (*it)->leaves();
0421 tools_vforcit(base_leaf*,lvs,itl) {
0422 a_out << a_spaces << a_indent
0423 << "leave :"
0424 << " name=" << sout((*itl)->name())
0425 << " title=" << sout((*itl)->title())
0426 << " cls=" << sout((*itl)->s_cls())
0427 << std::endl;
0428 }}
0430 _dump_branches(a_out,(*it)->branches(),a_spaces+a_indent,a_indent);
0431 }
0432 }
0434 static branch* _find_branch(const std::vector<branch*>& a_bs,const std::string& a_name,bool a_recursive) {
0435 tools_vforcit(branch*,a_bs,it) {
0436 if(rcmp((*it)->name(),a_name)) return *it;
0437 if(a_recursive) {
0438 branch* br = _find_branch((*it)->branches(),a_name,a_recursive);
0439 if(br) return br;
0440 }
0441 }
0442 return 0;
0443 }
0445 static base_leaf* _find_leaf(const std::vector<branch*>& a_bs,const std::string& a_name,bool a_recursive) {
0446 tools_vforcit(branch*,a_bs,it) {
0447 tools_vforcit(base_leaf*,(*it)->leaves(),itl) {
0448 if(rcmp((*itl)->name(),a_name)) return *itl;
0449 }
0450 if(a_recursive) {
0451 base_leaf* lf = _find_leaf((*it)->branches(),a_name,a_recursive);
0452 if(lf) return lf;
0453 }
0454 }
0455 return 0;
0456 }
0458 static void _find_leaves(const std::vector<branch*>& a_bs,std::vector<base_leaf*>& a_leaves) {
0459 tools_vforcit(branch*,a_bs,it) {
0460 tools_vforcit(base_leaf*,(*it)->leaves(),itl) a_leaves.push_back(*itl);
0461 _find_leaves((*it)->branches(),a_leaves);
0462 }
0463 }
0465 static void _find_branches(const std::vector<branch*>& a_bs,std::vector<branch*>& a_branches){
0466 tools_vforcit(branch*,a_bs,it) {
0467 a_branches.push_back(*it);
0468 _find_branches((*it)->branches(),a_branches);
0469 }
0470 }
0472 static branch* _find_leaf_branch(const std::vector<branch*>& a_bs,const base_leaf& a_leaf) {
0473 tools_vforcit(branch*,a_bs,itb) {
0474 tools_vforcit(base_leaf*,(*itb)->leaves(),itl) {if(*itl==&a_leaf) return *itb;}
0475 {branch* br = _find_leaf_branch((*itb)->branches(),a_leaf);
0476 if(br) return br;}
0477 }
0478 return 0;
0479 }
0480 protected:
0481 ifile& m_file;
0482 ifac& m_fac;
0483 std::ostream& m_out;
0484 //Named
0485 std::string m_name;
0486 std::string m_title;
0488 obj_array<branch> m_branches;
0489 uint64 m_entries; // Number of entries
0490 };
0492 }}
0494 #endif