Warning, /include/Geant4/tools/ntuple_booking is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 // Copyright (C) 2010, Guy Barrand. All rights reserved.
0002 // See the file tools.license for terms.
0004 #ifndef tools_ntuple_booking
0005 #define tools_ntuple_booking
0007 // a little class to capture booking parameters
0008 // to create an ntuple.
0010 #include "cids"
0012 #include <ostream>
0013 #include "forit"
0015 namespace tools {
0017 class column_booking {
0018 public:
0019 column_booking(const std::string& a_name,cid a_cid,void* a_user_obj)
0020 :m_name(a_name)
0021 ,m_cid(a_cid)
0022 ,m_user_obj(a_user_obj) //WARNING : not owner.
0023 {}
0024 virtual ~column_booking() {}
0025 public:
0026 column_booking(const column_booking& a_from)
0027 :m_name(a_from.m_name)
0028 ,m_cid(a_from.m_cid)
0029 ,m_user_obj(a_from.m_user_obj)
0030 {}
0031 column_booking& operator=(const column_booking& a_from) {
0032 if(&a_from==this) return *this;
0033 m_name = a_from.m_name;
0034 m_cid = a_from.m_cid;
0035 m_user_obj = a_from.m_user_obj;
0036 return *this;
0037 }
0038 public:
0039 const std::string& name() const {return m_name;}
0040 cid cls_id() const {return m_cid;}
0041 void* user_obj() const {return m_user_obj;}
0042 void set_user_obj(void* a_obj) {m_user_obj = a_obj;}
0043 protected:
0044 std::string m_name;
0045 cid m_cid;
0046 void* m_user_obj;
0047 };
0049 class ntuple_booking {
0050 public:
0051 ntuple_booking(const std::string& a_name = "",const std::string& a_title = "")
0052 :m_name(a_name)
0053 ,m_title(a_title)
0054 {}
0055 virtual ~ntuple_booking(){}
0056 public:
0057 ntuple_booking(const ntuple_booking& a_from)
0058 :m_name(a_from.m_name)
0059 ,m_title(a_from.m_title)
0060 ,m_columns(a_from.m_columns)
0061 {}
0062 ntuple_booking& operator=(const ntuple_booking& a_from){
0063 m_name = a_from.m_name;
0064 m_title = a_from.m_title;
0065 m_columns = a_from.m_columns;
0066 return *this;
0067 }
0068 public:
0069 template <class T>
0070 void add_column(const std::string& a_name) {
0071 m_columns.push_back(column_booking(a_name,_cid(T()),0));
0072 }
0073 template <class T>
0074 void add_column(const std::string& a_name,T& a_user) {
0075 m_columns.push_back(column_booking(a_name,_cid(T()),(void*)&a_user));
0076 }
0078 template <class T>
0079 void add_column_vec(const std::string& a_name) {
0080 m_columns.push_back(column_booking(a_name,_cid_std_vector<T>(),0));
0081 }
0082 template <class T>
0083 void add_column_vec(const std::string& a_name,std::vector<T>& a_user_vec) {
0084 m_columns.push_back(column_booking(a_name,_cid_std_vector<T>(),(void*)&a_user_vec));
0085 }
0086 template <class T>
0087 void add_column(const std::string& a_name,std::vector<T>& a_user_vec) {
0088 m_columns.push_back(column_booking(a_name,_cid_std_vector<T>(),(void*)&a_user_vec));
0089 }
0091 const std::string& name() const {return m_name;}
0092 const std::string& title() const {return m_title;}
0093 const std::vector<column_booking>& columns() const {return m_columns;}
0094 std::vector<column_booking>& columns() {return m_columns;}
0096 void set_name(const std::string& a_s) {m_name = a_s;}
0097 void set_title(const std::string& a_s) {m_title = a_s;}
0099 bool has_similar_layout(std::ostream& a_out,const ntuple_booking& a_nbk) {
0100 if(m_columns.size()!=a_nbk.m_columns.size()) {
0101 a_out << "tools::ntuple_booking::has_similar_layout :"
0102 << " bookings have not the same number of columns."
0103 << " (" << m_columns.size() << " != " << a_nbk.m_columns.size() << ")."
0104 << std::endl;
0105 return false;
0106 }
0107 std::vector<column_booking>::const_iterator ait = a_nbk.m_columns.begin();
0108 tools_vforit(tools::column_booking,m_columns,it) {
0109 if((*it).name()!=(*ait).name()) {
0110 a_out << "tools::ntuple_booking::has_similar_layout :"
0111 << " columns don't have same name."
0112 << " (" << (*it).name() << " != " << (*ait).name() << ")."
0113 << std::endl;
0114 return false;
0115 }
0116 if((*it).cls_id()!=(*ait).cls_id()) {
0117 a_out << "tools::ntuple_booking::has_similar_layout :"
0118 << " columns don't have same class id."
0119 << " (" << (*it).cls_id() << " != " << (*ait).cls_id() << ")."
0120 << std::endl;
0121 return false;
0122 }
0124 ait++;
0125 }
0126 return true;
0127 }
0129 protected:
0130 std::string m_name;
0131 std::string m_title;
0132 std::vector<column_booking> m_columns;
0133 };
0135 }
0137 #endif