Warning, /include/Geant4/tools/lina/vec3d is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 // Copyright (C) 2010, Guy Barrand. All rights reserved.
0002 // See the file tools.license for terms.
0004 #ifndef tools_vec3d
0005 #define tools_vec3d
0007 #include "vec3"
0008 #include "../S_STRING"
0009 #include <cmath>
0011 namespace tools {
0013 class vec3d : public vec3<double> {
0014 typedef vec3<double> parent;
0015 public:
0016 TOOLS_SCLASS(tools::vec3d) //for stype()
0017 public:
0018 vec3d():parent(){}
0019 vec3d(const double a_vec[3]):parent(a_vec){}
0020 vec3d(double a0,double a1,double a2):parent(a0,a1,a2){}
0021 virtual ~vec3d() {}
0022 public:
0023 vec3d(const vec3d& a_from):parent(a_from){}
0024 vec3d& operator=(const vec3d& a_from){
0025 parent::operator=(a_from);
0026 return *this;
0027 }
0029 vec3d(const parent& a_from):parent(a_from){}
0031 public: //operators
0032 vec3d operator*(double a_v) const {
0033 return vec3d(m_data[0]*a_v,
0034 m_data[1]*a_v,
0035 m_data[2]*a_v);
0036 }
0037 vec3d operator+(const vec3d& a_v) const {
0038 return vec3d(m_data[0]+a_v.m_data[0],
0039 m_data[1]+a_v.m_data[1],
0040 m_data[2]+a_v.m_data[2]);
0041 }
0042 vec3d operator-(const vec3d& a_v) const {
0043 return vec3d(m_data[0]-a_v.m_data[0],
0044 m_data[1]-a_v.m_data[1],
0045 m_data[2]-a_v.m_data[2]);
0046 }
0047 vec3d& operator+=(const vec3d& a_v) {
0048 m_data[0] += a_v.m_data[0];
0049 m_data[1] += a_v.m_data[1];
0050 m_data[2] += a_v.m_data[2];
0051 return *this;
0052 }
0053 vec3d& operator-=(const vec3d& a_v) {
0054 m_data[0] -= a_v.m_data[0];
0055 m_data[1] -= a_v.m_data[1];
0056 m_data[2] -= a_v.m_data[2];
0057 return *this;
0058 }
0059 vec3d& operator*=(double a_v) {
0060 m_data[0] *= a_v;
0061 m_data[1] *= a_v;
0062 m_data[2] *= a_v;
0063 return *this;
0064 }
0065 vec3d operator-() const {
0066 return vec3d(-m_data[0],-m_data[1],-m_data[2]);
0067 }
0068 public:
0069 double length() const {return parent::length(::sqrt);}
0070 double normalize() {return parent::normalize(::sqrt);}
0071 public: //for g4dum/G4ThreeVector :
0072 double mag2() const {return m_data[0]*m_data[0]+m_data[1]*m_data[1]+m_data[2]*m_data[2];}
0073 void set(double a_0,double a_1,double a_2) {
0074 m_data[0] = a_0;
0075 m_data[1] = a_1;
0076 m_data[2] = a_2;
0077 }
0078 void rotateUz(const vec3d& a_new_uz_vector) { //from CLHEP/ThreeVector.cc.
0079 // a_new_uz_vector must be normalized !
0080 double& dx = m_data[0];
0081 double& dy = m_data[1];
0082 double& dz = m_data[2];
0083 double u1 = a_new_uz_vector.x();
0084 double u2 = a_new_uz_vector.y();
0085 double u3 = a_new_uz_vector.z();
0086 double up = u1*u1 + u2*u2;
0087 if (up>0) {
0088 up = std::sqrt(up);
0089 double px = dx, py = dy, pz = dz;
0090 dx = (u1*u3*px - u2*py)/up + u1*pz;
0091 dy = (u2*u3*px + u1*py)/up + u2*pz;
0092 dz = -up*px + u3*pz;
0093 } else if (u3 < 0.) { // phi=0 teta=pi
0094 dx = -dx; dz = -dz;
0095 } else {
0096 }
0097 //return *this;
0098 }
0101 private:static void check_instantiation() {vec3d v(0,0,0);v.set_value(1,1,1);}
0102 };
0104 inline vec3d operator*(double a_f,const vec3d& a_v) {
0105 vec3d res(a_v);
0106 res *= a_f;
0107 return res;
0108 }
0110 }
0113 #include <vector>
0115 namespace tools {
0117 #ifndef SWIG
0118 //for sf, mf :
0119 inline bool set_from_vec(vec3d& a_v,const std::vector<double>& a_sv) {
0120 if(a_sv.size()!=3) return false;
0121 a_v[0] = a_sv[0];
0122 a_v[1] = a_sv[1];
0123 a_v[2] = a_sv[2];
0124 return true;
0125 }
0126 #endif
0128 }
0130 #endif