Warning, /include/Geant4/tools/hatcher is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 // Copyright (C) 2010, Guy Barrand. All rights reserved.
0002 // See the file tools.license for terms.
0004 #ifndef tools_hatcher
0005 #define tools_hatcher
0007 /**
0008 *
0009 * hatcher is a class to draw Hatch in a 3D polyline plane
0010 * A hatch is caracterise by a direction (dirAngle), a spacing to get
0011 * second hatch,
0012 * an offset, and a stripWidth :
0013 * - offset value : between 0-1, This value set the offset of
0014 * the hatch.0 meen that the hatch will touch the first point
0015 * of the polyline, and 1 meen that first hatch will be draw
0016 * at a 'spacing' distance to first point
0017 * - offsetVec : the 3D point from where a hatch had to pass. This is
0018 * very usefull to have hach continuing in different polygones
0019 *
0020 * The compute_polyline() method<br>
0021 * By default:
0022 * - spacing = .1;
0023 * - dirAngle = PI/4;
0024 * - offsetValue = 0;
0025 * - stripWidth=0.0;
0026 *
0027 * A way to get all points and vertices and to draw them can be :
0028 * <pre>
0029 * iindex =0;
0030 * icoord =0;
0031 * for (unsigned int a=0;a<sbHatch.number_of_vertices();a++) {
0032 * for (unsigned int b=0;b<sbHatch.number_of_vertices()[a];b++) {
0033 * coordinate3->point.set1Value(icoord,sbHatch.get_points()[icoord]);
0034 * indexedFaceSet->coordIndex.set1Value(iindex,icoord);
0035 * iindex++;
0036 * icoord ++;
0037 * }
0038 * indexedFaceSet->coordIndex.set1Value(iindex,SO_END_LINE_INDEX);
0039 * iindex++;
0040 * }
0041 * </pre>
0042 *
0043 * @author Laurent Garnier
0044 * Creation : on Fri Jan 05 2004
0045 * Last update : 9 April 2004
0046 *
0047 */
0049 #include "lina/vec3f"
0050 #include "lina/vec2f"
0051 #include "mathf"
0052 #include <cfloat> // for FLT_MAX
0054 namespace tools {
0056 class hatcher {
0057 public:
0058 hatcher()
0059 :fShift(.1f)
0060 ,fDirAngle(fpi()/4)
0061 ,fOffsetValue(.0f)
0062 ,fOffset(vec3f(FLT_MAX,FLT_MAX,FLT_MAX))
0063 ,fPrecisionFactor (.0001f) // good value to get rid of some errors
0064 ,fStripWidth(0.0)
0065 ,fFirstNumHatch(0)
0066 ,fNumberHatchToDraw(0)
0067 ,fFirstPolyline(true)
0068 ,fResolveResult(RESOLVE_UNDEFINED)
0069 {}
0070 virtual ~hatcher() {}
0071 protected:
0072 hatcher(const hatcher& a_from)
0073 :fNormal(a_from.fNormal)
0074 ,fShift(a_from.fShift)
0075 ,fDirAngle(a_from.fDirAngle)
0076 ,fOffsetValue(a_from.fOffsetValue)
0077 ,fOffset(a_from.fOffset)
0078 ,fShiftVec(a_from.fShiftVec)
0079 ,fPrecisionFactor(a_from.fPrecisionFactor)
0080 ,fDirVec(a_from.fDirVec)
0081 ,fStripWidth(a_from.fStripWidth)
0082 ,fPoints(a_from.fPoints)
0083 ,fVertices(a_from.fVertices)
0084 ,fConflictNumHatchLineTab(a_from.fConflictNumHatchLineTab)
0085 ,fHatchShiftToMatchPointVec(a_from.fHatchShiftToMatchPointVec)
0086 ,fFirstNumHatch(a_from.fFirstNumHatch)
0087 ,fNumberHatchToDraw(a_from.fNumberHatchToDraw)
0088 ,fFirstPolyline(a_from.fFirstPolyline)
0089 ,fResolveResult(a_from.fResolveResult)
0090 {}
0091 hatcher& operator=(const hatcher& a_from){
0092 fNormal = a_from.fNormal;
0093 fShift = a_from.fShift;
0094 fDirAngle = a_from.fDirAngle;
0095 fOffsetValue = a_from.fOffsetValue;
0096 fOffset = a_from.fOffset;
0097 fShiftVec = a_from.fShiftVec;
0098 fPrecisionFactor = a_from.fPrecisionFactor;
0099 fDirVec = a_from.fDirVec;
0100 fStripWidth = a_from.fStripWidth;
0101 fPoints = a_from.fPoints;
0102 fVertices = a_from.fVertices;
0103 fConflictNumHatchLineTab = a_from.fConflictNumHatchLineTab;
0104 fHatchShiftToMatchPointVec = a_from.fHatchShiftToMatchPointVec;
0105 fFirstNumHatch = a_from.fFirstNumHatch;
0106 fNumberHatchToDraw = a_from.fNumberHatchToDraw;
0107 fFirstPolyline = a_from.fFirstPolyline;
0108 fResolveResult = a_from.fResolveResult;
0109 return *this;
0110 }
0111 public:
0112 /**
0113 * draw the hatch into the polyline bounding box given in argument
0114 * You have to get all compute points by the get_points() method
0115 * Number of points can be get by number_of_points()
0116 * The number of vertices in the return polyline can be get by number_of_vertices()
0117 * and vertice table by get_vertices
0118 * @return FALSE if :
0119 * - All points are not in the same plan
0120 * - There is a precision error on one or more point
0121 */
0122 bool compute_polyline (vec3f* listPoints,unsigned int number);
0125 /**
0126 * test if the polygone given is correct for hatching
0127 * @return FALSE if :
0128 * - All points are not in the same plan
0129 * - Number of points <3
0130 * - Offset point is not in the same plan
0131 * - There is less than three different points
0132 * - The vector from point[0],point[1] is colinear to point[0],lastPoint
0133 */
0134 bool check_polyline(vec3f* listPoints,unsigned int number);
0136 void set_spacing(float a) {fShift = a;} //set the spacing for this hatch.
0137 void set_angle(float a) {fDirAngle = a;} //set the Direction angle for the hatch in radians.
0138 void set_offset(float a) {fOffsetValue = a;} //set the offset value for this hatch.
0139 void set_offset_point(vec3f a) {fOffset = a;} //set the offset Point for this hatch.
0140 void set_precision_factor(float a) {fPrecisionFactor = a;} //set the precision factor for computing (0.0001 is default).
0142 bool set_strip_width(float a) {
0143 // set the strip width value(0 is default and means no strip).
0144 if (a<0 || a>1) {
0145 fStripWidth = 0;
0146 return false;
0147 }
0148 fStripWidth = a;
0149 return true;
0150 }
0152 float get_spacing()const {return fShift;}
0153 float get_angle()const {return fDirAngle;}
0154 float get_offset()const {return fOffsetValue;}
0155 const vec3f& get_offset_point() {return fOffset;}
0156 float get_precision_factor()const {return fPrecisionFactor;}
0157 float get_strip_width()const {return fStripWidth;}
0158 const vec3f& get_normal() {return fNormal;}
0160 //size_t number_of_points() const {return fPoints.size();} //get the number of points compute for this hatch.
0161 /** vector of compute points<br>
0162 * Be careful with this function because it can return a set of non convex
0163 * polygone if you have a non convex polygone at beginning !So, when you want
0164 * to draw it, you have to use a tesselisation algorithm first
0165 */
0166 const std::vector<vec3f>& points() {return fPoints;}
0168 //size_t number_of_vertices() const {return fVertices.size();} //get the number of vertices compute for this hatch.
0169 /** vector of numbers of vertices */
0170 const std::vector<unsigned int>& vertices() {return fVertices;}
0172 protected:
0174 /**
0175 * draw the hatch into the polyline bounding box given in argument
0176 * @return FALSE if :
0177 * - All points are not in the same plan
0178 * - There is a precision error on one or more point
0179 */
0180 bool compute_single_polyline (vec3f* listPoints,unsigned int number);
0183 /**
0184 * Compute a vector system equation aA+bB=C
0185 * return SbVec2f(0,0) if there is an error
0186 * set the resolveResult variable to the error code :
0187 * COLINEAR if A and B are
0188 * PRECISION_ERROR if there is a lack of precision in computing
0189 * Z_ERROR if there s no solution for Z
0190 * UNDEFINED never throw
0191 * return a SbVec2f for result. a is 'x' value and b is 'y' if it is correct
0192 */
0193 vec2f resolve_system(const vec3f& A,const vec3f& B,const vec3f& C);
0196 protected:
0197 /** normal vector for the current polyline */
0198 vec3f fNormal;
0200 /** Spacing vector between two hatch */
0201 float fShift; // Absloute distance between two hatch in the polyline plan */
0203 /** The angle (given in radians) is the one between the first
0204 * line (point 1-point0) and the hatch lines, in the polyline plan.
0205 * Given in the direct axis ((point1-point0),(lastPoint-point0),
0206 * normalPlanVec). The angle in compute only one time for the first polyline.
0207 * Changes on angle value for others polyline will not take effect.This is to
0208 * perform correct hatching between the polylines
0209 */
0210 float fDirAngle;
0212 /** between 0-1. This value set the offset of the hatch.0 meen
0213 * that the hatch will touch the first point of the polyline,
0214 * and 1 meen that first hatch will be draw
0215 * at a 'spacing' distance to first point
0216 */
0217 float fOffsetValue;
0219 /** first point of the hatch.
0220 * offset = firstPolylinePoint+ShiftVec*offsetValue
0221 */
0222 vec3f fOffset;
0224 /** Orientation vector for the hatch */
0225 vec3f fShiftVec;
0227 /** factor for compute error between two points */
0228 float fPrecisionFactor;
0230 /** hatch direction Vector */
0231 vec3f fDirVec;
0233 /** strip with size : set to 0 by default
0234 * between 0 and 1.0 means no strip, 0.5 means strip size is
0235 * half of distance between two hatches
0236 */
0237 float fStripWidth;
0239 /** vector list of points */
0240 std::vector<vec3f> fPoints;
0242 /** vector vertices number */
0243 std::vector<unsigned int> fVertices;
0245 /** conflict line table */
0246 std::vector< std::vector<int> > fConflictNumHatchLineTab;
0248 /** hatchShiftToMatchPointVec tab*/
0249 std::vector<float> fHatchShiftToMatchPointVec;
0251 /** first hatch number to draw */
0252 int fFirstNumHatch;
0254 /**number of hatch to draw */
0255 unsigned int fNumberHatchToDraw;
0257 bool fFirstPolyline;
0258 enum ResolveErrors{
0259 RESOLVE_OK = 0,
0264 };
0265 ResolveErrors fResolveResult;
0266 };
0268 }
0270 #include "hatcher.icc"
0272 #endif