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0001 //
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0025 //
0026 //
0027 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0028 //
0029 // GEANT4 Class header file
0030 //
0031 // File name:     G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel
0032 //
0033 // Author:        Mihaly Novak / (Omrane Kadri)
0034 //
0035 // Creation date: 20.02.2009
0036 //
0037 // Modifications:
0038 // 04.03.2009 V.Ivanchenko cleanup and format according to Geant4 EM style
0039 // 12.05.2010 O.Kadri: adding Qn1 and Qn12 as private doubles
0040 // 18.05.2015 M. Novak provide PLERIMINARYY version of updated class.
0041 //            All algorithms of the class were revised and updated, new methods added.
0042 //            A new version of Kawrakow-Bielajew Goudsmit-Saunderson MSC model
0043 //            based on the screened Rutherford DCS for elastic scattering of
0044 //            electrons/positrons has been introduced[1,2]. The corresponding MSC
0045 //            angular distributions over a 2D parameter grid have been recomputed
0046 //            and the CDFs are now stored in a variable transformed (smooth) form[2,3]
0047 //            together with the corresponding rational interpolation parameters.
0048 //            These angular distributions are handled by the new
0049 //            G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable class that is responsible to sample if
0050 //            it was no, single, few or multiple scattering case and delivers the
0051 //            angular deflection (i.e. cos(theta) and sin(theta)).
0052 //            Two screening options are provided:
0053 //             - if fgIsUsePWATotalXsecData=TRUE i.e. SetOptionPWAScreening(TRUE)
0054 //               was called before initialisation: screening parameter value A is
0055 //               determined such that the first transport coefficient G1(A)
0056 //               computed according to the screened Rutherford DCS for elastic
0057 //               scattering will reproduce the one computed from the PWA elastic
0058 //               and first transport mean free paths[4].
0059 //             - if fgIsUsePWATotalXsecData=FALSE i.e. default value or
0060 //               SetOptionPWAScreening(FALSE) was called before initialisation:
0061 //               screening parameter value A is computed according to Moliere's
0062 //               formula (by using material dependent parameters \chi_cc2 and b_c
0063 //               precomputed for each material used at initialization in
0064 //               G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable) [3]
0065 //            Elastic and first trasport mean free paths are used consistently.
0066 //            The new version is self-consistent, several times faster, more
0067 //            robust and accurate compared to the earlier version.
0068 //            Spin effects as well as a more accurate energy loss correction and
0069 //            computations of Lewis moments will be implemented later on.
0070 // 02.09.2015 M. Novak: first version of new step limit is provided.
0071 //            fUseSafetyPlus corresponds to Urban fUseSafety (default)
0072 //            fUseDistanceToBoundary corresponds to Urban fUseDistanceToBoundary
0073 //            fUseSafety  corresponds to EGSnrc error-free stepping algorithm
0074 //            Range factor can be significantly higher at each case than in Urban.
0075 // 23.08.2017 M. Novak: added corrections to account spin effects (Mott-correction).
0076 //            It can be activated by setting the fIsMottCorrection flag to be true
0077 //            before initialization using the SetOptionMottCorrection() public method.
0078 //            The fMottCorrection member is responsible to handle pre-computed Mott
0079 //            correction (rejection) functions obtained by numerically computing
0080 //            Goudsmit-Saunderson agnular distributions based on a DCS accounting spin
0081 //            effects and screening corrections. The DCS used to compute the accurate
0082 //            GS angular distributions is: DCS_{cor} = DCS_{SR}x[ DCS_{R}/DCS_{Mott}] where :
0083 //               # DCS_{SR} is the relativistic Screened-Rutherford DCS (first Born approximate
0084 //                 solution of the Klein-Gordon i.e. relativistic Schrodinger equation =>
0085 //                 scattering of spinless e- on exponentially screened Coulomb potential)
0086 //                 note: the default (without using Mott-correction) GS angular distributions
0087 //                 are based on this DCS_{SR} with Moliere's screening parameter!
0088 //               # DCS_{R} is the Rutherford DCS which is the same as above but without
0089 //                 screening
0090 //               # DCS_{Mott} is the Mott DCS i.e. solution of the Dirac equation with a bare
0091 //                 Coulomb potential i.e. scattering of particles with spin (e- or e+) on a
0092 //                 point-like unscreened Coulomb potential
0093 //               # moreover, the screening parameter of the DCS_{cor} was determined such that
0094 //                 the DCS_{cor} with this corrected screening parameter reproduce the first
0095 //                 transport cross sections obtained from the corresponding most accurate DCS
0096 //                 (i.e. from elsepa [4])
0097 //            Unlike the default GS, the Mott-corrected angular distributions are particle type
0098 //            (different for e- and e+ <= the DCS_{Mott} and the screening correction) and target
0099 //            (Z and material) dependent.
0100 // 02.02.2018 M. Novak: implemented CrossSectionPerVolume interface method (used only for testing)
0101 //
0102 // Class description:
0103 //   Kawrakow-Bielajew Goudsmit-Saunderson MSC model based on the screened Rutherford DCS
0104 //   for elastic scattering of e-/e+. Option, to include (Mott) correction (see above), is
0105 //   also available now (SetOptionMottCorrection(true)). An EGSnrc like error-free stepping
0106 //   algorithm (UseSafety) is available beyond the usual Geant4 step limitation algorithms
0107 //   and true to geomerty and geometry to true step length computations that were adopted
0108 //   from the Urban model[5]. The most accurate setting: error-free stepping (UseSafety)
0109 //   with Mott-correction (SetOptionMottCorrection(true)).
0110 //
0111 // References:
0112 //   [1] A.F.Bielajew, NIMB 111 (1996) 195-208
0113 //   [2] I.Kawrakow, A.F.Bielajew, NIMB 134(1998) 325-336
0114 //   [3] I.Kawrakow, E.Mainegra-Hing, D.W.O.Rogers, F.Tessier,B.R.B.Walters, NRCC
0115 //       Report PIRS-701 (2013)
0116 //   [4] F.Salvat, A.Jablonski, C.J. Powell, CPC 165(2005) 157-190
0117 //   [5] L.Urban, Preprint CERN-OPEN-2006-077 (2006)
0118 //
0119 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0121 #ifndef G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel_h
0122 #define G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel_h 1
0124 #include <CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h>
0126 #include "G4VMscModel.hh"
0127 #include "G4PhysicsTable.hh"
0128 #include "G4MaterialCutsCouple.hh"
0129 #include "globals.hh"
0132 class G4DataVector;
0133 class G4ParticleChangeForMSC;
0134 class G4LossTableManager;
0135 class G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable;
0136 class G4GSPWACorrections;
0138 class G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel : public G4VMscModel
0139 {
0140 public:
0142   G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel(const G4String& nam = "GoudsmitSaunderson");
0144   ~G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel() override;
0146   void Initialise(const G4ParticleDefinition*, const G4DataVector&) override;
0148   void InitialiseLocal(const G4ParticleDefinition* p, G4VEmModel* masterModel) override;
0150   G4ThreeVector& SampleScattering(const G4ThreeVector&, G4double safety) override;
0152   G4double ComputeTruePathLengthLimit(const G4Track& track, G4double& currentMinimalStep) override;
0154   G4double ComputeGeomPathLength(G4double truePathLength) override;
0156   G4double ComputeTrueStepLength(G4double geomStepLength) override;
0158   // method to compute first transport cross section per Volume (i.e. macroscropic first transport cross section; this 
0159   // method is used only for testing and not during a normal simulation) 
0160   G4double CrossSectionPerVolume(const G4Material*, const G4ParticleDefinition*, G4double kineticEnergy, G4double cutEnergy = 0.0, G4double maxEnergy = DBL_MAX) override;
0162   void     StartTracking(G4Track*) override;
0164   void     SampleMSC();
0166   G4double GetTransportMeanFreePath(const G4ParticleDefinition*, G4double);
0168   void SetOptionPWACorrection(G4bool opt)    { fIsUsePWACorrection = opt; }
0170   G4bool GetOptionPWACorrection() const      { return fIsUsePWACorrection; }
0172   void   SetOptionMottCorrection(G4bool opt) { fIsUseMottCorrection = opt; }
0174   G4bool GetOptionMottCorrection() const     { return fIsUseMottCorrection; }
0176   G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable* GetGSTable()          { return fGSTable; }
0178   G4GSPWACorrections*        GetPWACorrection()    { return fPWACorrection; }
0180   //  hide assignment operator
0181   G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel & operator=(const  G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel &right) = delete;
0182   G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel(const  G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel&) = delete;
0184 private:
0185   inline void     SetParticle(const G4ParticleDefinition* p);
0187   inline G4double GetLambda(G4double);
0189   G4double GetTransportMeanFreePathOnly(const G4ParticleDefinition*,G4double);
0191   inline G4double Randomizetlimit();
0193 private:
0194   CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* rndmEngineMod;
0195   //
0196   G4double currentKinEnergy;
0197   G4double currentRange;
0198   //
0199   G4double fr;
0200   G4double rangeinit;
0201   G4double geombig;
0202   G4double geomlimit;
0203   G4double tlimit;
0204   G4double tgeom;
0205   //
0206   G4double par1;
0207   G4double par2;
0208   G4double par3;
0209   G4double tlimitminfix2;
0210   G4double tausmall;
0211   G4double mass;
0212   G4double taulim;
0213   //
0214   //
0215   G4double presafety;
0216   G4double fZeff;
0217   //
0218   G4int    charge;
0219   G4int    currentMaterialIndex;
0220   //
0221   G4bool   firstStep;
0222   //
0223   G4LossTableManager*         theManager;
0224   const G4ParticleDefinition* particle;
0225   G4ParticleChangeForMSC*     fParticleChange;
0226   const G4MaterialCutsCouple* currentCouple;
0228   G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable*  fGSTable;
0229   G4GSPWACorrections*         fPWACorrection;
0231   G4bool   fIsUsePWACorrection;
0232   G4bool   fIsUseMottCorrection;
0233   //
0234   G4double fLambda0; // elastic mean free path
0235   G4double fLambda1; // first transport mean free path
0236   G4double fScrA;    // screening parameter
0237   G4double fG1;      // first transport coef.
0238   // in case of Mott-correction
0239   G4double fMCtoScrA;
0240   G4double fMCtoQ1;
0241   G4double fMCtoG2PerG1;
0242   //
0243   G4double fTheTrueStepLenght;
0244   G4double fTheTransportDistance;
0245   G4double fTheZPathLenght;
0246   //
0247   G4ThreeVector fTheDisplacementVector;
0248   G4ThreeVector fTheNewDirection;
0249   //
0250   G4bool fIsEndedUpOnBoundary;  // step ended up on boundary i.e. transportation is the winer
0251   G4bool fIsMultipleSacettring;
0252   G4bool fIsSingleScattering;
0253   G4bool fIsEverythingWasDone;
0254   G4bool fIsNoScatteringInMSC;
0255   G4bool fIsNoDisplace;
0256   G4bool fIsInsideSkin;
0257   G4bool fIsWasOnBoundary;
0258   G4bool fIsFirstRealStep;
0259   //
0260   static G4bool gIsUseAccurate;
0261   static G4bool gIsOptimizationOn;
0262 };
0264 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0265 inline
0266 void G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel::SetParticle(const G4ParticleDefinition* p)
0267 {
0268   if (p != particle) {
0269     particle = p;
0270     charge = (G4int)(p->GetPDGCharge()/CLHEP::eplus);
0271     mass = p->GetPDGMass();
0272   }
0273 }
0276 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0277 inline
0278 G4double G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel::Randomizetlimit()
0279 {
0280   G4double temptlimit;
0281     do {
0282          temptlimit = G4RandGauss::shoot(rndmEngineMod,tlimit,0.1*tlimit);
0283        } while ( (temptlimit<0.) || (temptlimit>2.*tlimit));
0285   return temptlimit;
0286 }
0290 #endif