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0001 //
0002 // ********************************************************************
0003 // * License and Disclaimer                                           *
0004 // *                                                                  *
0005 // * The  Geant4 software  is  copyright of the Copyright Holders  of *
0006 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
0007 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
0008 // * LICENSE and available at .  These *
0009 // * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
0010 // *                                                                  *
0011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
0012 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
0013 // * work  make  any representation or  warranty, express or implied, *
0014 // * regarding  this  software system or assume any liability for its *
0015 // * use.  Please see the license in the file  LICENSE  and URL above *
0016 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability.         *
0017 // *                                                                  *
0018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
0019 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration.                      *
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0023 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
0024 // ********************************************************************
0025 //
0026 //
0027 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
0028 //
0029 // ClassName:      G4FTFTunings
0030 //
0031 // Author:         2022 Alberto Ribon
0032 //
0033 // Description:    Singleton to keep sets of parameters, called "tunes",
0034 //                 for the FTF model.
0035 //
0036 //                 Please NOTE that, as of now (Fall 2022) ONLY ONE tune
0037 //                 can be selected/applied; attempt to select multiple tunes
0038 //                 will not results in any error messages, however further
0039 //                 down the workflow only the FIRST of the activated tunes
0040 //                 will be used.
0041 //
0042 //                 To use one of the tunes of this class, there is no need to
0043 //                 change anything in this class, and use instead one of the
0044 //                 following two UI commands, before initialization:
0045 //                     /process/had/models/ftf/selectTuneByIndex integerIndex
0046 //                 or  /process/had/models/ftf/selectTuneByName  stringName
0047 //                 for instance:
0048 //                     /process/had/models/ftf/selectTuneByIndex 1
0049 //                     or
0050 //                     /process/had/models/ftf/selectTuneByIndex 2
0051 //                     or
0052 //                     /process/had/models/ftf/selectTuneByIndex 3
0053 //                 or
0054 //                     /process/had/models/ftf/selectTuneByName baryon-tune2022-v0
0055 //                     or
0056 //                     /process/had/models/ftf/selectTuneByName pion-tune2022-v0
0057 //                     or
0058 //                     /process/had/models/ftf/selectTuneByName combined-tune2022-v0
0059 //
0060 //                 If you want to create a new tune, then you need to modify
0061 //                 this class as follows: look for the first "dummy" tune
0062 //                 available; if you find it, then specify its name in the
0063 //                 std::array fNameOfTunes and the values of the parameters
0064 //                 in the methods: G4FTFParamCollection::SetTuneN()
0065 //                                 G4FTFParamCollBaryonProj::SetTuneN()
0066 //                                 G4FTFParamCollMesonProj::SetTuneN()
0067 //                                 G4FTFParamCollPionProj::SetTuneN
0068 //                 Note that you need to set explicitly only the parameters
0069 //                 with non-default values - all the others inherit the
0070 //                 corresponding default values.
0071 //                 If you don't find available "dummy" tune, then you need
0072 //                 to increase by (at least) 1 the number of tunes, and add
0073 //                 the corresponding "SetTuneN()" methods in the 4 classes
0074 //                   G4FTFParamCollection, G4FTFParamCollBaryonProj,
0075 //                   G4FTFParamCollMesonProj, G4FTFParamCollPionProj
0076 //
0077 //                 In order to explore some variations of FTF parameters
0078 //                 (for instance to find out a new tune), please select
0079 //                 (via UI command, as explained above) the existing tune
0080 //                 from which you want to start with as "baseline", and
0081 //                 then set the values of the parameters you want to change
0082 //                 via the following C++ code (to used before initialization):
0083 //                   G4HadronicDeveloperParameters::GetInstance()->Set(...)
0084 //
0085 //                 Note: in its current, first version, of this class,
0086 //                       any FTF tune is applied "globally", i.e. for all
0087 //                       projectile hadrons and regardless of their kinetic
0088 //                       energy.
0089 //                       In future versions, we might try to have tunes that
0090 //                       are meant for specific projectile type and/or for
0091 //                       intervals of kinetic energy (e.g. low-energy,
0092 //                       medium-energy, high-energy).
0093 //
0094 //                 Note: a few classes (written by Julia Yarba) used only in
0095 //                       G4FTFParameters, related to the set of parameters of
0096 //                       the FTF models, have been moved from the header and
0097 //                       source files of the class G4FTFParameters to this
0098 //                       (G4FTFTunings) class, with minimal modifications.
0099 //
0100 // Modified:
0101 //
0102 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0103 //
0104 #ifndef G4FTFTunings_h
0105 #define G4FTFTunings_h 1
0107 #include "globals.hh"
0108 #include <CLHEP/Units/PhysicalConstants.h>
0109 #include <array>
0111 class G4ParticleDefinition;
0112 class G4FTFTuningsMessenger;
0115 class G4FTFTunings {
0116   public:
0118     static G4FTFTunings* Instance();
0119     ~G4FTFTunings();
0121     inline G4String GetTuneName( const G4int index ) const;
0122     // Returns the name of the specified tune (via its index).
0123     // Note that the name of the tune cannot be changed
0124     // (i.e. there is no corresponding "Set" method).
0126     inline G4int GetTuneApplicabilityState( const G4int index ) const;
0127     void SetTuneApplicabilityState( const G4int index, const G4int state );
0128     // Get/Set methods for the "applicability state" of the specified tune
0129     // (via its index). For the time being, there are only two states:
0130     // 0: switched off; 1: switched on.
0132     G4int GetIndexTune( const G4ParticleDefinition* particleDef, const G4double ekin ) const;
0133     // Based on the projectile type and its kinetic energy (from the input arguments),
0134     // this method returns the index of the tune which should be used.
0135     // For the time being, it returns the first alternative tune which is switched on,
0136     // else returns 0 which corresponds to the default set of parameters.
0137     // Note: this is the key method that needs to be revised if we decide to have
0138     //       different tunes according to projectile type and/or projectile energy range.
0140     static const G4int sNumberOfTunes = 10;
0141     // Number of tunes: must be >= 1, with the first one (i.e. with index = 0)
0142     // which corresponds to the default set of parameters.
0143     // For the time being, we set it to 10 : the second one (index = 1) is a
0144     // realistic alternative tune, whereas all the remaining 8 are "dummy" tunes,
0145     // i.e. the same as the default set of parameters. These are meant to be
0146     // replaced in the future with other, realistic alternative tunes.
0147     // Note: below, for the names and "applicability" status of tunes we use
0148     //       std::array - instead of std::vector - because the number of tunes
0149     //       do not change dynamically during a run, and, moreover, we expect
0150     //       quite a small number of them (just a few).
0152   private:
0154     G4FTFTunings();
0155     G4bool IsLocked() const;
0157     static G4FTFTunings* sInstance;
0159     G4FTFTuningsMessenger* fMessenger;
0161     const std::array< G4String, sNumberOfTunes > fNameOfTunes = { {
0162       "default",        // 0th tuning: default set
0163       "baryon-tune2022-v0",    // 1st tuning: Julia Yarba's presentation on 20-Jul-2022
0164       "pion-tune2022-v0",      // 2nd tuning: Julia Yarba's presentations on 26-Sept-2022 and 19-Oct-2022
0165       "combined-tune2022-v0",  // 3rd tuning: combination of the 1st and 2nd tuning 
0166       "energy-resolution-tune2023-v0",  // 4th tuning: overcome too optimistic (i.e. narrow) pion shower
0167                                         // energy resolutions in ATLAS calorimeters w.r.t. test-beam data
0168       "fifth-dummy",    // 5th tuning: dummy
0169       "sixth-dummy",    // 6th tuning: dummy
0170       "seventh-dummy",  // 7th tuning: dummy
0171       "eighth-dummy",   // 8th tuning: dummy
0172       "nineth-dummy"    // 9th tuning: dummy
0173     } };
0174     // The names of tunes can be useful for debugging.
0176     std::array< G4int, sNumberOfTunes > fApplicabilityOfTunes = { { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } };
0177     // Each tune has an integer that specifies its applicability.
0178     // For the time being, there only two values:
0179     //   0 : tune is switched off (i.e. not applicable);
0180     //   1 : tune is switched on (i.e. applicable).
0181     // Later on, it can be extended to indicate whether it is applicable to specific
0182     // projectile hadrons (e.g. protons, pions, etc.), and/or for specific energy ranges
0183     // (e.g. low-energy, medium-energy, high-energy - with energy thresholds to be
0184     // defined in this class).
0185     // The initial values can be changed (either via C++ interface or via UI command)
0186     // before initialization.
0188     //const G4double fLowEnergyThreshold  =  5.0*CLHEP::GeV;
0189     //const G4double fHighEnergyThreshold = 20.0*CLHEP::GeV;
0190     // These constants can be used, later on, to have different tunes
0191     // according to the energy of the projectile hadron (e.g. one set for
0192     // low energy, one set for middle energy, and one for high energy).
0193 };
0196 inline G4String G4FTFTunings::GetTuneName( const G4int index ) const {
0197   if ( index < 0 || index >= sNumberOfTunes ) return G4String();
0198   return fNameOfTunes[index];
0199 }
0202 inline G4int G4FTFTunings::GetTuneApplicabilityState( const G4int index ) const {
0203   if ( index < 0 || index >= sNumberOfTunes ) return 0;  // Switched off
0204   return fApplicabilityOfTunes[index];
0205 }
0208 //============================================================================
0210 // Classes below have been created by Julia Yarba and were originally placed
0211 // in the G4FTFParameters.{hh,cc} files ; some minimal changes and extensions
0212 // have been included.
0215 class G4FTFParamCollection {
0216   // NOTE: the settings are different for:
0217   //       * baryons projectile
0218   //       * anti-baryons projectile
0219   //       * pions (chg or pi0) projectile
0220   //       * kaons projectile (pdg = +/-321, 311, 130, or 310)
0221   //       * "undefined" projectile - nucleon assumed
0222   public:
0224     // Set-up the tune specified in the input argument, only if that tune is switched on.
0225     virtual void SetTune( const G4int tuneIndex );
0227     virtual void SetTune1();  // Set-up the 1st tune
0228     virtual void SetTune2();  // Set-up the 2nd tune
0229     virtual void SetTune3();  // Set-up the 3rd tune
0230     virtual void SetTune4();  // Set-up the 4th tune
0231     virtual void SetTune5();  // Set-up the 5th tune
0232     virtual void SetTune6();  // Set-up the 6th tune
0233     virtual void SetTune7();  // Set-up the 7th tune
0234     virtual void SetTune8();  // Set-up the 8th tune
0235     virtual void SetTune9();  // Set-up the 9th tune
0236     //...
0238     virtual ~G4FTFParamCollection() {}
0240     // parameters of excitation
0241     // Proc=0 --> Qexchg w/o excitation
0242     double GetProc0A1()   const  { return fProc0A1; }
0243     double GetProc0B1()   const  { return fProc0B1; }
0244     double GetProc0A2()   const  { return fProc0A2; }
0245     double GetProc0B2()   const  { return fProc0B2; }
0246     double GetProc0A3()   const  { return fProc0A3; }
0247     double GetProc0Atop() const  { return fProc0Atop; }
0248     double GetProc0Ymin() const  { return fProc0Ymin; }
0249     // Proc=1 --> Qexchg w/excitation
0250     double GetProc1A1()   const  { return fProc1A1; }
0251     double GetProc1B1()   const  { return fProc1B1; }
0252     double GetProc1A2()   const  { return fProc1A2; }
0253     double GetProc1B2()   const  { return fProc1B2; }
0254     double GetProc1A3()   const  { return fProc1A3; }
0255     double GetProc1Atop() const  { return fProc1Atop; }
0256     double GetProc1Ymin() const  { return fProc1Ymin; }
0257     // Proc=2 & Proc=3 in case ( AbsProjectileBaryonNumber > 1 ||  NumberOfTargetNucleons > 1 )
0258     // Update: Proc=2 & Proc=3 in case ( AbsProjectileBaryonNumber > 10 ||  NumberOfTargetNucleons > 10 )
0259     // (diffraction dissociation)
0260     // Other parameters have a complex form for baryon projectile
0261     // although they're just numbers for e.g. pions projectile
0262     // Proc=2 --> Projectile diffraction
0263     double GetProc2A1()   const  { return fProc2A1; }
0264     double GetProc2B1()   const  { return fProc2B1; }
0265     double GetProc2A2()   const  { return fProc2A2; }
0266     double GetProc2B2()   const  { return fProc2B2; }
0267     double GetProc2A3()   const  { return fProc2A3; }
0268     double GetProc2Atop() const  { return fProc2Atop; }
0269     double GetProc2Ymin() const  { return fProc2Ymin; }
0270     // Proc=3 --> Target diffraction
0271     double GetProc3A1()   const  { return fProc3A1; }
0272     double GetProc3B1()   const  { return fProc3B1; }
0273     double GetProc3A2()   const  { return fProc3A2; }
0274     double GetProc3B2()   const  { return fProc3B2; }
0275     double GetProc3A3()   const  { return fProc3A3; }
0276     double GetProc3Atop() const  { return fProc3Atop; }
0277     double GetProc3Ymin() const  { return fProc3Ymin; }
0278     bool   IsProjDiffDissociation() const { return fProjDiffDissociation; }
0279     bool   IsTgtDiffDissociation()  const { return fTgtDiffDissociation; }
0280     // Proc=4 --> Qexchg "w/additional multiplier" in excitation
0281     double GetProc4A1()   const  { return fProc4A1; }
0282     double GetProc4B1()   const  { return fProc4B1; }
0283     double GetProc4A2()   const  { return fProc4A2; }
0284     double GetProc4B2()   const  { return fProc4B2; }
0285     double GetProc4A3()   const  { return fProc4A3; }
0286     double GetProc4Atop() const  { return fProc4Atop; }
0287     double GetProc4Ymin() const  { return fProc4Ymin; }
0288     //
0289     double GetDeltaProbAtQuarkExchange() const  { return fDeltaProbAtQuarkExchange; }  
0290     double GetProbOfSameQuarkExchange()  const  { return fProbOfSameQuarkExchange; }
0291     double GetProjMinDiffMass()          const  { return fProjMinDiffMass; }
0292     double GetProjMinNonDiffMass()       const  { return fProjMinNonDiffMass; }
0293     double GetTgtMinDiffMass()           const  { return fTgtMinDiffMass; }
0294     double GetTgtMinNonDiffMass()        const  { return fTgtMinNonDiffMass; }
0295     double GetAveragePt2()               const  { return fAveragePt2; }
0296     double GetProbLogDistrPrD()          const  { return fProbLogDistrPrD; }
0297     double GetProbLogDistr()             const  { return fProbLogDistr; }
0298     // NOTE (JVY): There is also the Pt2Kind parameter but for now it's set to 0., so we'll leave it aside
0299     // --> FIXME !!! --> void Get/SetBaryonMaxNumberOfCollisions( const double, const double ); // 1st is Plab, 2nd - D=2.
0300     double GetNuclearProjDestructP1()    const { return fNuclearProjDestructP1; }
0301     bool   IsNuclearProjDestructP1_NBRNDEP() const { return fNuclearProjDestructP1_NBRNDEP; }
0302     double GetNuclearTgtDestructP1()     const { return fNuclearTgtDestructP1; }
0303     bool   IsNuclearTgtDestructP1_ADEP() const { return fNuclearTgtDestructP1_ADEP; }
0304     double GetNuclearProjDestructP2()    const { return fNuclearProjDestructP2; }
0305     double GetNuclearProjDestructP3()    const { return fNuclearProjDestructP3; }
0306     double GetNuclearTgtDestructP2()     const { return fNuclearTgtDestructP2; }
0307     double GetNuclearTgtDestructP3()     const { return fNuclearTgtDestructP3; }
0308     double GetPt2NuclearDestructP1()     const { return fPt2NuclearDestructP1; }
0309     double GetPt2NuclearDestructP2()     const { return fPt2NuclearDestructP2; }
0310     double GetPt2NuclearDestructP3()     const { return fPt2NuclearDestructP3; }
0311     double GetPt2NuclearDestructP4()     const { return fPt2NuclearDestructP4; }      
0312     // separately for baryons, mesons, etc.
0313     double GetR2ofNuclearDestruct()         const { return fR2ofNuclearDestruct; }
0314     double GetExciEnergyPerWoundedNucleon() const { return fExciEnergyPerWoundedNucleon; }
0315     double GetDofNuclearDestruct()          const { return fDofNuclearDestruct; } 
0316     double GetMaxPt2ofNuclearDestruct()     const { return fMaxPt2ofNuclearDestruct; }
0318   protected:
0320     G4FTFParamCollection();
0322     // parameters of excitation
0323     // these are for Inelastic interactions, i.e. Xinelastic=(Xtotal-Xelastix)>0.
0324     // for elastic, all the A's & B's, Atop & Ymin are zeros
0325     // general formula: Pp = A1*exp(B1*Y) + A2*exp(B2*Y) + A3
0326     // but if Y<Ymin, then Pp=max(0.,Atop)
0327     // for details, see also G4FTFParameters::GetProcProb( ProcN, y )
0328     // Proc=0 --> Qexchg w/o excitation
0329     double fProc0A1;
0330     double fProc0B1;
0331     double fProc0A2;
0332     double fProc0B2;
0333     double fProc0A3;
0334     double fProc0Atop;
0335     double fProc0Ymin;
0336     // Proc=1 --> Qexchg w/excitation
0337     double fProc1A1;
0338     double fProc1B1;
0339     double fProc1A2;
0340     double fProc1B2;
0341     double fProc1A3;
0342     double fProc1Atop;
0343     double fProc1Ymin;
0344     // NOTE: Proc #2 & 3 are projectile & target diffraction
0345     //       they have more complex definition of A1 & A2 
0346     //       for *baryons* although they're just numbers for pions
0347     //       (example for baryons below)
0348     // SetParams( 2, 6.0/Xinel, 0.0 ,-6.0/Xinel*16.28, 3.0 , 0.0, 0.0  ,     0.93);// Projectile diffraction
0349     // SetParams( 3, 6.0/Xinel, 0.0 ,-6.0/Xinel*16.28, 3.0 , 0.0, 0.0  ,     0.93);// Target diffraction
0350     //
0351     // Also, for ( AbsProjectileBaryonNumber > 1 ||  NumberOfTargetNucleons > 1 )
0352     // projectile and/or target diffraction (dissociation) may be switched ON/OFF 
0353     bool fProjDiffDissociation;
0354     bool fTgtDiffDissociation;
0355     // Proc=2 --> Projectile diffraction
0356     double fProc2A1; 
0357     double fProc2B1; 
0358     double fProc2A2; 
0359     double fProc2B2; 
0360     double fProc2A3; 
0361     double fProc2Atop; 
0362     double fProc2Ymin; 
0363     // Proc=3 --> Target diffraction
0364     double fProc3A1; 
0365     double fProc3B1; 
0366     double fProc3A2; 
0367     double fProc3B2; 
0368     double fProc3A3; 
0369     double fProc3Atop; 
0370     double fProc3Ymin; 
0371     // Proc=4 --> Qexchg w/additional multiplier in excitation  
0372     double fProc4A1;
0373     double fProc4B1;
0374     double fProc4A2;
0375     double fProc4B2;
0376     double fProc4A3;
0377     double fProc4Atop;
0378     double fProc4Ymin;
0379     // parameters of participating baryon excitation 
0380     // NOTE: baryon or HADRON ???
0381     // NOTE: this parameters (as C++ class data members) are used for all types of hadrons
0382     //       but the values for a specific group of particles can be are different from
0383     //       another group of particles
0384     //       the defaults listed under coments are for baryons, 
0385     //       and they may be different or the same for other hadrons (e.g. mesons)
0386     double fDeltaProbAtQuarkExchange;
0387     double fProbOfSameQuarkExchange;
0388     double fProjMinDiffMass;
0389     double fProjMinNonDiffMass;
0390     double fTgtMinDiffMass;
0391     double fTgtMinNonDiffMass;
0392     double fAveragePt2;
0393     double fProbLogDistrPrD;
0394     double fProbLogDistr;
0395     // parameters of nuclear distruction 
0396     // NOTE (JVY): there're 3 cases here:
0397     //             * baryon projectile
0398     //             * anti-baryon projectile
0399     //             * meson projectile
0400     // double fBaryonMaxNumberOfCollisions; // D=2.
0401     // void SetBaryonProbOfInteraction( const double ); // ??? this is prob. of inelastic interaction 
0402                                                         //     that is set internally based on certain conditions...
0403     // general (i.e. for used for baryons,anti-baryons, and mesons)
0404     // NOTE: these parameters have stayed THE SAME for quite a while 
0405     double fNuclearProjDestructP1;
0406     bool   fNuclearProjDestructP1_NBRNDEP;
0407     double fNuclearTgtDestructP1;
0408     bool   fNuclearTgtDestructP1_ADEP;
0409     double fNuclearProjDestructP2;
0410     double fNuclearProjDestructP3;
0411     double fNuclearTgtDestructP2;
0412     double fNuclearTgtDestructP3;
0413     //
0414     double fPt2NuclearDestructP1;
0415     double fPt2NuclearDestructP2;
0416     double fPt2NuclearDestructP3;
0417     double fPt2NuclearDestructP4;
0418     // baryons... well, in fact also mesons...
0419     double fR2ofNuclearDestruct;
0420     double fExciEnergyPerWoundedNucleon;
0421     double fDofNuclearDestruct;
0422     double fMaxPt2ofNuclearDestruct;
0423 };
0426 class G4FTFParamCollBaryonProj : public G4FTFParamCollection {
0427   public:
0428     G4FTFParamCollBaryonProj();
0430     virtual void SetTune1() override;  // Set-up the baryon part of the 1st tune
0431     virtual void SetTune2() override;  // Set-up the baryon part of the 2nd tune
0432     virtual void SetTune3() override;  // Set-up the baryon part of the 3rd tune
0433     virtual void SetTune4() override;  // Set-up the baryon part of the 4th tune
0434     virtual void SetTune5() override;  // Set-up the baryon part of the 5th tune
0435     virtual void SetTune6() override;  // Set-up the baryon part of the 6th tune
0436     virtual void SetTune7() override;  // Set-up the baryon part of the 7th tune
0437     virtual void SetTune8() override;  // Set-up the baryon part of the 8th tune
0438     virtual void SetTune9() override;  // Set-up the baryon part of the 9th tune
0439     //...
0440 };
0443 class G4FTFParamCollMesonProj : public G4FTFParamCollection {
0444   public:
0445     G4FTFParamCollMesonProj();
0447     virtual void SetTune1() override;  // Set-up the meson part of the 1st tune
0448     virtual void SetTune2() override;  // Set-up the meson part of the 2nd tune
0449     virtual void SetTune3() override;  // Set-up the meson part of the 3rd tune
0450     virtual void SetTune4() override;  // Set-up the meson part of the 4th tune
0451     virtual void SetTune5() override;  // Set-up the meson part of the 5th tune
0452     virtual void SetTune6() override;  // Set-up the meson part of the 6th tune
0453     virtual void SetTune7() override;  // Set-up the meson part of the 7th tune
0454     virtual void SetTune8() override;  // Set-up the meson part of the 8th tune
0455     virtual void SetTune9() override;  // Set-up the meson part of the 9th tune
0456     //...  
0457 };
0460 class G4FTFParamCollPionProj : public G4FTFParamCollMesonProj {
0461   public:    
0462     G4FTFParamCollPionProj();
0464     virtual void SetTune1() override;  // Set-up the pion part of the 1st tune
0465     virtual void SetTune2() override;  // Set-up the pion part of the 2nd tune
0466     virtual void SetTune3() override;  // Set-up the pion part of the 3rd tune
0467     virtual void SetTune4() override;  // Set-up the pion part of the 4th tune
0468     virtual void SetTune5() override;  // Set-up the pion part of the 5th tune
0469     virtual void SetTune6() override;  // Set-up the pion part of the 6th tune
0470     virtual void SetTune7() override;  // Set-up the pion part of the 7th tune
0471     virtual void SetTune8() override;  // Set-up the pion part of the 8th tune
0472     virtual void SetTune9() override;  // Set-up the pion part of the 9th tune
0473     //...
0474 };
0476 #endif