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0001 //
0002 // ********************************************************************
0003 // * License and Disclaimer                                           *
0004 // *                                                                  *
0005 // * The  Geant4 software  is  copyright of the Copyright Holders  of *
0006 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
0007 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
0008 // * LICENSE and available at .  These *
0009 // * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
0010 // *                                                                  *
0011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
0012 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
0013 // * work  make  any representation or  warranty, express or implied, *
0014 // * regarding  this  software system or assume any liability for its *
0015 // * use.  Please see the license in the file  LICENSE  and URL above *
0016 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability.         *
0017 // *                                                                  *
0018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
0019 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration.                      *
0020 // * By using,  copying,  modifying or  distributing the software (or *
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0023 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
0024 // ********************************************************************
0025 //
0026 //
0027 //
0028 // Class Description
0029 // Final state production code for hadron inelastic scattering above 3 GeV
0030 // based on the modeling ansatz used in FRITIOF.
0031 // To be used in your physics list in case you need this physics.
0032 // In this case you want to register an object of this class with an object
0033 // of G4TheoFSGenerator. 
0034 // Class Description - End
0036 #ifndef G4FTFModel_h
0037 #define G4FTFModel_h 1
0039 // ------------------------------------------------------------
0040 //      GEANT 4 class header file
0041 //
0042 //      ---------------- G4FTFModel ----------------
0043 //             by Gunter Folger, May 1998.
0044 //       class implementing the excitation in the FTF Parton String Model
0045 // ------------------------------------------------------------
0047 #include "G4VPartonStringModel.hh"
0048 #include "G4FTFParameters.hh"
0049 #include "G4FTFParticipants.hh"
0050 #include "G4ExcitedStringVector.hh"
0051 #include "G4DiffractiveExcitation.hh"
0052 #include "G4ElasticHNScattering.hh"
0053 #include "G4FTFAnnihilation.hh"
0054 #include "G4Proton.hh"
0055 #include "G4Neutron.hh"
0057 class G4VSplitableHadron;
0058 class G4ExcitedString;
0061 class G4FTFModel : public G4VPartonStringModel {
0062   public:
0063     G4FTFModel( const G4String& modelName = "FTF" );
0064     ~G4FTFModel() override;
0066     G4V3DNucleus* GetTargetNucleus() const;
0067     G4V3DNucleus* GetWoundedNucleus() const override;
0068     G4V3DNucleus* GetProjectileNucleus() const override;
0070     void ModelDescription( std::ostream& ) const override;
0072     G4FTFModel( const G4FTFModel& right ) = delete;
0073     const G4FTFModel& operator=( const G4FTFModel& right ) = delete;
0074     G4bool operator==( const G4FTFModel& right ) const = delete;
0075     G4bool operator!=( const G4FTFModel& right ) const = delete;
0077     void SetImpactParameter( const G4double b_value );
0078     G4double GetImpactParameter() const;
0079     void SetBminBmax( const G4double bmin_value, const G4double bmax_value );
0080     G4bool SampleBinInterval() const;
0081     G4double GetBmin() const;
0082     G4double GetBmax() const;
0083     G4int GetNumberOfProjectileSpectatorNucleons() const;
0084     G4int GetNumberOfTargetSpectatorNucleons() const; 
0085     G4int GetNumberOfNNcollisions() const;
0087   protected:
0088     void Init( const G4Nucleus& aNucleus, 
0089                const G4DynamicParticle& aProjectile ) override;
0090     G4ExcitedStringVector* GetStrings() override;
0092   private:
0093     void StoreInvolvedNucleon();              
0094     void ReggeonCascade();
0095     G4bool PutOnMassShell();
0096     G4bool ExciteParticipants();
0097     void BuildStrings( G4ExcitedStringVector* strings );
0098     void GetResiduals();
0100     G4bool AdjustNucleons( G4VSplitableHadron* SelectedAntiBaryon,
0101                            G4Nucleon*          ProjectileNucleon,
0102                            G4VSplitableHadron* SelectedTargetNucleon,
0103                            G4Nucleon*          TargetNucleon,
0104                            G4bool              Annihilation ); 
0105     // The "AdjustNucleons" method uses the following struct and 3 new utility methods:
0106     struct CommonVariables {
0107       G4int TResidualMassNumber = 0, TResidualCharge = 0, PResidualMassNumber = 0, 
0108         PResidualCharge = 0, PResidualLambdaNumber = 0;
0109       G4double SqrtS = 0.0, S = 0.0, SumMasses = 0.0,
0110         TResidualExcitationEnergy = 0.0, TResidualMass = 0.0, TNucleonMass = 0.0,
0111         PResidualExcitationEnergy = 0.0, PResidualMass = 0.0, PNucleonMass = 0.0,
0112         Mprojectile = 0.0, M2projectile = 0.0, Pzprojectile = 0.0, Eprojectile = 0.0, 
0113         WplusProjectile = 0.0,
0114         Mtarget = 0.0, M2target = 0.0, Pztarget = 0.0, Etarget = 0.0, WminusTarget = 0.0,
0115         Mt2targetNucleon = 0.0, PztargetNucleon = 0.0, EtargetNucleon = 0.0,
0116         Mt2projectileNucleon = 0.0, PzprojectileNucleon = 0.0, EprojectileNucleon = 0.0,
0117         YtargetNucleus = 0.0, YprojectileNucleus = 0.0,
0118         XminusNucleon = 0.0, XplusNucleon = 0.0, XminusResidual = 0.0, XplusResidual = 0.0;
0119       G4ThreeVector PtNucleon, PtResidual, PtNucleonP, PtResidualP, PtNucleonT, PtResidualT;
0120       G4LorentzVector Psum, Pprojectile, Ptmp, Ptarget, TResidual4Momentum, PResidual4Momentum;
0121       G4LorentzRotation toCms, toLab;
0122     };
0123     G4int AdjustNucleonsAlgorithm_beforeSampling( G4int               interactionCase, 
0124                                                   G4VSplitableHadron* SelectedAntiBaryon,
0125                                                   G4Nucleon*          ProjectileNucleon,
0126                                                   G4VSplitableHadron* SelectedTargetNucleon,
0127                                                   G4Nucleon*          TargetNucleon,
0128                                                   G4bool              Annihilation,
0129                                                   CommonVariables&    common );  
0130     G4bool AdjustNucleonsAlgorithm_Sampling(      G4int interactionCase, 
0131                                                   CommonVariables& common );
0132     void AdjustNucleonsAlgorithm_afterSampling( G4int               interactionCase, 
0133                                                 G4VSplitableHadron* SelectedAntiBaryon,
0134                                                 G4VSplitableHadron* SelectedTargetNucleon,
0135                                                 CommonVariables&    common ); 
0137     G4ThreeVector GaussianPt( G4double AveragePt2, G4double maxPtSquare ) const;
0139     G4bool ComputeNucleusProperties( G4V3DNucleus* nucleus, G4LorentzVector& nucleusMomentum, 
0140                                      G4LorentzVector& residualMomentum, G4double& sumMasses,   
0141                                      G4double& residualExcitationEnergy, G4double& residualMass,
0142                                      G4int& residualMassNumber, G4int& residualCharge );
0143     // Utility method used by PutOnMassShell.
0145     G4bool GenerateDeltaIsobar( const G4double sqrtS, const G4int numberOfInvolvedNucleons,
0146                                 G4Nucleon* involvedNucleons[], G4double& sumMasses );
0147     // Utility method used by PutOnMassShell.
0149     G4bool SamplingNucleonKinematics( G4double averagePt2, const G4double maxPt2,
0150                                       G4double dCor, G4V3DNucleus* nucleus,
0151                                       const G4LorentzVector& pResidual, 
0152                                       const G4double residualMass, const G4int residualMassNumber,
0153                                       const G4int numberOfInvolvedNucleons,
0154                                       G4Nucleon* involvedNucleons[], G4double& mass2 );
0156     // Utility method used by PutOnMassShell.
0158     G4bool CheckKinematics( const G4double sValue, const G4double sqrtS, 
0159                             const G4double projectileMass2, const G4double targetMass2,
0160                             const G4double nucleusY, const G4bool isProjectileNucleus,
0161                             const G4int numberOfInvolvedNucleons, G4Nucleon* involvedNucleons[],
0162                             G4double& targetWminus, G4double& projectileWplus, G4bool& success );
0163     // Utility method used by PutOnMassShell.
0165     G4bool FinalizeKinematics( const G4double w, const G4bool isProjectileNucleus, 
0166                                const G4LorentzRotation& boostFromCmsToLab,
0167                                const G4double residualMass, const G4int residualMassNumber,
0168                                const G4int numberOfInvolvedNucleons, 
0169                                G4Nucleon* involvedNucleons[],
0170                            G4LorentzVector& residual4Momentum );
0171     // Utility method used by PutOnMassShell.
0173     G4ReactionProduct theProjectile;       
0174     G4FTFParticipants theParticipants;
0176     G4Nucleon* TheInvolvedNucleonsOfTarget[250];
0177     G4int NumberOfInvolvedNucleonsOfTarget;
0179     G4Nucleon* TheInvolvedNucleonsOfProjectile[250];
0180     G4int NumberOfInvolvedNucleonsOfProjectile;
0182     G4FTFParameters* theParameters;
0183     G4DiffractiveExcitation* theExcitation;
0184     G4ElasticHNScattering* theElastic;
0185     G4FTFAnnihilation* theAnnihilation;  
0187     std::vector< G4VSplitableHadron* > theAdditionalString; 
0189     G4double LowEnergyLimit;
0190     G4bool HighEnergyInter;
0192     G4LorentzVector ProjectileResidual4Momentum;
0193     G4int           ProjectileResidualMassNumber;
0194     G4int           ProjectileResidualCharge;
0195     G4int           ProjectileResidualLambdaNumber;  // Number of (anti-)lambdas for projectile (anti-)hypernucleus
0196     G4double        ProjectileResidualExcitationEnergy;
0198     G4LorentzVector TargetResidual4Momentum;
0199     G4int           TargetResidualMassNumber;
0200     G4int           TargetResidualCharge;
0201     G4double        TargetResidualExcitationEnergy;
0203     G4double Bimpact;
0204     G4bool   BinInterval;
0205     G4double Bmin;
0206     G4double Bmax;
0207     G4int NumberOfProjectileSpectatorNucleons;
0208     G4int NumberOfTargetSpectatorNucleons;
0209     G4int NumberOfNNcollisions;
0210 };
0212 inline G4V3DNucleus* G4FTFModel::GetWoundedNucleus() const {
0213   return theParticipants.GetWoundedNucleus();
0214 }
0216 inline G4V3DNucleus* G4FTFModel::GetTargetNucleus() const {
0217   return theParticipants.GetWoundedNucleus();
0218 }
0220 inline G4V3DNucleus* G4FTFModel::GetProjectileNucleus() const {
0221   return theParticipants.GetProjectileNucleus();
0222 }
0224 inline void G4FTFModel::SetImpactParameter( const G4double b_value ) {
0225   Bimpact = b_value;
0226 }
0228 inline G4double G4FTFModel::GetImpactParameter() const {
0229   return Bimpact;
0230 }
0232 inline void G4FTFModel::SetBminBmax( const G4double bmin_value, const G4double bmax_value ) {
0233   BinInterval = false;
0234   if ( bmin_value < 0.0 || bmax_value < 0.0 || bmax_value < bmin_value ) return;
0235   BinInterval = true;
0236   Bmin = bmin_value;
0237   Bmax = bmax_value;
0238 }
0240 inline G4bool G4FTFModel::SampleBinInterval() const {
0241   return BinInterval;
0242 }
0244 inline G4double G4FTFModel::GetBmin() const {
0245   return Bmin;
0246 }
0248 inline G4double G4FTFModel::GetBmax() const {
0249   return Bmax;
0250 }
0252 inline G4int G4FTFModel::GetNumberOfProjectileSpectatorNucleons() const {
0253   return NumberOfProjectileSpectatorNucleons;
0254 }
0256 inline G4int G4FTFModel::GetNumberOfTargetSpectatorNucleons() const {
0257   return NumberOfTargetSpectatorNucleons;
0258 }
0260 inline G4int G4FTFModel::GetNumberOfNNcollisions() const {
0261   return NumberOfNNcollisions;
0262 }
0264 #endif