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0001 /***********************************************************************************\
0002 * (c) Copyright 1998-2019 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
0003 *                                                                                   *
0004 * This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
0005 * copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
0006 *                                                                                   *
0007 * In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities       *
0008 * granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization        *
0009 * or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                             *
0010 \***********************************************************************************/
0013 // ============================================================================
0014 // Include files
0015 // ============================================================================
0016 #include "GaudiKernel/Kernel.h"
0017 #include <string>
0018 // ============================================================================
0019 // forward declarations
0020 // ============================================================================
0021 namespace AIDA {
0022   class IHistogram1D;
0023   class IProfile1D;
0024   class IBaseHistogram;
0025 } // namespace AIDA
0026 // ============================================================================
0027 namespace Gaudi {
0028   namespace Utils {
0029     // ========================================================================
0030     /** @namespace Gaudi::Utils::Histos
0031      *  Collection of useful utilities for manipulations with
0032      *  AIDA hisgograms
0033      *  @author Vanya BELYAEV
0034      *  @date   2007-08-08
0035      */
0036     namespace Histos {
0037       // ======================================================================
0038       /** @namespace Gaudi::Utils::Histos::Formats
0039        *
0040        *  The 15 format fields are predefined now:
0041        *
0042        *   -  1 : the histogram path in transient store  (without '/stat/')
0043        *   -  2 : the histogram title
0044        *   -  3 : number of ALL entries
0045        *   -  4 : number of UNDERFLOW entries
0046        *   -  5 : number of OVERFLOW  entries
0047        *   -  6 : the statistics of equivalent entries
0048        *   -  7 : the full integral in range
0049        *   -  8 : mean value
0050        *   -  9 : the estimated uncertainty in the mean value
0051        *   - 10 : rms value
0052        *   - 11 : the estimated uncertainty in the rms value
0053        *   - 12 : skewness value
0054        *   - 13 : the estimated uncertainty in the skewness value
0055        *   - 14 : kurtosis value
0056        *   - 15 : the estimated uncertainty in the kurtosis value
0057        *   - 16 : full intergal (in and out-range)
0058        *   - 17 : error on the full intergal (16)
0059        *   - 18 : error on the full intergal in range (7)
0060        *   - 19 : fraction of overflow entries       [%]
0061        *   - 20 : (binomial) error on fraction of overflow entries [%]
0062        *   - 21 : fraction of underflow entries      [%]
0063        *   - 22 : (binomial) error on fraction of underflow entries [%]
0064        *   - 23 : fraction of overflow integral
0065        *   - 24 : error on fraction of overflow integral
0066        *   - 25 : fraction of underflow  integral
0067        *   - 26 : error on fraction of underflow integral
0068        *
0069        *  @see Gauid::Utils::HistoStats
0070        *
0071        *  Unlike parameters 3-7 & 16-19, the parameters
0072        *  8-15 and 19-26 are sensitive only to
0073        *  the shape of the distribution.
0074        *
0075        *  Simple collection of predefiend formats for the histogram
0076        *  @author Vanya BELYAEV
0077        *  @date 2007-08-07
0078        */
0079       namespace Formats {
0080         // ====================================================================
0081         /** the ID for predefined formats
0082          *  - Default   : the default format
0083          *  - Old       : the old-style format (title,integra,entries,mean,rms)
0084          *  - Full      : FULL information (all 15 predefiend values)
0085          *  - FullStat  : FULL statistical information (all 13 statistical values)
0086          *  - Stat      : title, #entries,mean, rms, skewness&kurtosis
0087          *  - StatOnly  : #entries,mean, rms, skewness&kurtosis
0088          *  - Stat1     : #entries,mean+-, rms+-, skewness+-&kurtosis+-
0089          *  - ShapeOnly : mean,rms,skewness,kurtosis,underflow&overflow fractions
0090          *  - Shape     : as ShapeOnly but with errors
0091          *  - LineTitle : line-format title, mean,rms,skewness&kurtosis
0092          *  - LineOnly  : line-format mean,rms,skewness&kurtosis
0093          *  - PathTitle : path & title
0094          */
0095         enum Format {
0096           Default = 0, // default format
0097           Old,         // "OLD"-line format: title,integral,#ent,mean,rms
0098           Full,        // FULL format: the first 15 positions
0099           FullStat,    // Full statistical info (3-15)
0100           Stat,        // title,#ent,mean,rms,skewness&kurtosis
0101           StatOnly,    // #entries,mean,rms,skewness&kurtosis
0102           Stat1,       // #entries,mean+-,rms+-,skewness+-&kurtosis+-
0103           ShapeOnly,   // mean,rms,skewness,kurtosis,underflow&overflow fractions
0104           Shape,       // as ShapeOnly but with errors
0105           LineTitle,   // line-format : title,mean,rms,skewness&kurtosis
0106           LineOnly,    // line-format : mean,rms,skewness&kurtosis
0107           PathTitle    // "PathTitle" : path & title
0108         };
0109         // ====================================================================
0110         /** get the format by enum
0111          *  @see Gaudi::Utils::Histos::Formats::Format
0112          *  @param ID the format idenfifier
0113          *  @return format associated with ID
0114          *  @author Vanya BELYAEV
0115          *  @date   2007-08-08
0116          */
0117         GAUDI_API std::string format( const int ID = Default );
0118         // ====================================================================
0119         /** get the recommended header by enum
0120          *  @see Gaudi::Utils::Histos::Formats::Format
0121          *  @param ID the format idenfifier
0122          *  @return header associated with ID
0123          *  @author Vanya BELYAEV
0124          *  @date   2007-08-08
0125          */
0126         GAUDI_API std::string header( const int ID = Default );
0127         // ====================================================================
0128       } // namespace Formats
0129       // ======================================================================
0130       /** get the path in THS for AIDA histogram
0131        *  @author Vanya BELYAEV
0132        *  @date   2007-08-08
0133        */
0134       GAUDI_API std::string path( const AIDA::IBaseHistogram* aida );
0135       // ======================================================================
0136       /** Make the string representation of the histogram
0137        *  according to the specified format.
0138        *  The method could be used to access/print various quantities
0139        *
0140        *  @code
0141        *
0142        *  using namespace Gaudi::Utils::Histos ;
0143        *
0144        *  const AIDA::IHistogram1D* histo = ... ;
0145        *
0146        *  // print title in a free format:
0147        *  std::cout << format   ( histo , "%2%" ) << std::endl ;
0148        *
0149        *  // print the path in HTS in a free format:
0150        *  std::cout << format   ( histo , " path in HTS: %1% " ) << std::endl ;
0151        *
0152        *  // print the formatted nEntries/Overflow/Underflow:
0153        *  std::cout <<
0154        *     format   ( histo , " #nEntries/Overflow/Underflow=%3%/%4%/%5%" )
0155        *            << std::endl ;
0156        *
0157        *  // print the formatted Mean+-ErrorMean:
0158        *  std::cout <<
0159        *     format   ( histo , " Mean+-Error=(%8%+-%9%)" )
0160        *            << std::endl ;
0161        *
0162        *  // print the skewness and kurtosis:
0163        *  std::cout <<
0164        *     format   ( histo , " Skewness/Kurtosis=%12%/%14% " )
0165        *            << std::endl ;
0166        *
0167        *  @endcode
0168        *
0169        *  @param histo reference to the histogram
0170        *  @param fmt   the printout format
0171        *  @author Vanya BELYAEV
0172        *  @date   2007-08-08
0173        */
0174       GAUDI_API std::string format( const AIDA::IHistogram1D* histo, const std::string& fmt );
0175       // ======================================================================
0176       /** Make the string representation of the profile histogram
0177        *  according to the specified format.
0178        *  The method could be used to access/print various quantities
0179        *
0180        *  @code
0181        *
0182        *  using namespace Gaudi::Utils::Histos ;
0183        *
0184        *  const AIDA::IProfile1D* histo = ... ;
0185        *
0186        *  // print title in a free format:
0187        *  std::cout << format   ( histo , "%2%" ) << std::endl ;
0188        *
0189        *  // print the path in HTS in a free format:
0190        *  std::cout << format   ( histo , " path in HTS: %1% " ) << std::endl ;
0191        *
0192        *  @endcode
0193        *
0194        *  @param histo reference to the histogram
0195        *  @param fmt   the printout format
0196        *  @author Vanya BELYAEV
0197        *  @date   2007-08-08
0198        */
0199       GAUDI_API std::string format( const AIDA::IProfile1D* histo, const std::string& fmt );
0200       // ======================================================================
0201       /** format a full row in table, including ID, label, path or any other
0202        *  "extra" identifier in string form
0203        *
0204        *  @code
0205        *
0206        *  using namespace Gaudi::Utils::Histos
0207        *  const AIDA::IHistogram1D* histo = ... ;
0208        *
0209        *  // define short format
0210        *  const std::string fmt1 = " |%1$-30.30s %|33t| %2" ;
0211        *
0212        *  // define format for the histogram
0213        *  const std::string fmt2 = ... ;
0214        *
0215        *  info () <<
0216        *        format   ( "My Histo" , histo , fmt1 , fmt2 )
0217        *          << endmsg ;
0218        *
0219        *  @endcode
0220        *
0221        *  @param histo pointer to the histogram
0222        *  @param ID historgam ID, title, label  or other extra information
0223        *  @param fmt1 "short" format used for the table
0224        *  @param fmt2 format used for the histogram printout
0225        *  @return formatted row
0226        *  @author Vanya BELYAEV
0227        *  @date   2007-08-08
0228        */
0229       GAUDI_API std::string format( const AIDA::IHistogram1D* histo, const std::string& ID, const std::string& fmt1,
0230                                     const std::string& fmt2 );
0231       // ======================================================================
0232       /** format a full row in table, including ID, label, path or any other
0233        *  "extra" identifier in string form
0234        *
0235        *  @code
0236        *
0237        *  using namespace Gaudi::Utils::Histos
0238        *  const AIDA::IProfile1D* histo = ... ;
0239        *
0240        *  // define short format
0241        *  const std::string fmt1 = " |%1$-30.30s %|33t| %2" ;
0242        *
0243        *  // define format for the histogram
0244        *  const std::string fmt2 = ... ;
0245        *
0246        *  info () <<
0247        *        format   ( "My Histo" , histo , fmt1 , fmt2 )
0248        *          << endmsg ;
0249        *
0250        *  @endcode
0251        *
0252        *  @param histo pointer to the histogram
0253        *  @param ID historgam ID, title, label  or other extra information
0254        *  @param fmt1 "short" format used for the table
0255        *  @param fmt2 format used for the histogram printout
0256        *  @return formatted row
0257        *  @author Vanya BELYAEV
0258        *  @date   2007-08-08
0259        */
0260       GAUDI_API std::string format( const AIDA::IProfile1D* histo, const std::string& ID, const std::string& fmt1,
0261                                     const std::string& fmt2 );
0262       // ========================================================================
0263       /** print the simple sequence (list-like) of histograms as table
0264        *
0265        *  @code
0266        *
0267        *  SEQUENCE histos = ... ;
0268        *
0269        *  // print a table with three colums  path, title and #entries
0270        *
0271        *  Gaudi::Utils::Histos::printList
0272        *    ( histos.begin () ,
0273        *      histos.end   () ,
0274        *      " | %1$|-40.40s | %2$-30.30s | %3$=7d | " ,
0275        *      std::cout       ,
0276        *      '\n'            ) ;
0277        *
0278        *  @endcode
0279        *
0280        *  @param first begin-iterator for the sequence
0281        *  @param last  end-iterator for the sequence
0282        *  @param stream the stream to be used for printout
0283        *  @param term   the terminmator for the stream
0284        *  @param fmt    the format to be used
0285        */
0286       template <class HISTO, class STREAM, class TERMINATOR>
0287       inline STREAM& printList( HISTO first, HISTO last, const std::string& fmt, STREAM& stream, TERMINATOR term ) {
0288         for ( ; first != last; ++first ) { stream << format( *first, fmt ) << term; } // print table rows
0289         return stream;                                                                // RETURN
0290       }
0291       // ======================================================================
0292       /** print the simple container of histograms as table
0293        *
0294        *  @code
0295        *
0296        *  using namespace Gaudi::Utils::Histos ;
0297        *
0298        *  SEQUENCE histos = ... ;
0299        *
0300        *  // print a table with three columns:  path, title and #entries
0301        *
0302        *  printList
0303        *    ( histos          ,
0304        *      " | %1$|-40.40s | %2$-30.30s | %3$=7d | " ,
0305        *      std::cout       ,
0306        *      '\n'            ) ;
0307        *
0308        *  @endcode
0309        *
0310        *  @param histos the sequence of histograms
0311        *  @param stream the stream to be used for printout
0312        *  @param term   the terminmator for the stream
0313        *  @param fmt    the format to be used
0314        */
0315       template <class LIST, class STREAM, class TERMINATOR>
0316       inline STREAM& printList( const LIST& histos, const std::string& fmt, STREAM& stream, TERMINATOR term ) {
0317         return printList( histos.begin(), histos.end(), fmt, stream, term );
0318       }
0319       // ======================================================================
0320       /** Print the "associative sequence"  (e.g. part of std:map) of
0321        *  histograms as table:
0322        *
0323        *  @code
0324        *
0325        *  using namespace Gaudi::Utils::Histos ;
0326        *
0327        *  const std::map<std::string,AIDA::IHistogram1D*>& m = ... ;
0328        *
0329        *  printMap
0330        *   ( m.begin () ,
0331        *     m.end   () ,
0332        *     "| %1$-10.10s | %2% " , // short format
0333        *     Gaudi::Utils::Histos::Formats::histoFormatOnly ,
0334        *     always()   ,
0335        *     endmsg     ) ;
0336        *
0337        *  @endcode
0338        *
0339        *  Print only mean and rms:
0340        *
0341        *  @code
0342        *
0343        *  using namespace Gaudi::Utils::Histos ;
0344        *
0345        *  const std::map<GaudiAlg::ID,AIDA::IHistogram1D*>& m = ... ;
0346        *
0347        *  printMap
0348        *    ( m.begin () ,
0349        *      m.end   () ,
0350        *      "| %1$-10.10s | %2% "    , // short format
0351        *      " %8$10.5g+-%10$-10.5g|", // mean+-rms
0352        *      always()   ,
0353        *      endmsg     ) ;
0354        *
0355        *  @endcode
0356        *
0357        *  @param begin 'begin'-iterator for the mapping sequence
0358        *  @param end   'end'-iterator for the mapping sequence
0359        *  @param fmt1  'short' format for the table printout
0360        *  @param fmt3   format for the printout of the histogram
0361        *  @param stream the stream for printout
0362        *  @param term   stream terminator
0363        */
0364       template <class HISTO, class STREAM, class TERMINATOR>
0365       inline STREAM& printMap( HISTO begin, HISTO end, const std::string& fmt1, const std::string& fmt2, STREAM& stream,
0366                                TERMINATOR term ) {
0367         for ( ; begin != end; ++begin ) {
0368           stream << format( begin->second, // the histogram
0369                             begin->first,  // the key
0370                             fmt1, fmt2 )
0371                  << term;
0372         }
0373         return stream;
0374       }
0375       // ======================================================================
0376       /** Print the "associative sequence"  (e.g. part of std:map) of
0377        *  histograms as table:
0378        *
0379        *  @code
0380        *
0381        *  using namespace Gaudi::Utils::Histos ;
0382        *
0383        *  const std::map<std::string,AIDA::IHistogram1D*>& m = ... ;
0384        *
0385        *  printMap
0386        *   ( m          ,
0387        *     "| %1$-10.10s | %2% " , // short format
0388        *     Gaudi::Utils::Histos::Formats::histoFormatOnly ,
0389        *     always()   ,
0390        *     endmsg     ) ;
0391        *
0392        *  @endcode
0393        *
0394        *  Print only mean and rms:
0395        *
0396        *  @code
0397        *
0398        *  using namespace Gaudi::Utils::Histos ;
0399        *
0400        *  const std::map<GaudiAlg::ID,AIDA::IHistogram1D*>& m = ... ;
0401        *
0402        *  printMap
0403        *    ( m          ,
0404        *      "| %1$-10.10s | %2% "    , // short format
0405        *      " %8$10.5g+-%10$-10.5g|", // mean+-rms
0406        *      always()   ,
0407        *      endmsg     ) ;
0408        *
0409        *  @endcode
0410        *
0411        *  @param begin 'begin'-iterator for the mapping sequence
0412        *  @param end   'end'-iterator for the mapping sequence
0413        *  @param fmt1  'short' format for the table printout
0414        *  @param fmt3   format for the printout of the histogram
0415        *  @param stream the stream for printout
0416        *  @param term   stream terminator
0417        */
0418       template <class MAP, class STREAM, class TERMINATOR>
0419       inline STREAM& printMap( const MAP& histos, const std::string& fmt1, const std::string& fmt2, STREAM& stream,
0420                                TERMINATOR term ) {
0421         return printMap( histos.begin(), histos.end(), fmt1, fmt2, stream, term );
0422       }
0423       // ======================================================================
0424       /** helper method to merge the headers for short format table
0425        *  @author Vanya BELYAEV
0426        *  @date   2007-08-07
0427        */
0428       GAUDI_API std::string format( const std::string& val1, const std::string& val2, const std::string& fmt );
0429       // ======================================================================
0430       /** @class Table HistoTableFormat.h GaudiUtils/HistoTableFormat.h
0431        *  Simple class for the customizeble printout of the histogram tables
0432        *
0433        *  @author Vanya BELYAEV
0434        *  @date   2007-08-07
0435        */
0436       // ========================================================================
0437       class GAUDI_API Table {
0438       public:
0439         /// constructor from enum
0440         Table( const int ID = 0 );
0441         /// Constructor from the format, header and footer
0442         Table( const std::string& format, const std::string& header = "", const std::string& footer = "" );
0444       public:
0445         // ======================================================================
0446         /** print the simple sequence of histograms as table
0447          *  @param first begin-iterator for the sequence
0448          *  @param last  end-iterator for the sequence
0449          *  @param stream the stream to be used for printout
0450          *  @param term   the terminmator for the stream
0451          */
0452         template <class HISTO, class STREAM, class TERMINATOR>
0453         STREAM& printList( HISTO first, HISTO last, STREAM& stream, TERMINATOR term ) const {
0454           if ( !header().empty() ) { stream << header() << term; }
0455           Gaudi::Utils::Histos::printList( first, last, format(), stream, term );
0456           if ( !footer().empty() ) { stream << footer() << term; }
0457           return stream;
0458         }
0459         // ======================================================================
0460       public:
0461         /** print as table the content of the accociative map
0462          *  (key->histogram) with the key, convertible to std::string
0463          *
0464          *  The default format is used for histogram prinout
0465          *
0466          *  @param first 'begin'-iterator for the mapping sequence
0467          *  @param last  'end'-iterator for the mapping sequence
0468          *  @param fmt   'short' format for the table printout
0469          *  @param hval  the name of the "key"-column
0470          *  @param stream the stream for printout
0471          *  @param term   stream terminator
0472          */
0473         template <class HISTO, class STREAM, class TERMINATOR>
0474         STREAM& printMap( HISTO first, HISTO last, const std::string& fmt, const std::string& hval, STREAM& stream,
0475                           TERMINATOR term ) const {
0476           if ( !hval.empty() || !header().empty() ) {
0477             stream << Gaudi::Utils::Histos::format( hval, header(), fmt ) << term;
0478           }
0479           return Gaudi::Utils::Histos::printMap( first, last, fmt, format(), stream, term );
0480         }
0481         // ======================================================================
0482       public:
0483         // ======================================================================
0484         /// the table header
0485         const std::string& header() const { return m_header; }
0486         // ======================================================================
0487         /// the table footer
0488         const std::string& footer() const { return m_footer; }
0489         // ======================================================================
0490         /// the format
0491         const std::string& format() const { return m_format; }
0492         // ======================================================================
0493       public:
0494         // ======================================================================
0495         /// set new header
0496         void setHeader( std::string v ) { m_header = std::move( v ); }
0497         // ======================================================================
0498         /// set new footer
0499         void setFooter( std::string v ) { m_footer = std::move( v ); }
0500         // ======================================================================
0501         /// set new format
0502         void setFormat( std::string v ) { m_format = std::move( v ); }
0503         // ======================================================================
0504       public:
0505         // ======================================================================
0506         /// make the string representation according to the default format
0507         std::string toString( const AIDA::IHistogram1D* histo ) const;
0508         // ======================================================================
0509         /// make the string representation according to the default format
0510         std::string toString( const AIDA::IProfile1D* histo ) const;
0511         // ======================================================================
0512       public:
0513         // ======================================================================
0514         /** format a full row in table, including ID, label, path or any other
0515          *  "extra" identifier
0516          *
0517          *  @code
0518          *
0519          *  using namespace Gaudi::Utils::Histos ;
0520          *
0521          *  const Table& table = ... ;
0522          *
0523          *  const AIDA::IHistogram1D* histo = ... ;
0524          *
0525          *  // define short format
0526          *  const std::string fmt1 = " |%1$-30.30s %|33t| %2" ;
0527          *
0528          *  info () << table.toString ( "My Histo" , histo , fmt ) ;
0529          *
0530          *  @endcode
0531          *
0532          *  @param histo pointer to the histogram
0533          *  @param ID historgam ID, title, label  or other extra infomration
0534          *  @param fmt "short" format used for the table
0535          *  @return formatted row
0536          */
0537         std::string toString( const AIDA::IHistogram1D* histo, const std::string& ID, const std::string& fmt ) const;
0538         /** format a full row in table, including ID, label, path or any other
0539          *  "extra" identifier
0540          *
0541          *  @code
0542          *
0543          *  using namespace Gaudi::Utils::Histos ;
0544          *
0545          *  const Table& table = ... ;
0546          *
0547          *  const AIDA::IProfile1D* histo = ... ;
0548          *
0549          *  // define short format
0550          *  const std::string fmt1 = " |%1$-30.30s %|33t| %2" ;
0551          *
0552          *  info () << table.toString ( "My Histo" , histo , fmt ) ;
0553          *
0554          *  @endcode
0555          *
0556          *  @param histo pointer to the histogram
0557          *  @param ID historgam ID, title, label  or other extra infomration
0558          *  @param fmt "short" format used for the table
0559          *  @return formatted row
0560          */
0561         std::string toString( const AIDA::IProfile1D* histo, const std::string& ID, const std::string& fmt ) const;
0562         // ======================================================================
0563       public:
0564         // the table header
0565         std::string m_header; ///< the table header
0566         // the table footer
0567         std::string m_footer; ///< the table footer
0568         // the default format
0569         std::string m_format; ///< the defautl format
0570         //
0571       };
0572     } // namespace Histos
0573   }   // namespace Utils
0574 } // end of namespace Gaudi
0575 // ============================================================================
0576 // The END
0577 // ============================================================================