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Warning, /include/GaudiKernel/Time.icpp is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /***********************************************************************************\
0002 * (c) Copyright 1998-2019 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
0003 *                                                                                   *
0004 * This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
0005 * copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
0006 *                                                                                   *
0007 * In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities       *
0008 * granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization        *
0009 * or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                             *
0010 \***********************************************************************************/
0014 // Implementation of inline function for classes Gaudi::Time and Gaudi::TimeSpan
0016 namespace Gaudi {
0018   /** Initialize time to @a nsecs nanoseconds since 00:00:00 on January
0019       1, 1970 in UTC.  */
0020   inline Time::Time( ValueType nsecs ) : m_nsecs( nsecs ) {
0021     TimeAssert( m_nsecs >= 0, "cannot create a negative time" );
0022   }
0024   /** Initialize time to @a ts nanoseconds since 00:00:00 on January 1,
0025       1970 in UTC.  */
0026   inline Time::Time( TimeSpan ts ) : m_nsecs( ts.m_nsecs ) {
0027     TimeAssert( m_nsecs >= 0, "cannot create a negative time" );
0028   }
0030   /** Initialize time to @a secs (seconds) and @a nsecs (nanoseconds)
0031       summed since 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970 in UTC.  */
0032   inline Time::Time( ValueType secs, int nsecs ) : m_nsecs( secs * Time::SEC_NSECS + nsecs ) {
0033     TimeAssert( m_nsecs >= 0, "cannot create a negative time" );
0034   }
0036   /** Return the time as nanoseconds since 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970
0037       in UTC.  */
0038   inline Time::ValueType Time::ns() const { return m_nsecs; }
0040   /** Add the specified amount to the time.  Note that #Time is always
0041       expressed in UTC.  */
0042   inline Time& Time::operator+=( const TimeSpan& x ) {
0043     TimeAssert( m_nsecs >= -x.m_nsecs, "time operation lead to negative time" );
0044     m_nsecs += x.m_nsecs;
0045     return *this;
0046   }
0048   /** Subtract the specified amount from the time.  Note that #Time is
0049       always expressed in UTC.  */
0050   inline Time& Time::operator-=( const TimeSpan& x ) {
0051     TimeAssert( m_nsecs >= x.m_nsecs, "time operation lead to negative time" );
0052     m_nsecs -= x.m_nsecs;
0053     return *this;
0054   }
0056   /** Return the time for the epoch (= zero time).  */
0057   inline Time Time::epoch() { return 0LL; }
0059   /** Return the maximum time.  */
0060   inline Time Time::max() { return 0x7fffffffffffffffLL; }
0062   /** Check if the @a year is a leap-year.  */
0063   inline bool Time::isLeap( int year ) {
0064     return ( ( year % 4 ) == 0 && ( ( year % 100 ) != 0 || ( year % 400 ) == 0 ) );
0065   }
0067   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0068   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0069   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0071   /** Initialize a time span from #Time @a t. */
0072   inline TimeSpan::TimeSpan( Time t ) : m_nsecs( t.m_nsecs ) {}
0074   /** Initialize a time span to a specific length. */
0075   inline TimeSpan::TimeSpan( ValueType nsecs ) : m_nsecs( nsecs ) {}
0077   /** Initialise a time span to a specific length.  The value is
0078       initialised to the sum of the parts---the parts do not need to
0079       fall into their "natural" ranges.  The values are normalised to
0080       the natural meanings (e.g. 1000 seconds - 500 nanoseconds), so be
0081       careful with signs if you are producing values from other sources.
0083       @param secs  Seconds.
0084       @param nsecs Nanoseconds.  */
0085   inline TimeSpan::TimeSpan( ValueType secs, int nsecs ) : m_nsecs( secs * Time::SEC_NSECS + nsecs ) {}
0087   /** Initialise a time span to a specific length.  The value is
0088       initialised to the sum of the parts---the parts do not need to
0089       fall into their "natural" ranges.  The values are normalised to
0090       the natural meanings (e.g. 1000 seconds - 500 nanoseconds), so be
0091       careful with signs if you are producing values from other sources.
0093       @param days  Whole days.
0094       @param hours Whole hours.
0095       @param mins  Whole minutes.
0096       @param secs  Whole seconds.
0097       @param nsecs Nanoseconds.  */
0098   inline TimeSpan::TimeSpan( int days, int hours, int mins, int secs, int nsecs ) {
0099     m_nsecs = ( secs + 60 * ( mins + 60 * ( hours + 24 * days ) ) ) * Time::SEC_NSECS + nsecs;
0100   }
0102   /** Get the number of complete days in the span.  */
0103   inline int TimeSpan::days() const { return int( m_nsecs / Time::SEC_NSECS / Time::SECS_PER_DAY ); }
0105   /** Get the number of complete hours in the span.  */
0106   inline int TimeSpan::hours() const { return int( m_nsecs / Time::SEC_NSECS / Time::SECS_PER_HOUR ); }
0108   /** Get the number of complete minutes in the span.  */
0109   inline int TimeSpan::minutes() const { return int( m_nsecs / Time::SEC_NSECS / 60 ); }
0111   /** Get the number of complete seconds in the span.  */
0112   inline TimeSpan::ValueType TimeSpan::seconds() const { return m_nsecs / Time::SEC_NSECS; }
0114   /** Return the time span as nanoseconds.  */
0115   inline TimeSpan::ValueType TimeSpan::ns() const { return m_nsecs; }
0117   /** Get the number of complete hours in the last incomplete day of the
0118       span.  */
0119   inline int TimeSpan::lastHours() const { return hours() - days() * 24; }
0121   /** Get the number of complete minutes in the last incomplete hour of
0122       the span.  */
0123   inline int TimeSpan::lastMinutes() const { return minutes() - hours() * 60; }
0125   /** Get the number of complete seconds in the last incomplete minute
0126       of the span. */
0127   inline int TimeSpan::lastSeconds() const { return int( seconds() - ( (ValueType)minutes() * (ValueType)60 ) ); }
0129   /** Get the number of nanoseconds in the last incomplete second
0130       of the span. */
0131   inline int TimeSpan::lastNSeconds() const { return int( m_nsecs % Time::SEC_NSECS ); }
0133   /** Add to a time span.  */
0134   inline TimeSpan& TimeSpan::operator+=( const TimeSpan& x ) {
0135     m_nsecs += x.m_nsecs;
0136     return *this;
0137   }
0139   /** Subtract from a time span.  */
0140   inline TimeSpan& TimeSpan::operator-=( const TimeSpan& x ) {
0141     m_nsecs -= x.m_nsecs;
0142     return *this;
0143   }
0145   /** Multiply a time span.  */
0146   inline TimeSpan& TimeSpan::operator*=( const TimeSpan& x ) {
0147     m_nsecs *= x.m_nsecs;
0148     return *this;
0149   }
0151   /** Divide a time span.  */
0152   inline TimeSpan& TimeSpan::operator/=( const TimeSpan& x ) {
0153     m_nsecs /= x.m_nsecs;
0154     return *this;
0155   }
0157   /** Compute a modulo of a time span.  */
0158   inline TimeSpan& TimeSpan::operator%=( const TimeSpan& x ) {
0159     m_nsecs %= x.m_nsecs;
0160     return *this;
0161   }
0163   /// Output operator.
0164   inline std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& out, const Gaudi::Time& time ) {
0165     return out << Gaudi::TimeSpan( time ).seconds() << '.' << time.nanoformat();
0166   }
0168   /// Output operator.
0169   inline std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& out, const Gaudi::TimeSpan& time ) {
0170     return out << time.seconds() << '.' << Gaudi::Time( time ).nanoformat();
0171   }
0172 } // namespace Gaudi
0174 //<<<<<< INLINE PUBLIC FUNCTIONS                                        >>>>>>
0175 inline Gaudi::Time operator+( const Gaudi::Time& t, const Gaudi::TimeSpan& ts ) {
0176   return Gaudi::Time( t.ns() + ts.ns() );
0177 }
0179 inline Gaudi::Time operator+( const Gaudi::TimeSpan& ts, const Gaudi::Time& t ) {
0180   return Gaudi::Time( t.ns() + ts.ns() );
0181 }
0183 inline Gaudi::TimeSpan operator-( const Gaudi::Time& t1, const Gaudi::Time& t2 ) {
0184   return Gaudi::TimeSpan( t1.ns() - t2.ns() );
0185 }
0187 inline Gaudi::Time operator-( const Gaudi::Time& t, const Gaudi::TimeSpan& ts ) {
0188   return Gaudi::Time( t.ns() - ts.ns() );
0189 }
0191 inline bool operator!( const Gaudi::Time& t ) { return !t.ns(); }
0193 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0194 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0195 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0197 inline Gaudi::TimeSpan operator+( const Gaudi::TimeSpan& ts ) { return ts; }
0199 inline Gaudi::TimeSpan operator-( const Gaudi::TimeSpan& ts ) { return Gaudi::TimeSpan( -ts.ns() ); }
0201 inline bool operator!( const Gaudi::TimeSpan& ts ) { return !ts.ns(); }
0203 // --- operators for serialization ---
0205 // Output serialization
0206 inline StreamBuffer& operator<<( StreamBuffer& s, const Gaudi::Time& t ) { return s << t.ns(); }
0207 // Input serialization
0208 inline StreamBuffer& operator>>( StreamBuffer& s, Gaudi::Time& t ) {
0209   Gaudi::Time::ValueType tmp;
0210   s >> tmp;
0211   t = Gaudi::Time( tmp );
0212   return s;
0213 }
0215 // make sure that "namespace  Gaudi { using ::operator<; }" continues to compile...
0216 // to be removed once all instances of the above have been removed from user code...
0217 class backwards_compatibility_hack_time_timespan {
0218   backwards_compatibility_hack_time_timespan() = delete;
0219 };
0220 inline bool operator<( backwards_compatibility_hack_time_timespan, backwards_compatibility_hack_time_timespan ) {
0221   return false;
0222 }
0224 #endif