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0001 /***********************************************************************************\
0002 * (c) Copyright 1998-2019 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
0003 *                                                                                   *
0004 * This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
0005 * copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
0006 *                                                                                   *
0007 * In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities       *
0008 * granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization        *
0009 * or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                             *
0010 \***********************************************************************************/
0011 #pragma once
0012 #include <Gaudi/Accumulators.h>
0013 #include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
0014 #include <boost/format.hpp>
0016 /**
0017  * backward compatible StatEntity class. Should not be used.
0018  * Only here for backward compatibility
0019  */
0020 class StatEntity : public Gaudi::Accumulators::PrintableCounter,
0021                    public Gaudi::Accumulators::AccumulatorSet<double, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, double,
0022                                                               Gaudi::Accumulators::StatAccumulator,
0023                                                               Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialAccumulator> {
0024 public:
0025   inline static const std::string typeString{ "statentity" };
0026   using AccParent         = Gaudi::Accumulators::AccumulatorSet<double, Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, double,
0027                                                         Gaudi::Accumulators::StatAccumulator,
0028                                                         Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialAccumulator>;
0029   using BinomialAccParent = Gaudi::Accumulators::BinomialAccumulator<Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, double>;
0030   using Gaudi::Accumulators::StatAccumulator<Gaudi::Accumulators::atomicity::full, double>::nEntries;
0031   using AccParent::reset;
0032   /// the constructor with automatic registration in the owner's counter map
0033   StatEntity() = default;
0034   StatEntity( const unsigned long entries, const double flag, const double flag2, const double minFlag,
0035               const double maxFlag ) {
0036     reset( std::make_tuple(
0037         std::make_tuple( std::make_tuple( std::make_tuple( entries, flag ), flag2 ), minFlag, maxFlag ),
0038         std::make_tuple( 0, 0 ) ) );
0039   }
0040   friend void reset( StatEntity& s ) { s.reset(); }
0041   void        operator=( double by ) {
0042     this->reset();
0043     ( *this ) += by;
0044   }
0045   StatEntity& operator-=( double by ) {
0046     ( *this ) += ( -by );
0047     return *this;
0048   }
0049   StatEntity& operator++() {
0050     ( *this ) += 1.0;
0051     return *this;
0052   }
0053   StatEntity operator++( int ) {
0054     auto copy = *this;
0055     ++( *this );
0056     return copy;
0057   }
0058   StatEntity& operator--() {
0059     ( *this ) += -1.0;
0060     return *this;
0061   }
0062   StatEntity operator--( int ) {
0063     auto copy = *this;
0064     --( *this );
0065     return copy;
0066   }
0067   bool operator<( const StatEntity& se ) const {
0068     return std::make_tuple( nEntries(), sum(), min(), max(), sum2() ) <
0069            std::make_tuple( se.nEntries(), se.sum(), se.min(), se.max(), se.sum2() );
0070   };
0071   // using AccumulatorSet::operator+=;
0072   StatEntity& operator+=( double by ) {
0073     this->AccumulatorSet::operator+=( by );
0074     return *this;
0075   }
0076   StatEntity& operator+=( StatEntity by ) {
0077     mergeAndReset( by );
0078     return *this;
0079   }
0080   unsigned long add( const double v ) {
0081     *this += v;
0082     return nEntries();
0083   }
0084   unsigned long addFlag( const double v ) { return add( v ); }
0085   // aliases (a'la ROOT)
0086   double Sum() const { return sum(); }                // get sum
0087   double Mean() const { return mean(); }              // get mean
0088   double MeanErr() const { return meanErr(); }        // get error in mean
0089   double rms() const { return standard_deviation(); } // get rms
0090   double Rms() const { return standard_deviation(); } // get rms
0091   double RMS() const { return standard_deviation(); } // get rms
0092   double Eff() const { return eff(); }                // get efficiency
0093   double Min() const { return min(); }                // get minimal value
0094   double Max() const { return max(); }                // get maximal value
0095   // some legacy methods, to be removed ...
0096   double      flag() const { return sum(); }
0097   double      flag2() const { return sum2(); }
0098   double      flagMean() const { return mean(); }
0099   double      flagRMS() const { return standard_deviation(); }
0100   double      flagMeanErr() const { return meanErr(); }
0101   double      flagMin() const { return min(); }
0102   double      flagMax() const { return max(); }
0103   static bool effCounter( std::string_view name ) {
0104     using boost::algorithm::icontains;
0105     return icontains( name, "eff" ) || icontains( name, "acc" ) || icontains( name, "filt" ) ||
0106            icontains( name, "fltr" ) || icontains( name, "pass" );
0107   }
0108   template <typename stream>
0109   stream& printFormattedImpl( stream& o, const std::string& format ) const {
0110     boost::format fmt{ format };
0111     fmt % nEntries() % sum() % mean() % standard_deviation() % min() % max();
0112     return o << fmt.str();
0113   }
0114   std::ostream& printFormatted( std::ostream& o, const std::string& format ) const {
0115     return printFormattedImpl( o, format );
0116   }
0117   MsgStream& printFormatted( MsgStream& o, const std::string& format ) const { return printFormattedImpl( o, format ); }
0118   using Gaudi::Accumulators::PrintableCounter::print;
0119   template <typename stream>
0120   stream& printImpl( stream& o, bool tableFormat, std::string_view name, bool flag, std::string_view fmtHead ) const {
0121     if ( flag && effCounter( name ) && 0 <= eff() && 0 <= effErr() && sum() <= nEntries() &&
0122          ( essentiallyEqual( min(), 0 ) || essentiallyEqual( min(), 1 ) ) &&
0123          ( essentiallyEqual( max(), 0 ) || essentiallyEqual( max(), 1 ) ) ) {
0124       // efficiency printing
0125       if ( tableFormat ) {
0126         if ( name.empty() ) {
0127           constexpr auto fmt = "|%|10d| |%|11.5g| |(%|#9.7g| +- %|-#8.7g|)%%|   -------   |   -------   |";
0128           return o << boost::format{ fmt } % BinomialAccParent::nEntries() % sum() % ( efficiency() * 100 ) %
0129                           ( efficiencyErr() * 100 );
0130         } else {
0131           auto fmt = std::string{ " |*" }.append( fmtHead ).append(
0132               "|%|10d| |%|11.5g| |(%|#9.7g| +- %|-#8.7g|)%%|   -------   |   -------   |" );
0133           return o << boost::format{ fmt } % ( std::string{ "\"" }.append( name ).append( "\"" ) ) %
0134                           BinomialAccParent::nEntries() % sum() % ( efficiency() * 100 ) % ( efficiencyErr() * 100 );
0135         }
0136       } else {
0137         constexpr auto fmt = "#=%|-7lu| Sum=%|-11.5g| Eff=|(%|#9.7g| +- %|-#8.6g|)%%|";
0138         return o << boost::format{ fmt } % BinomialAccParent::nEntries() % sum() % ( efficiency() * 100 ) %
0139                         ( efficiencyErr() * 100 );
0140       }
0141     } else {
0142       // Standard printing
0143       if ( tableFormat ) {
0144         if ( name.empty() ) {
0145           constexpr auto fmt = "|%|10d| |%|11.7g| |%|#11.5g| |%|#11.5g| |%|#12.5g| |%|#12.5g| |";
0146           return o << boost::format{ fmt } % nEntries() % sum() % mean() % standard_deviation() % min() % max();
0148         } else {
0149           auto fmt = std::string{ " | " }.append( fmtHead ).append(
0150               "|%|10d| |%|11.7g| |%|#11.5g| |%|#11.5g| |%|#12.5g| |%|#12.5g| |" );
0151           return o << boost::format{ fmt } % std::string{ "\"" }.append( name ).append( "\"" ) % nEntries() % sum() %
0152                           mean() % standard_deviation() % min() % max();
0153         }
0154       } else {
0155         constexpr auto fmt = "#=%|-7lu| Sum=%|-11.5g| Mean=%|#10.4g| +- %|-#10.5g| Min/Max=%|#10.4g|/%|-#10.4g|";
0156         return o << boost::format{ fmt } % nEntries() % sum() % mean() % standard_deviation() % min() % max();
0157       }
0158     }
0159   }
0160   std::ostream& print( std::ostream& o, bool tableFormat, std::string_view name, bool flag = true,
0161                        std::string_view fmtHead = "%|-48.48s|%|27t|" ) const {
0162     return printImpl( o, tableFormat, name, flag, fmtHead );
0163   }
0164   MsgStream& print( MsgStream& o, bool tableFormat, std::string_view name, bool flag = true,
0165                     std::string_view fmtHead = "%|-48.48s|%|27t|" ) const {
0166     return printImpl( o, tableFormat, name, flag, fmtHead );
0167   }
0168   virtual std::ostream& print( std::ostream& o, std::string_view tag ) const override {
0169     return print( o, true, tag, true );
0170   }
0171   virtual MsgStream& print( MsgStream& o, std::string_view tag ) const override { return print( o, true, tag, true ); }
0172   std::ostream&      print( std::ostream& o, bool tableFormat = false ) const override {
0173     std::string emptyName;
0174     return print( o, tableFormat, emptyName, true );
0175   }
0176   MsgStream& print( MsgStream& o, bool tableFormat = false ) const override {
0177     std::string emptyName;
0178     return print( o, tableFormat, emptyName, true );
0179   }
0180   std::string toString() const {
0181     std::ostringstream ost;
0182     print( ost );
0183     return ost.str();
0184   }
0185   std::ostream& fillStream( std::ostream& o ) const { return print( o ); }
0186   MsgStream&    fillStream( MsgStream& o ) const { return print( o ); }
0187   /// Basic JSON export for Gaudi::Monitoring::Hub support.
0188   friend void       to_json( nlohmann::json& j, StatEntity const& s );
0189   static StatEntity fromJSON( const nlohmann::json& j ) {
0190     StatEntity res;
0191     res.reset( AccParent::extractJSONData(
0192         j, { { { { "nEntries", "sum" }, "sum2" }, "min", "max" }, { "nTrueEntries", "nFalseEntries" } } ) );
0193     return res;
0194   }
0196 private:
0197   static constexpr bool essentiallyEqual( double const a, double const b ) {
0198     return std::abs( a - b ) <= std::max( std::abs( a ), std::abs( b ) ) * std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
0199   }
0200 };