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0001 /***********************************************************************************\
0002 * (c) Copyright 1998-2019 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
0003 *                                                                                   *
0004 * This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
0005 * copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
0006 *                                                                                   *
0007 * In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities       *
0008 * granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization        *
0009 * or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                             *
0010 \***********************************************************************************/
0011 //  ====================================================================
0012 //  SmartDataStorePtr.h
0013 //  --------------------------------------------------------------------
0014 //
0015 //  Package    : GaudiKernel ( The LHCb Offline System)
0016 //
0017 //  Description: Implementation of a smart pointer class to access
0018 //               easily (and efficiently) data stores.
0019 //
0020 //  Author     : M.Frank
0021 //  ====================================================================
0025 // Framework include files
0026 #include "GaudiKernel/SmartDataObjectPtr.h"
0028 /** A small class used to access easily (and efficiently) data items
0029     residing in data stores.
0031       The class constructors take several arguments neccessary to be passed
0032     tyo the data services in order to automatically load objects in case
0033     they are not yet loaded. This is achieved through a smart pointer
0034     mechanism i.e. by overloading the operator->() at dereferencing time
0035     the the object will be requested from the store.
0037       The SmartDataStorePtr is meant to be "short living". It only makes
0038     sense to keep an object instance within e.g. the scope of one method.
0039     "long living" instances do not make sense and in the contrary
0040     would be harmful, because the information passed during construction
0041     to would be invalid and returned object pointers would actually
0042     point to hyperspace.
0044       The intrinsic functionality, wether the object will be retrieved or
0045     loaded from the data store is defined by the LOADER::.
0048     Base Class:
0049     SmartDataObjectPtr
0051     @author  M.Frank
0052     @version 1.0
0053 */
0054 template <class TYPE, class LOADER>
0055 class SmartDataStorePtr : public SmartDataObjectPtr {
0056 public:
0057   /** Standard constructor: Construct an SmartDataStorePtr instance which is
0058                             able to connect to a DataObject instance
0059                             which is identified by its directory entry.
0060                             *** FASTEST ACCESS TO THE DATA STORE ***
0061       @param  pService      Pointer to the data service interface which
0062                             should be used to load the object.
0063       @param  pDirectory    Pointer to the data directory entry.
0064   */
0065   SmartDataStorePtr( IDataProviderSvc* pService, IRegistry* pRegistry, std::string path )
0066       : SmartDataObjectPtr( LOADER::access(), pService, pRegistry, std::move( path ) ), m_pObject( nullptr ) {}
0067   /** Copy constructor: Construct an copy of a SmartDataStorePtr instance.
0068       @param  copy          Copy of Smart Pointer to object.
0069   */
0070   SmartDataStorePtr( const SmartDataObjectPtr& copy ) : SmartDataObjectPtr( copy ), m_pObject( nullptr ) {}
0072   /// Standard Destructor
0073   virtual ~SmartDataStorePtr() = default;
0075   /// Automatic conversion to data type
0076   SmartDataStorePtr& operator=( DataObject* pObj ) {
0077     m_pObject = dynamic_cast<TYPE*>( pObj );
0078     return *this;
0079   }
0081   /// Automatic conversion to data type
0082   SmartDataStorePtr& operator=( const DataObject* pObj ) {
0083     m_pObject = dynamic_cast<TYPE*>( const_cast<DataObject*>( pObj ) );
0084     return *this;
0085   }
0087   /// unhides assignment operator of base class
0088   SmartDataStorePtr& operator=( const SmartDataObjectPtr& copy ) override {
0089     this->m_pObject = dynamic_cast<TYPE*>( const_cast<SmartDataObjectPtr*>( &copy ) );
0090     return *this;
0091   }
0093   /// Automatic conversion to data type
0094   TYPE* ptr() { return accessTypeSafeData(); }
0096   /// Dereference operator: the heart of the smart pointer
0097   TYPE* operator->() { return accessTypeSafeData(); }
0099   /// Dereference operator: the heart of the smart pointer
0100   TYPE& operator*() {
0101     TYPE* result = accessTypeSafeData();
0102     return *result;
0103   }
0105   /// Automatic conversion to data type
0106   operator TYPE*() { return accessTypeSafeData(); }
0108   /// Automatic conversion to data type
0109   operator TYPE&() {
0110     TYPE* result = accessTypeSafeData();
0111     return *result;
0112   }
0114   /// operator int for statements like: if ( SmartDataStorePtr&lt;XXX&gt;(...) ) {}
0115   operator int() { return 0 != accessTypeSafeData(); }
0117   /// operator ! for statements like: if ( !SmartDataStorePtr&lt;XXX&gt;(...) ) {}
0118   bool operator!() { return 0 == accessTypeSafeData(); }
0120   /// Internal type safe accessor to data
0121   TYPE* accessTypeSafeData() {
0122     if ( 0 == m_pObject ) { m_pObject = dynamic_cast<TYPE*>( accessData() ); }
0123     return m_pObject;
0124   }
0126 protected:
0127   /// Pointer to data store object
0128   mutable TYPE* m_pObject;
0129 };
0131 /** Helper to test Smart data objects efficiently
0132     This construct allows statements like:
0133     SmartDataPtr<MCVertexVector>   mcvertices  (evt,"/MC/MCVertices");
0134     SmartDataPtr<MCParticleVector> mctracks    (evt,"/MC/MCParticles");
0135     if ( mctracks && mcvertices )   { ... }
0136     and tests the existence of BOTH objects in the data store.
0137     @param object_1   Smart pointer to object 1
0138     @param object_2   Smart pointer to second object
0139     @return           Boolean indicating existence of both objects
0140 */
0141 template <class A, class LDA, class B, class LDB>
0142 bool operator&&( SmartDataStorePtr<A, LDA>& object_1, SmartDataStorePtr<B, LDB>& object_2 ) {
0143   if ( 0 != object_1.accessTypeSafeData() ) {   // Test existence of the first object
0144     if ( 0 != object_2.accessTypeSafeData() ) { // Test existence of the second object
0145       return true;                              // Fine: Both objects exist
0146     }
0147   }
0148   return false; // Tough luck: One is missing.
0149 }
0151 /** Helper to test Smart data objects efficiently
0152     This construct allows statements like:
0153     SmartDataPtr<MCVertexVector>   mcvertices  (evt,"/MC/MCVertices");
0154     bool test = ...
0155     if ( test && mcvertices )   { ... }
0156     and tests the existence of BOTH objects in the data store.
0157     @param test       First boolean to test
0158     @param object     Smart pointer to second object
0159     @return           Boolean indicating existence of both objects
0160 */
0161 template <class B, class LDB>
0162 bool operator&&( bool test, SmartDataStorePtr<B, LDB>& object ) {
0163   if ( test ) {                               // Test existence of the first object
0164     if ( 0 != object.accessTypeSafeData() ) { // Test existence of the second object
0165       return true;                            // Fine: Both objects exist
0166     }
0167   }
0168   return false; // Tough luck: One is missing.
0169 }
0171 /** Helper to test Smart data objects efficiently
0172     This construct allows statements like:
0173     SmartDataPtr<MCVertexVector>   mcvertices  (evt,"/MC/MCVertices");
0174     bool test = ...
0175     if ( test && mcvertices )   { ... }
0176     and tests the existence of BOTH objects in the data store.
0177     @param object     Smart pointer to second object
0178     @param test       Second boolean to test
0179     @return           Boolean indicating existence of both objects
0180 */
0181 template <class B, class LDB>
0182 bool operator&&( SmartDataStorePtr<B, LDB>& object, bool test ) {
0183   if ( test ) {                               // Test existence of the first object
0184     if ( 0 != object.accessTypeSafeData() ) { // Test existence of the second object
0185       return true;                            // Fine: Both objects exist
0186     }
0187   }
0188   return false; // Tough luck: One is missing.
0189 }
0191 /** Helper to test Smart data objects efficiently
0192     This construct allows statements like:
0193     SmartDataPtr<MCVertexVector>   mcvertices  (evt,"/MC/MCVertices");
0194     SmartDataPtr<MCParticleVector> mctracks    (evt,"/MC/MCParticles");
0195     if ( mctracks || mcvertices )   { ... }
0196     and tests the existence of at least one objects in the data store.
0197     The second object will then NOT be loaded. It is assumed that the second
0198     choice is only an alternative usable in case the first object
0199     cannot be retrieved.
0201     @param object_1   Smart pointer to object 1
0202     @param object_2   Smart pointer to second object
0203     @return           Boolean indicating existence of both objects
0204 */
0205 template <class A, class LDA, class B, class LDB>
0206 bool operator||( SmartDataStorePtr<A, LDA>& object_1, SmartDataStorePtr<B, LDB>& object_2 ) {
0207   if ( 0 != object_1.accessTypeSafeData() ) { // Test existence of the first object
0208     return true;
0209   }
0210   if ( 0 != object_2.accessTypeSafeData() ) { // Test existence of the second object
0211     return true;
0212   }
0213   return false; // Tough luck: Both are missing.
0214 }
0216 /** Helper to test Smart data objects efficiently
0217     This construct allows statements like:
0218     SmartDataPtr<MCVertexVector>   mcvertices  (evt,"/MC/MCVertices");
0219     bool test = ...
0220     if ( test || mcvertices )   { ... }
0221     and tests the existence of BOTH objects in the data store.
0222     @param test       First boolean to test
0223     @param object     Smart pointer to second object
0224     @return           Boolean indicating existence of both objects
0225 */
0226 template <class B, class LDB>
0227 bool operator||( bool test, SmartDataStorePtr<B, LDB>& object ) {
0228   if ( test ) { // Test existence of the first object
0229     return true;
0230   }
0231   if ( 0 != object.accessTypeSafeData() ) { // Test existence of the second object
0232     return true;                            // Fine: Both objects exist
0233   }
0234   return false; // Tough luck: One is missing.
0235 }
0237 /** Helper to test Smart data objects efficiently
0238     This construct allows statements like:
0239     SmartDataPtr<MCVertexVector>   mcvertices  (evt,"/MC/MCVertices");
0240     bool test = ...
0241     if ( test && mcvertices )   { ... }
0242     and tests the existence of BOTH objects in the data store.
0243     @param object     Smart pointer to second object
0244     @param test       Second boolean to test
0245     @return           Boolean indicating existence of both objects
0246 */
0247 template <class B, class LDB>
0248 bool operator||( SmartDataStorePtr<B, LDB>& object, bool test ) {
0249   if ( test ) { // Test existence of the first object
0250     return true;
0251   }
0252   if ( 0 != object.accessTypeSafeData() ) { // Test existence of the second object
0253     return true;                            // Fine: Both objects exist
0254   }
0255   return false; // Tough luck: One is missing.
0256 }