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0001 /***********************************************************************************\
0002 * (c) Copyright 1998-2019 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
0003 *                                                                                   *
0004 * This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
0005 * copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
0006 *                                                                                   *
0007 * In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities       *
0008 * granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization        *
0009 * or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                             *
0010 \***********************************************************************************/
0011 //====================================================================
0012 //  Memory.h
0013 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
0014 //
0015 //  Package    : System (The LHCb System service)
0016 //
0017 //  Description: Information of memory usage from a given process
0018 //
0019 //  Author     : M.Frank
0020 //  Created    : 13/11/00
0021 //  Changes    :
0022 //
0023 //====================================================================
0027 // Framework include files
0028 #include "GaudiKernel/Kernel.h"
0029 #include "GaudiKernel/SystemBase.h"
0031 /** Note: OS specific details for memory usage
0033     Entrypoints:
0034     - basePriority            Base priority
0035     - procID                  Process ID
0036     - parentID                Parent's process ID
0037     - affinityMask            Affinity mask
0038     - exitStatus              Exit status
0039     - priorityBoost           Priority boost
0040     - numPageFault            Number of page faults
0041     - pagefileUsage           Current page file usage
0042     - pagefileUsagePeak       Peak usage of page file
0043     - nonPagedMemory          Current usage of non paged memory
0044     - nonPagedMemoryPeak      Peak usage of non paged memory
0045     - nonPagedMemoryLimit     Maximum amount of non-paged memory this process is allowed to use
0046     - pagedMemory             Amount of paged memory currently occupied
0047     - pagedMemoryPeak         Maximum of paged memory occupied by the process
0048     - pagedMemoryLimit        paged memory that can be occupied by the process
0049     - memorySize              Size of currently occupied memory
0050     - memorySizePeak          Maximum memory occupied by the process
0051     - memoryLimit             Amount of memory that can be occupied by the process
0052     - virtualMemorySize       Virtual memory size currenly occupied
0053     - peakVirtualMemorySize   Maximum amount of virtual memory occupied
0054     - virtualMemoryLimit      Amount of virtual memory that can be occupied by the process
0055     - minMemoryLimit          Minimum amount of virtual memory this process may use
0056     - maxMemoryLimit          Maximum amount of virtual memory this process is allowed to use
0057     - mappedMemorySize        Currenly mapped virtual memory size
0058     - mappedMemorySizePeak    Peak mapped virtual memory size
0060     @author:  M.Frank
0061     @version: 1.0
0062 */
0063 namespace System {
0064   /// Unit of memory
0065   enum MemoryUnit { Byte, kByte, MByte, GByte, TByte, PByte, EByte };
0066   /// Convert time from kByte to requested representation (Experts only)
0067   GAUDI_API long adjustMemory( MemoryUnit typ, long value );
0068   /// Basic Process Information: Process ID
0069   GAUDI_API long procID();
0070   /// Basic Process Information: Parent's process ID
0071   GAUDI_API long parentID( InfoType fetch = ProcessBasics, long pid = -1 );
0072   /// Basic Process Information: Affinity mask
0073   GAUDI_API long affinityMask( InfoType fetch = ProcessBasics, long pid = -1 );
0074   /// Basic Process Information: Exit status (does not really make sense for the running process, but for others!)
0075   GAUDI_API long exitStatus( InfoType fetch = ProcessBasics, long pid = -1 );
0076   /// Basic Process Information: Base priority
0077   GAUDI_API long basePriority( InfoType fetch = ProcessBasics, long pid = -1 );
0078   /// Basic Process Information: priority boost
0079   GAUDI_API long priorityBoost( InfoType fetch = PriorityBoost, long pid = -1 );
0081   /// Basic Process Information: Number of page faults
0082   GAUDI_API long numPageFault( InfoType fetch = Memory, long pid = -1 );
0083   /// Basic Process Information: Current page file usage
0084   GAUDI_API long pagefileUsage( MemoryUnit unit = kByte, InfoType fetch = Memory, long pid = -1 );
0085   /// Basic Process Information: Peak usage of page file
0086   GAUDI_API long pagefileUsagePeak( MemoryUnit unit = kByte, InfoType fetch = Memory, long pid = -1 );
0087   /// Basic Process Information: Peak usage of page file
0088   GAUDI_API long pagefileUsageLimit( MemoryUnit unit = kByte, InfoType fetch = Quota, long pid = -1 );
0090   /// Basic Process Information: Current usage of non paged memory
0091   GAUDI_API long nonPagedMemory( MemoryUnit unit = kByte, InfoType fetch = Memory, long pid = -1 );
0092   /// Basic Process Information: Peak usage of non paged memory
0093   GAUDI_API long nonPagedMemoryPeak( MemoryUnit unit = kByte, InfoType fetch = Memory, long pid = -1 );
0094   /// System Process Limits: Maximum amount of non-paged memory this process is allowed to use
0095   GAUDI_API long nonPagedMemoryLimit( MemoryUnit unit = kByte, InfoType fetch = Quota, long pid = -1 );
0097   /// Basic Process Information: Amount of paged memory currently occupied by the process 'pid'
0098   GAUDI_API long pagedMemory( MemoryUnit unit = kByte, InfoType fetch = Memory, long pid = -1 );
0099   /// Basic Process Information: Maximum of paged memory occupied by the process 'pid'
0100   GAUDI_API long pagedMemoryPeak( MemoryUnit unit = kByte, InfoType fetch = Memory, long pid = -1 );
0101   /// Basic Process Information: Amount of paged memory that can be occupied by the process 'pid'
0102   GAUDI_API long pagedMemoryLimit( MemoryUnit unit = kByte, InfoType fetch = Quota, long pid = -1 );
0104   /// System Process Limits: Minimum amount of virtual memory this process may use
0105   GAUDI_API long minMemoryLimit( MemoryUnit unit = kByte, InfoType fetch = Quota, long pid = -1 );
0106   /// System Process Limits: Maximum amount of virtual memory this process is allowed to use
0107   GAUDI_API long maxMemoryLimit( MemoryUnit unit = kByte, InfoType fetch = Quota, long pid = -1 );
0108   /// Basic Process Information: priority boost
0109   GAUDI_API long mappedMemory( MemoryUnit unit = kByte, InfoType fetch = Memory, long pid = -1 );
0110   /// Basic Process Information: priority boost
0111   GAUDI_API long mappedMemoryPeak( MemoryUnit unit = kByte, InfoType fetch = Memory, long pid = -1 );
0112   /// Basic Process Information: priority boost
0113   GAUDI_API long virtualMemory( MemoryUnit unit = kByte, InfoType fetch = Memory, long pid = -1 );
0114   /// Basic Process Information: priority boost
0115   GAUDI_API long virtualMemoryPeak( MemoryUnit unit = kByte, InfoType fetch = Memory, long pid = -1 );
0116   /// System Process Limits: Maximum amount of the page file this process is allowed to use
0117   GAUDI_API long virtualMemoryLimit( MemoryUnit unit = kByte, InfoType fetch = Quota, long pid = -1 );
0118 } // namespace System