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0001 /***********************************************************************************\
0002 * (c) Copyright 1998-2023 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
0003 *                                                                                   *
0004 * This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
0005 * copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
0006 *                                                                                   *
0007 * In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities       *
0008 * granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization        *
0009 * or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                             *
0010 \***********************************************************************************/
0014 // Includes
0015 #include "GaudiKernel/GaudiException.h"
0016 #include "GaudiKernel/IInterface.h"
0017 #include "GaudiKernel/System.h"
0018 #include <Gaudi/Property.h>
0020 #include <algorithm>
0021 #include <iostream>
0022 #include <stdexcept>
0023 #include <string>
0024 #include <type_traits>
0025 #include <vector>
0027 namespace details {
0028   /// Cast a pointer to a non const type
0029   template <class T>
0030   std::remove_const_t<T>* nonConst( T* p ) {
0031     return const_cast<std::remove_const_t<T>*>( p );
0032   }
0033 } // namespace details
0035 class GAUDI_API GaudiHandleInfo {
0036 protected:
0037   /** Some basic information and helper functions shared between various handles/arrays.
0038    @param myComponentType: string indicating what type of component the handle is pointing to.
0039                         For example: "PublicTool", "PrivateTool", "Service".
0040                         This is used for printout and on the python side for type checking.
0041                         On the python side there are classes with these names with "Handle" appended:
0042                         PublicToolHandle,PrivateToolHandle,ServiceHandle
0043    @param myParentName: Name of the parent that has this handle as a member. Used in printout.
0044   */
0045   GaudiHandleInfo( std::string myComponentType, std::string myParentName )
0046       : m_componentType( std::move( myComponentType ) ), m_parentName( std::move( myParentName ) ) {}
0048 public:
0049   /** virtual destructor so that derived class destructor is called. */
0050   // Don't use =default here.  Otherwise, in c++20 mode, clang will
0051   // instantiate the handle virtual functions early, breaking the case
0052   // where handles are used with a forward-declared class.
0053   virtual ~GaudiHandleInfo() {}
0054   //
0055   // Public member functions
0056   //
0057   const std::string& componentType() const { return m_componentType; }
0059   /** name as used in declareProperty(name,gaudiHandle) */
0060   const std::string& propertyName() const { return m_propertyName; }
0062   /** set name as used in declareProperty(name,gaudiHandle). Used in printout. */
0063   void setPropertyName( std::string propName ) { m_propertyName = std::move( propName ); }
0065   /** The name of the parent */
0066   const std::string& parentName() const { return m_parentName; }
0068   /** The python class name for the property in the genconf-generated configurables.
0069       The python class is defined in GaudiPython/python/
0070       To be implemented in derived class. */
0071   virtual std::string pythonPropertyClassName() const = 0;
0073   /** Python representation of handle, i.e. python class name and argument.
0074       Can be used in the genconf-generated configurables.
0075       The corresponding python classes are defined in GaudiPython/
0076       To be implemented in derived class. */
0077   virtual std::string pythonRepr() const = 0;
0079 protected:
0080   /** The component type */
0081   void setComponentType( std::string componentType ) { m_componentType = std::move( componentType ); }
0083   /** The name of the parent */
0084   void setParentName( std::string parent ) { m_parentName = std::move( parent ); }
0086 private:
0087   //
0088   // Data members
0089   //
0090   std::string m_componentType; // e.g.: "PublicTool","PrivateTool","Service"
0091   std::string m_propertyName;  // name as used in declareProperty(name,gaudiHandle)
0092   std::string m_parentName;    // name of the parent having this handle as a member
0093 };
0095 /** @class GaudiHandleBase GaudiHandle.h GaudiKernel/GaudiHandle.h
0097     Base class to handles to be used in lieu of naked pointers to various Gaudi components.
0098     This allows better control through the framework of component loading, configuration and usage.
0099     This base class implements common features.
0100     @author
0101 */
0102 class GAUDI_API GaudiHandleBase : public GaudiHandleInfo {
0103   //
0104   // Ctors etc
0105   //
0106 protected:
0107   /** Create a handle ('smart pointer') to a gaudi component
0108    @param myTypeAndName: "MyType/MyName" ("MyType" is short for "MyType/MyType")
0109                        'MyType' is the name of the concrete class of the component
0110                        'MyName' is to distinguish several instances of the same concrete class
0111    @param myComponentType: string indicating what type of component the handle is pointing to.
0112                         For example: "PublicTool", "PrivateTool", "Service".
0113                         This is used for printout and on the python side for type checking.
0114                         On the python side there are classes with these names with "Handle" appended:
0115                         PublicToolHandle,PrivateToolHandle,ServiceHandle
0116    @param myParentName: Name of the parent that has this handle as a member. Used in printout.
0117   */
0118   GaudiHandleBase( std::string myTypeAndName, std::string myComponentType, std::string myParentName )
0119       : GaudiHandleInfo( std::move( myComponentType ), std::move( myParentName ) ) {
0120     setTypeAndName( std::move( myTypeAndName ) );
0121   }
0123 public:
0124   //
0125   // Public member functions
0126   //
0127   /** The full type and name: "type/name" */
0128   std::string typeAndName() const { return m_typeAndName; }
0130   /** The concrete component class name: the part before the '/' */
0131   std::string type() const;
0133   /** The instance name: the part after the '/' */
0134   std::string name() const;
0136   /** Check if the handle has been set to empty string (i.e. typeAndName string is empty). */
0137   bool empty() const { return m_typeAndName.empty(); }
0139   /** The component "type/name" string */
0140   void setTypeAndName( std::string myTypeAndName );
0142   /** Set the instance name (part after the '/') without changing the class type */
0143   void setName( std::string_view myName );
0145   /** Name of the componentType with "Handle" appended. Used as the python class name
0146       for the property in the genconf-generated configurables.
0147       The python class is defined in GaudiPython/python/ */
0148   std::string pythonPropertyClassName() const override;
0150   /** name used for printing messages */
0151   std::string messageName() const;
0153   /** Python representation of handle, i.e. python class name and argument.
0154       Can be used in the genconf-generated configurables.
0155       The corresponding python classes are defined in GaudiPython/ */
0156   std::string pythonRepr() const override;
0158   using PropertyType = GaudiHandleProperty;
0160 private:
0161   //
0162   // Data member
0163   //
0164   std::string m_typeAndName; // the full type and name: "type/name"
0165 };
0167 /** @class GaudiHandle GaudiHandle.h GaudiKernel/GaudiHandle.h
0169     Handle to be used in lieu of naked pointers to gaudis. This allows
0170     better control through the framework of gaudi loading and usage.
0171     T is the type of the component interface (or concrete class).
0173     @author
0174 */
0175 template <class T>
0176 class GAUDI_API GaudiHandle : public GaudiHandleBase {
0177   //
0178   // Constructors etc.
0179   //
0180 protected:
0181   GaudiHandle( std::string myTypeAndName, std::string myComponentType, std::string myParentName )
0182       : GaudiHandleBase( std::move( myTypeAndName ), std::move( myComponentType ), std::move( myParentName ) ) {}
0184 public:
0185   /** Copy constructor needed for correct ref-counting */
0186   template <typename CT = T, typename NCT = std::remove_const_t<T>>
0187   GaudiHandle( const GaudiHandle<NCT>& other,
0188                std::enable_if_t<std::is_const_v<CT> && !std::is_same_v<CT, NCT>>* = nullptr )
0189       : GaudiHandleBase( other ) {
0190     m_pObject = other.get();
0191     if ( m_pObject ) ::details::nonConst( m_pObject.load() )->addRef();
0192   }
0194   /** Copy constructor needed for correct ref-counting */
0195   GaudiHandle( const GaudiHandle& other ) : GaudiHandleBase( other ) {
0196     m_pObject = other.m_pObject.load();
0197     if ( m_pObject ) ::details::nonConst( m_pObject.load() )->addRef();
0198   }
0200   /** Assignment operator for correct ref-counting */
0201   template <typename CT = T, typename NCT = std::remove_const_t<T>>
0202   std::enable_if_t<std::is_const_v<CT> && !std::is_same_v<CT, NCT>, GaudiHandle&>
0203   operator=( const GaudiHandle<NCT>& other ) {
0204     GaudiHandleBase::operator=( other );
0205     // release any current tool
0206     release().ignore();
0207     m_pObject = other.get();
0208     // update ref-counting
0209     if ( m_pObject ) ::details::nonConst( m_pObject.load() )->addRef();
0210     return *this;
0211   }
0213   /** Assignment operator for correct ref-counting */
0214   GaudiHandle& operator=( const GaudiHandle& other ) {
0215     GaudiHandleBase::operator=( other );
0216     // release any current tool
0217     release().ignore();
0218     m_pObject = other.m_pObject.load();
0219     // update ref-counting
0220     if ( m_pObject ) ::details::nonConst( m_pObject.load() )->addRef();
0221     return *this;
0222   }
0224   /** Retrieve the component. Release existing component if needed. */
0225   StatusCode retrieve() const {
0226     // not really const, because it updates m_pObject
0227     // Do the lookup into a temporary pointer.
0228     T* p = nullptr;
0229     if ( retrieve( p ).isFailure() ) { return StatusCode::FAILURE; }
0231     // If m_pObject is null, then copy p to m_pObject.
0232     // Otherwise, release p.
0233     T* old = nullptr;
0234     if ( m_pObject.compare_exchange_strong( old, p ) ) { return StatusCode::SUCCESS; }
0235     return release( p );
0236   }
0238   /** Release the component. */
0239   StatusCode release() const {
0240     // not really const, because it updates m_pObject
0241     StatusCode sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
0242     if ( m_pObject ) {
0243       sc        = release( m_pObject );
0244       m_pObject = nullptr;
0245     }
0246     return sc;
0247   }
0249   /// Check if the handle is valid (try to retrive the object is not done yet).
0250   bool isValid() const {
0251     // not really const, because it may update m_pObject
0252     return m_pObject || retrieve().isSuccess();
0253   }
0255   /** For testing if handle has component. Does retrieve() if needed.
0256       If this returns false, the component could not be retrieved. */
0257   operator bool() const {
0258     // not really const, because it may update m_pObject
0259     return isValid();
0260   }
0262   /// Return the wrapped pointer, not calling retrieve() if null.
0263   T* get() { return m_pObject; }
0265   /// Return the wrapped pointer, not calling retrieve() if null.
0266   std::add_const_t<T>* get() const { return m_pObject; }
0268   /// True if the wrapped pointer is not null.
0269   bool isSet() const { return get(); }
0271   T& operator*() {
0272     assertObject();
0273     return *m_pObject;
0274   }
0276   T* operator->() {
0277     assertObject();
0278     return m_pObject;
0279   }
0281   std::add_const_t<T>& operator*() const {
0282     // not really const, because it may update m_pObject
0283     assertObject();
0284     return *m_pObject;
0285   }
0287   std::add_const_t<T>* operator->() const {
0288     // not really const, because it may update m_pObject
0289     assertObject();
0290     return m_pObject;
0291   }
0293   /** Helper function to get default type string from the class type */
0294   std::string getDefaultType() { return System::typeinfoName( typeid( T ) ); }
0296   std::string getDefaultName() {
0297     const auto defName = GaudiHandleBase::type();
0298     return ( defName.empty() ? getDefaultType() : defName );
0299   }
0301 protected:
0302   /** Retrieve the component. To be implemented by the derived class. It will pass the pointer */
0303   virtual StatusCode retrieve( T*& ) const = 0; // not really const, because it updates m_pObject
0305   /** Release the component. Default implementation calls release() on the component.
0306       Can be overridden by the derived class if something else is needed. */
0307   virtual StatusCode release( T* comp ) const { // not really const, because it updates m_pObject
0308     // const cast to support T being a const type
0309     ::details::nonConst( comp )->release();
0310     return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
0311   }
0313 private:
0314   /** Helper function to set default name and type */
0315   void setDefaultTypeAndName() {
0316     const std::string& myType = getDefaultType();
0317     GaudiHandleBase::setTypeAndName( myType + '/' + myType );
0318   }
0320   /** Helper function to set default type from the class type T */
0321   void setDefaultType() { GaudiHandleBase::setTypeAndName( getDefaultType() ); }
0323   /** Load the pointer to the component. Do a retrieve if needed. Throw an exception if
0324       retrieval fails. */
0325   void assertObject() const { // not really const, because it may update m_pObject
0326     if ( !isValid() ) {
0327       throw GaudiException( "Failed to retrieve " + componentType() + ": " + typeAndName(),
0328                             componentType() + " retrieve", StatusCode::FAILURE );
0329     }
0330   }
0332 private:
0333   //
0334   // Data members
0335   //
0336   mutable std::atomic<T*> m_pObject = nullptr;
0337 };
0339 /**
0340    Base class of array's of various gaudihandles. Used in communication with
0341    GaudiHandleArrayProperty. For that purpose is has some pure virtual functions.
0342    This is a non-templated class to one Property can handle all kinds of concrete handles.
0343 */
0345 class GAUDI_API GaudiHandleArrayBase : public GaudiHandleInfo {
0346 protected:
0347   GaudiHandleArrayBase( std::string myComponentType, std::string myParentName )
0348       : GaudiHandleInfo( std::move( myComponentType ), std::move( myParentName ) ) {}
0350 public:
0351   using PropertyType = GaudiHandleArrayProperty;
0352   typedef std::vector<GaudiHandleBase*>       BaseHandleArray;
0353   typedef std::vector<const GaudiHandleBase*> ConstBaseHandleArray;
0355   /** Set the array of handles from list of "type/name" strings in
0356       &lt;myTypesAndNamesList&gt;. Return whether set was successful or not */
0357   bool setTypesAndNames( const std::vector<std::string>& myTypesAndNamesList );
0359   /** Return a vector with "type/name" strings of all handles in the array.
0360       Inverse of setTypesAndNames() */
0361   const std::vector<std::string> typesAndNames() const;
0363   /** Return a vector with "type" strings of all handles in the array. */
0364   const std::vector<std::string> types() const;
0366   /** Return a vector with "type/name" strings of all handles in the array. */
0367   const std::vector<std::string> names() const;
0369   /** Helper function to get a vector of strings filled with the return value
0370       of each tool of a member function if GaudiHandleBase */
0371   const std::vector<std::string> getBaseInfos( std::string ( GaudiHandleBase::*pMemFunc )() const ) const;
0373   /** Name of the componentType with "HandleArray" appended. Used as the python class name
0374       for the property in the genconf-generated configurables.
0375       The python class is defined in GaudiPython/python/ */
0376   std::string pythonPropertyClassName() const override;
0378   /** Python representation of array of handles, i.e. list of python handles.
0379       Can be used in the genconf-generated configurables.
0380       The corresponding python classes are defined in GaudiPython/ */
0381   std::string pythonRepr() const override;
0383   /** Add a handle to the array with "type/name" given in &lt;myHandleTypeAndName&gt;.
0384       Return whether addition was successful or not.
0385       Must be implemented by derived class with concrete handle category. */
0386   virtual bool push_back( const std::string& myHandleTypeAndName ) = 0;
0388   /** Clear the list of handles. Implemented in GaudiHandleArray */
0389   virtual void clear() = 0;
0391   /** Return whether the list of tools is empty. */
0392   virtual bool empty() const = 0;
0394   /** Get a read-only vector of const GaudiHandleBase* pointing to the real handles.
0395       Implemented in GaudiHandleArray. */
0396   virtual ConstBaseHandleArray getBaseArray() const = 0;
0398   /** Get a read-write vector of GaudiHandleBase* pointing to the real handles.
0399       Implemented in GaudiHandleArray. */
0400   virtual BaseHandleArray getBaseArray() = 0;
0402   /** To be able to tell if Array was ever retreived **/
0403   virtual bool retrieved() const = 0;
0404 };
0406 /** T is the concrete handle type, e.g. ToolHandle<IMyTool> */
0407 template <class T>
0408 class GAUDI_API GaudiHandleArray : public GaudiHandleArrayBase {
0409 public:
0410   //
0411   // public nested types
0412   //
0413   typedef std::vector<T>                                HandleVector;
0414   typedef typename HandleVector::value_type             value_type;
0415   typedef typename HandleVector::size_type              size_type;
0416   typedef typename HandleVector::reference              reference;
0417   typedef typename HandleVector::const_reference        const_reference;
0418   typedef typename HandleVector::iterator               iterator;
0419   typedef typename HandleVector::const_iterator         const_iterator;
0420   typedef typename HandleVector::reverse_iterator       reverse_iterator;
0421   typedef typename HandleVector::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
0423 protected:
0424   //
0425   // Constructors
0426   //
0427   /** Generic constructor. Probably not very useful...
0428       @param typesAndNamesList : a vector of strings with the concrete "type/name" strings
0429                                  for the list of tools
0430  */
0431   GaudiHandleArray( const std::vector<std::string>& myTypesAndNamesList, std::string myComponentType,
0432                     std::string myParentName )
0433       : GaudiHandleArrayBase( std::move( myComponentType ), std::move( myParentName ) ) {
0434     setTypesAndNames( myTypesAndNamesList );
0435   }
0437   /** Constructor creating an empty array.
0438       @param typesAndNamesList : a vector of strings with the concrete "type/name" strings
0439                                  for the list of tools
0440  */
0441   GaudiHandleArray( const std::string& myComponentType, const std::string& myParentName )
0442       : GaudiHandleArrayBase( myComponentType, myParentName ) {}
0444 public:
0445   /**Set the array of GaudiHandles from typeAndNames given in vector of strings. */
0446   GaudiHandleArray& operator=( const std::vector<std::string>& myTypesAndNamesList ) {
0447     setTypesAndNames( myTypesAndNamesList );
0448     return *this;
0449   }
0451   GaudiHandleArrayBase::BaseHandleArray getBaseArray() override {
0452     GaudiHandleArrayBase::BaseHandleArray baseArray;
0453     for ( auto& h : m_handleArray ) baseArray.push_back( &h );
0454     return baseArray;
0455   }
0457   GaudiHandleArrayBase::ConstBaseHandleArray getBaseArray() const override {
0458     GaudiHandleArrayBase::ConstBaseHandleArray baseArray;
0459     for ( auto& h : m_handleArray ) baseArray.push_back( &h );
0460     return baseArray;
0461   }
0463   //
0464   // Simulate (part of) an std::vector
0465   //
0466   iterator begin() { return m_handleArray.begin(); }
0468   iterator end() { return m_handleArray.end(); }
0470   const_iterator begin() const { return m_handleArray.begin(); }
0472   const_iterator end() const { return m_handleArray.end(); }
0474   const_iterator rbegin() const { return m_handleArray.rbegin(); }
0476   const_iterator rend() const { return m_handleArray.rend(); }
0478   size_type size() const { return m_handleArray.size(); }
0480   void clear() override { m_handleArray.clear(); }
0482   bool empty() const override { return m_handleArray.empty(); }
0484   T& operator[]( int index ) { return m_handleArray[index]; }
0486   const T& operator[]( int index ) const { return m_handleArray[index]; }
0488   /** Get pointer (!) to ToolHandle by instance name. Returns zero pointer if not found */
0489   T* operator[]( std::string_view name ) {
0490     auto it = std::find_if( begin(), end(), [&]( const_reference r ) { return == name; } );
0491     return it != end() ? &*it : nullptr;
0492   }
0494   /** Get const pointer (!) to ToolHandle by instance name. Returns zero pointer if not found */
0495   const T* operator[]( std::string_view name ) const {
0496     auto it = std::find_if( begin(), end(), [&]( const_reference r ) { return == name; } );
0497     return it != end() ? &*it : nullptr;
0498   }
0500   /** Add a handle with given type and name. Can be overridden in derived class.
0501       Return whether addition was successful or not. */
0502   using GaudiHandleArrayBase::push_back; // avoid compiler warning
0503   virtual bool push_back( const T& myHandle ) {
0504     m_handleArray.push_back( myHandle );
0505     return true;
0506   }
0508   /** Retrieve all tools */
0509   StatusCode retrieve() {
0510     StatusCode sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
0511     for ( auto& i : *this ) {
0512       // stop at first failure
0513       if ( i.retrieve().isFailure() ) {
0514         sc = StatusCode::FAILURE;
0515         break;
0516       }
0517     }
0518     if ( sc ) { m_retrieved = true; }
0519     return sc;
0520   }
0522   /** Release all tools */
0523   StatusCode release() {
0524     StatusCode sc = StatusCode::SUCCESS;
0525     for ( auto& i : *this ) {
0526       // continue trying to release other tools even if we fail...
0527       if ( i.release().isFailure() ) sc = StatusCode::FAILURE;
0528     }
0529     return sc;
0530   }
0532   /** has Array been retreived? **/
0533   virtual bool retrieved() const override { return m_retrieved; }
0535 private:
0536   //
0537   // Private data members
0538   //
0539   HandleVector m_handleArray;
0540   bool         m_retrieved{ false };
0541 };
0543 // Easy printing out of Handles and HandleArrays
0544 // It prints <propertyName> = <HandleType>( <HandleType(s)AndName(s)> )
0545 std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const GaudiHandleInfo& handle );