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0001 /***********************************************************************************\
0002 * (c) Copyright 1998-2019 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
0003 *                                                                                   *
0004 * This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
0005 * copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
0006 *                                                                                   *
0007 * In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities       *
0008 * granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization        *
0009 * or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                             *
0010 \***********************************************************************************/
0014 // Include files
0015 #include "GaudiKernel/Kernel.h"
0017 /// Class ID definition
0018 typedef unsigned int CLID;
0020 // Definition of the Class ID's needed by the Framework itself
0021 // The ID's reserved range for the framework is 0-199
0022 // For other ID's refer to the EventModel.cpp file in the Event Model package
0024 static const CLID CLID_NULL    = 0;
0025 static const CLID CLID_Catalog = 3;
0027 static const CLID CLID_Run = 100;
0028 // static const CLID CLID_Event = 110;
0029 static const CLID CLID_ObjectVector = 1 << 17; // ObjectVector (bit 17 set)
0030 static const CLID CLID_ObjectList   = 1 << 18; // ObjectList   (bit 18 set)
0031 static const CLID CLID_Any          = 0x0000FFFF;
0033 static const CLID CLID_StatisticsFile      = 40;
0034 static const CLID CLID_StatisticsDirectory = 41;
0036 // CLIDs for Histograms
0037 static const CLID CLID_H1D         = 32; // 1D, gravity bin, fixed binning
0038 static const CLID CLID_H1DVar      = 33; // 1D, gravity bin, variable binning
0039 static const CLID CLID_ProfileH    = 34; // 1D, profile bin, fixed binning
0040 static const CLID CLID_ProfileHVar = 35; // 1D, profile bin, variable binning
0041 static const CLID CLID_H2D         = 36; // 2D, weighted bin, fixed binning
0042 static const CLID CLID_H2DF        = 37; // 2D, float weighted bin, fixed binning
0043 static const CLID CLID_H2DVar      = 38; // 2D, weighted bin, variable binning
0044 static const CLID CLID_ProfileH2   = 39; // 2D, profile bin, fixed binnint
0045 static const CLID CLID_H3D         = 50; // 3D, weighted bin, fixed binning
0046 static const CLID CLID_H3DF        = 51; // 3D, float weighted bin, fixed binning
0047 static const CLID CLID_H3DVar      = 52; // 3D, weighted bin, variable binning
0049 // CLIDs for the NTuples
0050 static const CLID CLID_NTupleFile      = CLID_StatisticsFile;
0051 static const CLID CLID_NTupleDirectory = CLID_StatisticsDirectory;
0052 static const CLID CLID_RowWiseTuple    = 42; // Row-wise N-tuple
0053 static const CLID CLID_ColumnWiseTuple = 43; // Column-wise N-tuple
0055 // CLIDs fot the AIDA tuples
0056 // static const CLID CLID_AIDATuple        = 69; // AIDA Tuple
0058 // Data storage technique identifiers
0059 const long TEST_StorageType = 0x00;
0061 const long SICB_StorageType          = 0x01;
0062 const long ROOT_StorageType          = 0x02;
0063 const long OBJY_StorageType          = 0x03;
0064 const long ESC_StorageType           = 0x04;
0065 const long CDF_StorageType           = 0x05;
0066 const long HBOOK_StorageType         = 0x06;
0067 const long XML_StorageType           = 0x07;
0068 const long DBOOMS_StorageType        = 0x08;
0069 const long CONDDB_StorageType        = 0x09;
0070 const long ACCESS_StorageType        = 0x0a;
0071 const long EXCEL_StorageType         = 0x0b;
0072 const long TEXTJET_StorageType       = 0x0c;
0073 const long SQLSERVER_StorageType     = 0x0d;
0074 const long MYSQL_StorageType         = 0x0e;
0075 const long ORACLE_StorageType        = 0x0f;
0076 const long XMLSTRING_StorageType     = 0x10;
0077 const long POOL_StorageType          = 0x100;
0078 const long POOL_ROOT_StorageType     = 0x200;
0079 const long POOL_ROOTKEY_StorageType  = 0x201;
0080 const long POOL_ROOTTREE_StorageType = 0x202;
0081 const long POOL_ACCESS_StorageType   = 0x400;
0082 const long POOL_MYSQL_StorageType    = 0x800;
0083 const long POOL_ORACLE_StorageType   = 0x900;
0084 const long RAWDATA_StorageType       = 0xA000000;
0085 const long RAWDESC_StorageType       = 0xC000000;
0086 const long MBM_StorageType           = 0xB000000;
0088 // define pseudo-storages for GiGa Conversion Services
0089 const long GiGaKine_StorageType = 0x32; // = 50 (DEC)
0090 const long GiGaGeom_StorageType = 0x33; // = 51 (DEC)
0091 const long GiGaTraj_StorageType = 0x34; //
0092 const long GiGaHits_StorageType = 0x35; //