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0001 /***********************************************************************************\
0002 * (c) Copyright 1998-2019 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
0003 *                                                                                   *
0004 * This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
0005 * copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
0006 *                                                                                   *
0007 * In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities       *
0008 * granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization        *
0009 * or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                             *
0010 \***********************************************************************************/
0011 // ============================================================================
0014 // ============================================================================
0015 // Include Files
0016 // ============================================================================
0017 // GaudiKernel
0018 // ============================================================================
0019 #include "GaudiKernel/DataSvc.h"
0020 #include "GaudiKernel/GaudiException.h"
0021 #include "GaudiKernel/HistoProperty.h"
0022 #include "GaudiKernel/IHistogramSvc.h"
0023 #include "GaudiKernel/IRegistry.h"
0024 #include "GaudiKernel/System.h"
0025 // ============================================================================
0026 // AIDA
0027 // ============================================================================
0028 /// @FIXME: AIDA interfaces visibility
0029 #include "AIDA/IAnnotation.h"
0030 #include "AIDA/IHistogramFactory.h"
0031 // ============================================================================
0032 // local (+PI)
0033 // ============================================================================
0034 #include "Axis.h"
0035 #include "HistogramUtility.h"
0036 #include "TH1.h"
0037 #include "TH2.h"
0038 #include "TH3.h"
0039 // ============================================================================
0040 namespace AIDA {
0041   class ICloud1D;
0042   class ICloud2D;
0043   class ICloud3D;
0044 } // namespace AIDA
0046 namespace detail {
0047   template <class T>
0048   static DataObject* cast( T* p ) {
0049     DataObject* q = dynamic_cast<DataObject*>( p );
0050     if ( !q && p ) { throw std::runtime_error( "HistogramSvc: Unexpected object type." ); }
0051     return q;
0052   }
0053 } // namespace detail
0055 // ============================================================================
0056 /** @class HistogramSvc HistogramSvc.h
0057  *
0058  *  HistogramSvc class definition
0059  *
0060  */
0061 class HistogramSvc : public extends<DataSvc, IHistogramSvc>, virtual public AIDA::IHistogramFactory {
0063 private:
0064   void not_implemented() const { error() << "Sorry, not yet implemented..." << endmsg; }
0066 protected:
0067   typedef AIDA::IHistogram3D   H3D;
0068   typedef AIDA::IProfile2D     P2D;
0069   typedef AIDA::IBaseHistogram Base;
0071   struct Helper {
0072     HistogramSvc* m_svc;
0073     Helper( HistogramSvc* p ) : m_svc( p ) {}
0074     template <class A1, class A3>
0075     StatusCode retrieve( A1 a1, A3*& a3 ) {
0076       DataObject* pObject = nullptr;
0077       StatusCode  sc      = m_svc->retrieveObject( a1, pObject );
0078       a3                  = dynamic_cast<A3*>( pObject );
0079       return sc;
0080     }
0081     template <class A1, class A2, class A3>
0082     StatusCode retrieve( A1 a1, A2 a2, A3*& a3 ) {
0083       DataObject* pObject = nullptr;
0084       StatusCode  sc      = m_svc->retrieveObject( a1, a2, pObject );
0085       a3                  = dynamic_cast<A3*>( pObject );
0086       return sc;
0087     }
0088     template <class A1, class A3>
0089     StatusCode find( A1 a1, A3*& a3 ) {
0090       DataObject* pObject = nullptr;
0091       StatusCode  sc      = m_svc->findObject( a1, pObject );
0092       a3                  = dynamic_cast<A3*>( pObject );
0093       return sc;
0094     }
0095     template <class A1, class A2, class A3>
0096     StatusCode find( A1 a1, A2 a2, A3*& a3 ) {
0097       DataObject* pObject = nullptr;
0098       StatusCode  sc      = m_svc->findObject( a1, a2, pObject );
0099       a3                  = dynamic_cast<A3*>( pObject );
0100       return sc;
0101     }
0102     template <class R, class S, class T1, class T2>
0103     static R* act( R* res, const S& b, void ( T1::*pmf )( const T2*, Double_t ), Double_t scale ) {
0104       auto       h1 = Gaudi::getRepresentation<R, T1>( *res );
0105       const auto h2 = Gaudi::getRepresentation<R, T2>( b );
0106       if ( h1 && h2 ) {
0107         ( h1->*pmf )( h2, scale );
0108         return res;
0109       }
0110       return nullptr;
0111     }
0112     template <class R, class S, class T1, class T2>
0113     static R* act( R* res, const S& b, Bool_t ( T1::*pmf )( const T2*, Double_t ), Double_t scale ) {
0114       auto       h1 = Gaudi::getRepresentation<R, T1>( *res );
0115       const auto h2 = Gaudi::getRepresentation<R, T2>( b );
0116       if ( h1 && h2 ) {
0117         ( h1->*pmf )( h2, scale );
0118         return res;
0119       }
0120       return nullptr;
0121     }
0122     template <class R, class S, class T1, class T2>
0123     static R* act( R* res, const S& b, void ( T1::*pmf )( const T2* ) ) {
0124       auto       h1 = Gaudi::getRepresentation<R, T1>( *res );
0125       const auto h2 = Gaudi::getRepresentation<R, T2>( b );
0126       if ( h1 && h2 ) {
0127         ( h1->*pmf )( h2 );
0128         return res;
0129       }
0130       return nullptr;
0131     }
0132     template <class R, class S, class T1, class T2>
0133     static R* act( R* res, const S& b, Bool_t ( T1::*pmf )( const T2* ) ) {
0134       auto       h1 = Gaudi::getRepresentation<R, T1>( *res );
0135       const auto h2 = Gaudi::getRepresentation<R, T2>( b );
0136       if ( h1 && h2 ) {
0137         ( h1->*pmf )( h2 );
0138         return res;
0139       }
0140       return nullptr;
0141     }
0142   };
0144 public:
0145   using Edges        = std::vector<double>;
0146   using DBaseEntries = std::vector<std::string>;
0148   /** Statndard Constructor
0149    *  @param name service name
0150    *  @param pointer to service locator interface
0151    */
0152   HistogramSvc( const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svc );
0154   /// Destructor
0155   ~HistogramSvc() override;
0157   /** Split full path into its components
0158    *  @param full Full path of the object
0159    *  @param dir  Resulting directory path
0160    *  @param obj  Resulting object path
0161    */
0162   std::pair<std::string, std::string> i_splitPath( const std::string& full );
0164   /** Connect input histogram file to the service
0165    *  @param ident   [IN]   Input specification
0166    */
0167   StatusCode connectInput( const std::string& ident );
0169   template <class T>
0170   inline T* i_book( DataObject* pPar, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title,
0171                     const std::pair<DataObject*, T*>& o ) {
0172     if ( o.first && registerObject( pPar, rel, (Base*)o.second ).isSuccess() ) return o.second;
0173     delete o.first;
0174     throw GaudiException( "Cannot book " + System::typeinfoName( typeid( T ) ) + " " + title, "HistogramSvc",
0175                           StatusCode::FAILURE );
0176   }
0178   /// Helper for 2D projections
0179   AIDA::IHistogram2D* i_project( const std::string& nameAndTitle, const AIDA::IHistogram3D& h, const std::string& dir );
0181 public:
0182   /// Initialise the service
0183   StatusCode initialize() override;
0184   /// Initialise the service
0185   StatusCode reinitialize() override;
0186   /// finalize the service
0187   StatusCode finalize() override;
0189   /// Retrieve the AIDA HistogramFactory interface
0190   AIDA::IHistogramFactory* histogramFactory() override { return this; }
0192   // ==========================================================================
0193   // Book 1D histogram with fix binning
0194   // ==========================================================================
0195   /** Book histogram and register it with the histogram data store
0196       @param full        Full path to the node of the object.
0197                          The basename (last part of the fullpath)
0198                          has to be an integer number
0199                          otherwise conversion to HBOOK is not possible)
0200       @param par         Path to parent node of the object,
0201                          the directory the histogram will be stored in.
0202       @param pPar        Pointer to parent node
0203       @param rel         Histogram identifier (std::string), the relative path
0204                          to the object with respect to the parent node
0205       @param hID         Histogram identifier (int) of the histogram
0206       @param title       Title property of the histogram
0207       @param nx          Number of bins on the axis X/Y
0208       @param lx          Lower histogram edge on the axis X/Y
0209       @param ux          Upper histogram edge on the axis X/Y
0210   */
0211   AIDA::IHistogram1D* book( const std::string& par, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title, int nx,
0212                             double lowx, double upx ) override;
0214   AIDA::IHistogram1D* book( const std::string& par, int hID, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx,
0215                             double upx ) override;
0217   AIDA::IHistogram1D* book( DataObject* pPar, int hID, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx,
0218                             double upx ) override;
0220   AIDA::IHistogram1D* book( DataObject* pPar, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx,
0221                             double upx ) override;
0223   virtual AIDA::IHistogram1D* book( const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& loc, const std::string& title, int nx,
0224                                     double lowx, double upx );
0226   AIDA::IHistogram1D* book( const std::string& full, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx,
0227                             double upx ) override;
0229   // ==========================================================================
0230   // Book 1D Profile histogram with fix binning
0231   // ==========================================================================
0232   /** Book histogram and register it with the histogram data store
0233       @param full        Full path to the node of the object.
0234                          The basename (last part of the fullpath)
0235                          has to be an integer number
0236                         (otherwise conversion to HBOOK is not possible)
0237       @param par         Path to parent node of the object,
0238                          the directory the histogram will be stored in.
0239       @param pPar        Pointer to parent node
0240       @param rel         Histogram identifier (std::string), the relative path
0241                          to the object with respect to the parent node
0242       @param hID         Histogram identifier (int) of the histogram
0243       @param title       Title property of the histogram
0244       @param nx          Number of bins on the axis X/Y
0245       @param lx          Lower histogram edge on the axis X/Y
0246       @param ux          Upper histogram edge on the axis X/Y
0247   */
0248   AIDA::IProfile1D* bookProf( const std::string& par, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title, int nx,
0249                               double lowx, double upx, const std::string& opt ) override;
0251   AIDA::IProfile1D* bookProf( const std::string& par, int hID, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx,
0252                               double upx, const std::string& opt ) override;
0254   AIDA::IProfile1D* bookProf( DataObject* pPar, int hID, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx, double upx,
0255                               const std::string& opt ) override;
0257   virtual AIDA::IProfile1D* bookProf( const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& loc, const std::string& title, int nx,
0258                                       double lowx, double upx, const std::string& opt );
0260   AIDA::IProfile1D* bookProf( const std::string& full, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx, double upx,
0261                               const std::string& opt ) override;
0263   AIDA::IProfile1D* bookProf( DataObject* pPar, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx,
0264                               double upx, const std::string& opt ) override;
0266   AIDA::IProfile1D* bookProf( const std::string& par, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title, int nx,
0267                               double lowx, double upx, double upper, double lower, const std::string& opt ) override;
0269   AIDA::IProfile1D* bookProf( const std::string& par, int hID, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx,
0270                               double upx, double upper, double lower, const std::string& opt ) override;
0272   AIDA::IProfile1D* bookProf( DataObject* pPar, int hID, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx, double upx,
0273                               double upper, double lower, const std::string& opt ) override;
0275   virtual AIDA::IProfile1D* bookProf( const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& loc, const std::string& title, int nx,
0276                                       double lowx, double upx, double upper, double lower, const std::string& opt );
0278   AIDA::IProfile1D* bookProf( const std::string& full, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx, double upx,
0279                               double upper, double lower, const std::string& opt ) override;
0281   AIDA::IProfile1D* bookProf( DataObject* pPar, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx,
0282                               double upx, double upper, double lower, const std::string& opt ) override;
0284   // ==========================================================================
0285   // Book 1D histogram with variable binning
0286   // ==========================================================================
0287   /** Book histogram and register it with the histogram data store
0288       @param full        Full path to the node of the object.
0289                          The basename (last part of the fullpath)
0290                          has to be an integer number
0291                         (otherwise conversion to HBOOK is not possible)
0292       @param par         Path to parent node of the object,
0293                          the directory the histogram will be stored in.
0294       @param pPar        Pointer to parent node
0295       @param rel         Histogram identifier (std::string), the relative path
0296                          to the object with respect to the parent node
0297       @param hID         Histogram identifier (int) of the histogram
0298       @param title       Title property of the histogram
0299       @param e           Bin edges for variable binned histogram.
0300   */
0301   AIDA::IHistogram1D* book( const std::string& par, int hID, const std::string& title, Edges e ) override;
0303   AIDA::IHistogram1D* book( DataObject* pPar, int hID, const std::string& title, Edges e ) override;
0305   AIDA::IHistogram1D* book( const std::string& par, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title,
0306                             Edges e ) override;
0308   virtual AIDA::IHistogram1D* book( const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& loc, const std::string& title, Edges e );
0310   AIDA::IHistogram1D* book( const std::string& full, const std::string& title, Edges e ) override;
0312   AIDA::IHistogram1D* book( DataObject* pPar, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title, Edges e ) override;
0314   // ==========================================================================
0315   // Book 1D profile histogram with variable binning
0316   // ==========================================================================
0317   /** Book histogram and register it with the histogram data store
0318       @param full        Full path to the node of the object.
0319                          The basename (last part of the full)
0320                          has to be an integer number
0321                         (otherwise conversion to HBOOK is not possible)
0322       @param par         Path to parent node of the object,
0323                          the directory the histogram will be stored in.
0324       @param pPar        Pointer to parent node
0325       @param rel         Histogram identifier (std::string), the relative path
0326                          to the object with respect to the parent node
0327       @param hID         Histogram identifier (int) of the histogram
0328       @param title       Title property of the histogram
0329       @param e           Bin edges for variable binned histogram.
0330   */
0331   AIDA::IProfile1D* bookProf( const std::string& full, const std::string& title, Edges e ) override;
0333   AIDA::IProfile1D* bookProf( const std::string& par, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title,
0334                               Edges e ) override;
0336   AIDA::IProfile1D* bookProf( const std::string& par, int hID, const std::string& title, Edges e ) override;
0338   AIDA::IProfile1D* bookProf( DataObject* pPar, int hID, const std::string& title, Edges e ) override;
0340   virtual AIDA::IProfile1D* bookProf( const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& loc, const std::string& title,
0341                                       Edges e );
0343   AIDA::IProfile1D* bookProf( DataObject* pPar, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title, Edges e ) override;
0345   virtual AIDA::IProfile1D* bookProf( const std::string& full, const std::string& title, Edges e, double upper,
0346                                       double lower );
0348   virtual AIDA::IProfile1D* bookProf( const std::string& par, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title, Edges e,
0349                                       double upper, double lower );
0351   virtual AIDA::IProfile1D* bookProf( const std::string& par, int hID, const std::string& title, Edges e, double upper,
0352                                       double lower );
0354   virtual AIDA::IProfile1D* bookProf( DataObject* pPar, int hID, const std::string& title, Edges e, double upper,
0355                                       double lower );
0357   virtual AIDA::IProfile1D* bookProf( const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& loc, const std::string& title, Edges e,
0358                                       double upper, double lower );
0360   virtual AIDA::IProfile1D* bookProf( DataObject* pPar, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title, Edges e,
0361                                       double upper, double lower );
0363   // ==========================================================================
0364   // Book 2D histogram with fixed binning
0365   // ==========================================================================
0366   /** Book histogram and register it with the histogram data store
0367       @param full        Full path to the node of the object.
0368                          The basename (last part of the full)
0369                          has to be an integer number
0370                         (otherwise conversion to HBOOK is not possible)
0371       @param par         Path to parent node of the object,
0372                          the directory the histogram will be stored in.
0373       @param pPar        Pointer to parent node
0374       @param rel         Histogram identifier (std::string), the relative path
0375                          to the object with respect to the parent node
0376       @param hID         Histogram identifier (int) of the histogram
0377       @param title       Title property of the histogram
0378       @param nx          Number of bins on the X-axis
0379       @param lx          Lower histogram edge on the X-axis
0380       @param ux          Upper histogram edge on the X-axis
0381       @param ny          Number of bins on the Y-axis
0382       @param ly          Lower histogram edge on the Y-axis
0383       @param uy          Upper histogram edge on the Y-axis
0384   */
0385   AIDA::IHistogram2D* book( const std::string& full, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx, double upx, int ny,
0386                             double lowy, double upy ) override;
0388   AIDA::IHistogram2D* book( const std::string& par, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title, int nx,
0389                             double lowx, double upx, int ny, double lowy, double upy ) override;
0391   AIDA::IHistogram2D* book( const std::string& par, int hID, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx, double upx,
0392                             int ny, double lowy, double upy ) override;
0394   virtual AIDA::IHistogram2D* book( const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& loc, const std::string& title, int nx,
0395                                     double lowx, double upx, int ny, double lowy, double upy );
0397   AIDA::IHistogram2D* book( DataObject* pPar, int hID, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx, double upx,
0398                             int ny, double lowy, double upy ) override;
0400   AIDA::IHistogram2D* book( DataObject* pPar, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx,
0401                             double upx, int ny, double lowy, double upy ) override;
0403   // ==========================================================================
0404   // Book 2D profile histogram with fixed binning
0405   // ==========================================================================
0406   /** Book histogram and register it with the histogram data store
0407       @param full        Full path to the node of the object.
0408                          The basename (last part of the full)
0409                          has to be an integer number
0410                         (otherwise conversion to HBOOK is not possible)
0411       @param par         Path to parent node of the object,
0412                          the directory the histogram will be stored in.
0413       @param pPar        Pointer to parent node
0414       @param rel         Histogram identifier (std::string), the relative path
0415                          to the object with respect to the parent node
0416       @param hID         Histogram identifier (int) of the histogram
0417       @param title       Title property of the histogram
0418       @param nx          Number of bins on the X-axis
0419       @param lx          Lower histogram edge on the X-axis
0420       @param ux          Upper histogram edge on the X-axis
0421       @param ny          Number of bins on the Y-axis
0422       @param ly          Lower histogram edge on the Y-axis
0423       @param uy          Upper histogram edge on the Y-axis
0424   */
0425   virtual AIDA::IProfile2D* bookProf( const std::string& full, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx,
0426                                       double upx, int ny, double lowy, double upy, double upper, double lower );
0428   virtual AIDA::IProfile2D* bookProf( const std::string& par, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title, int nx,
0429                                       double lowx, double upx, int ny, double lowy, double upy, double upper,
0430                                       double lower );
0432   virtual AIDA::IProfile2D* bookProf( const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& loc, const std::string& title, int nx,
0433                                       double lowx, double upx, int ny, double lowy, double upy, double upper,
0434                                       double lower );
0436   virtual AIDA::IProfile2D* bookProf( const std::string& par, int hID, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx,
0437                                       double upx, int ny, double lowy, double upy, double upper, double lower );
0439   virtual AIDA::IProfile2D* bookProf( DataObject* pPar, int hID, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx,
0440                                       double upx, int ny, double lowy, double upy, double upper, double lower );
0442   virtual AIDA::IProfile2D* bookProf( DataObject* pPar, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title, int nx,
0443                                       double lowx, double upx, int ny, double lowy, double upy, double upper,
0444                                       double lower );
0446   AIDA::IProfile2D* bookProf( const std::string& full, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx, double upx,
0447                               int ny, double lowy, double upy ) override;
0449   AIDA::IProfile2D* bookProf( const std::string& par, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title, int nx,
0450                               double lowx, double upx, int ny, double lowy, double upy ) override;
0452   virtual AIDA::IProfile2D* bookProf( const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& loc, const std::string& title, int nx,
0453                                       double lowx, double upx, int ny, double lowy, double upy );
0455   AIDA::IProfile2D* bookProf( const std::string& par, int hID, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx,
0456                               double upx, int ny, double lowy, double upy ) override;
0458   AIDA::IProfile2D* bookProf( DataObject* pPar, int hID, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx, double upx,
0459                               int ny, double lowy, double upy ) override;
0461   AIDA::IProfile2D* bookProf( DataObject* pPar, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx,
0462                               double upx, int ny, double lowy, double upy ) override;
0464   // ==========================================================================
0465   // Book 2D histogram with variable binning
0466   // ==========================================================================
0467   /** Book histogram and register it with the histogram data store
0468       @param full        Full path to the node of the object.
0469                          The basename (last part of the full)
0470                          has to be an integer number
0471                         (otherwise conversion to HBOOK is not possible)
0472       @param par         Path to parent node of the object,
0473                          the directory the histogram will be stored in.
0474       @param pPar        Pointer to parent node
0475       @param rel         Histogram identifier (std::string), the relative path
0476                          to the object with respect to the parent node
0477       @param hID         Histogram identifier (int) of the histogram
0478       @param title       Title property of the histogram
0479       @param x/y         Bin edges for variable binned histogram in X/Y.
0480   */
0481   AIDA::IHistogram2D* book( const std::string& full, const std::string& title, Edges x, Edges y ) override;
0483   AIDA::IHistogram2D* book( const std::string& par, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title, Edges x,
0484                             Edges y ) override;
0486   AIDA::IHistogram2D* book( const std::string& par, int hID, const std::string& title, Edges x, Edges y ) override;
0488   virtual AIDA::IHistogram2D* book( const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& loc, const std::string& title, Edges x,
0489                                     Edges y );
0491   AIDA::IHistogram2D* book( DataObject* pPar, int hID, const std::string& title, Edges x, Edges y ) override;
0493   AIDA::IHistogram2D* book( DataObject* pPar, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title, Edges x,
0494                             Edges y ) override;
0496   // ==========================================================================
0497   // Book 2D profile histogram with variable binning
0498   // ==========================================================================
0499   /** Book histogram and register it with the histogram data store
0500       @param full        Full path to the node of the object.
0501                          The basename (last part of the full)
0502                          has to be an integer number
0503                         (otherwise conversion to HBOOK is not possible)
0504       @param par         Path to parent node of the object,
0505                          the directory the histogram will be stored in.
0506       @param pPar        Pointer to parent node
0507       @param rel         Histogram identifier (std::string), the relative path
0508                          to the object with respect to the parent node
0509       @param hID         Histogram identifier (int) of the histogram
0510       @param title       Title property of the histogram
0511       @param x/y         Bin edges for variable binned histogram in X/Y.
0512   */
0513   AIDA::IProfile2D* bookProf( const std::string& full, const std::string& title, Edges x, Edges y ) override;
0515   AIDA::IProfile2D* bookProf( const std::string& par, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title, Edges x,
0516                               Edges y ) override;
0518   AIDA::IProfile2D* bookProf( const std::string& par, int hID, const std::string& title, Edges x, Edges y ) override;
0520   AIDA::IProfile2D* bookProf( DataObject* pPar, int hID, const std::string& title, Edges x, Edges y ) override;
0522   virtual AIDA::IProfile2D* bookProf( const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& loc, const std::string& title, Edges x,
0523                                       Edges y );
0525   AIDA::IProfile2D* bookProf( DataObject* pPar, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title, Edges x,
0526                               Edges y ) override;
0528   virtual AIDA::IProfile2D* bookProf( const std::string& full, const std::string& title, Edges x, Edges y, double upper,
0529                                       double lower );
0531   virtual AIDA::IProfile2D* bookProf( const std::string& par, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title, Edges x,
0532                                       Edges y, double upper, double lower );
0534   virtual AIDA::IProfile2D* bookProf( const std::string& par, int hID, const std::string& title, Edges x, Edges y,
0535                                       double upper, double lower );
0537   virtual AIDA::IProfile2D* bookProf( DataObject* pPar, int hID, const std::string& title, Edges x, Edges y,
0538                                       double upper, double lower );
0540   virtual AIDA::IProfile2D* bookProf( const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& loc, const std::string& title, Edges x,
0541                                       Edges y, double upper, double lower );
0543   virtual AIDA::IProfile2D* bookProf( DataObject* pPar, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title, Edges x,
0544                                       Edges y, double upper, double lower );
0546   // ==========================================================================
0547   // Book 3D histogram with fixed binning
0548   // ==========================================================================
0549   /** Book histogram and register it with the histogram data store
0550       @param full        Full path to the node of the object.
0551                          The basename (last part of the full)
0552                          has to be an integer number
0553                          (otherwise conversion to HBOOK is not possible)
0554       @param par         Path to parent node of the object,
0555                          the directory the histogram will be stored in.
0556       @param pPar        Pointer to parent node
0557       @param rel         Histogram identifier (std::string), the relative path
0558                          to the object with respect to the parent node
0559       @param hID         Histogram identifier (int) of the histogram
0560       @param title       Title property of the histogram
0561       @param n{x,y,z}    Number of bins on the axis X/Y/Z
0562       @param l{x,y,z}    Lower histogram edge on the axis X/Y/Z
0563       @param u{x,y,z}    Upper histogram edge on the axis X/Y/Z
0564   */
0565   AIDA::IHistogram3D* book( const std::string& full, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx, double upx, int ny,
0566                             double lowy, double upy, int nz, double lowz, double upz ) override;
0568   AIDA::IHistogram3D* book( const std::string& par, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title, int nx,
0569                             double lowx, double upx, int ny, double lowy, double upy, int nz, double lowz,
0570                             double upz ) override;
0572   AIDA::IHistogram3D* book( const std::string& par, int hID, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx, double upx,
0573                             int ny, double lowy, double upy, int nz, double lowz, double upz ) override;
0575   AIDA::IHistogram3D* book( DataObject* pPar, int hID, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx, double upx,
0576                             int ny, double lowy, double upy, int nz, double lowz, double upz ) override;
0578   virtual AIDA::IHistogram3D* book( const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& loc, const std::string& title, int nx,
0579                                     double lowx, double upx, int ny, double lowy, double upy, int nz, double lowz,
0580                                     double upz );
0582   AIDA::IHistogram3D* book( DataObject* pPar, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx,
0583                             double upx, int ny, double lowy, double upy, int nz, double lowz, double upz ) override;
0585   // ==========================================================================
0586   // Book 3D histogram with variable binning
0587   // ==========================================================================
0588   /** Book histogram and register it with the histogram data store
0589       @param full        Full path to the node of the object.
0590                          The basename (last part of the full)
0591                          has to be an integer number
0592                         (otherwise conversion to HBOOK is not possible)
0593       @param par         Path to parent node of the object,
0594                          the directory the histogram will be stored in.
0595       @param pPar        Pointer to parent node
0596       @param rel     Histogram identifier (std::string), the relative path
0597                          to the object with respect to the parent node
0598       @param hID         Histogram identifier (int) of the histogram
0599       @param title       Title property of the histogram
0600       @param binsX/Y/Z   Number of bins on the axis X/Y/Z
0601       @param lowX/Y/Z    Lower histogram edge on the axis X/Y/Z
0602       @param highX/Y/Z   Upper histogram edge on the axis X/Y/Z
0603   */
0604   AIDA::IHistogram3D* book( const std::string& full, const std::string& title, Edges x, Edges y, Edges z ) override;
0606   AIDA::IHistogram3D* book( const std::string& par, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title, Edges x, Edges y,
0607                             Edges z ) override;
0609   AIDA::IHistogram3D* book( const std::string& par, int hID, const std::string& title, Edges x, Edges y,
0610                             Edges z ) override;
0612   AIDA::IHistogram3D* book( DataObject* pPar, int hID, const std::string& title, Edges x, Edges y, Edges z ) override;
0614   virtual AIDA::IHistogram3D* book( const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& loc, const std::string& title, Edges x,
0615                                     Edges y, Edges z );
0617   AIDA::IHistogram3D* book( DataObject* pPar, const std::string& rel, const std::string& title, Edges x, Edges y,
0618                             Edges z ) override;
0620   // ==========================================================================
0621   // Register histogram with the data store
0622   // ==========================================================================
0623   using DataSvc::registerObject;
0624   StatusCode registerObject( const std::string& parent, const std::string& rel, Base* obj ) override;
0626   StatusCode registerObject( Base* pPar, const std::string& rel, Base* obj ) override;
0628   StatusCode registerObject( const std::string& full, Base* obj ) override;
0630   StatusCode registerObject( DataObject* pPar, const std::string& rel, Base* obj ) override;
0632   // ==========================================================================
0633   // Unregister histogram from the data store
0634   // ==========================================================================
0635   StatusCode unregisterObject( Base* obj ) override;
0637   StatusCode unregisterObject( Base* obj, const std::string& objectPath ) override;
0639   StatusCode unregisterObject( Base* obj, int item ) override;
0641   // ==========================================================================
0642   // Retrieve histogram from data store
0643   // ==========================================================================
0644   StatusCode retrieveObject( IRegistry* pReg, const std::string& path, AIDA::IHistogram1D*& obj ) override;
0646   StatusCode retrieveObject( IRegistry* pReg, const std::string& path, AIDA::IProfile1D*& obj ) override;
0648   StatusCode retrieveObject( IRegistry* pReg, const std::string& path, AIDA::IHistogram2D*& obj ) override;
0650   StatusCode retrieveObject( IRegistry* pReg, const std::string& path, AIDA::IProfile2D*& obj ) override;
0652   StatusCode retrieveObject( IRegistry* pReg, const std::string& path, AIDA::IHistogram3D*& obj ) override;
0654   StatusCode retrieveObject( const std::string& full, AIDA::IProfile1D*& obj ) override;
0656   StatusCode retrieveObject( const std::string& full, AIDA::IProfile2D*& obj ) override;
0658   StatusCode retrieveObject( const std::string& full, AIDA::IHistogram1D*& obj ) override;
0660   StatusCode retrieveObject( const std::string& full, AIDA::IHistogram2D*& obj ) override;
0662   StatusCode retrieveObject( const std::string& full, AIDA::IHistogram3D*& obj ) override;
0664   StatusCode retrieveObject( const std::string& parent, const std::string& rel, AIDA::IProfile1D*& obj ) override;
0666   StatusCode retrieveObject( const std::string& parent, const std::string& rel, AIDA::IProfile2D*& obj ) override;
0668   StatusCode retrieveObject( const std::string& parent, const std::string& rel, AIDA::IHistogram1D*& obj ) override;
0670   StatusCode retrieveObject( const std::string& parent, const std::string& rel, AIDA::IHistogram2D*& obj ) override;
0672   StatusCode retrieveObject( const std::string& parent, const std::string& rel, AIDA::IHistogram3D*& obj ) override;
0674   StatusCode retrieveObject( const std::string& parent, int item, AIDA::IProfile1D*& obj ) override;
0676   StatusCode retrieveObject( const std::string& parent, int item, AIDA::IProfile2D*& obj ) override;
0678   StatusCode retrieveObject( const std::string& parent, int item, AIDA::IHistogram1D*& obj ) override;
0680   StatusCode retrieveObject( const std::string& parent, int item, AIDA::IHistogram2D*& obj ) override;
0682   StatusCode retrieveObject( const std::string& parent, int item, AIDA::IHistogram3D*& obj ) override;
0684   StatusCode retrieveObject( DataObject* par, const std::string& item, AIDA::IProfile1D*& obj ) override;
0686   StatusCode retrieveObject( DataObject* par, const std::string& item, AIDA::IProfile2D*& obj ) override;
0688   StatusCode retrieveObject( DataObject* par, const std::string& item, AIDA::IHistogram1D*& obj ) override;
0690   StatusCode retrieveObject( DataObject* par, const std::string& item, AIDA::IHistogram2D*& obj ) override;
0692   StatusCode retrieveObject( DataObject* par, const std::string& item, AIDA::IHistogram3D*& obj ) override;
0694   StatusCode retrieveObject( DataObject* par, int item, AIDA::IProfile1D*& obj ) override;
0696   StatusCode retrieveObject( DataObject* par, int item, AIDA::IProfile2D*& obj ) override;
0698   StatusCode retrieveObject( DataObject* par, int item, AIDA::IHistogram1D*& obj ) override;
0700   StatusCode retrieveObject( DataObject* par, int item, AIDA::IHistogram2D*& obj ) override;
0702   StatusCode retrieveObject( DataObject* par, int item, AIDA::IHistogram3D*& obj ) override;
0704   StatusCode retrieveObject( Base* par, int item, AIDA::IProfile1D*& obj ) override;
0706   StatusCode retrieveObject( Base* par, int item, AIDA::IProfile2D*& obj ) override;
0708   StatusCode retrieveObject( Base* par, int item, AIDA::IHistogram1D*& obj ) override;
0710   StatusCode retrieveObject( Base* par, int item, AIDA::IHistogram2D*& obj ) override;
0712   StatusCode retrieveObject( Base* par, int item, AIDA::IHistogram3D*& obj ) override;
0714   StatusCode retrieveObject( Base* par, const std::string& item, AIDA::IProfile1D*& obj ) override;
0716   StatusCode retrieveObject( Base* par, const std::string& item, AIDA::IProfile2D*& obj ) override;
0718   StatusCode retrieveObject( Base* par, const std::string& item, AIDA::IHistogram1D*& obj ) override;
0720   StatusCode retrieveObject( Base* par, const std::string& item, AIDA::IHistogram2D*& obj ) override;
0722   StatusCode retrieveObject( Base* par, const std::string& item, AIDA::IHistogram3D*& obj ) override;
0724   // ==========================================================================
0725   // Find histogram identified by its full path in the data store
0726   // ==========================================================================
0727   StatusCode findObject( IRegistry* pReg, const std::string& path, AIDA::IProfile1D*& obj ) override;
0729   StatusCode findObject( IRegistry* pReg, const std::string& path, AIDA::IProfile2D*& obj ) override;
0731   StatusCode findObject( IRegistry* pReg, const std::string& path, AIDA::IHistogram1D*& obj ) override;
0733   StatusCode findObject( IRegistry* pReg, const std::string& path, AIDA::IHistogram2D*& obj ) override;
0735   StatusCode findObject( IRegistry* pReg, const std::string& path, AIDA::IHistogram3D*& obj ) override;
0737   StatusCode findObject( const std::string& full, AIDA::IProfile1D*& obj ) override;
0739   StatusCode findObject( const std::string& full, AIDA::IProfile2D*& obj ) override;
0741   StatusCode findObject( const std::string& full, AIDA::IHistogram1D*& obj ) override;
0743   StatusCode findObject( const std::string& full, AIDA::IHistogram2D*& obj ) override;
0745   StatusCode findObject( const std::string& full, AIDA::IHistogram3D*& obj ) override;
0747   StatusCode findObject( const std::string& par, const std::string& rel, AIDA::IProfile1D*& obj ) override;
0749   StatusCode findObject( const std::string& par, const std::string& rel, AIDA::IProfile2D*& obj ) override;
0751   StatusCode findObject( const std::string& par, const std::string& rel, AIDA::IHistogram1D*& obj ) override;
0753   StatusCode findObject( const std::string& par, const std::string& rel, AIDA::IHistogram2D*& obj ) override;
0755   StatusCode findObject( const std::string& par, const std::string& rel, AIDA::IHistogram3D*& obj ) override;
0757   StatusCode findObject( const std::string& par, int item, AIDA::IProfile1D*& obj ) override;
0759   StatusCode findObject( const std::string& par, int item, AIDA::IProfile2D*& obj ) override;
0761   StatusCode findObject( const std::string& par, int item, AIDA::IHistogram1D*& obj ) override;
0763   StatusCode findObject( const std::string& par, int item, AIDA::IHistogram2D*& obj ) override;
0765   StatusCode findObject( const std::string& par, int item, AIDA::IHistogram3D*& obj ) override;
0767   StatusCode findObject( DataObject* par, int item, AIDA::IProfile1D*& obj ) override;
0769   StatusCode findObject( DataObject* par, int item, AIDA::IProfile2D*& obj ) override;
0771   StatusCode findObject( DataObject* par, int item, AIDA::IHistogram1D*& obj ) override;
0773   StatusCode findObject( DataObject* par, int item, AIDA::IHistogram2D*& obj ) override;
0775   StatusCode findObject( DataObject* par, int item, AIDA::IHistogram3D*& obj ) override;
0777   StatusCode findObject( DataObject* par, const std::string& item, AIDA::IProfile1D*& obj ) override;
0779   StatusCode findObject( DataObject* par, const std::string& item, AIDA::IProfile2D*& obj ) override;
0781   StatusCode findObject( DataObject* par, const std::string& item, AIDA::IHistogram1D*& obj ) override;
0783   StatusCode findObject( DataObject* par, const std::string& item, AIDA::IHistogram2D*& obj ) override;
0785   StatusCode findObject( DataObject* par, const std::string& item, AIDA::IHistogram3D*& obj ) override;
0787   StatusCode findObject( Base* par, int item, AIDA::IProfile1D*& obj ) override;
0789   StatusCode findObject( Base* par, int item, AIDA::IProfile2D*& obj ) override;
0791   StatusCode findObject( Base* par, int item, AIDA::IHistogram1D*& obj ) override;
0793   StatusCode findObject( Base* par, int item, AIDA::IHistogram2D*& obj ) override;
0795   StatusCode findObject( Base* par, int item, AIDA::IHistogram3D*& obj ) override;
0797   StatusCode findObject( Base* par, const std::string& item, AIDA::IProfile1D*& obj ) override;
0799   StatusCode findObject( Base* par, const std::string& item, AIDA::IProfile2D*& obj ) override;
0801   StatusCode findObject( Base* par, const std::string& item, AIDA::IHistogram1D*& obj ) override;
0803   StatusCode findObject( Base* par, const std::string& item, AIDA::IHistogram2D*& obj ) override;
0805   StatusCode findObject( Base* par, const std::string& item, AIDA::IHistogram3D*& obj ) override;
0807   // ==========================================================================
0808   // Projections and slices.
0809   // ==========================================================================
0810   AIDA::IHistogram1D* projectionX( const std::string& name, const AIDA::IHistogram2D& h ) override;
0812   AIDA::IHistogram1D* projectionY( const std::string& name, const AIDA::IHistogram2D& h ) override;
0814   AIDA::IHistogram1D* sliceX( const std::string& name, const AIDA::IHistogram2D& h, int indexY ) override;
0816   AIDA::IHistogram1D* sliceY( const std::string& name, const AIDA::IHistogram2D& h, int indexX ) override;
0818   AIDA::IHistogram1D* sliceX( const std::string& name, const AIDA::IHistogram2D& h, int indexY1, int indexY2 ) override;
0820   AIDA::IHistogram1D* sliceY( const std::string& name, const AIDA::IHistogram2D& h, int indexX1, int indexX2 ) override;
0822   bool destroy( IBaseHistogram* hist ) override;
0824   AIDA::IHistogram1D* add( const std::string& nameAndTitle, const AIDA::IHistogram1D& a,
0825                            const AIDA::IHistogram1D& b ) override;
0827   AIDA::IHistogram1D* subtract( const std::string& nameAndTitle, const AIDA::IHistogram1D& a,
0828                                 const AIDA::IHistogram1D& b ) override;
0830   AIDA::IHistogram1D* multiply( const std::string& nameAndTitle, const AIDA::IHistogram1D& a,
0831                                 const AIDA::IHistogram1D& b ) override;
0833   AIDA::IHistogram1D* divide( const std::string& nameAndTitle, const AIDA::IHistogram1D& a,
0834                               const AIDA::IHistogram1D& b ) override;
0836   AIDA::IHistogram2D* add( const std::string& nameAndTitle, const AIDA::IHistogram2D& a,
0837                            const AIDA::IHistogram2D& b ) override;
0839   AIDA::IHistogram2D* subtract( const std::string& nameAndTitle, const AIDA::IHistogram2D& a,
0840                                 const AIDA::IHistogram2D& b ) override;
0842   AIDA::IHistogram2D* multiply( const std::string& nameAndTitle, const AIDA::IHistogram2D& a,
0843                                 const AIDA::IHistogram2D& b ) override;
0845   AIDA::IHistogram2D* divide( const std::string& nameAndTitle, const AIDA::IHistogram2D& a,
0846                               const AIDA::IHistogram2D& b ) override;
0848   AIDA::IHistogram3D* add( const std::string& nameAndTitle, const AIDA::IHistogram3D& a,
0849                            const AIDA::IHistogram3D& b ) override;
0851   AIDA::IHistogram3D* subtract( const std::string& nameAndTitle, const AIDA::IHistogram3D& a,
0852                                 const AIDA::IHistogram3D& b ) override;
0854   AIDA::IHistogram3D* multiply( const std::string& nameAndTitle, const AIDA::IHistogram3D& a,
0855                                 const AIDA::IHistogram3D& b ) override;
0857   AIDA::IHistogram3D* divide( const std::string& nameAndTitle, const AIDA::IHistogram3D& a,
0858                               const AIDA::IHistogram3D& b ) override;
0860   AIDA::IHistogram2D* projectionXY( const std::string& nameAndTitle, const AIDA::IHistogram3D& h ) override;
0862   AIDA::IHistogram2D* projectionXZ( const std::string& nameAndTitle, const AIDA::IHistogram3D& h ) override;
0864   AIDA::IHistogram2D* projectionYZ( const std::string& nameAndTitle, const AIDA::IHistogram3D& h ) override;
0866   AIDA::IHistogram2D* sliceXY( const std::string& /* nameAndTitle */, const AIDA::IHistogram3D& /* h */, int /* low */,
0867                                int /* high */ ) override {
0868     not_implemented();
0869     return nullptr;
0870   }
0872   AIDA::IHistogram2D* sliceXZ( const std::string& /* nameAndTitle */, const AIDA::IHistogram3D& /* h */, int /* low */,
0873                                int /* high */ ) override {
0874     not_implemented();
0875     return nullptr;
0876   }
0878   AIDA::IHistogram2D* sliceYZ( const std::string& /* nameAndTitle */, const AIDA::IHistogram3D& /* h */, int /* low */,
0879                                int /* high */ ) override {
0880     not_implemented();
0881     return nullptr;
0882   }
0884   AIDA::IHistogram1D* createHistogram1D( const std::string& name, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx,
0885                                          double upx );
0887   AIDA::IHistogram1D* createHistogram1D( const std::string& name, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx,
0888                                          double upx, const std::string& /*opt*/ ) override;
0890   AIDA::IHistogram1D* createHistogram1D( const std::string& name, const std::string& title, const Edges& x,
0891                                          const std::string& /*opt*/ ) override;
0893   AIDA::IHistogram1D* createHistogram1D( const std::string& nameAndTitle, int nx, double lowx, double upx ) override;
0895   AIDA::IHistogram1D* createCopy( const std::string& full, const AIDA::IHistogram1D& h ) override;
0897   AIDA::IHistogram1D* createCopy( const std::string& par, const std::string& rel, const AIDA::IHistogram1D& h );
0899   AIDA::IHistogram1D* createCopy( const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& loc, const AIDA::IHistogram1D& h );
0901   AIDA::IHistogram1D* createCopy( DataObject* pPar, const std::string& rel, const AIDA::IHistogram1D& h );
0903   AIDA::IHistogram2D* createHistogram2D( const std::string& name, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx,
0904                                          double upx, int ny, double lowy, double upy );
0906   AIDA::IHistogram2D* createHistogram2D( const std::string& name, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx,
0907                                          double upx, int ny, double lowy, double upy,
0908                                          const std::string& /*opt*/ ) override;
0910   AIDA::IHistogram2D* createHistogram2D( const std::string& name, const std::string& title, const Edges& x,
0911                                          const Edges& y, const std::string& /*opt*/ ) override;
0913   AIDA::IHistogram2D* createHistogram2D( const std::string& nameAndTitle, int nx, double lowx, double upx, int ny,
0914                                          double lowy, double upy ) override;
0916   AIDA::IHistogram2D* createCopy( const std::string& full, const AIDA::IHistogram2D& h ) override;
0918   AIDA::IHistogram2D* createCopy( const std::string& par, const std::string& rel, const AIDA::IHistogram2D& h );
0920   AIDA::IHistogram2D* createCopy( const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& loc, const AIDA::IHistogram2D& h );
0922   AIDA::IHistogram2D* createCopy( DataObject* pPar, const std::string& rel, const AIDA::IHistogram2D& h );
0924   AIDA::IHistogram3D* createHistogram3D( const std::string& name, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx,
0925                                          double upx, int ny, double lowy, double upy, int nz, double lowz, double upz );
0927   AIDA::IHistogram3D* createHistogram3D( const std::string& name, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx,
0928                                          double upx, int ny, double lowy, double upy, int nz, double lowz, double upz,
0929                                          const std::string& /*opt*/ ) override;
0931   AIDA::IHistogram3D* createHistogram3D( const std::string& name, const std::string& title, const Edges& x,
0932                                          const Edges& y, const Edges& z, const std::string& /*opt*/ ) override;
0934   AIDA::IHistogram3D* createHistogram3D( const std::string& nameAndTitle, int nx, double lowx, double upx, int ny,
0935                                          double lowy, double upy, int nz, double lowz, double upz ) override;
0937   AIDA::IHistogram3D* createCopy( const std::string& full, const AIDA::IHistogram3D& h ) override;
0939   AIDA::IHistogram3D* createCopy( const std::string& par, const std::string& rel, const AIDA::IHistogram3D& h );
0941   AIDA::IHistogram3D* createCopy( const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& loc, const AIDA::IHistogram3D& h );
0943   AIDA::IHistogram3D* createCopy( DataObject* pPar, const std::string& rel, const AIDA::IHistogram3D& h );
0945   AIDA::IProfile1D* createProfile1D( const std::string& name, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx, double upx,
0946                                      const std::string& opt ) override;
0948   AIDA::IProfile1D* createProfile1D( const std::string& name, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx, double upx,
0949                                      double upper, double lower, const std::string& opt ) override;
0951   AIDA::IProfile1D* createProfile1D( const std::string& name, const std::string& title, const Edges& x,
0952                                      const std::string& /* opt */ ) override;
0954   AIDA::IProfile1D* createProfile1D( const std::string& name, const std::string& title, const Edges& x, double upper,
0955                                      double lower, const std::string& /* opt */ ) override;
0957   AIDA::IProfile1D* createProfile1D( const std::string& nametit, int nx, double lowx, double upx ) override;
0959   AIDA::IProfile1D* createProfile1D( const std::string& nametit, int nx, double lowx, double upx, double upper,
0960                                      double lower ) override;
0962   AIDA::IProfile1D* createCopy( const std::string& full, const AIDA::IProfile1D& h ) override;
0964   AIDA::IProfile1D* createCopy( const std::string& par, const std::string& rel, const AIDA::IProfile1D& h );
0966   AIDA::IProfile1D* createCopy( const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& loc, const AIDA::IProfile1D& h );
0968   AIDA::IProfile1D* createCopy( DataObject* pPar, const std::string& rel, const AIDA::IProfile1D& h );
0970   AIDA::IProfile2D* createProfile2D( const std::string& name, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx, double upx,
0971                                      int ny, double lowy, double upy );
0973   AIDA::IProfile2D* createProfile2D( const std::string& name, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx, double upx,
0974                                      int ny, double lowy, double upy, const std::string& /*opt*/ ) override;
0976   AIDA::IProfile2D* createProfile2D( const std::string& name, const std::string& title, const Edges& x, const Edges& y,
0977                                      const std::string& /*opt*/ ) override;
0979   AIDA::IProfile2D* createProfile2D( const std::string& nameAndTitle, int nx, double lowx, double upx, int ny,
0980                                      double lowy, double upy ) override;
0982   AIDA::IProfile2D* createProfile2D( const std::string& name, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx, double upx,
0983                                      int ny, double lowy, double upy, double upper, double lower );
0985   AIDA::IProfile2D* createProfile2D( const std::string& name, const std::string& title, int nx, double lowx, double upx,
0986                                      int ny, double lowy, double upy, double upper, double lower,
0987                                      const std::string& /*opt*/ ) override;
0989   AIDA::IProfile2D* createProfile2D( const std::string& name, const std::string& title, const Edges& x, const Edges& y,
0990                                      double upper, double lower, const std::string& /*opt*/ ) override;
0992   AIDA::IProfile2D* createProfile2D( const std::string& nameAndTitle, int nx, double lowx, double upx, int ny,
0993                                      double lowy, double upy, double upper, double lower ) override;
0995   AIDA::IProfile2D* createCopy( const std::string& full, const AIDA::IProfile2D& h ) override;
0997   AIDA::IProfile2D* createCopy( const std::string& par, const std::string& rel, const AIDA::IProfile2D& h );
0999   AIDA::IProfile2D* createCopy( const std::pair<std::string, std::string>& loc, const AIDA::IProfile2D& h );
1001   AIDA::IProfile2D* createCopy( DataObject* pPar, const std::string& rel, const AIDA::IProfile2D& h );
1003   AIDA::ICloud1D* createCloud1D( const std::string&, const std::string&, int, const std::string& ) override {
1004     not_implemented();
1005     return nullptr;
1006   }
1008   AIDA::ICloud1D* createCloud1D( const std::string& ) override {
1009     not_implemented();
1010     return nullptr;
1011   }
1013   AIDA::ICloud1D* createCopy( const std::string&, const AIDA::ICloud1D& ) override {
1014     not_implemented();
1015     return nullptr;
1016   }
1018   AIDA::ICloud2D* createCloud2D( const std::string&, const std::string&, int, const std::string& ) override {
1019     not_implemented();
1020     return nullptr;
1021   }
1023   AIDA::ICloud2D* createCloud2D( const std::string& ) override {
1024     not_implemented();
1025     return nullptr;
1026   }
1028   AIDA::ICloud2D* createCopy( const std::string&, const AIDA::ICloud2D& ) override {
1029     not_implemented();
1030     return nullptr;
1031   }
1033   AIDA::ICloud3D* createCloud3D( const std::string&, const std::string&, int, const std::string& ) override {
1034     not_implemented();
1035     return nullptr;
1036   }
1038   AIDA::ICloud3D* createCloud3D( const std::string& ) override {
1039     not_implemented();
1040     return nullptr;
1041   }
1043   AIDA::ICloud3D* createCopy( const std::string&, const AIDA::ICloud3D& ) override {
1044     not_implemented();
1045     return nullptr;
1046   }
1048   /// Avoids a compiler warning about hidden functions.
1049   using IDataProviderSvc::findObject;
1050   using IDataProviderSvc::registerObject;
1051   using IDataProviderSvc::retrieveObject;
1052   using IDataProviderSvc::unregisterObject;
1054   /// Print (ASCII) the 1D histogram into the output stream
1055   std::ostream& print( Base* h, std::ostream& s = std::cout ) const override;
1057   /// Write (ASCII) the 1D histogram table into the output stream
1058   std::ostream& write( Base* h, std::ostream& s = std::cout ) const override;
1060   /// Write (ASCII) the 1D histogram table into a file
1061   int write( Base* h, const char* file_name ) const override;
1063   /// Create all directories in a given full path
1064   DataObject* createPath( const std::string& newPath ) override;
1066   /** Create a sub-directory in a directory.
1067    *  @param parentDir name of the parent directory
1068    *  @param subDir to identify the histogram object in the store
1069    */
1070   DataObject* createDirectory( const std::string& parentDir, const std::string& subDir ) override;
1072   typedef std::map<std::string, Gaudi::Histo1DDef> Histo1DMap;
1074 private:
1075   /// handler to be invoked for updating property m_defs1D
1076   void update1Ddefs();
1078   /// extracts the path of an histogram from the related DataObject
1079   std::string buildHistoPath( DataObject const* pPar, std::string const& rel );
1081   Gaudi::Property<DBaseEntries> m_input{ this, "Input", {}, "input streams" };
1082   Gaudi::Property<Histo1DMap>   m_defs1D{
1083       this, "Predefined1DHistos", {}, &HistogramSvc::update1Ddefs, "histograms with predefined parameters" };
1085   // modified histograms:
1086   std::set<std::string> m_mods1D;
1087 };