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0001 /***********************************************************************************\
0002 * (c) Copyright 1998-2019 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
0003 *                                                                                   *
0004 * This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence,     *
0005 * copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE".                                            *
0006 *                                                                                   *
0007 * In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities       *
0008 * granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization        *
0009 * or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                             *
0010 \***********************************************************************************/
0013 // ============================================================================
0014 // Include files
0015 // ============================================================================
0016 #include "GaudiAlg/Tuple.h"
0017 #include "GaudiAlg/TupleObj.h"
0018 #include "GaudiAlg/Tuples.h"
0019 // ============================================================================
0021 // ============================================================================
0022 /** @file
0023  *  Collection of few 'technical' methods for instantiation of tuples
0024  *  @author Ivan BELYAEV
0025  *  @date   2004-01-27
0026  */
0027 // ============================================================================
0029 namespace Tuples {
0030   /** @namespace detail TupleObj.h GaudiAlg/TupleObj.h
0031    *  namespace with few technical implementations
0032    *
0033    *  @author Vanya BELYAEV
0034    *  @date   2004-01-23
0035    */
0036   namespace detail {
0037     /** @class TupleObjImp
0038      *
0039      *  The simplest concrete implementation of class TupleObj
0040      *  with 3 arbitrary error handlers
0041      *  Any types (classes, functions, etc.) which supports the
0042      *  semantics
0043      *
0044      *  @code
0045      *
0046      *     HANDLER obj = .. ;
0047      *
0048      *     StatusCode obj( msg , sc )
0049      *
0050      *  @endcode
0051      *
0052      *  can be used as error handler, e.g.
0053      *
0054      *  @code
0055      *
0056      *   void print_error   ( const std::string& msg , StatusCode sc )
0057      *    { std::cout <<
0058      *      "Error"   << msg << " code " << sc.getCode() << std::endl ; }
0059      *   void print_warning ( const std::string& msg , StatusCode sc )
0060      *    { std::cout <<
0061      *      "Warning" << msg << " code " << sc.getCode() << std::endl ; }
0062      *   void print_print   ( const std::string& msg , StatusCode sc )
0063      *    { std::cout << msg << " code " << sc.getCode() << std::endl ; }
0064      *
0065      *   NTuple::Tuple* tuple = ... ;
0066      *   TupleObj* obj =
0067      *    createTupleObj( print_errror   ,
0068      *                    print_warning  ,
0069      *                    print_print    ,
0070      *                    " my tuple "   , ntuple ) ;
0071      *
0072      *  @endcode
0073      *
0074      *  Templated helper functions allow to avoid heavy semantics of
0075      *  dealing with explicit type
0076      *
0077      *  Few concrete error handlers for dealing with classes,
0078      *  which supports member functions Error and Warning
0079      *   ( e.g. class GaudiAlgorithm or class GaudiTool )
0080      *  are provided
0081      *
0082      * @author Vanya BELYAEV
0083      * @date   2004-1-24
0084      */
0085     template <class HANDLER1, class HANDLER2>
0086     class TupleObjImp : public TupleObj {
0087     public:
0088       /** constructor
0089        *  @param  handler1 error   handler
0090        *  @param  handler2 warning handler
0091        *  @param  name  Name of the NTuple
0092        *  @param  tuple NTuple itself
0093        *  @param  clid  NTuple CLID
0094        *  @param  type  NTuple type
0095        */
0096       TupleObjImp( HANDLER1 handler1, HANDLER2 handler2, const std::string& name, NTuple::Tuple* tuple,
0097                    const CLID& clid = CLID_ColumnWiseTuple, const Tuples::Type type = Tuples::NTUPLE )
0098           : TupleObj( name, tuple, clid, type ), m_handler1( handler1 ), m_handler2( handler2 ) {}
0100     public:
0101       StatusCode Error( const std::string& msg, const StatusCode sc = StatusCode::FAILURE ) const override {
0102         return m_handler1( name() + " " + msg, sc );
0103       }
0105       StatusCode Warning( const std::string& msg, const StatusCode sc = StatusCode::FAILURE ) const override {
0106         return m_handler2( name() + " " + msg, sc );
0107       }
0109     private:
0110       HANDLER1 m_handler1;
0111       HANDLER2 m_handler2;
0112     };
0114     /** Templated helper functions allow to avoid heavy semantics of
0115      *  dealing with explicit type of class TupleObjImp
0116      *
0117      *  @code
0118      *
0119      *   void print_error   ( const std::string& msg , StatusCode sc )
0120      *    { std::cout <<
0121      *      "Error"   << msg << " code " << sc.getCode() << std::endl ; }
0122      *   void print_warning ( const std::string& msg , StatusCode sc )
0123      *    { std::cout <<
0124      *      "Warning" << msg << " code " << sc.getCode() << std::endl ; }
0125      *
0126      *   NTuple::Tuple* tuple = ... ;
0127      *   TupleObj* obj =
0128      *    createTupleObj( print_errror   ,
0129      *                    print_warning  ,
0130      *                    " my tuple "   , ntuple ) ;
0131      *
0132      *  @endcode
0133      *
0134      *  Few concrete error handlers for dealing with classes,
0135      *  which supports member functions Error,Warning and Print
0136      *   ( e.g. class GaudiAlgorithm or class GaudiTool )
0137      *  are provided
0138      *
0139      * @author Vanya BELYAEV
0140      * @date   2004-1-24
0141      */
0142     template <class HANDLER1, class HANDLER2>
0143     auto createTupleObj( HANDLER1 handler1, HANDLER2 handler2, const std::string& name, NTuple::Tuple* tuple,
0144                          const CLID& clid = CLID_ColumnWiseTuple, const Tuples::Type type = Tuples::NTUPLE ) {
0145       return std::make_unique<TupleObjImp<HANDLER1, HANDLER2>>( handler1, handler2, name, tuple, clid, type );
0146     }
0148     /** @class ErrorHandler
0149      *
0150      *  Concrete error handlers for dealing with classes,
0151      *  which supports member functions Error,Warning and Print
0152      *   ( e.g. class GaudiAlgorithm or class GaudiTool )
0153      *  are provided
0154      *
0155      * @author Vanya BELYAEV
0156      * @date   2004-1-24
0157      */
0158     template <class OBJECT, class FUNCTION>
0159     class ErrorHandler {
0160     public:
0161       /// constructor
0162       ErrorHandler( const OBJECT* obj, FUNCTION fun ) : m_obj( obj ), m_fun( fun ) {}
0164       /// the only one 'useful' method
0165       StatusCode operator()( const std::string& msg, const StatusCode sc, const size_t mp = 10 ) const {
0166         return ( m_obj->*m_fun )( msg, sc, mp );
0167       }
0169     private:
0170       // default constructor is private
0171       ErrorHandler();
0173     private:
0174       const OBJECT* m_obj = nullptr;
0175       FUNCTION      m_fun;
0176     };
0178     /** Templated helper functions allow to avoid heavy semantics of
0179      *  dealing with explicit type of class ErrorHandler
0180      *
0181      * @code
0182      *
0183      * const GaudiAlgorithm* algo =  ... ;
0184      *
0185      * // error handler using GaudiAlgorithm::Error member function
0186      * make_handler( algo , &GaudiAlgorithm::Error ) ;
0187      *
0188      *  const GaudiTool* tool = .... ;
0189      * // error handler using GaudiTool::Print member function
0190      * make_handler( tool , &GaudiTool::Print ) ;
0191      *
0192      * @endcode
0193      *
0194      * @author Vanya BELYAEV
0195      * @date   2004-1-24
0196      */
0197     template <class OBJECT, class FUNCTION>
0198     ErrorHandler<OBJECT, FUNCTION> make_handler( const OBJECT* object, FUNCTION function ) {
0199       return ErrorHandler( object, function );
0200     }
0201   } // namespace detail
0203   /** Templated helper functions allow to avoid heavy semantics of
0204    *  dealing with explicit type of class TupleObjImp
0205    *
0206    *  @code
0207    *
0208    *   const GaudiAlgorithm* algo  = ... ;
0209    *   NTuple::Tuple*        tuple = ... ;
0210    *   TupleObj* obj = createTupleObj( algo , " my tuple 1 "   , ntuple ) ;
0211    *
0212    *   const GaudiTool* tool   = ... ;
0213    *   NTuple::Tuple*   tuple2 = ... ;
0214    *   TupleObj* obj2 = createTupleObj( tool , " my tuple 2 " , ntuple2 ) ;
0215    *
0216    *  @endcode
0217    *
0218    * @author Vanya BELYAEV
0219    * @date   2004-1-24
0220    */
0221   template <class OWNER>
0222   auto createTupleObj( const OWNER* owner, const std::string& name, NTuple::Tuple* tuple,
0223                        const CLID& clid = CLID_ColumnWiseTuple, const Tuples::Type type = Tuples::NTUPLE ) {
0224     return detail::createTupleObj( detail::make_handler( owner, &OWNER::Error ),
0225                                    detail::make_handler( owner, &OWNER::Warning ), name, tuple, clid, type );
0226   }
0228 } // end of namespace Tuples
0230 // ============================================================================
0231 // The END
0232 // ============================================================================