Warning, /include/GaudiAlg/GaudiHistos_2DFixedBinning.icpp is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 /***********************************************************************************\
0002 * (c) Copyright 1998-2019 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb and ATLAS collaborations *
0003 * *
0004 * This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache version 2 licence, *
0005 * copied verbatim in the file "LICENSE". *
0006 * *
0007 * In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities *
0008 * granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization *
0009 * or submit itself to any jurisdiction. *
0010 \***********************************************************************************/
0011 // ============================================================================
0012 // ==================================== 2D ====================================
0013 // ============================================================================
0014 // book the 2D histogram (book on demand)
0015 // ============================================================================
0016 template <class PBASE>
0017 AIDA::IHistogram2D* GaudiHistos<PBASE>::book2D( const std::string& title, const double lowX, const double highX,
0018 const unsigned long binsX, const double lowY, const double highY,
0019 const unsigned long binsY ) const {
0020 //
0021 if ( !produceHistos() ) { return nullptr; } // RETURN
0022 //
0023 // exist?
0024 auto hist = histo2D( title );
0025 // histogram is already booked
0026 if ( hist ) { return hist; } // RETURN !!
0028 // propose the histogram ID
0029 HistoID ID;
0030 newHistoID( title, ID );
0032 // Create a new histogram and return
0033 return this->book2D( ID, title, lowX, highX, binsX, lowY, highY, binsY );
0034 }
0035 // ============================================================================
0036 // book the 2D histogram with forced ID (book on demand)
0037 // ============================================================================
0038 template <class PBASE>
0039 AIDA::IHistogram2D* GaudiHistos<PBASE>::book2D( const HistoID& ID, const std::string& title, const double lowX,
0040 const double highX, const unsigned long binsX, const double lowY,
0041 const double highY, const unsigned long binsY ) const {
0042 //
0043 if ( !produceHistos() ) { return nullptr; } // RETURN
0044 //
0045 // Check ID
0046 if ( ID.undefined() ) {
0047 this->Error( "Undefined Histogram ID : Title='" + title + "'" ).ignore();
0048 return nullptr;
0049 }
0051 // exist?
0052 auto hist = histo2D( ID );
0053 // histogram is already booked
0054 if ( hist ) { return hist; } // RETURN !!
0056 // Histogram title
0057 const std::string& htitle = ( title.empty() ? "Unnamed 2D Histogram ID=" + ID.idAsString() : title );
0059 // book the histogram
0060 if ( ID.numeric() ) {
0061 hist = this->histoSvc()->book( histoPath(), ID.numericID(), htitle, binsX, lowX, highX, binsY, lowY, highY );
0062 } else if ( ID.literal() ) {
0063 hist = this->histoSvc()->book( histoPath() + "/" + ID.literalID(), htitle, binsX, lowX, highX, binsY, lowY, highY );
0064 }
0066 // Check OK
0067 if ( !hist ) {
0068 this->Error( "IHistogram2D* points to NULL! ID='" + ID.idAsString() + "' title='" + htitle + "'" ).ignore();
0069 return nullptr;
0070 } // RETURN !!
0072 // add histogram into histogram storages
0073 m_histo2DMapID[ID] = hist;
0074 m_histo2DMapTitle[title] = hist;
0076 // Declare to monitoring service
0077 monitorHisto( Gaudi::Utils::Histos::toBase( hist ), ID );
0079 // Printout and return
0080 if ( this->msgLevel( MSG::DEBUG ) ) {
0081 this->debug() << "Booked 2D Histogram : ID='" << ID << "' Path=" << histoPath() << " Title='"
0082 << Gaudi::Utils::Histos::htitle( hist ) << "'" << endmsg;
0083 }
0084 // return
0085 return hist;
0086 }
0087 // ============================================================================
0088 // fill the 2D histogram with the values and weight
0089 // ============================================================================
0090 template <class PBASE>
0091 AIDA::IHistogram2D* GaudiHistos<PBASE>::fill( AIDA::IHistogram2D* histo, const double valueX, const double valueY,
0092 const double weight, const std::string& title ) const {
0093 //
0094 if ( !histo ) { return nullptr; } // RETURN
0095 //
0096 if ( !checkForNaN() ) {
0097 Gaudi::Utils::Histos::fill( histo, valueX, valueY, weight );
0098 } else if ( std::isfinite( valueX ) && std::isfinite( valueY ) && std::isfinite( weight ) ) {
0099 Gaudi::Utils::Histos::fill( histo, valueX, valueY, weight );
0100 } else if ( std::isnan( valueX ) || std::isnan( valueY ) || std::isnan( weight ) ) {
0101 this->Warning( "fill():: 'NaN' value is skipped from the histogram '" +
0102 Gaudi::Utils::Histos::htitle( histo, title ) + "'" )
0103 .ignore();
0104 } else {
0105 this->Warning( "fill():: 'Infinite' value is skipped from the histogram '" +
0106 Gaudi::Utils::Histos::htitle( histo, title ) + "'" )
0107 .ignore();
0108 }
0109 // return
0110 return histo;
0111 }
0112 // ============================================================================
0113 // fill the 2D histogram (book on demand)
0114 // ============================================================================
0115 template <class PBASE>
0116 AIDA::IHistogram2D* GaudiHistos<PBASE>::plot2D( const double valueX, const double valueY, const std::string& title,
0117 const double lowX, const double highX, const double lowY,
0118 const double highY, const unsigned long binsX,
0119 const unsigned long binsY, const double weight ) const {
0120 AIDA::IHistogram2D* h( nullptr );
0121 if ( produceHistos() ) {
0122 // retrieve or book the histogram
0123 h = histo2D( title );
0124 if ( !h ) { h = book2D( title, lowX, highX, binsX, lowY, highY, binsY ); }
0125 // fill the histogram
0126 h = fill( h, valueX, valueY, weight, title );
0127 }
0128 return h;
0129 }
0130 // ============================================================================
0131 // fill the 2D histogram with forced ID assignment (book on demand)
0132 // ============================================================================
0133 template <class PBASE>
0134 AIDA::IHistogram2D* GaudiHistos<PBASE>::plot2D( const double valueX, const double valueY, const HistoID& ID,
0135 const std::string& title, const double lowX, const double highX,
0136 const double lowY, const double highY, const unsigned long binsX,
0137 const unsigned long binsY, const double weight ) const {
0138 AIDA::IHistogram2D* h( nullptr );
0139 // produce histograms ?
0140 if ( produceHistos() ) {
0141 // retrieve or book the histogram
0142 h = histo2D( ID );
0143 if ( !h ) { h = book2D( ID, title, lowX, highX, binsX, lowY, highY, binsY ); }
0144 // fill the histogram
0145 h = fill( h, valueX, valueY, weight, title );
0146 }
0147 return h;
0148 }
0149 // ============================================================================
0150 // The END
0151 // ============================================================================