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0001 // Copyright 2023, Friederike Bock
0002 // Subject to the terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory.
0003 //
0004 //  Sections Copyright (C) 2023 Friederike Bock
0005 //  under SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
0007 #include <DDSegmentation/BitFieldCoder.h>
0008 #include <JANA/JEvent.h>
0009 #include <JANA/JEventProcessor.h>
0010 #include <JANA/Utils/JTypeInfo.h>
0011 #include <TDirectory.h>
0012 #include <TH2.h>
0013 #include <TH3.h>
0014 #include <TTree.h>
0015 #include <spdlog/logger.h>
0016 #include <memory>
0017 #include <string>
0019 class femc_studiesProcessor: public JEventProcessor {
0020 public:
0021     femc_studiesProcessor() { SetTypeName(NAME_OF_THIS); }
0023     void Init() override;
0024 //     void InitWithGlobalRootLock() override;
0025     void Process(const std::shared_ptr<const JEvent>& event) override;
0026 //     void ProcessSequential(const std::shared_ptr<const JEvent>& event) override;
0027 //     void FinishWithGlobalRootLock() override;
0028     void Finish() override;
0029     TDirectory *m_dir_main;
0030     // Declare histogram and tree pointers here. e.g.
0031     TH2D* hMCEnergyVsEta;
0032     TH3D* hClusterEcalib_E_eta;
0033     TH3D* hClusterNCells_E_eta;
0034     TH3D* hClusterEcalib_E_phi;
0035     TH2D* hPosCaloHitsXY;
0036     TH3D* hClusterESimcalib_E_eta;
0037     TH3D* hClusterSimNCells_E_eta;
0038     TH3D* hClusterESimcalib_E_phi;
0039     TH2D* hCellESim_layerX;
0040     TH2D* hCellESim_layerY;
0041     TH2D* hCellTSim_layerX;
0042     TH2D* hPosCaloSimHitsXY;
0043     TH3D* hRecClusterEcalib_E_eta;
0044     TH3D* hRecNClusters_E_eta;
0045     TH3D* hRecClusterEcalib_Ehigh_eta;
0046     TH3D* hRecClusterNCells_Ehigh_eta;
0047     TH3D* hRecFClusterEcalib_E_eta;
0048     TH3D* hRecFNClusters_E_eta;
0049     TH3D* hRecFClusterEcalib_Ehigh_eta;
0050     TH3D* hRecFClusterNCells_Ehigh_eta;
0051     TH2D* hSamplingFractionEta;
0053     bool enableTree       = false;
0054     TTree* event_tree;
0055     const int maxNTowers  = 65000;
0056     int     t_fEMC_towers_N;
0057     short*  t_fEMC_towers_cellIDx;
0058     short*  t_fEMC_towers_cellIDy;
0059     short*  t_fEMC_towers_clusterIDA;
0060     short*  t_fEMC_towers_clusterIDB;
0061     float*  t_fEMC_towers_cellE;
0062     float*  t_fEMC_towers_cellT;
0063     int*    t_fEMC_towers_cellTrueID;
0065     bool enableTreeCluster  = false;
0066     TTree* cluster_tree;
0067     const int maxNCluster   = 50;
0068     const int maxNMC        = 50;
0069     int     t_mc_N;
0070     float*  t_mc_E;
0071     float*  t_mc_Phi;
0072     float*  t_mc_Eta;
0073     int     t_fEMC_clusters_N;
0074     float*  t_fEMC_cluster_E;
0075     int*    t_fEMC_cluster_NCells;
0076     float*  t_fEMC_cluster_Phi;
0077     float*  t_fEMC_cluster_Eta;
0079     int nEventsWithCaloHits = 0;
0080     std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> m_log;
0081     dd4hep::DDSegmentation::BitFieldCoder* m_decoder;
0082     std::string nameSimHits         = "EcalEndcapPHits";
0083     std::string nameRecHits         = "EcalEndcapPRecHits";
0084     std::string nameClusters        = "EcalEndcapPClusters";
0085     std::string nameProtoClusters   = "EcalEndcapPIslandProtoClusters";
0086     short iLx;
0087     short iLy;
0089 };