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0001 //==========================================================================
0002 //  AIDA Detector description implementation 
0003 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0004 // Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
0005 // All rights reserved.
0006 //
0007 // For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
0008 // For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
0009 //
0010 // Author     : M.Frank
0011 //
0012 //==========================================================================
0014 /** \addtogroup Geant4Action
0015  *
0016  @{
0017    \package Geant4UserParticleHandler
0018  * \brief Geant4ParticleHandler user extension action called by the particle handler.
0019  *
0020  *
0021 @}
0022  */
0028 // Framework include files
0029 #include <DDG4/Geant4Data.h>
0030 #include <DDG4/Geant4Action.h>
0032 // Forward declarations
0033 class G4Step;
0034 class G4Track;
0035 class G4Event;
0036 class G4SteppingManager;
0039 /// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
0040 namespace dd4hep {
0042   /// Namespace for the Geant4 based simulation part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
0043   namespace sim {
0045     // Forward declarations
0046     class Geant4Particle;
0047     class Geant4ParticleHandler;
0049     /// Geant4ParticleHandler user extension action called by the particle handler.
0050     /**
0051      *  Collect optional MC particle information and attach it to the particle object
0052      *  Clients may inherit from this class and override the approriate methods
0053      *  to add additional information in form of a DataExtension object to the Particle.
0054      *
0055      *  The default implementation is always empty!
0056      *
0057      * @author  M.Frank
0058      * @version 1.0
0059      */
0060     class Geant4UserParticleHandler : public Geant4Action  {
0061     public:
0062       typedef Geant4Particle Particle;
0064     protected:
0065       /// Property: Energy cut below which particles are not collected, but assigned to the parent
0066       double m_kinEnergyCut;
0068     public:
0069       /// Standard constructor
0070       Geant4UserParticleHandler(Geant4Context* context, const std::string& nam);
0071       /// Default destructor
0072       virtual ~Geant4UserParticleHandler();
0073       /// Event generation action callback
0074       virtual void generate(G4Event* event, Geant4ParticleHandler* handler);
0075       /// Pre-event action callback
0076       virtual void begin(const G4Event* event);
0077       /// Post-event action callback
0078       virtual void end(const G4Event* event);
0080       /// User stepping callback
0081       /** Allow the user to intercept particle handling in the pre track action.
0082        *  The default implementation is empty.
0083        *
0084        *  Note: The particle passed is a temporary and will be copied if kept.
0085        */
0086       virtual void step(const G4Step* step, G4SteppingManager* mgr, Particle& particle);
0088       /// Pre-track action callback.
0089       /** Allow the user to intercept particle handling in the pre track action.
0090        *  e.g. attach relevant user information.
0091        *  The default implementation is empty.
0092        *
0093        *  Note: The particle passed is a temporary and will be copied if kept.
0094        */
0095       virtual void begin(const G4Track* track, Particle& particle);
0097       /// Post-track action callback
0098       /** Allow the user to force the particle handling in the post track action
0099        *  set the reason mask to NULL in order to drop the particle.
0100        *  The parent's reasoning mask will be or'ed with the particle's mask
0101        *  to preserve the MC truth for the hit creation.
0102        *  The default implementation is empty.
0103        *
0104        *  Note: The particle passed is a temporary and will be copied if kept.
0105        */
0106       virtual void end(const G4Track* track, Particle& particle);
0108       /// Callback to be answered if the particle MUST be kept during recombination step
0109       /** Allow the user to force the particle handling either by
0110        *  or the reason mask with G4PARTICLE_KEEP_USER or
0111        *  to set the reason mask to NULL in order to drop it.
0112        *  The default implementation is empty.
0113        *
0114        *  If the reason mask entry is set to G4PARTICLE_FORCE_KILL
0115        *  or is set to NULL, the particle is ALWAYS removed
0116        *
0117        *  The default implementation calls
0118        *  Geant4ParticleHandler::defaultKeepParticle(particle)
0119        *  Please have a look therein if it suffices your needs!
0120        *
0121        *  Note: This may override all other decisions!
0122        *        Default implementation is empty.
0123        *
0124        */
0125       virtual bool keepParticle(Particle& particle);
0127       /// Callback when parent should be combined
0128       /** Called before a particle is removed from the final record.
0129        *  Relevant particle properties of the parent may be updated.
0130        *  The default implementation is empty.
0131        */
0132       virtual void combine(Particle& to_be_deleted, Particle& remaining_parent);
0133     };
0134   }    // End namespace sim
0135 }      // End namespace dd4hep