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0001 //==========================================================================
0002 //  AIDA Detector description implementation 
0003 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0004 // Copyright (C) Organisation europeenne pour la Recherche nucleaire (CERN)
0005 // All rights reserved.
0006 //
0007 // For the licensing terms see $DD4hepINSTALL/LICENSE.
0008 // For the list of contributors see $DD4hepINSTALL/doc/CREDITS.
0009 //
0010 // Author     : M.Frank
0011 //
0012 //==========================================================================
0013 #ifndef DDG4_GEANT4RANDOM_H
0014 #define DDG4_GEANT4RANDOM_H
0016 // Framework include files
0017 #include <DDG4/Geant4Action.h>
0019 // C/C++ include files
0020 #include <string>
0022 // Forward declarations
0023 class TRandom;
0025 /// CLHEP namespace 
0026 namespace CLHEP   {  class HepRandomEngine;   }
0028 /// Namespace for the AIDA detector description toolkit
0029 namespace dd4hep {
0031   /// Namespace for the Geant4 based simulation part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
0032   namespace sim {
0034     // Forward declarations
0035     class Geant4Exec;
0037     /// Mini interface to THE random generator of the application
0038     /**
0039      *  Mini interface to THE random generator of the application.
0040      *  Necessary, that on every object creates its own instance, but accesses
0041      *  the main instance avaible throu the Geant4Context.
0042      *
0043      *  This is mandatory to ensure reproducability of the event generation
0044      *  process. Particular objects may use a dependent generator from
0045      *  an experiment framework like GAUDI.
0046      *
0047      *  This main interface is supposed to be stable. Unclear however is
0048      *  if the generation functions will have to become virtual....
0049      *  Future will tell us.
0050      *
0051      *  The first instance of the random action is automatically set
0052      *  to be the Geant4 instance. If another instance should be used by 
0053      *  Geant4, use setMainInstance(Geant4Random* ptr).
0054      *
0055      *  \author  M.Frank
0056      *  \version 1.0
0057      *  \ingroup DD4HEP_SIMULATION
0058      */
0059     class Geant4Random : public Geant4Action   {
0060       friend class Geant4Exec;
0062     protected:
0063       /// Property: File name if initialized from file. If set, engine name and seeds are ignored
0064       std::string  m_file;
0065       /// Property: Engine type. default: "HepJamesRandom"
0066       std::string  m_engineType;
0067       /// Property: Initial random seed. Default: 123456789
0068       long         m_seed, m_luxury;
0069       /// Property: Indicator to replace the ROOT gRandom instance
0070       bool         m_replace;
0072       /// Reference to the CLHEP random number engine (valid only after initialization)
0073       CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* m_engine;
0075       /// Reference to ROOT random instance
0076       TRandom *m_rootRandom, *m_rootOLD;
0077       /// Flag to remember initialization
0078       bool m_inited;
0080     public:
0081       /// Standard constructor
0082       /** Please Note:
0083        *  Should be used only for initialization of the main instance.
0084        *  Subsequent usage should be invoked using the class member
0085        *  Geant4Random::instance().
0086        *
0087        *  @param   context     Geant4 context for this action.
0088        *  @param   name        Name of the action object
0089        */
0090       Geant4Random(Geant4Context* context, const std::string& name);
0091       /// Default destructor
0092       virtual ~Geant4Random();
0094       /// Access the main Geant4 random generator instance. Must be created before used!
0095       static Geant4Random* instance(bool throw_exception=true);
0096       /// Make this random generator instance the one used by Geant4.
0097       /** Returns reference to previous instance. It is up to the user
0098        *  to manage the reference.
0099        *  Caveat: other code may hold references to this instance.
0100        *
0101        *  @param   ptr         Reference to main random number generator
0102        *  @return              Reference to previous random number generator instance
0103        */
0104       static Geant4Random* setMainInstance(Geant4Random* ptr);
0106       /// Initialize the instance. 
0107       /** Called either by user or on request of the first random number.
0108        *  To propagate the engine to Geant4, initialize MUST be called by 
0109        *  the user.
0110        */
0111       void initialize();
0113       /** Access to the CLHEP random number engine. For further doc see CLHEP/Random/RandomEngine.h  */
0115       /// CLHEP random number engine (valid after initialization only)
0116       CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* engine()      {  return m_engine;   }
0118       /// Should initialise the status of the algorithm according to seed.
0119       virtual void setSeed(long seed);
0120       /// Should initialise the status of the algorithm
0121       /** Initialization according to the zero terminated
0122        *  array of seeds. It is allowed to ignore one or 
0123        *  many seeds in this array.
0124        */
0125       virtual void setSeeds(const long * seeds, int size);
0126       /// Should save on a file specific to the instantiated engine in use the current status.
0127       virtual void saveStatus( const char filename[] = "Config.conf") const;
0128       /// Should read from a file and restore the last saved engine configuration.
0129       virtual void restoreStatus( const char filename[] = "Config.conf" );
0130       /// Should dump the current engine status on the screen.
0131       virtual void showStatus() const;
0133       /** Basic random generator functions  */
0135       /// Create flat distributed random numbers in the interval ]0,1] calling CLHEP
0136       /** This is more or less a test function, since the result should be 
0137        *  identical to calling rndm.
0138        */
0139       double rndm_clhep();
0141       /// Create flat distributed random numbers in the interval ]0,1]
0142       double rndm(int i=0);
0143       /// Create a float array of flat distributed random numbers in the interval ]0,1]
0144       void   rndmArray(int n, float *array);
0145       /// Create a double array of flat distributed random numbers in the interval ]0,1]
0146       void   rndmArray(int n, double *array);
0147       /// Create uniformly disributed random numbers in the interval ]0,x1]
0148       double uniform(double x1=1);
0149       /// Create uniformly disributed random numbers in the interval ]x1,x2]
0150       double uniform(double x1, double x2);
0152       /// Create exponentially distributed random numbers
0153       double exp(double tau);
0154       /// Create gaussian distributed random numbers
0155       double gauss(double mean=0, double sigma=1);
0156       /// Create gamma distributed random numbers
0157       double gamma(double k, double lambda);
0158       /// Create landau distributed random numbers
0159       double landau(double mean=0, double sigma=1);
0160       /// Create tuple of randum number around a circle with radius r
0161       void   circle(double &x, double &y, double r);
0162       /// Create tuple of randum number on a sphere with radius r
0163       void   sphere(double &x, double &y, double &z, double r);
0164       /// Create poisson distributed random numbers
0165       double poisson(double mean=1e0 );
0166       /// Create breit wigner distributed random numbers
0167       double breit_wigner(double mean=0e0, double gamma=1e0);
0168     };
0170   }    // End namespace sim
0171 }      // End namespace dd4hep
0172 #endif // DDG4_GEANT4RANDOM_H