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0001 // -*- C++ -*-
0002 // $Id: CutBase.hh,v 1.2 2003/09/06 14:04:13 boudreau Exp $
0003 // --------------------CutBase--------------------------------//
0004 //                                                            //
0005 //  CutBase, by Joe Boudreau                                  //
0006 //                                                            //
0007 //                                                            //
0008 //  CutBase:  set of classes for doing boolean operations on  //
0009 //  cuts.  These classes function a little like STL           //
0010 //  predicates, but they extend functionality by permitting   //
0011 //  Boolean operations.  They are sitting here in Generic     //
0012 //  Functions package because they are quite similar to the   //
0013 //  generic functions, except that instead of obeying a       //
0014 //  Function algebra, these objects obey a Boolean algebra.   //
0015 //                                                            //
0016 //  IF YOU INHERIT YOUR PREDICATE FROM Cut<Type>, you will    //
0017 //  for free get all the boolean operations on the predicate. //
0018 //  Here is an example where the type is an integer:          //
0019 //                                                            //
0020 //                                                            //
0021 //  class IsPrime:public Cut<int> {                           //
0022 //     // Implies you will implement operator () (int) const, //
0023 //     // And clone() const                                   //
0024 //  }                                                         //
0025 //                                                            //
0026 //  class IsInRange:public Cut<int> {                         //
0027 //     // Implies you will implement operator () (int) const, //
0028 //     // And clone() const                                   //
0029 //  }                                                         //
0030 //                                                            //
0031 //                                                            //
0032 //  Then the following example should work, note the use of   //
0033 //  Boolean operations:                                       //
0034 //                                                            //
0035 //  const int N=100;                                          //
0036 //  int array[N];                                             //
0037 //  for (int i=0;i<N;i++) array[i]=i;                         //
0038 //  std::ostream_iterator<int> dest(std::cout,"\n");          //
0039 //                                                            //
0040 //  const Cut<int>::Predicate cut = IsPrime() && IsInRange(3,9);
0041 //  std::remove_copy_if(array, array+N, dest, !cut);          //
0042 //                                                            //
0043 //                                                            //
0044 //                                                            //
0045 //                                                            //
0046 // -----------------------------------------------------------//
0048 #ifndef _CutBase_h_
0049 #define _CutBase_h_
0051 #include <functional>
0053 /**
0054  * @author
0055  * @ingroup genfun
0056  */
0057 template<class Type> 
0058 class Cut {
0059 public:
0061   //-----------Boolean operations-----------------------------//
0062   //                                                          //
0063   //...For OR'ing the cuts.                                   //
0064   //                                                          //
0065   class OR;                                                   //
0066   OR operator ||( const Cut<Type> & A ) const;                //
0067   //                                                          //
0068   //...For AND'ing the cuts.                                  //
0069   //                                                          //
0070   class AND;                                                  //
0071   AND operator &&( const Cut<Type> & A ) const;               //
0072   //                                                          //
0073   //...For negating the cuts:                                 //
0074   //                                                          //
0075   class NOT;                                                  //
0076   NOT operator ! ( void ) const;                              //
0077   //                                                          //
0078   //----------------------------------------------------------//
0080   //-----------Constructors & cetera--------------------------//
0081   Cut();                                                      //
0082   Cut(const Cut & right);                                     //
0083   virtual ~Cut();                                             //
0084   virtual Cut * clone() const = 0;                            //
0085   //----------------------------------------------------------//
0087   //-----------Concrete class holding any cut:----------------//
0088   //                                                          //
0089   class Predicate;                                            //
0090   //                                                          //
0091   //----------------------------------------------------------//
0093   //----------------------------------------------------------//
0094   // Evaluate predicate                                       //
0095   //                                                          //
0096   virtual bool operator ()( const Type & t ) const = 0;       //
0097   //                                                          //
0098   //----------------------------------------------------------//
0100 };
0102 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0103 // Common standard Cut classes
0104 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0105 template<class Type>
0106 class Cut<Type>::AND : public Cut<Type>  {
0108 public:
0109   AND( const AND & right );
0110   AND( const Cut & A, const Cut & B );
0111   virtual ~AND();
0112   virtual AND * clone( void ) const;
0113   virtual bool operator ()( const  Type & t ) const;
0114 private:
0115   const AND & operator=( const AND & right );
0116   Cut * _pA;
0117   Cut * _pB;
0118 };
0120 template<class Type>
0121 class Cut<Type>::OR : public Cut<Type>
0122 {
0123 public:
0124   OR( const OR & right );
0125   OR( const Cut & A, const Cut & B );
0126   virtual ~OR();
0127   virtual OR * clone( void ) const;
0128   virtual bool operator ()( const  Type & t ) const;
0129 private:
0130   const OR & operator=( const OR & right );
0131   Cut * _pA;
0132   Cut * _pB;
0133 };
0135 template<class Type>
0136 class Cut<Type>::NOT : public Cut<Type>  
0137 {
0138 public:
0139   NOT( const NOT & right );
0140   NOT( const Cut & A );
0141   virtual ~NOT();
0142   virtual NOT * clone( void ) const;
0143   virtual bool operator ()( const  Type & t ) const;
0144 private:
0145   const NOT & operator=( const NOT & right );
0146   Cut * _pA   ;
0147 };
0150 template<class Type>
0151 class Cut<Type>::Predicate : public Cut<Type>  
0152 {
0153 public:
0154   Predicate( const Predicate & right );
0155   Predicate( const Cut & A );
0156   virtual ~Predicate();
0157   virtual Predicate * clone( void ) const;
0158   virtual bool operator ()( const  Type & t ) const;
0159 private:
0160   const Predicate & operator=( const Predicate & right );
0161   Cut * _pA   ;
0162 };
0165 #include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/CutBase.icc"
0167 #endif