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0001 // This file is part of the Acts project.
0002 //
0003 // Copyright (C) 2021 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
0004 //
0005 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
0006 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
0007 // file, You can obtain one at
0009 #pragma once
0011 #include "Acts/Definitions/Algebra.hpp"
0012 #include "Acts/Definitions/TrackParametrization.hpp"
0013 #include "Acts/EventData/MultiComponentTrackParameters.hpp"
0014 #include "Acts/EventData/MultiTrajectory.hpp"
0015 #include "Acts/EventData/TrackParameters.hpp"
0016 #include "Acts/Utilities/Logger.hpp"
0018 #include <array>
0019 #include <cassert>
0020 #include <cmath>
0021 #include <cstddef>
0022 #include <iomanip>
0023 #include <map>
0024 #include <numeric>
0025 #include <ostream>
0026 #include <tuple>
0027 #include <vector>
0029 namespace Acts {
0031 /// The tolerated difference to 1 to accept weights as normalized
0032 constexpr static double s_normalizationTolerance = 1.e-4;
0034 namespace detail {
0036 template <typename component_range_t, typename projector_t>
0037 bool weightsAreNormalized(const component_range_t &cmps,
0038                           const projector_t &proj,
0039                           double tol = s_normalizationTolerance) {
0040   double sumOfWeights = 0.0;
0042   for (auto it = cmps.begin(); it != cmps.end(); ++it) {
0043     sumOfWeights += proj(*it);
0044   }
0046   return std::abs(sumOfWeights - 1.0) < tol;
0047 }
0049 template <typename component_range_t, typename projector_t>
0050 void normalizeWeights(component_range_t &cmps, const projector_t &proj) {
0051   double sumOfWeights = 0.0;
0053   // we need decltype(auto) here to support proxy-types with reference
0054   // semantics, otherwise there is a `cannot bind ... to ...` error
0055   for (auto it = cmps.begin(); it != cmps.end(); ++it) {
0056     decltype(auto) cmp = *it;
0057     assert(std::isfinite(proj(cmp)) && "weight not finite in normalization");
0058     sumOfWeights += proj(cmp);
0059   }
0061   assert(sumOfWeights > 0 && "sum of weights is not > 0");
0063   for (auto it = cmps.begin(); it != cmps.end(); ++it) {
0064     decltype(auto) cmp = *it;
0065     proj(cmp) /= sumOfWeights;
0066   }
0067 }
0069 // A class that prints information about the state on construction and
0070 // destruction, it also contains some assertions in the constructor and
0071 // destructor. It can be removed without change of behaviour, since it only
0072 // holds const references
0073 template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t, typename navigator_t>
0074 class ScopedGsfInfoPrinterAndChecker {
0075   const propagator_state_t &m_state;
0076   const stepper_t &m_stepper;
0077   const navigator_t &m_navigator;
0078   double m_p_initial;
0079   const Logger &m_logger;
0081   const Logger &logger() const { return m_logger; }
0083   void print_component_stats() const {
0084     std::size_t i = 0;
0085     for (auto cmp : m_stepper.constComponentIterable(m_state.stepping)) {
0086       auto getVector = [&](auto idx) {
0087         return segment<3>(idx).transpose();
0088       };
0089       ACTS_VERBOSE("  #" << i++ << " pos: " << getVector(eFreePos0) << ", dir: "
0090                          << getVector(eFreeDir0) << ", weight: " << cmp.weight()
0091                          << ", status: " << cmp.status()
0092                          << ", qop: " <<[eFreeQOverP]
0093                          << ", det(cov): " << cmp.cov().determinant());
0094     }
0095   }
0097   void checks(bool onStart) const {
0098     const auto cmps = m_stepper.constComponentIterable(m_state.stepping);
0099     [[maybe_unused]] const bool allFinite =
0100         std::all_of(cmps.begin(), cmps.end(),
0101                     [](auto cmp) { return std::isfinite(cmp.weight()); });
0102     [[maybe_unused]] const bool allNormalized = detail::weightsAreNormalized(
0103         cmps, [](const auto &cmp) { return cmp.weight(); });
0104     [[maybe_unused]] const bool zeroComponents =
0105         m_stepper.numberComponents(m_state.stepping) == 0;
0107     if (onStart) {
0108       assert(!zeroComponents && "no cmps at the start");
0109       assert(allFinite && "weights not finite at the start");
0110       assert(allNormalized && "not normalized at the start");
0111     } else {
0112       assert(!zeroComponents && "no cmps at the end");
0113       assert(allFinite && "weights not finite at the end");
0114       assert(allNormalized && "not normalized at the end");
0115     }
0116   }
0118  public:
0119   ScopedGsfInfoPrinterAndChecker(const propagator_state_t &state,
0120                                  const stepper_t &stepper,
0121                                  const navigator_t &navigator,
0122                                  const Logger &logger)
0123       : m_state(state),
0124         m_stepper(stepper),
0125         m_navigator(navigator),
0126         m_p_initial(stepper.absoluteMomentum(state.stepping)),
0127         m_logger{logger} {
0128     // Some initial printing
0129     checks(true);
0130     ACTS_VERBOSE("Gsf step "
0131                  << state.stepping.steps << " at mean position "
0132                  << stepper.position(state.stepping).transpose()
0133                  << " with direction "
0134                  << stepper.direction(state.stepping).transpose()
0135                  << " and momentum " << stepper.absoluteMomentum(state.stepping)
0136                  << " and charge " << stepper.charge(state.stepping));
0137     ACTS_VERBOSE("Propagation is in " << state.options.direction << " mode");
0138     print_component_stats();
0139   }
0141   ~ScopedGsfInfoPrinterAndChecker() {
0142     if (m_navigator.currentSurface(m_state.navigation)) {
0143       const auto p_final = m_stepper.absoluteMomentum(m_state.stepping);
0144       ACTS_VERBOSE("Component status at end of step:");
0145       print_component_stats();
0146       ACTS_VERBOSE("Delta Momentum = " << std::setprecision(5)
0147                                        << p_final - m_p_initial);
0148     }
0149     checks(false);
0150   }
0151 };
0153 ActsScalar calculateDeterminant(
0154     const double *fullCalibratedCovariance,
0155     TrackStateTraits<MultiTrajectoryTraits::MeasurementSizeMax,
0156                      true>::Covariance predictedCovariance,
0157     TrackStateTraits<MultiTrajectoryTraits::MeasurementSizeMax, true>::Projector
0158         projector,
0159     unsigned int calibratedSize);
0161 /// Reweight the components according to `R. Frühwirth, "Track fitting
0162 /// with non-Gaussian noise"`. See also the implementation in Athena at
0163 /// PosteriorWeightsCalculator.cxx
0164 /// @note The weights are not renormalized!
0165 template <typename traj_t>
0166 void computePosteriorWeights(
0167     const traj_t &mt, const std::vector<MultiTrajectoryTraits::IndexType> &tips,
0168     std::map<MultiTrajectoryTraits::IndexType, double> &weights) {
0169   // Helper Function to compute detR
0171   // Find minChi2, this can be used to factor some things later in the
0172   // exponentiation
0173   const auto minChi2 =
0174       mt.getTrackState(*std::min_element(tips.begin(), tips.end(),
0175                                          [&](const auto &a, const auto &b) {
0176                                            return mt.getTrackState(a).chi2() <
0177                                                   mt.getTrackState(b).chi2();
0178                                          }))
0179           .chi2();
0181   // Loop over the tips and compute new weights
0182   for (auto tip : tips) {
0183     const auto state = mt.getTrackState(tip);
0184     const double chi2 = state.chi2() - minChi2;
0185     const double detR = calculateDeterminant(
0186         // This abuses an incorrectly sized vector / matrix to access the
0187         // data pointer! This works (don't use the matrix as is!), but be
0188         // careful!
0189         state
0190             .template calibratedCovariance<
0191                 MultiTrajectoryTraits::MeasurementSizeMax>()
0192             .data(),
0193         state.predictedCovariance(), state.projector(), state.calibratedSize());
0195     const auto factor = std::sqrt(1. / detR) * safeExp(-0.5 * chi2);
0197     // If something is not finite here, just leave the weight as it is
0198     if (std::isfinite(factor)) {
0199 *= factor;
0200     }
0201   }
0202 }
0204 /// Enumeration type to allow templating on the state we want to project on with
0205 /// a MultiTrajectory
0206 enum class StatesType { ePredicted, eFiltered, eSmoothed };
0208 inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, StatesType type) {
0209   constexpr static std::array names = {"predicted", "filtered", "smoothed"};
0210   os << names[static_cast<int>(type)];
0211   return os;
0212 }
0214 /// @brief Projector type which maps a MultiTrajectory-Index to a tuple of
0215 /// [weight, parameters, covariance]. Therefore, it contains a MultiTrajectory
0216 /// and for now a std::map for the weights
0217 template <StatesType type, typename traj_t>
0218 struct MultiTrajectoryProjector {
0219   const traj_t &mt;
0220   const std::map<MultiTrajectoryTraits::IndexType, double> &weights;
0222   auto operator()(MultiTrajectoryTraits::IndexType idx) const {
0223     const auto proxy = mt.getTrackState(idx);
0224     switch (type) {
0225       case StatesType::ePredicted:
0226         return std::make_tuple(, proxy.predicted(),
0227                                proxy.predictedCovariance());
0228       case StatesType::eFiltered:
0229         return std::make_tuple(, proxy.filtered(),
0230                                proxy.filteredCovariance());
0231       case StatesType::eSmoothed:
0232         return std::make_tuple(, proxy.smoothed(),
0233                                proxy.smoothedCovariance());
0234       default:
0235         throw std::invalid_argument(
0236             "Incorrect StatesType, should be ePredicted"
0237             ", eFiltered, or eSmoothed.");
0238     }
0239   }
0240 };
0242 /// Small Helper class that allows to carry a temporary value until we decide to
0243 /// update the actual value. The temporary value is deliberately only accessible
0244 /// with a mutable reference
0245 template <typename T>
0246 class Updatable {
0247   T m_tmp{};
0248   T m_val{};
0250  public:
0251   Updatable() : m_tmp(0), m_val(0) {}
0253   T &tmp() { return m_tmp; }
0254   void update() { m_val = m_tmp; }
0256   const T &val() const { return m_val; }
0257 };
0259 }  // namespace detail
0260 }  // namespace Acts