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0001 // This file is part of the Acts project.
0002 //
0003 // Copyright (C) 2017-2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
0004 //
0005 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
0006 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
0007 // file, You can obtain one at
0009 #pragma once
0011 #include "Acts/Definitions/Units.hpp"
0012 #include "Acts/Geometry/CylinderVolumeBuilder.hpp"
0013 #include "Acts/Geometry/CylinderVolumeHelper.hpp"
0014 #include "Acts/Geometry/GeometryContext.hpp"
0015 #include "Acts/Geometry/GeometryIdentifier.hpp"
0016 #include "Acts/Geometry/TrackingGeometry.hpp"
0017 #include "Acts/Plugins/DD4hep/DD4hepConversionHelpers.hpp"
0018 #include "Acts/Utilities/BinningType.hpp"
0019 #include "Acts/Utilities/Logger.hpp"
0021 #include <algorithm>
0022 #include <functional>
0023 #include <memory>
0024 #include <vector>
0026 #include <DD4hep/DetElement.h>
0028 namespace Acts {
0029 class CylinderVolumeBuilder;
0030 class CylinderVolumeHelper;
0031 class IMaterialDecorator;
0032 class Logger;
0033 class TrackingGeometry;
0035 /// Sort function which sorts dd4hep::DetElement by their ID
0036 /// @param [in,out] det the dd4hep::DetElements to be sorted
0037 inline void sortDetElementsByID(std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement>& det) {
0038   sort(det.begin(), det.end(),
0039        [](const dd4hep::DetElement& a, const dd4hep::DetElement& b) {
0040          return ( <;
0041        });
0042 }
0044 /// @brief Global method which creates the TrackingGeometry from DD4hep input
0045 ///
0046 /// This method returns a std::unique_ptr of the TrackingGeometry from the
0047 /// World DD4hep \a DetElement.
0048 /// @pre Before using this method make sure, that the preconditions described in
0049 /// DD4hepPlugins are met.
0050 ///
0051 ///
0052 /// @param [in] worldDetElement the DD4hep DetElement of the world
0053 /// @param [in] logger A logger instance
0054 /// geometry building
0055 /// @param [in] bTypePhi is how the sensitive surfaces (modules) should be
0056 /// binned in a layer in phi direction.
0057 /// @note Possible binningtypes:
0058 ///     - arbitrary   - of the sizes if the surfaces and the distance in between
0059 ///         vary. This mode finds out the bin boundaries by scanning through
0060 /// the         surfaces.
0061 ///     - equidistant - if the sensitive surfaces are placed equidistantly
0062 /// @note equidistant binningtype is recommended because it is faster not only
0063 /// while building the geometry but also for look up during the extrapolation
0064 /// @param [in] bTypeR is how the sensitive surfaces (modules) should be binned
0065 /// in a layer in r direction
0066 /// @param [in] bTypeZ is how the sensitive surfaces (modules) should be binned
0067 /// in a layer in z direction
0068 /// @param [in] layerEnvelopeR the tolerance added to the geometrical extension
0069 /// in r of the layers contained to build the volume envelope around
0070 /// @param [in] layerEnvelopeZ the tolerance added to the geometrical extension
0071 /// in z of the layers contained to build the volume envelope around
0072 /// @param [in] defaultLayerThickness In case no surfaces (to be contained by
0073 /// the layer) are handed over, the layer thickness will be set to this value
0074 /// @note Layers containing surfaces per default are not allowed to be
0075 ///       attached to each other (navigation will fail at this point).
0076 ///       However, to allow material layers (not containing surfaces) to be
0077 ///       attached to each other, this default thickness is needed. In this
0078 ///       way, the layer will be thin (with space to the next layer), but
0079 ///       the material will have the 'real' thickness.
0080 /// @attention The default thickness should be set thin enough that no
0081 ///            touching or overlapping with the next layer can happen.
0082 /// @param [in] sortSubDetectors @c std::function which should be used in order to
0083 ///                              sort all sub detectors (=all Detelements
0084 ///                              collected by the method
0085 ///                              @c collectSubDetectors() ) from bottom to top to
0086 ///                              ensure correct wrapping of the volumes, which
0087 ///                              is needed for navigation. Therefore the
0088 ///                              different hierarchies need to be sorted
0089 ///                              ascending. The default is sorting by ID.
0090 /// @param gctx The geometry context to use
0091 /// @param matDecorator is the material decorator that loads material maps
0092 /// @param geometryIdentifierHook Hook to apply to surfaces during geometry closure.
0093 ///
0094 /// @exception std::logic_error if an error in the translation occurs
0095 /// @return std::unique_ptr to the full TrackingGeometry
0097 /// * The Tracking geometry needs to be built from bottom to top to ensure
0098 /// Navigation. Therefore the different hierarchies need to be sorted ascending.
0099 /// Per default the sub detectors are sorted by the id of their
0100 /// dd4hep::DetElement. In case another sorting needs to be applied, the users
0101 /// can provide their own function
0103 std::unique_ptr<const TrackingGeometry> convertDD4hepDetector(
0104     dd4hep::DetElement worldDetElement, const Logger& logger,
0105     BinningType bTypePhi = equidistant, BinningType bTypeR = equidistant,
0106     BinningType bTypeZ = equidistant, double layerEnvelopeR = UnitConstants::mm,
0107     double layerEnvelopeZ = UnitConstants::mm,
0108     double defaultLayerThickness = UnitConstants::fm,
0109     const std::function<void(std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement>& detectors)>&
0110         sortSubDetectors = sortDetElementsByID,
0111     const GeometryContext& gctx = GeometryContext(),
0112     std::shared_ptr<const IMaterialDecorator> matDecorator = nullptr,
0113     std::shared_ptr<const GeometryIdentifierHook> geometryIdentifierHook =
0114         std::make_shared<GeometryIdentifierHook>());
0116 /// @brief Method internally used to create an Acts::CylinderVolumeBuilder
0117 ///
0118 /// This method creates an Acts::CylinderVolumeBuilder from a sub detector
0119 /// (= 'compound' DetElement or DetElements which are declared as 'isBarrel' or
0120 /// 'isBeampipe' by their extension.
0121 ///
0122 ///
0123 /// @param [in] subDetector the DD4hep DetElement of the subdetector
0124 /// @param [in] logger A logger instance
0125 /// @param [in] bTypePhi is how the sensitive surfaces (modules) should be
0126 /// binned in a layer in phi direction.
0127 /// @note Possible binningtypes:
0128 ///     - arbitrary   - of the sizes if the surfaces and the distance in between
0129 ///         vary. This mode finds out the bin boundaries by scanning through
0130 /// the         surfaces.
0131 ///     - equidistant - if the sensitive surfaces are placed equidistantly
0132 /// @note equidistant binningtype is recommended because it is faster not only
0133 /// while building the geometry but also for look up during the extrapolation
0134 /// @param [in] bTypeR is how the sensitive surfaces (modules) should be binned
0135 /// in a layer in r direction
0136 /// @param [in] bTypeZ is how the sensitive surfaces (modules) should be binned
0137 /// in a layer in z direction
0138 /// @param [in] layerEnvelopeR the tolerance added to the geometrical extension
0139 /// in r of the layers contained to build the volume envelope around
0140 /// @param [in] layerEnvelopeZ the tolerance added to the geometrical extension
0141 /// in z of the layers contained to build the volume envelope around
0142 /// @param [in] defaultLayerThickness In case no surfaces (to be contained by
0143 /// the layer) are handed over, the layer thickness will be set to this value
0144 /// @note Layers containing surfaces per default are not allowed to be
0145 ///       attached to each other (navigation will fail at this point).
0146 ///       However, to allow material layers (not containing surfaces) to be
0147 ///       attached to each other, this default thickness is needed. In this
0148 ///       way, the layer will be thin (with space to the next layer), but
0149 ///       the material will have the 'real' thickness.
0150 /// @attention The default thickness should be set thin enough that no
0151 ///            touching or overlapping with the next layer can happen.
0152 /// @return std::shared_ptr the Acts::CylinderVolumeBuilder which can be used to
0153 /// build the full tracking geometry
0154 std::shared_ptr<const CylinderVolumeBuilder> volumeBuilder_dd4hep(
0155     dd4hep::DetElement subDetector, const Logger& logger,
0156     BinningType bTypePhi = equidistant, BinningType bTypeR = equidistant,
0157     BinningType bTypeZ = equidistant, double layerEnvelopeR = UnitConstants::mm,
0158     double layerEnvelopeZ = UnitConstants::mm,
0159     double defaultLayerThickness = UnitConstants::fm);
0161 /// Helper method internally used to create a default
0162 /// Acts::CylinderVolumeBuilder
0163 std::shared_ptr<const CylinderVolumeHelper> cylinderVolumeHelper_dd4hep(
0164     const Logger& logger);
0166 /// Method internally used by convertDD4hepDetector to collect all sub detectors
0167 /// Sub detector means each 'compound' DetElement or DetElements which are
0168 /// declared as 'isBarrel' or 'isBeampipe' by their extension.
0169 /// @param [in] detElement the dd4hep::DetElement of the volume of which the sub
0170 /// detectors should be collected
0171 /// @param [out] subdetectors the DD4hep::DetElements of the sub detectors
0172 /// contained by detElement
0173 /// @param logger a @c Logger  for output
0174 void collectSubDetectors_dd4hep(dd4hep::DetElement& detElement,
0175                                 std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement>& subdetectors,
0176                                 const Logger& logger);
0178 /// Method internally used by convertDD4hepDetector to collect all volumes of a
0179 /// compound detector
0180 /// @param [in] detElement the dd4hep::DetElement of the volume of which the
0181 /// compounds should be collected
0182 /// @param [out] compounds the DD4hep::DetElements of the compounds contained by
0183 /// detElement
0184 void collectCompounds_dd4hep(dd4hep::DetElement& detElement,
0185                              std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement>& compounds);
0187 /// Method internally used by convertDD4hepDetector
0188 /// @param [in] detElement the dd4hep::DetElement of the volume of which the
0189 /// layers should be collected
0190 /// @param [out] layers the DD4hep::DetElements of the layers contained by
0191 /// detElement
0192 /// @param logger a @c Logger for output
0193 void collectLayers_dd4hep(dd4hep::DetElement& detElement,
0194                           std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement>& layers,
0195                           const Logger& logger);
0197 }  // namespace Acts