Warning, /geant4/examples/extended/visualization/vtk/vtk.mac is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 /vis/viewer/set/background white
0003 # export screen shot
0004 #/vis/vtk/export bmp exampleVtk
0005 # export screen shot
0006 #/vis/vtk/export ps exampleVtk
0007 # export screen shot
0008 #/vis/vtk/export jpg exampleVtk
0009 # export screen shot
0010 #/vis/vtk/export png exampleVtk
0011 # export screen shot
0012 #/vis/vtk/export tiff exampleVtk
0014 # export to VTP file
0015 /vis/vtk/export vtp exampleVtk
0016 # export to VRML file
0017 /vis/vtk/export vrml exampleVtk
0018 # export to OBJ file
0019 /vis/vtk/export obj exampleVtkObj
0021 # set cutter
0022 /vis/vtk/set/cutter
0023 /vis/vtk/exportCutter exampleVtkCutter.vtp
0025 # set clipper
0026 /vis/vtk/set/clipper
0028 # set hud
0029 /vis/vtk/set/hud 1
0030 # set orientation widget
0031 /vis/vtk/set/orientation 1
0033 # add overlay
0034 # 477 511 -2m -2m
0035 # 870 117 2m 2m
0036 /vis/vtk/add/imageOverlay DumpOverlayExampleDrawing.png 425 370 707 87 -1000 -1000 1000 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0
0037 # 117 511 -0.5m -2m
0038 # 314 117 0.5m 2m
0039 /vis/vtk/add/imageOverlay DumpOverlayExampleDrawing.png 165 370 307 97 -500 -1000 500 1000 0 -90 0 0 0 0
0041 # dump vtk viewer state
0042 /vis/vtk/printDebug
0044 # append pipeline
0045 /vis/vtk/set/polyhedronPipeline tensor
0046 /vis/viewer/refresh
0047 /vis/vtk/printDebug
0049 # define scoring mesh
0050 /score/create/boxMesh boxMesh
0051 /score/mesh/boxSize 20. 20. 200. cm
0052 /score/mesh/nBin 50 50 50
0053 /score/quantity/energyDeposit edepScorer MeV
0054 /score/filter/particle elecFilter e-
0055 /score/close