Warning, /geant4/examples/extended/runAndEvent/RE03/run1.mac is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 ########################################
0002 #
0003 # define scoring mesh
0004 #
0005 /score/create/boxMesh boxMesh_1
0006 #
0007 /score/mesh/boxSize 100. 100. 100. cm
0008 /score/mesh/nBin 30 30 30
0009 #
0010 /score/quantity/energyDeposit eDep
0011 /score/quantity/nOfStep nOfStepGamma
0012 /score/filter/particle gammaFilter gamma
0013 /score/quantity/nOfStep nOfStepEMinus
0014 /score/filter/particle eMinusFilter e-
0015 /score/quantity/nOfStep nOfStepEPlus
0016 /score/filter/particle ePlusFilter e+
0017 #
0018 /score/close
0019 #
0020 /score/list
0021 #
0022 ########################################
0023 #
0024 /vis/disable
0025 /control/verbose 2
0026 /run/verbose 1
0027 #######/event/verbose 1
0028 #######/tracking/verbose 1
0029 #######/vis/verbose confirmations
0030 /gun/particle e-
0031 /run/beamOn 2000
0032 /vis/enable
0033 #
0034 ########################################
0035 #
0036 # drawing projections
0037 #
0038 /score/drawProjection boxMesh_1 eDep
0039 /score/drawProjection boxMesh_1 nOfStepGamma
0040 /score/drawProjection boxMesh_1 nOfStepEMinus
0041 /score/drawProjection boxMesh_1 nOfStepEPlus
0042 #
0043 ########################################
0044 #
0045 # drawing slices
0046 #
0047 # new scene and viewer
0048 /vis/open
0049 # This opens the default viewer - see examples/basic/B1/vis.mac for a
0050 # more comprehensive overview of options. Also the documentation.
0051 /vis/drawVolume world
0052 /vis/viewer/copyViewFrom viewer-0
0053 /score/colorMap/setMinMax ! 0. 800.
0054 /control/loop drawSlice.mac iColumn 0 29 7
0055 #
0056 ########################################
0057 #
0058 # Dump scorers to a file
0059 #
0060 /score/dumpQuantityToFile boxMesh_1 nOfStepGamma nOfStepGamma.txt
0061 #
0062 #