Warning, /geant4/examples/extended/radioactivedecay/rdecay02/macros/UserRadData_z82.a210 is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 # 210PB ( 22.20 Y )
0002 # Excitation flag Halflife Mode Daughter Ex flag Intensity Q
0003 #With modification of the time life
0004 # P 0 - 7.005787e+08
0005 P 0 - 7.0370e+15
0006 Alpha 0 1.9e-08
0007 BetaMinus 0 1
0008 Alpha 0 - 1.9e-06 3792.3
0009 BetaMinus 0 - 16 63.486
0010 BetaMinus 46.539 - 84 16.947
0011 P 1195 - 4.9e-08
0012 IT 0 1
0013 P 1278 - 2.01e-07
0014 IT 0 1