Warning, /geant4/examples/extended/radioactivedecay/rdecay01/references/9.6/it3.out is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0002 *************************************************************
0003 Geant4 version Name: geant4-09-06-ref-05 (31-May-2013)
0004 Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration
0005 Reference : NIM A 506 (2003), 250-303
0006 WWW : http://cern.ch/geant4
0007 *************************************************************
0009 Particle table is held by G4VUserPhysicsList::InitializeProcessManager
0010 Particle table is released by G4VUserPhysicsList::InitializeProcessManager
0011 Visualization Manager instantiating with verbosity "warnings (3)"...
0012 Visualization Manager initialising...
0013 Registering graphics systems...
0015 You have successfully registered the following graphics systems.
0016 Current available graphics systems are:
0017 ASCIITree (ATree)
0019 G4HepRep (HepRepXML)
0020 G4HepRepFile (HepRepFile)
0021 OpenGLImmediateX (OGLI, OGLIX)
0022 OpenGLStoredX (OGL, OGLS, OGLSX)
0023 RayTracer (RayTracer)
0026 gMocrenFile (gMocrenFile)
0028 Registering model factories...
0030 You have successfully registered the following model factories.
0031 Registered model factories:
0032 generic
0033 drawByCharge
0034 drawByParticleID
0035 drawByOriginVolume
0036 drawByAttribute
0038 Registered filter factories:
0039 chargeFilter
0040 particleFilter
0041 originVolumeFilter
0042 attributeFilter
0044 You have successfully registered the following user vis actions.
0045 Run Duration User Vis Actions: none
0046 End of Event User Vis Actions: none
0047 End of Run User Vis Actions: none
0049 Some /vis commands (optionally) take a string to specify colour.
0050 Available colours:
0051 black, blue, brown, cyan, gray, green, grey, magenta, red, white, yellow
0053 /run/verbose 1
0054 #
0055 /gun/particle ion
0056 /gun/ion 84 212 0 2885.
0057 #
0058 /rdecay01/fullChain true
0059 #
0060 /tracking/verbose 2
0061 /run/beamOn 1
0063 ### === Deexcitation model UAtomDeexcitation is activated for 1 region:
0064 DefaultRegionForTheWorld
0066 ========= Table of registered couples ==============================
0068 Index : 0 used in the geometry : Yes recalculation needed : No
0069 Material : G4_AIR
0070 Range cuts : gamma 1 mm e- 1 mm e+ 1 mm proton 1 mm
0071 Energy thresholds : gamma 990 eV e- 990 eV e+ 990 eV proton 100 keV
0072 Region(s) which use this couple :
0073 DefaultRegionForTheWorld
0075 ====================================================================
0077 Start Run processing.
0079 *********************************************************************************************************
0080 * G4Track Information: Particle = Po212[2885.0], Track ID = 1, Parent ID = 0
0081 *********************************************************************************************************
0083 Step# X Y Z KineE dEStep StepLeng TrakLeng Volume Process
0084 0 0 fm 0 fm 0 fm 0 eV 0 eV 0 fm 0 fm World initStep
0085 1 0 fm 0 fm 0 fm 0 eV 0 eV 0 fm 0 fm World RadioactiveDecay
0087 :----- List of secondaries ----------------
0088 Po212[2771.3]: energy = 0 eV time = 0 ps
0089 gamma: energy = 113.7 keV time = 0 ps
0090 :------------------------------------------
0093 *********************************************************************************************************
0094 * G4Track Information: Particle = Po212[2771.3], Track ID = 2, Parent ID = 1
0095 *********************************************************************************************************
0097 Step# X Y Z KineE dEStep StepLeng TrakLeng Volume Process
0098 0 0 fm 0 fm 0 fm 0 eV 0 eV 0 fm 0 fm World initStep
0099 1 0 fm 0 fm 0 fm 0 eV 0 eV 0 fm 0 fm World RadioactiveDecay
0101 :----- List of secondaries ----------------
0102 Po212[2410.8]: energy = 0 eV time = 0 ps
0103 gamma: energy = 360.5 keV time = 0 ps
0104 :------------------------------------------
0107 *********************************************************************************************************
0108 * G4Track Information: Particle = Po212[2410.8], Track ID = 4, Parent ID = 2
0109 *********************************************************************************************************
0111 Step# X Y Z KineE dEStep StepLeng TrakLeng Volume Process
0112 0 0 fm 0 fm 0 fm 0 eV 0 eV 0 fm 0 fm World initStep
0113 1 0 fm 0 fm 0 fm 0 eV 0 eV 0 fm 0 fm World RadioactiveDecay
0115 :----- List of secondaries ----------------
0116 Po212[1833.4]: energy = 0 eV time = 0 ps
0117 gamma: energy = 577.4 keV time = 0 ps
0118 :------------------------------------------
0121 *********************************************************************************************************
0122 * G4Track Information: Particle = Po212[1833.4], Track ID = 6, Parent ID = 4
0123 *********************************************************************************************************
0125 Step# X Y Z KineE dEStep StepLeng TrakLeng Volume Process
0126 0 0 fm 0 fm 0 fm 0 eV 0 eV 0 fm 0 fm World initStep
0127 1 0 fm 0 fm 0 fm 0 eV 0 eV 0 fm 0 fm World RadioactiveDecay
0129 :----- List of secondaries ----------------
0130 Po212[1475.9]: energy = 0 eV time = 118.6 ps
0131 gamma: energy = 357.5 keV time = 118.6 ps
0132 :------------------------------------------
0135 *********************************************************************************************************
0136 * G4Track Information: Particle = Po212[1475.9], Track ID = 8, Parent ID = 6
0137 *********************************************************************************************************
0139 Step# X Y Z KineE dEStep StepLeng TrakLeng Volume Process
0140 0 0 fm 0 fm 0 fm 0 eV 0 eV 0 fm 0 fm World initStep
0141 1 0 fm 0 fm 0 fm 0 eV 0 eV 0 fm 0 fm World RadioactiveDecay
0143 :----- List of secondaries ----------------
0144 Pb208: energy = 197.2 keV time = 10.86 ns
0145 alpha: energy = 10.23 MeV time = 10.86 ns
0146 :------------------------------------------
0149 *********************************************************************************************************
0150 * G4Track Information: Particle = alpha, Track ID = 11, Parent ID = 8
0151 *********************************************************************************************************
0153 Step# X Y Z KineE dEStep StepLeng TrakLeng Volume Process
0154 0 0 fm 0 fm 0 fm 10.2 MeV 0 eV 0 fm 0 fm World initStep
0155 1 269 um -563 um -1 mm 10.2 MeV 0 eV 1.18 mm 1.18 mm World OutOfWorld
0157 *********************************************************************************************************
0158 * G4Track Information: Particle = Pb208, Track ID = 10, Parent ID = 8
0159 *********************************************************************************************************
0161 Step# X Y Z KineE dEStep StepLeng TrakLeng Volume Process
0162 0 0 fm 0 fm 0 fm 197 keV 0 eV 0 fm 0 fm World initStep
0163 1 0 fm 0 fm 0 fm 197 keV 0 eV 0 fm 0 fm World RadioactiveDecay
0165 *********************************************************************************************************
0166 * G4Track Information: Particle = gamma, Track ID = 9, Parent ID = 6
0167 *********************************************************************************************************
0169 Step# X Y Z KineE dEStep StepLeng TrakLeng Volume Process
0170 0 0 fm 0 fm 0 fm 357 keV 0 eV 0 fm 0 fm World initStep
0171 1 296 um -314 um -1 mm 357 keV 0 eV 1.09 mm 1.09 mm World OutOfWorld
0173 *********************************************************************************************************
0174 * G4Track Information: Particle = gamma, Track ID = 7, Parent ID = 4
0175 *********************************************************************************************************
0177 Step# X Y Z KineE dEStep StepLeng TrakLeng Volume Process
0178 0 0 fm 0 fm 0 fm 577 keV 0 eV 0 fm 0 fm World initStep
0179 1 498 um 1 mm -305 um 577 keV 0 eV 1.16 mm 1.16 mm World OutOfWorld
0181 *********************************************************************************************************
0182 * G4Track Information: Particle = gamma, Track ID = 5, Parent ID = 2
0183 *********************************************************************************************************
0185 Step# X Y Z KineE dEStep StepLeng TrakLeng Volume Process
0186 0 0 fm 0 fm 0 fm 360 keV 0 eV 0 fm 0 fm World initStep
0187 1 -1e+03 um -324 um 309 um 360 keV 0 eV 1.1 mm 1.1 mm World OutOfWorld
0189 *********************************************************************************************************
0190 * G4Track Information: Particle = gamma, Track ID = 3, Parent ID = 1
0191 *********************************************************************************************************
0193 Step# X Y Z KineE dEStep StepLeng TrakLeng Volume Process
0194 0 0 fm 0 fm 0 fm 114 keV 0 eV 0 fm 0 fm World initStep
0195 1 1 mm -73.5 um -134 um 114 keV 0 eV 1.01 mm 1.01 mm World OutOfWorld
0197 end of event 0 : Po212[2885.0] ---> Po212[2771.3] ---> Po212[2410.8] ---> Po212[1833.4] ---> Po212[1475.9] ---> Pb208
0198 Run terminated.
0199 Run Summary
0200 Number of events processed : 1
0201 User=0s Real=0.05s Sys=0s
0203 ======================== run summary ======================
0204 The run was 1 Po212[2885.0] of 0 eV
0205 ===========================================================
0207 Nb of generated particles:
0209 Pb208: 1 Emean = 197.2 keV ( 197.2 keV --> 197.2 keV)
0210 Po212[1475.9]: 1 Emean = 0 eV ( 0 eV --> 0 eV )
0211 Po212[1833.4]: 1 Emean = 0 eV ( 0 eV --> 0 eV )
0212 Po212[2410.8]: 1 Emean = 0 eV ( 0 eV --> 0 eV )
0213 Po212[2771.3]: 1 Emean = 0 eV ( 0 eV --> 0 eV )
0214 alpha: 1 Emean = 10.23 MeV ( 10.23 MeV --> 10.23 MeV)
0215 gamma: 4 Emean = 352.3 keV ( 113.7 keV --> 577.4 keV)
0217 Ekin Total (Q): mean = 2.368 MeV ( 113.7 keV --> 10.43 MeV)
0219 Momentum balance (excluding gamma desexcitation): mean = 1.07e-06 eV ( 0 eV --> 5.349e-06 eV )
0221 Total time of life : mean = 10.86 ns half-life = 7.53 ns ( 10.86 ns --> 10.86 ns )
0223 Activity of Po212[2885.0] = 0 Bq/g (0 Ci/g)
0225 #
0226 /analysis/setFileName it3
0227 Set file name: it3
0228 /analysis/h1/set 3 100 0. 1000 keV
0229 /analysis/h1/set 4 100 5. 15 MeV
0230 #
0231 /tracking/verbose 0
0232 /rdecay01/event/printModulo 10000
0233 /run/beamOn 100000
0235 ========= Table of registered couples ==============================
0237 Index : 0 used in the geometry : Yes recalculation needed : No
0238 Material : G4_AIR
0239 Range cuts : gamma 1 mm e- 1 mm e+ 1 mm proton 1 mm
0240 Energy thresholds : gamma 990 eV e- 990 eV e+ 990 eV proton 100 keV
0241 Region(s) which use this couple :
0242 DefaultRegionForTheWorld
0244 ====================================================================
0246 ... open Root analysis file : it3.root - done
0247 Start Run processing.
0249 end of event 0 : Po212[2885.0] ---> Po212[2771.3] ---> Po212[2410.8] ---> Po212[1833.4] ---> Po212[1475.9] ---> Pb208
0251 end of event 10000 : Po212[2885.0] ---> Po212[2771.3] ---> Po212[2410.8] ---> Po212[1833.4] ---> Po212[1475.9] ---> Pb208
0253 end of event 20000 : Po212[2885.0] ---> Po212[2771.3] ---> Po212[2410.8] ---> Po212[1833.4] ---> Po212[1475.9] ---> Pb208
0255 end of event 30000 : Po212[2885.0] ---> Po212[2771.3] ---> Po212[2410.8] ---> Po212[1833.4] ---> Po212[1475.9] ---> Pb208
0257 end of event 40000 : Po212[2885.0] ---> Po212[2771.3] ---> Po212[2410.8] ---> Po212[1833.4] ---> Po212[1475.9] ---> Pb208
0259 end of event 50000 : Po212[2885.0] ---> Po212[2771.3] ---> Po212[2410.8] ---> Po212[1833.4] ---> Po212[1475.9] ---> Pb208
0261 end of event 60000 : Po212[2885.0] ---> Po212[2771.3] ---> Po212[2410.8] ---> Po212[1833.4] ---> Po212[1475.9] ---> Pb208
0263 end of event 70000 : Po212[2885.0] ---> Po212[2771.3] ---> Po212[2410.8] ---> Po212[1833.4] ---> Po212[1475.9] ---> Pb208
0265 end of event 80000 : Po212[2885.0] ---> Po212[2771.3] ---> Po212[2410.8] ---> Po212[1833.4] ---> Po212[1475.9] ---> Pb208
0267 end of event 90000 : Po212[2885.0] ---> Po212[2771.3] ---> Po212[2410.8] ---> Po212[1833.4] ---> Po212[1475.9] ---> Pb208
0268 Run terminated.
0269 Run Summary
0270 Number of events processed : 100000
0271 User=6.53s Real=7.25s Sys=0.01s
0273 ======================== run summary ======================
0274 The run was 100000 Po212[2885.0] of 0 eV
0275 ===========================================================
0277 Nb of generated particles:
0279 Pb208: 100000 Emean = 197.2 keV ( 197.2 keV --> 197.2 keV)
0280 Po212[1475.9]: 100000 Emean = 0 eV ( 0 eV --> 0 eV )
0281 Po212[1833.4]: 100000 Emean = 0 eV ( 0 eV --> 0 eV )
0282 Po212[2410.8]: 100000 Emean = 0 eV ( 0 eV --> 0 eV )
0283 Po212[2771.3]: 100000 Emean = 0 eV ( 0 eV --> 0 eV )
0284 alpha: 100000 Emean = 10.23 MeV ( 10.23 MeV --> 10.23 MeV)
0285 e-: 7722 Emean = 282.4 keV ( 20.59 keV --> 561.2 keV)
0286 gamma: 392278 Emean = 352.4 keV ( 113.7 keV --> 577.4 keV)
0288 Ekin Total (Q): mean = 2.367 MeV ( 20.59 keV --> 10.43 MeV)
0290 Momentum balance (excluding gamma desexcitation): mean = 9.271 keV ( 0 eV --> 942.5 keV)
0292 Total time of life : mean = 25.46 ns half-life = 17.65 ns ( 20.59 ps --> 322 ns )
0294 Activity of Po212[2885.0] = 0 Bq/g (0 Ci/g)
0296 ... write Root file : it3.root - done
0297 ... close Root file : it3.root - done
0298 Graphics systems deleted.
0299 Visualization Manager deleting...
0300 G4 kernel has come to Quit state.
0301 Particle table is held by G4VUserPhysicsList::InitializeProcessManager
0302 Particle table is released by G4VUserPhysicsList::InitializeProcessManager