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Warning, /geant4/examples/extended/radioactivedecay/rdecay01/UserData/RadioactiveDecay-readme is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0002 This README file provides instructions for reading the radioactive decay 
0003 schemes in the files zXX.aYYY found in the directory RadioactiveDecay5.0
0004 (most recent version).  This directory, as well as previous versions, is
0005 available from the Geant4 download page 
0009 under the Data files heading. In order to use the radioactive decay module
0010 correctly, you must download and unpack the above directory in your local
0011 area, and set the environment variable
0015 to point to it. 
0017 **************************************************************************
0018 In each of the files, lines beginning with '#' are comments.
0020 Lines beginning with a 'P' are headers, indicating metastable states of the
0021 nucleus which may be parent nuclei for further decays.  The first number is
0022 the excitation energy in keV, followed by a character representing the floating
0023 level.  If this is "-", the level is assumed to be fixed.  If it is
0024 +X, +Y, +Z, +W, +U or +V, the level is floating, or undetermined.  The number 
0025 following this is the half life in seconds.  Indented lines under the 'P' lines 
0026 are decay modes for that excitation.  There are two types of records here, 
0027 distinguished by the number of columns.
0029 If there are four columns only, this is a header describing the total strength
0030 of each type of decay from this level.  The first column is the decay mode,
0031 the second column is always zero, the third column indicates whether the level 
0032 is floating or not, as mentioned above, and the fourth column is the total 
0033 branching ratio going through this mode, as a fraction of unity.  Therefore,
0034 the fourth column of all the 4-column records under a given 'P' line should sum
0035 to 1.0.
0037 If there are five columns, this is a record which describes a subset of the 
0038 decay type, specific to a given lower level in the daughter species.  The 
0039 first column is the decay type, the second and third columns are the excitation
0040 level (keV) of the daughter reached after the decay and its floating level 
0041 indicator, and the fourth column is the branching ratio as a percentage
0042 (! note... not a fraction of unity) of the total branching ratio which came 
0043 from the 4-column record for this decay.
0045 In the case of beta- or beta+ decay, there will often be a sixth column
0046 describing the "forbiddenness" of the particular decay channel.  This is
0047 indicated by the tags firstForbidden, secondForbidden, thirdForbidden,
0048 uniqueFirstForbidden, uniqueSecondForbidden, uniqueThirdForbidden, which
0049 determine the shape of the beta spectrum.
0050 **************************************************************************