Warning, /geant4/examples/extended/radioactivedecay/rdecay01/UserData/PhotonEvaporation-readme is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0002 The photo-evaporation database contains nuclear deexcitation data starting
0003 from a given nuclear level including information on spin of a state and
0004 angular moment of a transition in a directory
0006 correlated_gamma of this dataset
0008 **************************************************
0010 A file is divided into sublock, each representing a level of the isotope.
0011 All levels included the ground state are listed.
0012 Each sublock level start by a line defining the characteristic of the level.
0013 Followed by lines defining the gamma transition from this level to lower levels.
0015 The line defining an energy level of the isotope contains 6 columns:
0016 1) An integer defining the order index of the level starting by 0 for the ground state
0018 2) A string defining floating level (-,+X,+Y,+Z,+U,+V,+W,+R,+S,+T,+A,+B,+C)
0019 - string means that it is a non floating level.
0021 3) Excitation energy of the level (keV)
0023 4) Level half-life (s). A -1 half-life means a stable ground state.
0025 5) JPi information of the level. The sign gives the parity. A value of 99 is used when the Jpi is
0026 missing in the the ENSDF files.
0028 6) n_gammas= Number of possible gammas deexcitation channel from the level.
0029 n_gammas=O means that no gamma deexcitation is given in ENSDF data for this level.
0031 After the line defining a level, a serie of n_gammas lines defined the different
0032 n_gammas gamma deexcitation.The information contains in a gamma line is the following:
0034 1) The order number of the daughter level.
0036 2) The energy of the gamma transition.
0038 3) The relative gamma emission intensity.
0040 4) The multipolarity number with 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 representing E1,M1,E2,M2,E3,M3 monopole transition
0041 and 100*Nx+Ny representing multipolarity transition with Ny and Ny taking the value 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
0042 referring to E1,M1,E2,M2,E3,M3,.. For example a M1+E2 transition would be written 203.
0045 5) The multipolarity mixing ratio. O means that either the transition is a E1,M1,E2,M2 transition
0046 or the multipolarity mixing ratio is not given in ENSDF.
0048 6) Total internal conversion coefficient : alpha = Ic/Ig
0049 Note1: total transition is the sum of gamma de-excitation and internal
0050 conversion. Therefore total branching ratio is proportional to
0051 (1+alpha)*Ig
0052 Note2: total branching ratios from a given level do not always sum up to
0053 100%. They are re-normalized internally.
0054 Note3: relative probabilities for gamma de-excitation and internal conversion
0055 are 1/(1+alpha) and alpha/(1+alpha) respectively
0056 7-16) Given only if total internal conversion coefficient alpha is not 0
0057 Partial conversion probabilities for
0058 K-shell
0059 L1-3 shells
0060 M1-5 shells
0061 Outer shells (shellID = 9 is used, when applicable)