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Warning, /geant4/examples/extended/radioactivedecay/rdecay01/README is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 -------------------------------------------------------------------
0003      =========================================================
0004      Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP
0005      =========================================================
0007                             rdecay01 
0008                             --------
0010  Survey G4RadioactiveDecay process. See Physics Reference Manual, chapter 36.
0011  See also
0013  1- Geometry construction
0014     ---------------------
0016  It is a simple box which represente an 'infinite' homogeneous medium.
0018  2- Physics list
0019     ------------
0021 defines only G4RadioactiveDecay, G4Transportation processes,
0022  and relevant particle definitions.
0023  Therefore, once created, particles or ions travel as geantino.
0025  3- Primary generator
0026     -----------------
0028  Default kinematic is an ion (Ne24), at rest, at coordinate origin.
0029  Can be changed with particleGun commands.
0031  4- Physics
0032     -------
0033  As said above, all particles and ions behave as geantino, eg. no energy loss.
0035  A flag, /rdecay01/fullChain (true or false), allows to limit to
0036  single decay or full decay chain (default). 
0037  In case of full decay chain, G4TrackStatus of ions is set to fStopButAlive
0038  in order to force decay at rest.   
0039  In case of single decay, G4TrackStatus of secondary ion is set to fStopAndKill.
0041  At each decay, one counts and plots energy spectrum of created particles and
0042  ions, and energy-momentum balance of that decay.
0044  Total time of life of decay chain is plotted. Activity is computed.
0046  The command /rdecay01/timeWindow allows to survey activity of each nuclide in a specified
0047  time window [t1,t2] : population at t1 and t2, nb of decays within [t1,t2], mean activity.
0048  See timeWindow.mac
0050  Few macros are given in example. Debug.mac is to be run in interactive mode. 
0052  4-a User data files
0053  -------------------
0054  Users can redefine RadioactiveDecay and PhotonEvaporation data, via commands:
0055  /grdm/setRadioactiveDecayFile
0056  /grdm/setPhotoEvaporationFile 
0057  Examples of such files are given in subdirectory UserData. 
0058  Formats are described in readme
0059  Examples in macros Cf238.mac and No252.mac
0061  4-b example of biasing
0062  ----------------------
0063  macro timeWindowBiased.mac illustrates one of the biasing capabilities of the 
0064  radioactiveDecay package. Ca47 is "forced" to decay within 20 days
0065  (eg. 1728000 seconds in data file).
0066  It is instructive to plot time of life (histo 8) with and without the weight of the track:
0067  see lines 189/190 of
0068  And also to compare with analog decay mode : comment out /grdm/ commands in the macro. 
0070  5- Visualisation
0071     -------------
0073  Visualization Manager is set in the main().
0074  Initialisation of the drawing is done via the commands
0075  /vis/.. in the macro vis.mac. This macro is automatically read from the main 
0076  in case of interactive running mode.
0078  e- red
0079  e+ blue
0080  nu_e white
0081  anti_nu_e white
0082  gamma green
0083  alpha yellow
0084  GenericIon grey
0086  6- How to start ?
0087     --------------
0089   - Execute rdecay01 in 'batch' mode from macro files
0090         % rdecay01  singleDecay.mac
0091         % rdecay01 > rdecay01.out  
0093   - Execute rdecay01 in 'interactive mode' with visualization
0094         % rdecay01
0095         ....
0096         Idle>   ---> type your commands. For instance:
0097         Idle> /control/execute debug.mac 
0098         ....
0099         Idle> /run/beamOn 1
0100         ....                            
0101         Idle> exit
0103  Macros provided in this example:
0104   - Co60.mac:  Co60
0105   - Gd158.mac: Gd158 excited state
0106   - No158.mac: read user data file
0107   - Po212.mac: Po212 excited state
0108   - Ra228.mac: Ra228 excited state
0109   - alpha.mac: Po212 alpha decay
0110   - atomicDeexcitation.mac: plot Auger cascade
0111   - fullChain.mac: U238
0112   - neutron.mac: Li10 neutron emission
0113   - proton.mac:  Co53 proton  emission
0114   - singleDecay.mac: Ne10
0115   - timeWindow.mac: print activity within a given time window
0116   - timeWindowBiased.mac: force decay within a given time window  
0118  Macros to be run interactively:
0119   - Cf238.mac: read user data file
0120   - debug.mac: Pb210
0121   - electronicCapture.mac: Fe55 electronic capture
0122   - vis.mac: To activate visualization
0124  7- Histograms
0125     ----------
0127   rdecay01 produces several 1D histograms which are saved as
0128   rdecay01.root by default.
0130       1 : energy spectrum: e+ e-
0131       2 : energy spectrum: nu_e anti_nu_ev
0132       3 : energy spectrum: gamma
0133       4 : energy spectrum: alpha
0134       5 : energy spectrum: ions
0135       6 : total kinetic energy (Q)
0136       7 : momentum balance
0137       8 : total time of life of decay chain
0138       9 : total visible energy
0140    The histograms are managed by G4AnalysisManager and its Messenger. 
0141    The histos can be individually activated with the command :
0142    /analysis/h1/set id nbBins  valMin valMax unit 
0143    where unit is the desired unit for the histo (MeV or keV, deg or mrad, etc..)
0145    One can control the name of the histograms file with the command:
0146    /analysis/setFileName  name  (default rdecay1)
0148    It is possible to choose the format of the histogram file : root (default),
0149    xml, csv, by using namespace in HistoManager.hh
0151    It is also possible to print selected histograms on an ascii file:
0152    /analysis/h1/setAscii id
0153    All selected histos will be written on a file name.ascii (default rdecay1)