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Warning, /geant4/examples/extended/persistency/gdml/G03/SimpleExtensionSchema/SimpleExtension.xsd is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <!DOCTYPE  xs:schema >
0003 <xs:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
0004            elementFormDefault="unqualified"
0005            version="1.0"
0006            xmlns:gdml_simple_extension=""
0007            xmlns:xs="">
0009   <xs:redefine schemaLocation="">
0011     <xs:annotation>
0012       <xs:documentation>
0013         Extend the volume element using the redefine tag.
0014       </xs:documentation>
0015     </xs:annotation>
0017     <xs:complexType name="VolumeType">
0018       <xs:annotation>
0019         <xs:documentation>
0020           Extend the VolumeType defined by GDML.
0021         </xs:documentation>
0022       </xs:annotation>      
0023       <xs:complexContent>
0024         <xs:extension base="VolumeType">
0025           <xs:sequence>
0026             <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="colorref" type="ReferenceType"/>
0027           </xs:sequence>
0028         </xs:extension>
0029       </xs:complexContent>
0030     </xs:complexType>
0031   </xs:redefine>
0033   <xs:complexType name="extensionType">
0034     <xs:annotation>
0035       <xs:documentation>
0036         Contains color elements.
0037       </xs:documentation>
0038     </xs:annotation>
0039     <xs:sequence>
0040       <xs:element name="color" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="ColorType" />
0041     </xs:sequence>
0042   </xs:complexType>
0044   <xs:complexType name="ColorType">
0045     <xs:annotation>
0046       <xs:documentation>
0047         A complex type defining RGBA values for geometric data display.  
0048         These values will be loaded into a G4VisAttributes object assigned
0049         to the G4LogicalVolume.
0050       </xs:documentation>
0051     </xs:annotation>
0052     <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:ID" use="required" />
0053     <xs:attribute name="R" type="xs:double" default="1.0"/>
0054     <xs:attribute name="G" type="xs:double" default="1.0"/>
0055     <xs:attribute name="B" type="xs:double" default="1.0"/>
0056     <xs:attribute name="A" type="xs:double" default="1.0" />
0057   </xs:complexType>
0059   <xs:element name="extension" type="extensionType"/>
0061   <xs:element name="gdml_simple_extension">
0062     <xs:annotation>
0063       <xs:documentation>
0064         Top-level element including the gdml element
0065         plus a container extension element for e.g.
0066         fields, SDs, regions and components.
0067       </xs:documentation>
0068     </xs:annotation>
0069     <xs:complexType>
0070       <xs:sequence>
0071         <xs:element ref="extension" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
0072         <xs:element ref="gdml" minOccurs="1"/>
0073       </xs:sequence>
0074     </xs:complexType>
0075   </xs:element>
0077 </xs:schema>