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EIC code displayed by LXR



Warning, /geant4/examples/extended/persistency/gdml/G01/entity.gdml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
0003 <!DOCTYPE gdml [ 
0004 <!ENTITY materials SYSTEM "materials.xml">
0005 ]>
0006 <gdml xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
0008  <define>
0009   <position name="det_163517544inWorld_163515704p" unit="mm" x="0" y="0" z="0" />
0010  </define>
0012  <!-- the content of the materials.xml file will be included here -->
0014  &materials; 
0016  <solids>
0017   <box aunit="radian" lunit="mm" name="world_163515648" x="10000" y="10000" z="10000" />
0018   <box aunit="radian" lunit="mm" name="det_163515856" x="2000" y="2000" z="2000" />
0019  </solids>
0020  <structure>
0021   <volume name="Detector_163517456" >
0022    <materialref ref="Air_163514448" />
0023    <solidref ref="det_163515856" />
0024   </volume>
0025   <volume name="World_163515704" >
0026    <materialref ref="Air_163514448" />
0027    <solidref ref="world_163515648" />
0028    <physvol>
0029     <volumeref ref="Detector_163517456" />
0030     <positionref ref="det_163517544inWorld_163515704p" />
0031    </physvol>
0032   </volume>
0033  </structure>
0034  <setup name="Default" version="1.0" >
0035   <world ref="World_163515704" />
0036  </setup>
0037 </gdml>