Warning, /geant4/examples/extended/parameterisations/Par04/training/README.md is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 This repository contains the set of scripts used to train, generate and validate the generative model used
0002 in this example.
0004 - root2h5.py: translation of ROOT file with showers to h5 files.
0005 - core/constants.py: defines the set of common variables.
0006 - core/model.py: defines the VAE model class and a handler to construct the model.
0007 - utils/preprocess.py: defines the data loading and preprocessing functions.
0008 - utils/hyperparameter_tuner.py: defines the HyperparameterTuner class.
0009 - utils/gpu_limiter.py: defines a logic responsible for GPU memory management.
0010 - utils/observables.py: defines a set of observable possibly calculated from a shower.
0011 - utils/plotter.py: defines plotting classes responsible for manufacturing various plots of observables.
0012 - train.py: performs model training.
0013 - generate.py: generate showers using a saved VAE model.
0014 - observables.py: defines a set of shower observables.
0015 - validate.py: creates validation plots using shower observables.
0016 - convert.py: defines the conversion function to an ONNX file.
0017 - tune_model.py: performs hyperparameters optimization.
0019 ## Getting Started
0021 `setup.py` script creates necessary folders used to save model checkpoints, generate showers and validation plots.
0023 ```
0024 python3 setup.py
0025 ```
0027 ## Full simulation dataset
0029 The full simulation dataset can be downloaded from/linked to [Zenodo](https://zenodo.org/record/6082201#.Ypo5UeDRaL4).
0031 If custom simulation is used, the output of full simulation must be translated to h5 files using `root2h5.py` script. Please see the header of that script to see what name of the root file is expected.
0033 ## Training
0035 In order to launch the training:
0037 ```
0038 python3 train.py
0039 ```
0041 You may specify those three following flags. If you do not, then default values will be used.
0043 ```--max-gpu-memory-allocation``` specifies a maximum memory allocation on a single, logic GPU unit. Should be given as
0044 an integer.
0046 ```--gpu-ids``` specifies IDs of physical GPUs. Should be given as a string, separated with comas, no spaces.
0047 If you specify more than one GPU then automatically ```tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy``` will be applied to the
0048 training.
0050 ```--study-name``` specifies a study name. This name is used as an experiment name in W&B dashboard and as a name of
0051 directory for saving models.
0053 ## Hyperparameters tuning
0055 If you want to tune hyperparameters, specify in `tune_model.py` parameters to be tuned. There are three types of
0056 parameters: discrete, continuous and categorical. Discrete and continuous require range specification (low, high), while
0057 the categorical parameter requires a list of possible values to be chosen. Then run it with:
0059 ```
0060 python3 tune_model.py
0061 ```
0063 If you want to parallelize tuning process you need to specify a common storage (preferable MySQL database) by
0064 setting `--storage="URL_TO_MYSQL_DATABASE"`. Then you can run multiple processes with the same command:
0066 ```
0067 python3 tune_model.py --storage="URL_TO_MYSQL_DATABASE"
0068 ```
0070 Similarly to training procedure, you may specify ```--max-gpu-memory-allocation```, ```--gpu-ids``` and
0071 ```--study-name```.
0073 ## ML shower generation (MLFastSim)
0075 In order to generate showers using the ML model, use `generate.py` script and specify information of geometry, energy
0076 and angle of the particle and the epoch of the saved checkpoint model. The number of events to generate can also be
0077 specified (by default is set to 10.000):
0079 ```
0080 python3 generate.py --geometry=SiW --energy=64 --angle=90 --epoch=1000 --study-name=YOUR_STUDY_NAME
0081 ```
0083 If you do not specify an epoch number the based model (saved as ```VAEbest```) will be used for shower generation.
0085 ## Validation
0087 In order to validate the MLFastSim and the full simulation, use `validate.py` script and specify information of
0088 geometry, energy and angle of the particle:
0090 ```
0091 python3 validate.py --geometry=SiW --energye=64 --angle=90
0092 ```
0094 ## Conversion
0096 After training and validation, the model can be converted into a format that can be used in C++, such as ONNX,
0097 use `convert.py` script:
0099 ```
0100 python3 convert.py --epoch 1000
0101 ```