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Warning, /geant4/examples/extended/parameterisations/Par04/examplePar04_lwtnn.mac is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 #  examplePar04_lwtnn.mac
0002 #
0003 /control/execute common_settings.mac
0005 # Inference Setup
0006 ## dimension of the latent vector (encoded vector in a Variational Autoencoder model)
0007 /Par04/inference/setSizeLatentVector 10
0008 ## size of the condition vector (energy, angle and geometry)
0009 /Par04/inference/setSizeConditionVector 4
0010 ## path to the model which is set to download by cmake
0011 /Par04/inference/setModelPathName MLModels/Generator.json
0012 /Par04/inference/setInferenceLibrary LWTNN
0013 ## set mesh size for inference == mesh size of a full sim that
0014 ## was used for training; it coincides with readout mesh size
0015 /Par04/inference/setSizeOfRhoCells 2.325 mm
0016 /Par04/inference/setSizeOfZCells 3.4 mm
0017 /Par04/inference/setNbOfRhoCells 18
0018 /Par04/inference/setNbOfPhiCells 50
0019 /Par04/inference/setNbOfZCells 45
0021 # Fast Simulation
0022 /analysis/setFileName 10GeV_100events_fastsim_lwtnn.root
0023 ## dynamically set readout mesh from particle direction
0024 ## needs to be the first fast sim model!
0025 /param/ActivateModel defineMesh
0026 ## ML fast sim, configured with the inference setup /Par04/inference
0027 /param/ActivateModel inferenceModel
0028 /run/beamOn 100