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Warning, /geant4/examples/extended/parameterisations/Par04/README is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 -------------------------------------------------------------------
0003      =========================================================
0004      Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP
0005      =========================================================
0007                             Example Par04
0008                             -------------
0010  This example demonstrates how to use the Machine Learning (ML) inference
0011  to create energy deposits as a fast simulation model using ONNX Runtime [1],
0012  LWTNN [2], and LibTorch [3] libraries.
0014  The model used in this example was trained externally (in Python) on data
0015  from this examples' full simulation and can be applied to perform fast simulation.
0016  The python scripts are available in the training folder.
0018  The geometry used in the example is a cylindrical setup of layers: tungsten
0019  absorber and silicon as the active material. 3D readout geometry (cylindrical)
0020  is defined dynamically,  based on the particle direction at the entrance to the
0021  calorimeter. This is set using a fast simulation model that is triggered at
0022  detector entrance. Analysis of energy deposits is done in the event action,
0023  ntuple with hits is stored.
0025  [1]:
0026  [2]:
0027  [3]:
0029  1. Detector description
0030  -----------------------
0032  The detector consists of cylindrical layers of passive and active material,
0033  tungsten and silicon, respectively.
0035  Fast simulation is attached to the region of the detector.
0037  Input macro can specify which layer is considered an active layer (sensitive
0038  detector is attached to it). For fast simulation both layers should be marked
0039  as sensitive. It is connected to the way the deposits are created: position is
0040  centre of the layer, which may often fall within the absorber (which is thicker
0041  than the active material). In a realistic detector setup, the positions used in
0042  fast simulation would be calculated properly, to deposit energy within the active
0043  material.
0045  2. Sensitive detectors
0046  -----------------------
0048 2.1. Par04SensitiveDetector
0049 ---------------------------
0050 This SD scores energy originating from showers, in a cylinder around the particle 
0051 direction and position in the calorimeter.
0052  Sensitive detector inherits from both base classes:
0053  - G4VSensitiveDetector: for processing of detailed/non-fast simulation hits
0054  - G4VFastSimSensitiveDetector: for processing of fast sim (G4FastSim) hits.
0055  Hits are placed in the same hit collection, with a different flag to distinguish
0056  between those originated in the full simulation, and those from the fast
0057  simulation.
0058  During visualisation, hits are represented as volumes of different colour:
0059  green for full simulation and red for fast simulation.
0061 2.2. Par04ParallelFullSensitiveDetector
0062 ---------------------------------------
0063 This SD represents a physical readout structure to the detector (a regular grid).
0064 UI settings are available to set number of slices (azimuthal segmentation) and number
0065 of rows (segmentation along beam axis). Number of layers cannot be changed as it
0066 corresponds to the number of layers placed at the detector construction time. Only
0067 deposits in the active (sensitive) layers are scored in this SD.
0069 2.2. Par04ParallelFastSensitiveDetector
0070 ---------------------------------------
0071 This SD represents a physical readout that takes into account deposits originating
0072 from fast simulation, so cells span over active and passive layers. This allows to
0073 account all energy from the parameterisation.
0075  3. Primary generation
0076  ---------------------
0078  Particle gun is used as a primary generator. 10 GeV electron is used by default.
0079  By default particles are generated along y axis. Those values
0080  can be changed using /gun/ UI commands.
0082  4. Physics List
0083  ---------------
0085  FTFP_BERT modular physics list is used. On top of it, fast simulation physics
0086  is registered for selected particles (electrons, positrons).
0089  5. User actions
0090  ----------------------------------------------------------
0092  - Par04RunAction : run action used for initialization and termination
0093                     of the run. Histograms for analysis of shower development
0094                     in the detector are created.
0096  - Par04EventAction : event action used for initialization and termination
0097                       of the event. Analysis of shower development is performed
0098                       on event-by-event basis.
0100  6. ML Inference
0101  ----------------------------------------------------------
0102  - Par04MLFastSimModel : model used for parametrisation of electrons, positrons,
0103       and gammas. Energy is deposited and
0104       distributed according to inferred values from the ML model.
0105       This class triggers the inference setup, asks for values,
0106       and deposits energies at given positions.
0108  - Par04InferenceSetup : this class is used to initialize the inference parameters
0109        (user application specific) such as the inference library,
0110       the path and name of the inference model and the size of
0111       the input inference vector(latent dimension and and condition size).
0112       This class constructs this vector and triggers the interface
0113       corresponding to the specified input inference library.
0114       After the inference, the post processing step consists of
0115       scaling back inferred values to the original range.
0117  - Par04InferenceInterface : is a base class that allows to read in the ML model, configure
0118        and execute inference.
0120  - Par04OnnxInference and Par04LWTNNInference and Par04TorchInference : inference library specific
0121       classes that inherit from the base class Par04InferenceInterface.
0124  7. Output
0125  ---------
0127  The execution of the program (examplePar04) produces an output with histograms.
0128  Ntuples are also stored. They are not merged if the application is run on multiple threads.
0130  The macro file examplePar04.mac is used to run full simulation. It will simulate 100
0131  events, for single 10 GeV electron beams.
0132  If CMake is able to find inference libraries (LWTNN and/or ONNX Runtime and/or LibTorch), a configuration
0133  macro will be available for that library (examplePar04_lwtnn.mac and/or examplePar04_onnx.mac
0134  and/or examplePar04_torch.mac). It will use a trained model to run inference and create showers
0135  in the detector by directly depositing energy.
0137  8. How to build and run the example
0138  -----------------------------------
0139 - LWTNN, ONNX Runtime, and LibTorch are available on LCG. In order to use them, you can set a CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:
0140   % source /cvmfs/
0141   % cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/cvmfs/;/cvmfs/;/cvmfs/" <Par04_SOURCE>
0143 - Compile and link to generate the executable (in your CMake build directory):
0144   % cmake <Par04_SOURCE>
0145   % make
0147 - Execute the application (in batch mode):
0148   % ./examplePar04 -m examplePar04.mac
0149   which produces two root file for full simulation.
0151 - Execute the application (in interactive mode):
0152   % ./examplePar04 -i -m vis.mac
0153   which allows to visualize hits (from full simulation).
0155 - If ONNX Runtime is available:
0156   % ./examplePar04 -m examplePar04_onnx.mac
0157   For interactive mode with visualization:
0158   % ./examplePar04 -i -m vis_onnx.mac
0160 - If LWTNN is available:
0161   % ./examplePar04 -m examplePar04_lwtnn.mac
0162   For interactive mode with visualization:
0163   % ./examplePar04 -i -m vis_lwtnn.mac
0164 - If LibTorch is available:
0165   % ./examplePar04 -m examplePar04_torch.mac
0166   For interactive mode with visualization:
0167   % ./examplePar04 -i -m vis_torch.mac
0169 - Additional options available:
0170   % ./examplePar04 -m examplePar04.mac -r 0
0171   For serial run manager mode
0172   % ./examplePar04 -m examplePar04.mac -r 1 -t 8
0173   For multi-threaded run manager mode with 8 threads
0174   % ./examplePar04 -m examplePar04.mac -r 2
0175   For tasking run manager mode with number of tasks that can be change via env variable G4FORCE_EVENTS_PER_TASK
0178  By default, CMake will attempt to build fast simulation with ONNX Runtime and LWTNN. However, if none
0179  of those libraries is found, it will proceed with full simulation only. The search can be switched
0180  off manually switching CMake flag INFERENCE_LIB to OFF (-DINFERENCE_LIB=OFF)
0182  9. Macros
0183  ---------
0185 common_settings.mac - A macro with common settings, executed by all other macros (e.g. detector settings).
0187  vis.mac - Allows to run visualization. Pass it to the example in interactive mode ("-i" passed to the executable).
0188            It can be used to visualize full simulation.
0190  vis_onnx.mac - Allows to run visualization with ONNX Runtime inference. Pass it to the example in interactive mode
0191               ("-i" passed to the executable). It contains necessary settings of the inference.
0193  vis_lwtnn.mac - Allows to run visualization with LWTNN inference. Pass it to the example in interactive mode
0194               ("-i" passed to the executable). It contains necessary settings of the inference.
0196  vis_torch.mac - Allows to run visualization with LibTorch inference. Pass it to the example in interactive mode
0197               ("-i" passed to the executable). It contains necessary settings of the inference.
0199  examplePar04.mac - Runs full simulation. It will run 100 events with single electrons, 10 GeV and
0200                    along y axis.
0202  examplePar04_onnx.mac - Available only if ONNX Runtime is found by CMake. Runs fast simulation with
0203                         a NN stored in onnx file.
0205  examplePar04_lwtnn.mac - Available only if LWTNN is found by CMake. Runs fast simulation with
0206                         a NN stored in json file.
0208  examplePar04_torch.mac - Available only if LibTorch is found by CMake. Runs fast simulation with
0209                         a NN stored in pt file.
0211  10. UI commands
0212  --------------
0214  UI commands useful in this example:
0216 - activation/disactivation of the fast simulation model:
0217    /param/ActivateModel inferenceModel
0218    /param/InActivateModel inferenceModel
0220 - particle gun commands
0221    /gun/particle e-
0222    /gun/energy 10 GeV
0223    /gun/direction 0 1 0
0224    /gun/position 0 0 0
0226  UI commands defined in this example:
0227  - detector settings
0228     /Par04/detector/setDetectorInnerRadius 80 cm
0229     /Par04/detector/setDetectorLength 2 m
0230     /Par04/detector/setNbOfLayers 90
0231     /Par04/detector/setAbsorber 0 G4_W 1.4 mm false
0232     /Par04/detector/setAbsorber 1 G4_Si 0.3 mm true
0234  - readout mesh
0235     /Par04/mesh/setSizeOfRhoCells 2.325 mm
0236     /Par04/mesh/setSizeOfZCells 3.4 mm
0237     /Par04/mesh/setNbOfRhoCells 18
0238     /Par04/mesh/setNbOfPhiCells 50
0239     /Par04/mesh/setNbOfZCells 45
0241  - inference setup
0242     /Par04/inference/setSizeLatentVector 10
0243     /Par04/inference/setSizeConditionVector 4
0244     /Par04/inference/setModelPathName MLModels/Generator.onnx
0245     /Par04/inference/setProfileFlag 0
0246     /Par04/inference/setOptimizationFlag 0
0247     /Par04/inference/setInferenceLibrary ONNX
0248     /Par04/inference/setSizeOfRhoCells 2.325 mm
0249     /Par04/inference/setSizeOfZCells 3.4 mm
0250     /Par04/inference/setNbOfRhoCells 18
0251     /Par04/inference/setNbOfPhiCells 50
0252     /Par04/inference/setNbOfZCells 45
0254  11. Python scripts for training
0255  --------------
0257  The scripts available in the training folder were used to firstly convert
0258  the ROOT files to the h5 files, preprocess the data and then train
0259  the VAE model of this example. More details can be found in 
0260  training/README.
0263  12. Public data
0264  --------------
0266  Data generated with full simulation with this example has been published on zenodo: