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Warning, /geant4/examples/extended/parallel/TBB/B2b/README is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0002      =========================================================
0003      Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP
0004      =========================================================
0006                            TBB/B2b
0007                            --------
0009 This example shows how to integrate Intel Threading Building Block and Geant4 
0010 to achieve event-level parallelism. 
0012 Note that this is a preliminary version which should not be considered a 
0013 feature-complete example and which presents some limitations (no merging of
0014 output, no correct clean-up of heap). It will be substantially improved 
0015 in 2014.
0017 This example adds to B2b example, originally provided in basic example,
0018 the TBB based classes:
0020 tbbMasterRunManager:  
0021 --------------------
0022 This class implements the master model run manager for TBB bases
0023 application.
0024 It is instantiated by user main (or equivalent function) instead
0025 of G4[MT]RunManager. It controls the creation of tbb::tasks.
0026 See G4MTRunManager for documentation of methods relative to base
0027 class. Only class specific methods are documented here.
0029 tbbWorkerRunManager
0030 --------------------
0031 This class implements the worker model run manager for TBB based
0032 application.
0033 It is instantiated by tbbUserWorkerInitialization and used by
0034 tbbMasterRunManager.
0035 See G4WorkerRunManager for documentation of methods relative to
0036 base class. Only class specific methods are documented here.
0038 tbbUserWorkerInitialization
0039 ---------------------------
0040 This class implements TBB specific worker initialization.
0041 It is a sub-class of G4UserWorkerThreadInitialization.
0042 Its role is to instantiate a tbbWorkerRunManager to be used by
0043 tbb tasks. 
0045 tbbTask
0046 ---------------------------
0047 This class represents one TBB task.