Warning, /geant4/examples/extended/parallel/README is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0002 Examples for event parallelism
0003 ------------------------------
0005 This directory includes example applications to demonstrate the usage of
0006 different techniques for achieving event parallelism with Geant4.
0008 - MPI is a native interface with MPI libraries. The directory contains
0009 a Geant4 UI library and a couple of parallelized examples.
0010 Using this interface, users applications can be parllelized with
0011 different MPI compliant libraries, such as LAM/MPI, MPICH2, OpenMPI,
0012 and so on.
0014 - Example TBB is derived from original basic/B2 demonstrating how to
0015 interface a simple application with the Intel Threading Building Blocks
0016 library (TBB), and organise MT event-level parallelism as TBB tasks.