Warning, /geant4/examples/extended/optical/README is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0002 Optical processes
0003 -----------------
0005 This directory includes examples demonstrating the use of optical processes
0006 in the simulation.
0008 OpNovice
0009 --------
0010 Simulation of optical photons generation and transport.
0011 Defines optical surfaces and exercises optical physics processes
0012 (Cerenkov, Scintillation, Absorption, Rayleigh, ...). Uses stacking
0013 mechanism to count the secondary particles generated.
0014 Via the command line one can select an option to define the detector via a
0015 gdml file. An example gdml file is provided that corresponds
0016 to the detector configuration defined in OpNoviceDetectorConstruction.cc.
0018 OpNovice2
0019 --------
0020 Investigate optical properties and parameters. Details of optical
0021 photon boundary interactions on a surface are recorded. Details
0022 of optical photon generation and transport are recorded.
0024 LXe
0025 ----
0026 Multi-purpose detector setup implementing:
0027 (1) scintillation inside a bulk scintillator with PMTs
0028 (2) large wall of small PMTs opposite a Cerenkov slab to show the cone
0029 (3) plastic scintillator with wave-length-shifting fiber readout.
0031 WLS
0032 ----
0033 This application simulates the propagation of photons inside a Wave Length
0034 Shifting (WLS) fiber.