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0001 //
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0025 //
0026 /// \file radiobiology/include/RBEAccumulable.hh
0027 /// \brief Definition of the RadioBio::RBEAccumulable class
0029 #ifndef RadiobiologyRBEACCUMULABLE_HH
0030 #define RadiobiologyRBEACCUMULABLE_HH
0032 #include "VRadiobiologicalAccumulable.hh"
0033 #include <G4VAccumulable.hh>
0035 #include <valarray>
0037 namespace RadioBio
0038 {
0040 // Forward declariation of other radiobiology classes
0041 class Hit;
0043 /**
0044  * @brief Accumulable of RBE-related data (that must be thread-local).
0045  *
0046  * It keeps the sum of alpha and beta numerators/denominator, as well as energy deposits.
0047  * The class is closely tied with the singleton RBE that is used both
0048  * to calculate alphas and betas, and also to store results.
0049  *
0050  * This is implemented as a customized G4VAccumulable with non-scalar data.
0051  *
0052  * @note There are two levels of merging (accumulation):
0053  *   1) From more threads in one run (G4VAccumulable merging is applied)
0054  *   2) (Optional) inter-run merging of data (implemented in RBE).
0055  *
0056  * @note std::valarray is used (instead of C arrays or std::vectors)
0057  *    to accumulate data for its logical simplicity.
0058  */
0059 class RBEAccumulable : public VRadiobiologicalAccumulable
0060 {
0061   public:
0062     RBEAccumulable();
0063     RBEAccumulable(const RBEAccumulable& other) = default;
0065     // G4VAccumulable virtual methods to override
0066     void Merge(const G4VAccumulable& rhs) override;
0067     void Reset() override;
0069     // Store information from a single step
0070     void Accumulate(G4double E, G4double energyDeposit, G4double dX, G4int Z, G4int i, G4int j,
0071                     G4int k);
0072     void Accumulate(Hit* hit) override;
0074     // Type alias for numerical arrays
0075     using array_type = std::valarray<G4double>;
0077     // Access to stored data (to be called on the merged data)
0078     const array_type GetAlphaNumerator() const { return fAlphaNumerator; }
0079     const array_type GetBetaNumerator() const { return fBetaNumerator; }
0080     const array_type GetDenominator() const { return fDenominator; }
0082     // Verbosity, shared with RBE
0083     G4int GetVerboseLevel() const;
0085   private:
0086     // Apply configuration from the RBE class and prepare matrices
0087     void Initialize();
0088     G4bool fInitialized = false;
0090     array_type fAlphaNumerator = {};
0091     array_type fBetaNumerator = {};
0092     array_type fDenominator = {};
0094     // How many voxels do we have?
0095     // ...along each axis
0096     size_t fVoxelsAlongX = -1;
0097     size_t fVoxelsAlongY = -1;
0098     size_t fVoxelsAlongZ = -1;
0099     // ...and in total
0100     size_t fVoxels = -1;
0101 };
0103 }  // namespace RadioBio
0105 #endif  // RBEACCUMULABLE_HH