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0001 //
0002 // ********************************************************************
0003 // * License and Disclaimer                                           *
0004 // *                                                                  *
0005 // * The  Geant4 software  is  copyright of the Copyright Holders  of *
0006 // * the Geant4 Collaboration.  It is provided  under  the terms  and *
0007 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License,  included in the file *
0008 // * LICENSE and available at .  These *
0009 // * include a list of copyright holders.                             *
0010 // *                                                                  *
0011 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
0012 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
0013 // * work  make  any representation or  warranty, express or implied, *
0014 // * regarding  this  software system or assume any liability for its *
0015 // * use.  Please see the license in the file  LICENSE  and URL above *
0016 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability.         *
0017 // *                                                                  *
0018 // * This  code  implementation is the result of  the  scientific and *
0019 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration.                      *
0020 // * By using,  copying,  modifying or  distributing the software (or *
0021 // * any work based  on the software)  you  agree  to acknowledge its *
0022 // * use  in  resulting  scientific  publications,  and indicate your *
0023 // * acceptance of all terms of the Geant4 Software license.          *
0024 // ********************************************************************
0025 //
0026 // This example is provided by the Geant4-DNA collaboration
0027 // Any report or published results obtained using the Geant4-DNA software
0028 // shall cite the following Geant4-DNA collaboration publication:
0029 // Med. Phys. 37 (2010) 4692-4708
0030 // and papers
0031 // M. Batmunkh et al. J Radiat Res Appl Sci 8 (2015) 498-507
0032 // O. Belov et al. Physica Medica 32 (2016) 1510-1520
0033 // The Geant4-DNA web site is available at
0034 //
0035 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
0036 // November 2016
0037 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
0038 //
0039 /// \file
0040 /// \brief Implementation of the Run class
0042 #include "Run.hh"
0044 #include "DetectorConstruction.hh"
0045 #include "PrimaryGeneratorAction.hh"
0047 #include "G4AnalysisManager.hh"
0048 #include "G4EmCalculator.hh"
0049 #include "G4H2O.hh"
0050 #include "G4Molecule.hh"
0051 #include "G4MoleculeCounter.hh"
0052 #include "G4MoleculeGun.hh"
0053 #include "G4MoleculeTable.hh"
0054 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
0055 #include "G4UnitsTable.hh"
0056 #include "G4ios.hh"
0058 #include <G4Scheduler.hh>
0059 #include <iomanip>
0061 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0063 Run::Run(DetectorConstruction* det) : G4Run(), fDetector(det), fParticle(0)
0064 {
0065   fSoma3DEdep = new G4double[fDetector->GetnbSomacomp()];
0066   for (G4int i = 0; i < fDetector->GetnbSomacomp(); i++) {
0067     fSoma3DEdep[i] = 0.;
0068   }
0069   fDend3DEdep = new G4double[fDetector->GetnbDendritecomp()];
0070   for (G4int i = 0; i < fDetector->GetnbDendritecomp(); i++) {
0071     fDend3DEdep[i] = 0.;
0072   }
0073   fAxon3DEdep = new G4double[fDetector->GetnbAxoncomp()];
0074   for (G4int i = 0; i < fDetector->GetnbAxoncomp(); i++) {
0075     fAxon3DEdep[i] = 0.;
0076   }
0078   fEdepAll = fEdepAll_err = fEdepMedium = fEdepMedium_err = fEdepSlice = fEdepSlice_err =
0079     fEdepSoma = fEdepSoma_err = 0.;
0080   fEdepDend = fEdepDend_err = fEdepAxon = fEdepAxon_err = fEdepNeuron = fEdepNeuron_err = 0.;
0081 }
0083 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0085 Run::~Run()
0086 {
0087   delete[] fSoma3DEdep;
0088   delete[] fDend3DEdep;
0089   delete[] fAxon3DEdep;
0090 }
0092 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0094 void Run::SetPrimary(G4ParticleDefinition* particle, G4double energy)
0095 {
0096   fParticle = particle;
0097   fEkin = energy;
0098 }
0100 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0102 void Run::AddPrimaryLET(G4double let)
0103 {
0104   fLET += let;
0105   fLET2 += let * let;
0106 }
0108 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0110 void Run::SetTrackLength(G4double t)
0111 {
0112   ftrackLength = t;
0113   fTrackLen += t;
0114   fTrackLen2 += t * t;
0115 }
0117 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0119 void Run::CountProcesses(const G4VProcess* process)
0120 {
0121   G4String procName = process->GetProcessName();
0122   std::map<G4String, G4int>::iterator it = fProcCounter.find(procName);
0123   if (it == fProcCounter.end()) {
0124     fProcCounter[procName] = 1;
0125   }
0126   else {
0127     fProcCounter[procName]++;
0128   }
0129 }
0131 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0133 void Run::ParticleCount(G4String name, G4double Ekin)
0134 {
0135   std::map<G4String, ParticleData>::iterator it = fParticleDataMap1.find(name);
0136   if (it == fParticleDataMap1.end()) {
0137     fParticleDataMap1[name] = ParticleData(1, Ekin, Ekin, Ekin);
0138   }
0139   else {
0140     ParticleData& data = it->second;
0141     data.fCount++;
0142     data.fEmean += Ekin;
0143     // update min max
0144     G4double emin = data.fEmin;
0145     if (Ekin < emin) data.fEmin = Ekin;
0146     G4double emax = data.fEmax;
0147     if (Ekin > emax) data.fEmax = Ekin;
0148   }
0149 }
0151 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0153 void Run::ParticleCountNeuron(G4String name, G4double Ekin)
0154 {
0155   std::map<G4String, ParticleData>::iterator it = fParticleDataMap2.find(name);
0156   if (it == fParticleDataMap2.end()) {
0157     fParticleDataMap2[name] = ParticleData(1, Ekin, Ekin, Ekin);
0158   }
0159   else {
0160     ParticleData& data = it->second;
0161     data.fCount++;
0162     data.fEmean += Ekin;
0163     // update min max
0164     G4double emin = data.fEmin;
0165     if (Ekin < emin) data.fEmin = Ekin;
0166     G4double emax = data.fEmax;
0167     if (Ekin > emax) data.fEmax = Ekin;
0168   }
0169 }
0171 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0172 /*
0173 void Run::MoleculeCount(G4String, G4double)
0174 {
0175 //fMoleculeNumber = G4MoleculeCounter::Instance()
0176 //                  ->GetNMoleculesAtTime(moleculename, Gtime);
0177 }
0178 */
0179 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0181 void Run::MoleculeCountNeuron(G4Molecule* molecule)
0182 {
0183   G4String moleculename = molecule->GetName();
0184   std::map<G4String, G4int>::iterator it = fMoleculeNumber.find(moleculename);
0185   if (it == fMoleculeNumber.end()) {
0186     fMoleculeNumber[moleculename] = 1;
0187   }
0188   else {
0189     fMoleculeNumber[moleculename]++;
0190   }
0191 }
0193 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0195 void Run::AddEflow(G4double eflow)
0196 {
0197   fEnergyFlow += eflow;
0198   fEnergyFlow2 += eflow * eflow;
0199 }
0201 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0203 void Run::Merge(const G4Run* run)
0204 {
0205   const Run* localRun = static_cast<const Run*>(run);
0207   // primary particle info
0208   //
0209   fParticle = localRun->fParticle;
0210   fEkin = localRun->fEkin;
0211   ftrackLength = localRun->ftrackLength;
0212   fTrackLen += localRun->fTrackLen;
0213   fTrackLen2 += localRun->fTrackLen2;
0214   fLET += localRun->fLET;
0215   fLET2 += localRun->fLET2;
0217   // map: processes count in simulation medium
0218   std::map<G4String, G4int>::const_iterator itp;
0219   for (itp = localRun->fProcCounter.begin(); itp != localRun->fProcCounter.end(); ++itp) {
0220     G4String procName = itp->first;
0221     G4int localCount = itp->second;
0222     if (fProcCounter.find(procName) == fProcCounter.end()) {
0223       fProcCounter[procName] = localCount;
0224     }
0225     else {
0226       fProcCounter[procName] += localCount;
0227     }
0228   }
0230   // map: created particles count outside neuron structure
0231   std::map<G4String, ParticleData>::const_iterator itc;
0232   for (itc = localRun->fParticleDataMap1.begin(); itc != localRun->fParticleDataMap1.end(); ++itc) {
0233     G4String name = itc->first;
0234     const ParticleData& localData = itc->second;
0235     if (fParticleDataMap1.find(name) == fParticleDataMap1.end()) {
0236       fParticleDataMap1[name] =
0237         ParticleData(localData.fCount, localData.fEmean, localData.fEmin, localData.fEmax);
0238     }
0239     else {
0240       ParticleData& data = fParticleDataMap1[name];
0241       data.fCount += localData.fCount;
0242       data.fEmean += localData.fEmean;
0243       G4double emin = localData.fEmin;
0244       if (emin < data.fEmin) data.fEmin = emin;
0245       G4double emax = localData.fEmax;
0246       if (emax > data.fEmax) data.fEmax = emax;
0247     }
0248   }
0250   // map: created particles count inside neuron structure
0251   std::map<G4String, ParticleData>::const_iterator itn;
0252   for (itn = localRun->fParticleDataMap2.begin(); itn != localRun->fParticleDataMap2.end(); ++itn) {
0253     G4String name = itn->first;
0254     const ParticleData& localData = itn->second;
0255     if (fParticleDataMap2.find(name) == fParticleDataMap2.end()) {
0256       fParticleDataMap2[name] =
0257         ParticleData(localData.fCount, localData.fEmean, localData.fEmin, localData.fEmax);
0258     }
0259     else {
0260       ParticleData& data = fParticleDataMap2[name];
0261       data.fCount += localData.fCount;
0262       data.fEmean += localData.fEmean;
0263       G4double emin = localData.fEmin;
0264       if (emin < data.fEmin) data.fEmin = emin;
0265       G4double emax = localData.fEmax;
0266       if (emax > data.fEmax) data.fEmax = emax;
0267     }
0268   }
0270   std::map<G4String, G4int>::const_iterator itm;
0271   for (itm = localRun->fMoleculeNumber.begin(); itm != localRun->fMoleculeNumber.end(); ++itm) {
0272     G4String moleculeName = itm->first;
0273     G4int localCount = itm->second;
0274     if (fMoleculeNumber.find(moleculeName) == fMoleculeNumber.end()) {
0275       fMoleculeNumber[moleculeName] = localCount;
0276     }
0277     else {
0278       fMoleculeNumber[moleculeName] += localCount;
0279     }
0280   }
0282   // hits compartments in neuron compartments
0283   //
0284   for (G4int i = 0; i < fDetector->GetnbSomacomp(); i++) {
0285     fSoma3DEdep[i] += localRun->fSoma3DEdep[i];
0286   }
0287   for (G4int i = 0; i < fDetector->GetnbDendritecomp(); i++) {
0288     fDend3DEdep[i] += localRun->fDend3DEdep[i];
0289   }
0290   for (G4int i = 0; i < fDetector->GetnbAxoncomp(); i++) {
0291     fAxon3DEdep[i] += localRun->fAxon3DEdep[i];
0292   }
0294   // accumulate sums
0295   //
0296   fEdepAll += localRun->fEdepAll;
0297   fEdepAll_err += localRun->fEdepAll_err;
0298   fEdepMedium += localRun->fEdepMedium;
0299   fEdepMedium_err += localRun->fEdepMedium_err;
0300   fEdepSlice += localRun->fEdepSlice;
0301   fEdepSlice_err += localRun->fEdepSlice_err;
0302   fEdepSoma += localRun->fEdepSoma;
0303   fEdepSoma_err += localRun->fEdepSoma_err;
0304   fEdepDend += localRun->fEdepDend;
0305   fEdepDend_err += localRun->fEdepDend_err;
0306   fEdepAxon += localRun->fEdepAxon;
0307   fEdepAxon_err += localRun->fEdepAxon_err;
0308   fEdepNeuron += localRun->fEdepNeuron;
0309   fEdepNeuron_err += localRun->fEdepNeuron_err;
0311   fEnergyFlow += localRun->fEnergyFlow;
0312   fEnergyFlow2 += localRun->fEnergyFlow2;
0314   G4Run::Merge(run);
0315 }
0317 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0319 void Run::EndOfRun()
0320 {
0321   G4int prec = 5, wid = prec + 2;
0322   G4int dfprec = G4cout.precision(prec);
0324   // Characteristics of Primary particle
0325   G4String Particle = fParticle->GetParticleName();
0326   G4double GunArea;
0328   G4Material* material = fDetector->GetTargetMaterial();
0330   // compute track length of primary track
0331   //
0332   fTrackLen /= numberOfEvent;
0333   fTrackLen2 /= numberOfEvent;
0334   G4double rms = fTrackLen2 - fTrackLen * fTrackLen;
0335   if (rms > 0.)
0336     rms = std::sqrt(rms);
0337   else
0338     rms = 0.;
0340   G4int TotNbofEvents = numberOfEvent;
0341   G4double EdepTotal = fEdepAll;
0342   G4double EdepTotal2 = fEdepAll_err;
0343   EdepTotal /= TotNbofEvents;
0344   EdepTotal2 /= TotNbofEvents;
0345   G4double rmst = EdepTotal2 - EdepTotal * EdepTotal;
0346   if (rmst > 0.)
0347     rmst = std::sqrt(rmst);
0348   else
0349     rmst = 0.;
0351   // Stopping Power from input Table.
0352   G4EmCalculator emCalculator;
0353   G4double dEdxFull = 0.;
0354   if (fParticle->GetPDGCharge() != 0.) {
0355     dEdxFull = emCalculator.ComputeTotalDEDX(fEkin, fParticle, material);
0356   }
0358   // Stopping Power from simulation.
0359   G4double meandEdx = (EdepTotal / fTrackLen) / (keV / um);
0360   G4double meandEdxerr = (rmst / fTrackLen) / (keV / um);
0361   G4int ncols = 0;
0362   G4float tmp, En;
0363   G4int Ntrav = 0;
0364   FILE* fp = fopen("OutputPerEvent.out", "r");
0365   while (1) {
0366     ncols = fscanf(fp, " %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &tmp, &tmp, &tmp, &tmp, &En, &tmp, &tmp, &tmp);
0367     if (ncols < 0) break;
0368     if (En > 0) Ntrav++;
0369   }
0370   fclose(fp);
0371   // The surface area is calculated as spherical medium
0372   GunArea = fDetector->GetTotSurfMedium();
0373   // Fluence dose of single paticle track
0374   G4double FluenceDoseperBeam = 0.160218 * (dEdxFull) / (GunArea * std::pow(10, 18));
0376   G4cout << "\n ======= The summary of simulation results 'neuron' ========\n";
0377   G4cout << "\n  Primary particle               = " << Particle
0378          << "\n  Kinetic energy of beam         = " << fEkin / MeV << " A*MeV"
0379          << "\n  Particle traversals the neuron = " << Ntrav << " of " << numberOfEvent
0380          << "\n  Full LET of beam as formulas   = " << dEdxFull / (keV / um) << " keV/um"
0381          << "\n  Mean LET of beam as simulation = " << meandEdx << " +- " << meandEdxerr
0382          << " keV/um"
0383          << "\n  Mean track length of beam      = " << fTrackLen / um << " +- " << rms << " um"
0384          << "\n  Particle fluence               = " << numberOfEvent / (GunArea / (cm * cm))
0385          << " particles/cm^2"
0386          << "\n  Fluence dose (full)            = "
0387          << numberOfEvent * FluenceDoseperBeam / (joule / kg) << " Gy"
0388          << "\n  Fluence dose ber beam          = " << FluenceDoseperBeam / (joule / kg) << " Gy"
0389          << G4endl;
0391   if (numberOfEvent == 0) {
0392     G4cout.precision(dfprec);
0393     return;
0394   }
0396   // frequency of processes in all volume
0397   //
0398   G4cout << "\n List of generated physical process:" << G4endl;
0400   G4int index = 0;
0401   std::map<G4String, G4int>::iterator it;
0402   for (it = fProcCounter.begin(); it != fProcCounter.end(); it++) {
0403     G4String procName = it->first;
0404     G4int count = it->second;
0405     G4String space = " ";
0406     if (++index % 1 == 0) space = "\n";
0407     G4cout << " " << std::setw(20) << procName << "=" << std::setw(7) << count << space;
0408   }
0409   G4cout << G4endl;
0411   // particles count outside neuron structure
0412   //
0413   G4cout << "\n List of generated particles outside neuron structure:" << G4endl;
0415   std::map<G4String, ParticleData>::iterator itc;
0416   for (itc = fParticleDataMap1.begin(); itc != fParticleDataMap1.end(); itc++) {
0417     G4String name = itc->first;
0418     ParticleData data = itc->second;
0419     G4int count = data.fCount;
0420     G4double eMean = data.fEmean / count;
0421     G4double eMin = data.fEmin;
0422     G4double eMax = data.fEmax;
0423     //-----> secondary particles flux
0424     G4double Eflow = data.fEmean / TotNbofEvents;
0426     G4cout << "  " << std::setw(13) << name << " : " << std::setw(7) << count
0427            << "  Emean = " << std::setw(wid) << G4BestUnit(eMean, "Energy") << "\t( "
0428            << G4BestUnit(eMin, "Energy") << " --> " << G4BestUnit(eMax, "Energy")
0429            << ") \tEflow/event = " << G4BestUnit(Eflow, "Energy") << G4endl;
0430   }
0432   // particles count inside neuron structure
0433   //
0434   G4cout << "\n Number of secondary particles inside neuron structure:" << G4endl;
0436   std::map<G4String, ParticleData>::iterator itn;
0437   for (itn = fParticleDataMap2.begin(); itn != fParticleDataMap2.end(); itn++) {
0438     G4String name = itn->first;
0439     ParticleData data = itn->second;
0440     G4int count = data.fCount;
0442     G4cout << "  " << std::setw(13) << name << " : " << std::setw(7) << count << G4endl;
0443   }
0445   // molecules count inside neuron
0446   //  Time cut (from 1 ps to 10 ps) in class
0447   G4cout << "\n Number of molecular products inside neuron structure:"
0448          << "\n    time: 1 ps - 10 ps " << G4endl;
0449   // if (1 ns < time <= 10 ns ) MoleculeCount(molname, time) ;
0450   G4int ind = 0;
0451   std::map<G4String, G4int>::iterator itm;
0452   for (itm = fMoleculeNumber.begin(); itm != fMoleculeNumber.end(); itm++) {
0453     G4String moleculeName = itm->first;
0454     G4int count = itm->second;
0455     G4String space = " ";
0456     if (++ind % 3 == 0) space = "\n";
0458     G4cout << "  " << std::setw(13) << moleculeName << " : " << std::setw(7) << count << G4endl;
0459   }
0461   // compute total Energy and Dose deposited for all events
0462   G4cout << "\n Total energy (MeV) deposition :" << G4endl;
0464   G4cout << "  " << std::setw(13) << "All volume:  " << std::setw(7) << fEdepAll / MeV << "\n "
0465          << "  " << std::setw(13) << "Bounding slice: " << std::setw(7)
0466          << (fEdepSlice + fEdepNeuron) / MeV << "\n "
0467          << "  " << std::setw(13) << "Neuron:   " << std::setw(7) << fEdepNeuron / MeV << "\n "
0468          << "  " << std::setw(13) << "Soma:   " << std::setw(7) << fEdepSoma / MeV << "\n "
0469          << "  " << std::setw(13) << "Dendrites:  " << std::setw(7) << fEdepDend / MeV << "\n "
0470          << "  " << std::setw(13) << "Axon:   " << std::setw(7) << fEdepAxon / MeV << G4endl;
0472   // compute mean Energy and Dose deposited in hit compartments
0473   //
0474   // G4AnalysisManager* analys = G4AnalysisManager::Instance();
0475   G4int somaCompHit = 0;
0476   G4double somaCompEdep = 0.;
0477   G4double somaCompDose = 0.;
0478   G4double somaCompEdep2 = 0.;
0479   G4double somaCompDose2 = 0.;
0480   // Remove old outputs
0481   remove("Soma3DEdep.out");
0482   for (G4int i = 0; i < fDetector->GetnbSomacomp(); i++) {
0483     if (fSoma3DEdep[i] > 0.0) {
0484       somaCompHit++;
0485       somaCompEdep += fSoma3DEdep[i];
0486       somaCompEdep2 += fSoma3DEdep[i] * fSoma3DEdep[i];
0488       std::ofstream WriteDataInSoma("Soma3DEdep.out", std::ios::app);
0489       // Index of targeted compartments
0490       WriteDataInSoma << fDetector->GetPosSomacomp(i).x() << '\t' << "   "
0491                       << fDetector->GetPosSomacomp(i).y() << '\t' << "   "
0492                       << fDetector->GetPosSomacomp(i).z() << '\t'
0493                       << "   "
0494                       // Edep in compartments
0495                       << fSoma3DEdep[i] / keV << '\t' << "   " << G4endl;
0496     }
0497   }
0498   // compute mean Energy and Dose deposited in compartments;
0499   // +- RMS : Root Mean Square
0500   G4double rmsEdepS = 0.;
0501   G4double rmsDoseS = 0.;
0502   if (somaCompHit > 0) {
0503     somaCompEdep /= somaCompHit;
0504     somaCompEdep2 /= somaCompHit;
0505     rmsEdepS = somaCompEdep2 - somaCompEdep * somaCompEdep;
0506     if (rmsEdepS > 0.)
0507       rmsEdepS = std::sqrt(rmsEdepS);
0508     else
0509       rmsEdepS = 0.;
0510     somaCompDose /= somaCompHit;
0511     somaCompDose2 /= somaCompHit;
0512     rmsDoseS = somaCompDose2 - somaCompDose * somaCompDose;
0513     if (rmsDoseS > 0.)
0514       rmsDoseS = std::sqrt(rmsDoseS);
0515     else
0516       rmsDoseS = 0.;
0517   }
0519   G4int DendCompHit = 0;
0520   G4double DendCompEdep = 0.;
0521   G4double DendCompDose = 0.;
0522   G4double DendCompEdep2 = 0.;
0523   G4double DendCompDose2 = 0.;
0524   remove("Dend3DEdep.out");
0525   std::ofstream WriteDataInDend("Dend3DEdep.out", std::ios::app);
0526   for (G4int i = 0; i < fDetector->GetnbDendritecomp(); i++) {
0527     if (fDend3DEdep[i] > 0.0) {
0528       DendCompHit++;
0529       DendCompEdep += fDend3DEdep[i];
0530       DendCompEdep2 += fDend3DEdep[i] * fDend3DEdep[i];
0532       WriteDataInDend  //<<   i+1            << '\t' << "   "
0533                        // position of compartments
0534         << fDetector->GetPosDendcomp(i).x() << '\t' << "   " << fDetector->GetPosDendcomp(i).y()
0535         << '\t' << "   " << fDetector->GetPosDendcomp(i).z() << '\t' << "   "
0536         << fDetector->GetDistADendSoma(i) << '\t' << "   " << fDetector->GetDistBDendSoma(i) << '\t'
0537         << "   " << fDend3DEdep[i] / keV << '\t' << "   " << G4endl;
0538     }
0539   }
0540   // +- RMS : Root Mean Square
0541   G4double rmsEdepD = 0.;
0542   G4double rmsDoseD = 0.;
0543   if (DendCompHit > 0) {
0544     DendCompEdep /= DendCompHit;
0545     DendCompEdep2 /= DendCompHit;
0546     rmsEdepD = DendCompEdep2 - DendCompEdep * DendCompEdep;
0547     if (rmsEdepD > 0.)
0548       rmsEdepD = std::sqrt(rmsEdepD);
0549     else
0550       rmsEdepD = 0.;
0551     DendCompDose /= DendCompHit;
0552     DendCompDose2 /= DendCompHit;
0553     rmsDoseD = DendCompDose2 - DendCompDose * DendCompDose;
0554     if (rmsDoseD > 0.)
0555       rmsDoseD = std::sqrt(rmsDoseD);
0556     else
0557       rmsDoseD = 0.;
0558   }
0560   G4int AxonCompHit = 0;
0561   G4double AxonCompEdep = 0.;
0562   G4double AxonCompDose = 0.;
0563   G4double AxonCompEdep2 = 0.;
0564   G4double AxonCompDose2 = 0.;
0565   remove("Axon3DEdep.out");
0566   std::ofstream WriteDataInAxon("Axon3DEdep.out", std::ios::app);
0567   for (G4int i = 0; i < fDetector->GetnbAxoncomp(); i++) {
0568     if (fAxon3DEdep[i] > 0.0) {
0569       AxonCompHit++;
0570       AxonCompEdep += fAxon3DEdep[i];
0571       AxonCompEdep2 += fAxon3DEdep[i] * fAxon3DEdep[i];
0573       WriteDataInAxon  //<<   i+1            << '\t' << "   "
0574                        // position of compartments
0575         << fDetector->GetPosAxoncomp(i).x() << '\t' << "   " << fDetector->GetPosAxoncomp(i).y()
0576         << '\t' << "   " << fDetector->GetPosAxoncomp(i).z() << '\t' << "   "
0577         << fDetector->GetDistAxonsoma(i) << '\t' << "   " << fAxon3DEdep[i] / keV << '\t' << "   "
0578         << G4endl;
0579     }
0580   }
0581   // +- RMS : Root Mean Square
0582   G4double rmsEdepA = 0.;
0583   G4double rmsDoseA = 0.;
0584   if (AxonCompHit > 0) {
0585     AxonCompEdep /= AxonCompHit;
0586     AxonCompEdep2 /= AxonCompHit;
0587     rmsEdepA = AxonCompEdep2 - AxonCompEdep * AxonCompEdep;
0588     if (rmsEdepA > 0.)
0589       rmsEdepA = std::sqrt(rmsEdepA);
0590     else
0591       rmsEdepA = 0.;
0592     AxonCompDose /= AxonCompHit;
0593     AxonCompDose2 /= AxonCompHit;
0594     rmsDoseA = AxonCompDose2 - AxonCompDose * AxonCompDose;
0595     if (rmsDoseA > 0.)
0596       rmsDoseA = std::sqrt(rmsDoseA);
0597     else
0598       rmsDoseA = 0.;
0599   }
0601   G4cout << "\n Number of compartments traversed by particle tracks :" << G4endl;
0602   G4cout << "  " << std::setw(13) << "Soma:  " << std::setw(7) << somaCompHit
0603          << " of total: " << fDetector->GetnbSomacomp() << "\n "
0604          << "  " << std::setw(13) << "Dendrites: " << std::setw(7) << DendCompHit
0605          << " of total: " << fDetector->GetnbDendritecomp() << "\n "
0606          << "  " << std::setw(13) << "Axon: " << std::setw(7) << AxonCompHit
0607          << " of total: " << fDetector->GetnbAxoncomp() << "\n " << G4endl;
0608   G4cout << "\n Dendritic (or Axon) compartmental energy deposits \n"
0609          << " at the distance from Soma have been written into *.out files:"
0610          << "\n Dend3DEdep.out, Axon3DEdep.out, Soma3DEdep.out"
0611          << "\n Outputs of energy deposition per event written in data file:"
0612          << "\n OutputPerEvent.out" << G4endl;
0614   // remove all contents in fProcCounter, fCount
0615   fProcCounter.clear();
0616   fParticleDataMap2.clear();
0618   // restore default format
0619   G4cout.precision(dfprec);
0620 }
0622 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......