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EIC code displayed by LXR



Warning, /geant4/examples/extended/medical/dna/dnaphysics/ is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # Verbosity
0002 /tracking/verbose 0
0003 /run/verbose 2
0004 /control/verbose 2
0005 #
0006 # MT
0007 /run/numberOfThreads 2
0008 #
0009 # Material
0010 /dna/test/setMat G4_WATER
0011 # or alternatively
0012 #/dna/test/setMat G4_WATER_MODIFIED
0013 #
0014 # Atomic deexcitation
0015 /process/em/fluo true
0016 /process/em/auger true
0017 /process/em/augerCascade true
0018 /process/em/deexcitationIgnoreCut true
0019 #
0020 # Physics
0021 # - To use Geant4-DNA constructor X, X=0, 2, 4, or 6 (recommended)
0022 #/dna/test/addPhysics DNA_Opt0
0023 /dna/test/addPhysics DNA_Opt2
0024 #/dna/test/addPhysics DNA_Opt4
0025 #/dna/test/addPhysics DNA_Opt6
0026 #
0027 # - To add radioactive radioactive decay
0028 /dna/test/addPhysics raddecay
0029 #
0030 # Heavy ions tracking cut
0031 #/dna/test/addIonsTrackingCut false
0032 #
0033 # Run initialization
0034 /run/initialize
0035 #
0036 # Visualization
0037 #/control/execute vis.mac
0038 #
0039 # Incident particle type
0040 #/gun/particle e-
0041 /gun/particle proton
0042 #/gun/particle hydrogen
0043 #/gun/particle alpha
0044 #/gun/particle alpha+
0045 #/gun/particle helium
0046 #/gun/particle ion
0047 #/gun/ion 14 28
0048 #
0049 # Incident particle energy
0050 /gun/energy 100 keV
0051 #
0052 # Beam on
0053 /run/beamOn 2