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EIC code displayed by LXR



Warning, /geant4/examples/extended/medical/dna/chem6/ is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 #
0002 /run/numberOfThreads 2
0003 /process/dna/e-SolvationSubType Meesungnoen2002
0004 #/process/dna/e-SolvationSubType Ritchie1994
0005 #/process/dna/e-SolvationSubType Terrisol1990
0007 # use Step-by-Step (SBS), independent reaction time (IRT)
0008 # or synchronized IRT (IRT_syn),
0009 # SBS ( is only for TDC, set 0 )
0010 /process/chem/TimeStepModel IRT
0011 #/process/chem/TimeStepModel SBS
0012 #/process/chem/TimeStepModel IRT_syn
0014 /run/initialize
0016 # species definition
0017 # username [ molecule | charge | D(m2/s) | Radius(nm) ]
0018 #/chem/species O2 [ O2 | 0 | 2.4e-9 | 0.17 ]
0020 /chem/PrintSpeciesTable
0022 # reset reaction table
0023 /chem/reaction/UI
0025 # totally diffusion-controlled (TDC)                | Fix |  reactionRate[dm3/(mol*s)] | TDC (0)
0026 /chem/reaction/add H + H -> H2                      | Fix |  0.503e10 | 0
0027 /chem/reaction/add e_aq + H -> H2 + OHm             | Fix |  2.50e10  | 0
0028 /chem/reaction/add e_aq + e_aq -> H2 + OHm + OHm    | Fix |  0.636e10 | 0
0029 /chem/reaction/add H3Op + OHm -> H2O                | Fix |  1.13e11  | 0
0031 # partially diffusion-controlled (PDC)              | Fix |  reactionRate[dm3/(mol*s)] | PDC (1)
0032 /chem/reaction/add OH + H -> H2O                    | Fix |  1.55e10 | 1
0033 /chem/reaction/add OH + OH -> H2O2                  | Fix |  0.55e10 | 1
0034 /chem/reaction/add e_aq + OH -> OHm                 | Fix |  2.95e10 | 1
0035 /chem/reaction/add e_aq + H2O2 -> OHm + OH          | Fix |  1.10e10 | 1
0036 /chem/reaction/add e_aq + H3Op -> H + H2O           | Fix |  2.11e10 | 1
0038 /chem/reaction/print
0040 /gun/position  0 0 0
0041 /gun/direction 0 0 1
0042 /gun/particle e-
0044 # in order to reproduce LET values of NIST data
0045 # please see the spower example using stationary mode
0047 # select cutoff energy for restricted LET
0048 #/scorer/LET/cutoff 100 eV
0050 #/scorer/species/addTimeToRecord 1 ps
0051 #/scorer/species/addTimeToRecord 10 ps
0052 #/scorer/species/addTimeToRecord 100 ps
0053 #/scorer/species/addTimeToRecord 1 ns       
0054 #/scorer/species/addTimeToRecord 10 ns       
0055 #/scorer/species/addTimeToRecord 100 ns
0056 #/scorer/species/addTimeToRecord 1 us
0058 /scorer/species/nOfTimeBins 50
0060 /tracking/verbose 0
0061 /scheduler/verbose 0
0062 /scheduler/endTime 1 microsecond
0064 /run/printProgress 100
0066 /primaryKiller/eLossMin 1.2 keV # primary is killed if deposited E is greater than this value
0067 /primaryKiller/eLossMax 1.212 keV # event is aborted if deposited E is greated than this value
0068 /gun/energy 2 keV
0069 /run/beamOn 15
0071 /primaryKiller/eLossMin 1.6 keV # primary is killed if deposited E is greater than this value
0072 /primaryKiller/eLossMax 1.616 keV # event is aborted if deposited E is greated than this value
0073 /gun/energy 3.5 keV
0074 /run/beamOn 15
0076 /primaryKiller/eLossMin 2.3 keV # primary is killed if deposited E is greater than this value
0077 /primaryKiller/eLossMax 2.323 keV # event is aborted if deposited E is greated than this value
0078 /gun/energy 7.5 keV
0079 /run/beamOn 15
0081 /primaryKiller/eLossMin 3.8 keV # primary is killed if deposited E is greater than this value
0082 /primaryKiller/eLossMax 3.838 keV # event is aborted if deposited E is greated than this value
0083 /gun/energy 12.5 keV
0084 /run/beamOn 5
0086 /primaryKiller/eLossMin 6.0 keV # primary is killed if deposited E is greater than this value
0087 /primaryKiller/eLossMax 6.06 keV # event is aborted if deposited E is greated than this value
0088 /gun/energy 30 keV
0089 /run/beamOn 5
0091 /primaryKiller/eLossMin 8.0 keV # primary is killed if deposited E is greater than this value
0092 /primaryKiller/eLossMax 8.08 keV # event is aborted if deposited E is greated than this value
0093 /gun/energy 80 keV
0094 /run/beamOn 5
0096 /primaryKiller/eLossMin 10 keV # primary is killed if deposited E is greater than this value
0097 /primaryKiller/eLossMax 10.1 keV # event is aborted if deposited E is greated than this value
0098 /gun/energy 999.999 keV
0099 /run/beamOn 2