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0001 //
0002 // ********************************************************************
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0025 //
0026 /// \file medical/GammaTherapy/src/
0027 /// \brief Implementation of the Run class
0028 //
0029 //
0030 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0031 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0033 #include "Run.hh"
0035 #include "DetectorConstruction.hh"
0036 #include "HistoManager.hh"
0037 #include "PrimaryGeneratorAction.hh"
0039 #include "G4EmCalculator.hh"
0040 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
0041 #include "G4Track.hh"
0042 #include "G4UnitsTable.hh"
0043 #include "G4VPhysicalVolume.hh"
0045 #include <iomanip>
0047 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0049 Run::Run(DetectorConstruction* det, HistoManager* histoMgr)
0050   : G4Run(), fDetector(det), fHistoMgr(histoMgr)
0051 {
0052   fSumR = 0;
0053   fNevt = fNelec = fNposit = fNgam = fNstep = fNgamPh = fNgamTar = fNeTar = fNePh = fNstepTarget =
0054     0;
0056   fAnalysisManager = G4AnalysisManager::Instance();
0058   fHistoId = fHistoMgr->GetHistoIdentifiers();
0059   fNHisto = fHistoId.size();
0061   fCheckVolume = fDetector->GetCheckVolume();
0062   fGasVolume = fDetector->GetGasVolume();
0063   fPhantom = fDetector->GetPhantom();
0064   fTarget1 = fDetector->GetTarget1();
0065   fTarget2 = fDetector->GetTarget2();
0067   fNBinsR = fDetector->GetNumberDivR();
0068   fNBinsZ = fDetector->GetNumberDivZ();
0070   fScoreZ = fDetector->GetScoreZ();
0071   fAbsorberZ = fDetector->GetAbsorberZ();
0072   fAbsorberR = fDetector->GetAbsorberR();
0073   fMaxEnergy = fDetector->GetMaxEnergy();
0075   fNBinsE = fDetector->GetNumberDivE();
0076   fMaxEnergy = fDetector->GetMaxEnergy();
0078   fStepZ = fAbsorberZ / (G4double)fNBinsZ;
0079   fStepR = fAbsorberR / (G4double)fNBinsR;
0080   fStepE = fMaxEnergy / (G4double)fNBinsE;
0081   fScoreBin = (G4int)(fScoreZ / fStepZ + 0.5);
0083   fVerbose = fDetector->GetVerbose();
0085   fGamma = G4Gamma::Gamma();
0086   fElectron = G4Electron::Electron();
0087   fPositron = G4Positron::Positron();
0089   G4cout << "   " << fNBinsR << " bins R   stepR= " << fStepR / mm << " mm " << G4endl;
0090   G4cout << "   " << fNBinsZ << " bins Z   stepZ= " << fStepZ / mm << " mm " << G4endl;
0091   G4cout << "   " << fNBinsE << " bins E   stepE= " << fStepE / MeV << " MeV " << G4endl;
0092   G4cout << "   " << fScoreBin << "-th bin in Z is used for R distribution" << G4endl;
0094   fVolumeR.clear();
0095   fEdep.clear();
0096   fGammaE.clear();
0098   fVolumeR.resize(fNBinsR, 0.0);
0099   fEdep.resize(fNBinsR, 0.0);
0100   fGammaE.resize(fNBinsE, 0.0);
0102   G4double r1 = 0.0;
0103   G4double r2 = fStepR;
0104   for (G4int i = 0; i < fNBinsR; ++i) {
0105     fVolumeR[i] = cm * cm / (CLHEP::pi * (r2 * r2 - r1 * r1));
0106     r1 = r2;
0107     r2 += fStepR;
0108   }
0110   if (fAnalysisManager->GetFileName() != "") fHistoMgr->Update(det, true);
0111 }
0113 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0115 Run::~Run() {}
0117 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0119 void Run::Merge(const G4Run* run)
0120 {
0121   const Run* localRun = static_cast<const Run*>(run);
0123   fNevt += localRun->fNevt;
0125   fNelec += localRun->fNelec;
0126   fNgam += localRun->fNgam;
0127   fNposit += localRun->fNposit;
0129   fNgamTar += localRun->fNgamTar;
0130   fNgamPh += localRun->fNgamPh;
0131   fNeTar += localRun->fNeTar;
0132   fNePh += localRun->fNePh;
0134   fNstep += localRun->fNstep;
0135   fNstepTarget += localRun->fNstepTarget;
0137   fSumR += localRun->fSumR;
0139   for (int i = 0; i < (int)fEdep.size(); i++)
0140     fEdep[i] += localRun->fEdep[i];
0141   for (int i = 0; i < (int)fGammaE.size(); i++)
0142     fGammaE[i] += localRun->fGammaE[i];
0144   G4Run::Merge(run);
0145 }
0147 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0149 void Run::EndOfRun()
0150 {
0151   G4cout << "Histo: End of run actions are started" << G4endl;
0153   // average
0154   G4cout << "========================================================" << G4endl;
0155   G4double x = (G4double)fNevt;
0156   if (fNevt > 0) {
0157     x = 1.0 / x;
0158   }
0159   G4double xe = x * (G4double)fNelec;
0160   G4double xg = x * (G4double)fNgam;
0161   G4double xp = x * (G4double)fNposit;
0162   G4double xs = x * (G4double)fNstep;
0163   G4double xph = x * (G4double)fNgamPh;
0164   G4double xes = x * (G4double)fNstepTarget;
0165   G4double xgt = x * (G4double)fNgamTar;
0166   G4double xet = x * (G4double)fNeTar;
0167   G4double xphe = x * (G4double)fNePh;
0169   G4cout << "Number of events                             " << std::setprecision(8) << fNevt
0170          << G4endl;
0171   G4cout << std::setprecision(4) << "Average number of e-                         " << xe << G4endl;
0172   G4cout << std::setprecision(4) << "Average number of gamma                      " << xg << G4endl;
0173   G4cout << std::setprecision(4) << "Average number of e+                         " << xp << G4endl;
0174   G4cout << std::setprecision(4) << "Average number of steps in the phantom       " << xs << G4endl;
0175   G4cout << std::setprecision(4) << "Average number of e- steps in the target     " << xes
0176          << G4endl;
0177   G4cout << std::setprecision(4) << "Average number of g  produced in the target  " << xgt
0178          << G4endl;
0179   G4cout << std::setprecision(4) << "Average number of e- produced in the target  " << xet
0180          << G4endl;
0181   G4cout << std::setprecision(4) << "Average number of g produced in the phantom  " << xph
0182          << G4endl;
0183   G4cout << std::setprecision(4) << "Average number of e- produced in the phantom " << xphe
0184          << G4endl;
0185   G4cout << std::setprecision(4) << "Total fGamma fluence in front of the phantom "
0186          << x * fSumR / MeV << " MeV " << G4endl;
0187   G4cout << "========================================================" << G4endl;
0188   G4cout << G4endl;
0189   G4cout << G4endl;
0191   G4double sum = 0.0;
0192   for (G4int i = 0; i < fNBinsR; i++) {
0193     fEdep[i] *= x;
0194     sum += fEdep[i];
0195   }
0197   if (fAnalysisManager) {
0198     if (fAnalysisManager->IsActive()) {
0199       // normalise histograms
0200       for (G4int i = 0; i < fNHisto; i++) {
0201         fAnalysisManager->GetH1(fHistoId[i])->scale(x);
0202       }
0203       G4double nr = fEdep[0];
0204       if (nr > 0.0) {
0205         nr = 1. / nr;
0206       }
0207       fAnalysisManager->GetH1(fHistoId[0])->scale(nr);
0209       nr = sum * fStepR;
0210       if (nr > 0.0) {
0211         nr = 1. / nr;
0212       }
0213       fAnalysisManager->GetH1(fHistoId[1])->scale(nr);
0215       fAnalysisManager->GetH1(fHistoId[3])
0216         ->scale(1000.0 * cm3 / (CLHEP::pi * fAbsorberR * fAbsorberR * fStepZ));
0217       fAnalysisManager->GetH1(fHistoId[4])->scale(1000.0 * cm3 * fVolumeR[0] / fStepZ);
0219       // Write histogram file
0220       if (!fAnalysisManager->Write()) {
0221         G4Exception("Histo::Save()", "hist01", FatalException, "Cannot write ROOT file.");
0222       }
0223       G4cout << "### Histo::Save: Histograms are saved" << G4endl;
0224       if (fAnalysisManager->CloseFile() && fVerbose) {
0225         G4cout << "                 File is closed" << G4endl;
0226       }
0227     }
0228   }
0229 }
0231 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0233 void Run::AddTargetPhoton(const G4DynamicParticle* p)
0234 {
0235   ++fNgamTar;
0236   if (fAnalysisManager) {
0237     fAnalysisManager->FillH1(fHistoId[5], p->GetKineticEnergy() / MeV, 1.0);
0238   }
0239 }
0241 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0243 void Run::AddPhantomPhoton(const G4DynamicParticle*)
0244 {
0245   ++fNgamPh;
0246 }
0248 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0250 void Run::AddTargetElectron(const G4DynamicParticle* p)
0251 {
0252   ++fNeTar;
0253   if (fAnalysisManager) {
0254     fAnalysisManager->FillH1(fHistoId[8], p->GetKineticEnergy() / MeV, 1.0);
0255   }
0256 }
0258 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0260 void Run::AddPhantomElectron(const G4DynamicParticle* p)
0261 {
0262   ++fNePh;
0263   if (fAnalysisManager) {
0264     fAnalysisManager->FillH1(fHistoId[7], p->GetKineticEnergy() / MeV, 1.0);
0265   }
0266 }
0268 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0270 void Run::ScoreNewTrack(const G4Track* aTrack)
0271 {
0272   // Save primary parameters
0273   const G4ParticleDefinition* particle = aTrack->GetParticleDefinition();
0274   G4int pid = aTrack->GetParentID();
0275   G4VPhysicalVolume* pv = aTrack->GetVolume();
0276   const G4DynamicParticle* dp = aTrack->GetDynamicParticle();
0278   // primary particle
0279   if (0 == pid) {
0280     ++fNevt;
0281     if (fVerbose) {
0282       G4ThreeVector pos = aTrack->GetVertexPosition();
0283       G4ThreeVector dir = aTrack->GetMomentumDirection();
0284       G4cout << "TrackingAction: Primary " << particle->GetParticleName()
0285              << " Ekin(MeV)= " << aTrack->GetKineticEnergy() / MeV << "; pos= " << pos
0286              << ";  dir= " << dir << G4endl;
0287     }
0288     // secondary electron
0289   }
0290   else if (0 < pid && particle == fElectron) {
0291     if (fVerbose) {
0292       G4cout << "TrackingAction: Secondary electron " << G4endl;
0293     }
0294     AddElectron();
0295     if (pv == fPhantom) {
0296       AddPhantomElectron(dp);
0297     }
0298     else if (pv == fTarget1 || pv == fTarget2) {
0299       AddTargetElectron(dp);
0300     }
0302     // secondary positron
0303   }
0304   else if (0 < pid && particle == fPositron) {
0305     if (fVerbose) {
0306       G4cout << "TrackingAction: Secondary positron " << G4endl;
0307     }
0308     AddPositron();
0310     // secondary gamma
0311   }
0312   else if (0 < pid && particle == fGamma) {
0313     if (fVerbose) {
0314       G4cout << "TrackingAction: Secondary gamma; parentID= " << pid
0315              << " E= " << aTrack->GetKineticEnergy() << G4endl;
0316     }
0317     AddPhoton();
0318     if (pv == fPhantom) {
0319       AddPhantomPhoton(dp);
0320     }
0321     else if (pv == fTarget1 || pv == fTarget2) {
0322       AddTargetPhoton(dp);
0323     }
0324   }
0325 }
0327 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0329 void Run::AddPhantomGamma(G4double e, G4double r)
0330 {
0331   e /= MeV;
0332   fSumR += e;
0333   G4int bin = (G4int)(e / fStepE);
0334   if (bin >= fNBinsE) {
0335     bin = fNBinsE - 1;
0336   }
0337   fGammaE[bin] += e;
0338   G4int bin1 = (G4int)(r / fStepR);
0339   if (bin1 >= fNBinsR) {
0340     bin1 = fNBinsR - 1;
0341   }
0342   if (fAnalysisManager) {
0343     G4AnalysisManager::Instance()->FillH1(fHistoId[6], e, 1.0);
0344     G4AnalysisManager::Instance()->FillH1(fHistoId[9], r, e * fVolumeR[bin1]);
0345   }
0346 }
0348 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0350 void Run::AddPhantomStep(G4double edep, G4double r1, G4double z1, G4double r2, G4double z2,
0351                          G4double r0, G4double z0)
0352 {
0353   ++fNstep;
0354   G4int nzbin = (G4int)(z0 / fStepZ);
0355   if (fVerbose) {
0356     G4cout << "Histo: edep(MeV)= " << edep / MeV << " at binz= " << nzbin << " r1= " << r1
0357            << " z1= " << z1 << " r2= " << r2 << " z2= " << z2 << " r0= " << r0 << " z0= " << z0
0358            << G4endl;
0359   }
0360   if (nzbin == fScoreBin) {
0361     G4int bin = (G4int)(r0 / fStepR);
0362     if (bin >= fNBinsR) {
0363       bin = fNBinsR - 1;
0364     }
0365     double w = edep * fVolumeR[bin];
0366     fEdep[bin] += w;
0368     if (fAnalysisManager) {
0369       G4AnalysisManager::Instance()->FillH1(fHistoId[0], r0, w);
0370       G4AnalysisManager::Instance()->FillH1(fHistoId[1], r0, w);
0371       G4AnalysisManager::Instance()->FillH1(fHistoId[2], r0, w);
0372     }
0373   }
0374   G4int bin1 = (G4int)(z1 / fStepZ);
0375   if (bin1 >= fNBinsZ) {
0376     bin1 = fNBinsZ - 1;
0377   }
0378   G4int bin2 = (G4int)(z2 / fStepZ);
0379   if (bin2 >= fNBinsZ) {
0380     bin2 = fNBinsZ - 1;
0381   }
0382   if (bin1 == bin2) {
0383     if (fAnalysisManager) {
0384       G4AnalysisManager::Instance()->FillH1(fHistoId[3], z0, edep);
0385       if (r1 < fStepR) {
0386         G4double w = edep;
0387         if (r2 > fStepR) {
0388           w *= (fStepR - r1) / (r2 - r1);
0389         }
0390         G4AnalysisManager::Instance()->FillH1(fHistoId[4], z0, w);
0391       }
0392     }
0393   }
0394   else {
0395     G4int bin;
0397     if (bin2 < bin1) {
0398       bin = bin2;
0399       G4double z = z2;
0400       bin2 = bin1;
0401       z2 = z1;
0402       bin1 = bin;
0403       z1 = z;
0404     }
0405     G4double zz1 = z1;
0406     G4double zz2 = (bin1 + 1) * fStepZ;
0407     G4double rr1 = r1;
0408     G4double dz = z2 - z1;
0409     G4double dr = r2 - r1;
0410     G4double rr2 = r1 + dr * (zz2 - zz1) / dz;
0411     for (bin = bin1; bin <= bin2; bin++) {
0412       if (fAnalysisManager) {
0413         G4double de = edep * (zz2 - zz1) / dz;
0414         G4double zf = (zz1 + zz2) * 0.5;
0415         {
0416           G4AnalysisManager::Instance()->FillH1(fHistoId[3], zf, de);
0417         }
0418         if (rr1 < fStepR) {
0419           G4double w = de;
0420           if (rr2 > fStepR) w *= (fStepR - rr1) / (rr2 - rr1);
0421           {
0422             G4AnalysisManager::Instance()->FillH1(fHistoId[4], zf, w);
0423           }
0424         }
0425       }
0426       zz1 = zz2;
0427       zz2 = std::min(z2, zz1 + fStepZ);
0428       rr1 = rr2;
0429       rr2 = rr1 + dr * (zz2 - zz1) / dz;
0430     }
0431   }
0432 }
0434 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......