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0001 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
0002 |                        DicomG4                          |
0003 +                                                         +
0004 |                        README                           |
0005 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
0007 The DICOM application has been originally developed by the Geant4 users:
0008 Louis Archambault,+Luc Beaulieu, ++Vincent Hubert-Tremblay.
0010 + Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Quebec (CHUQ),
0011 Hotel-Dieu de Quebec, departement de Radio-oncologie
0012 11 cote du palais. Quebec, QC, Canada, G1R 2J6
0013 tel (418) 525-4444 #6720
0014 fax (418) 691 5268
0015 web : 
0017 ++ Université Laval, Québec (QC) Canada
0020 And it has been deeply reviewed by Pedro Arce in December 2007.
0021 Very small changes by Stephane Chauvie in January 2008.
0022 Stephane Chauvie, Oct 2009: changed Physics list; changes in DICOM read. 
0023 Stephane Chauvie and Andrea Armando; June 2010 adapted for reading  whatever DICOM file
0024 Jonathan Madsen, Nov 2013: updated DICOM to utilize multithreading now available in Geant4.10
0025 Alexander Howard, Dec 2023: updated scorer to give correct voxel index for both regular and nested geometries
0027 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
0028 @@@                                     @@@
0030 @@@                                     @@@
0031 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
0032 A new way to read DICOM files has been implemented since release 10.3, to avoid the often problems found by users when reading DICOM files. 
0033 It can also read RT structures in DICOM format as well as RT plans. 
0034 This utility uses the DCMTK (
0037 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
0038 @@@                                     @@@
0039 @@@   NEW DICOM HEAD PROJECT            @@@
0040 @@@                                     @@@
0041 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
0043 A new DICOM Digital Head included by S. Guatelli ( and V. Giacometti. Available since Geant4 10.4. 
0044 The Digital model is documented in: Giacometti, V., Guatelli, S., Bazalova-Carter, M., Rosenfeld, A.B., Schulte, R.W.,
0045 "Development of a high resolution voxelised head phantom for medical physics applications", (2017) Physica Medica, 33, pp. 182-188.
0047 --->1) Introduction
0049 This example serves first to convert a DICOM file to a simple ASCII file, where the Hounsfield numbers are converted to materials and densities so that it can be used by GEANT4. It serves also to create a GEANT4 geometry based on the DICOM file information using the G4PhantomParameterisation. 
0051 You can find the phantom reproduced in the image PhantomCT.jpg.
0052 In the application the phantom is placed on a table.
0054 ---> 2a) Installation, OLD version:
0056  - A standard Geant4 example CMakeLists.txt is provided
0057  - Configure via cmake with 'cmake -DGeant4_DIR=/path_to_geant4_install/lib/Geant4-x.x.x /path/to/DICOM/source' then make
0059 ---> 2b) Installation, NEW version (based on DCMTK):
0061 You have to download and install DCMTK, see . At least you need version 3.6.1 or newer; the important thing is that you make sure it contains the dcmrt package.
0062 Then define the enviromental variable DCMTK_BASE_DIR to point to the directory where you have installed it. 
0063 And to run it, you have to add to the enviromental variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH the path ${DCMTK_BASE_DIR}/lib (i.e.  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:${DCMTK_BASE_DIR}/lib )
0065  Then you have to set the enviromental variable DICOM_USE_DCMTK to 1. 
0066  - A standard Geant4 example GNUmakefile is provided, but have to uncomment the line 
0067               #DICOM_USE_DCMTK := true                                                             
0068  - Compile it with 'make'/'gmake'
0070  - A standard Geant4 example CMakeLists.txt is provided
0071  - Configure via cmake with 
0072   'cmake -DGeant4_DIR=/path_to_geant4_install/lib/Geant4-x.x.x \ 
0073         -DDCMTK_DIR=/path_to_dcmtk_install /path/to/DICOM/source' 
0074 then make
0076 ---> 2c) CMake installation and inheriting from DICOM:
0078  - Set the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX (typically use the same install prefix as the Geant4 distribution)
0079  - Install the project
0080  - Installation will install libraries + DICOMConfig.cmake + other config files
0081    - if DCMTK is enabled, will also install dicomReader library + icomReaderConfig.cmake and it's other config files
0082  - In the new Geant4 application, add "find_package(DICOM REQUIRED)" to CMakeLists.txt
0083    - (optionally) add "set(DICOM_DIR ${Geant4_DIR} CACHE PATH "Path to DICOM installation config files") to CMakeLists.txt
0084    - add "include_directories(${DICOM_INCLUDE_DIRS}) and link target to ${DICOM_LIBRARIES}
0085    - if DCMTK is enabled, DICOMConfig.cmake will include the DCMTK and dicomReader installations, i.e. there is not need for "find_package(dicomReader)" or "find_package(DCMTK)"
0088 ---> 3) Run the example:
0090  - To run, the environment variable G4LEDATA needs to be set, pointing to the low energy data base, and the G4LEVELGAMMADATA pointing to the PhotonEvaporation data base
0092  - batch mode:
0093    - DICOM run.mac 
0095  - interactive mode:
0096    - DICOM
0097    the file vis.mac is read in order to visualise the phantom with OpenGL, DAWN or VRML
0099  - Environment variables:
0101      - set to the minimum density difference before making a separate material
0102      - e.g. if DenseBone is from > 1.496 to <= 1.654 and DICOM_CHANGE_MATERIAL_DENSITY=0.079
0103          then DenseBone would be separated into DenseBone > 1.496 to <= 1.575 and DenseBone > 1.575 to <= 1.654
0105      - set to 1 to build the partial build instead of regular or nested construction (see section 9)
0107      - set to 1 to build the nested construction (see section 9; overridden by DICOM_PARTIAL_PARAM)
0109      - To set the number of threads (when G4MULTITHREADED is defined via GEANT4_BUILD_MULTITHREADED=ON during Geant4 source build)
0110      - Needs to be set to the number of desired threads, e.g. DICOM_NTHREADS=8 (default is 4 threads)
0112      - set to 1 (export DICOM_USE_HEAD=1) to use the digital head phantom documented in Giacometti, V., Guatelli, S., Bazalova-Carter, M., Rosenfeld, A.B., Schulte, R.W.,
0113        "Development of a high resolution voxelised head phantom for medical physics applications", (2017) Physica Medica, 33, pp. 182-188. 
0114        To use this option, the DICOM library needs to be downloaded. This is distributed with the other Geant4 data files on the Geant4 Download site.
0115        For convenience of use, it is suggested to have the DICOM library directory in the DICOM Geant4 extended example or in the directory containing the DICOM executable.
0116        When using this option,
0117        1) export DICOM_USE_HEAD=1
0118        2) export DICOM_PATH=path/to/DICOM1.1/DICOM_HEAD - to use the full DICOM HEAD project 
0119           or
0120           export DICOM_PATH=path/to/DICOM1.1/DICOM_HEAD_TEST - to use 4 DICOM files of the DICOM HEAD project. This option is useful for testing purposes.
0121        3) THE DICOM_HEAD uses the OLD version of the Metadata files (see point 4a)
0122        Note 1: The Conversion of Hounsfield numbers to materials (point 5) is not used. The material is associated to the voxel in the Detector Construction 
0123                without using the calibration curve.This happens because the DICOM project has already been segmented and cleaned from artefacts (see publication).
0125 ---> 4) Metadata file:
0127 The old version of "Data.dat" is found in "Data.dat.old", when the project is configured with DICOM_USE_DCMTK=OFF,
0128 "Data.dat.old" is copied into the binary directory at "Data.dat".
0129   - i.e. cp ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/Data.dat.old ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/Data.dat
0131 The new version of "Data.dat" is found in "", when the project is configured with DICOM_USE_DCMTK=ON,
0132 "" is copied into the binary directory as "Data.dat".
0133   - i.e. cp ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/ ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/Data.dat
0135 ---> 4a) Metadata file, OLD version:
0137  The file Data.dat has the following information
0138   - A line with the compression value (used only to create the .g4dcm and .g4dcmb, not to read it)
0139   - A line with the number of files 
0140   - A line for each file name (to these names it will be added the suffix .dcm to read the DICOM files in their original format, and the suffix .g4dcm to read the text files that contain the DICOM information where the Hounsfield numbers have been converted to material and densities)
0142 In case you want to convert DICOM files to text files, it must have the following lines:
0143   - The number of materials you want to use
0144   - A line for each material describing its name and the upper bound of the density interval. The materials should be described in increasing order of density. The voxels with a density between 0. and the first upper bound will be assigned to the first material, those with a density between the first upper bound and the second upper bound will be assigned to the second material, etc.
0146 ---> 4b) Metadata file, NEW version (based on DCMTK):
0148 As for the previous version, a Data.dat file has to be defined to manage the conversion options. The format of this file is though quite different from the previous version. The format of this file is based on tags (similary to the ASCII geometry files).
0149 The following tags should be used:
0151 :COMPRESSION level 
0153 Where "level" is the number of voxels that will be merged into one in the X and Y dimen-
0154 sions. The Hounsfield numbers of the voxels merged are averaged to give the
0155 resulting value for the new voxel.
0156 Example:
0157 :COMPRESSION 4 // 4 X 4 voxels will be merged, so that the number of voxels in X and Y dimensions will be reduced by a factor 4
0159 :FILE file_name
0160 These are the list of files (one line per file) in DICOM format that will be treated.
0161 They can be of modality CT, RTSTRUCT or RTPLAN (the code will automatically
0162 detect its modality and treat it correspondingly).
0163 Example:
0164 :FILE 1.dcm
0165 :FILE 2.dcm
0166 :FILE 3.dcm
0168 :CT2D  Hounsfield_number density
0169 These sets of value pairs build the calibration curve (linearly interpolating between them). In other words, each Hounsfield number is given a material density using a function that is built interpolating between this list of value pairs.
0170 Example:
0171 :CT2D -5000 0. 
0172 :CT2D -1000 0.01 
0173 :CT2D -400 0.602 
0174 :CT2D  300 1.145 
0175 :CT2D 2000 1.856
0177 :MATE material_name upper_bound_of_material_Hounsfield_number_interval
0178 This serves for the Hounsfield number to material name conversion. The voxels with a Hounsfield number between 0. and the first upper bound will be assigned to the first material, those with a Hounsfiled number between the first upper bound and the second upper bound will be assigned to the second material, etc.
0179 Example:
0180 :MATE G4_AIR -800
0181 :MATE G4_LUNG_ICRP -145
0183 :MATE G4_WATER 0
0185 Alternatively to the use of :MATE, you can use the :MATE_DENS
0186 :MATE_DENS material_name upper_bound_of_material_density_interval
0187 This serves for the material density to material name conversion. The voxels with a density between 0. and the first upper bound will be assigned to the first material, those with a density between the first upper bound and the second upper bound will be assigned to the second material, etc.
0188 Example:
0189 :MATE_DENS G4_AIR 0.207
0190 :MATE_DENS G4_LUNG_ICRP 0.919
0192 :MATE_DENS G4_WATER 1.01
0194 We recommend the use of :MATE instead of :MATE_DENS as this is the way is used more often in the literature.
0196 :FILE_OUT file_name
0197 Name of output file containing the DICOM information in ASCII format
0200 --->5) Conversion of Hounsfield numbers to materials:
0202 After reading the name of files from Data.dat, if a file .dcm is found, then it looks for the corresponding .g4dcm file and if not found creates it. 
0203 Each file corresponds to a Z slice. The Z slices will be merged at runtime to form a unique patient volume; therefore the different slices have to be contiguous in Z.
0205 The DICOM images pixel values represent CT (Hounsfield) numbers and they should be converted, first, to a given density and then to a material type.  The relation between CT number and density is more or less linear. 
0206 The file CT2Density.dat contains the calibration curve to convert CT (Hounsfield) number to physical density
0207 The assignment of material densities to materials is done following the information from the file Data.dat (see below). In this case we have used:
0209            #####################################################
0210            #     Density Range                   Material      #
0211            #---------------------------------------------------#
0212            #       mg/cm3                            -         #
0213            #---------------------------------------------------#
0214            #  [ 0.    , 0.207 )                 Air            #
0215            #  [ 0.207 , 0.481 )                 Lungs (inhale) #
0216            #  [ 0.481 , 0.919 )                 Lungs (exhale) #
0217            #  [ 0.919 , 0.979 )                 Adipose        #
0218            #  [ 0.979 , 1.004 )                 Breast         #
0219            #  [ 1.004 , 1.043 )                 Phantom        #
0220            #  [ 1.043 , 1.109 )                 Liver          #
0221            #  [ 1.109 , 1.113 )                 Muscle         #
0222            #  [ 1.113 , 1.496 )                 Trabecular Bone#
0223            #  [ 1.496 , 1.654 ]                 Dense Bone     #
0224            #####################################################
0226 Data taken from the International Commission on Radiation Units and measurements (ICRU) report 46 was used to build the materials (lung, liver, breast, bones, ...).
0228 When using the Digital Head Phantom, the CT2Density.dat is not used. The conversion is performed directly in the Dicom
0230 --->6) Splitting materials in density intervals:
0232 In the class DicomDetectorConstruction, it is defined a density interval
0234   G4double densityDiff = 0.1;
0236 This means that the voxels of each material will be grouped in density intervals of 0.1 g/cm3 and a new material will be created for each group of voxels.
0238 --->7) Voxel colouring:
0240 The file Colormap.dat defines the colour that will be assigned to the voxels of each material.
0242 --->8) DICOM file formats:
0244 The DICOM files are converted to a simple text format. You may create your own file with the following format (see e.g. 14196616.g4dcm):
0246 - A line with the number of materials
0247 - A line for each material with its index and name (the same name of materials that you construct as G4Material's)
0248 - A line with the number of voxels in X, Y and Z
0249 - A line with the minimum and maximum extension in X (mm)
0250 - A line with the minimum and maximum extension in Y (mm)
0251 - A line with the minimum and maximum extension in Z (mm)
0252 - A number of lines containing the nVoxelX*nVoxelY*nVoxelZ material indices (one per voxel)
0253 - A number of lines containing the nVoxelX*nVoxelY*nVoxelZ material densities (one per voxel)
0255 As commented before the DICOM files (.dcm) are assumed to describe one Z slice per file, and therefore the GEANT4 text files (.g4dcm) created from them have also one unique Z slice per file. Nevertheless if you create your own .g4dcm file you may include as many Z slices as desired. In any case you have to respect the rule that the Z slices must be contiguous.
0257 The same information is also used to fill a file in binary format, that contains the same information as the text format. Its name ends in .g4dcmb, instead of .g4dcm .
0259 --->9) Choosing different parameterisation/navigation options:
0261 There are four possible ways in GEANT4 to treat the navigation in regular voxelised volumes:
0263 - The 3D optimisation with G4SmartVoxel: a 3D grid is built, so that the location of voxels is fast, but it requires a lot of memory
0264 - Using G4NestedParameterisation. The search is done hierarchically in X, Y and Z. It is fast and does not require big memory
0265 - Using G4PhantomParameterisation/G4RegularNavigation: an special algorithm to navigate in regular voxelised geometries (see GEANT4 doc). This is the fastest way without any extra memory requirement (and it is the default in this example). It includes an option (default) to skip frontiers between voxels when they have the same material. When using this option at each step the energy is all deposited in the last voxel; for properly distribution of the dose (=energy/volume) the G4PSDoseDeposit scorer can be used for regular (see (10) below) and G4PSDoseDeposit3D for nested parameterisation (see (11) below).
0267 Obsolete option:
0268 - Use 1D optimisation in replica. It will be very slow because each time a track exits a voxel it has to loop to all other voxels in a 2D slide in order to locate which one it will enter.
0270 You can select amongst the four options in the following way:
0272 - By default the example will run with G4RegularNavigation
0274 - To use the first option at you must set
0276   patient_phys->SetRegularStructureId(0);
0278 - To use the second option (Nested Parameterisation) you must set the enviromental variable DICOM_NESTED_PARAM to 1
0280 - To use the final, obsolete 1D-option, apart from the change above at you need to replace (i.e. use kUndefined)
0282   G4PVParameterised * patient_phys = new G4PVParameterised("Patient",voxel_logic,container_logic,
0283                         kUndefined, nVoxelX*nVoxelY*nVoxelZ, param);
0284 by 
0285   G4PVParameterised * patient_phys = new G4PVParameterised("Patient",voxel_logic,container_logic,
0286                         kXAxis, nVoxelX*nVoxelY*nVoxelZ, param);
0288   Note also you must *not* set the enviromental variable DICOM_NESTED_PARAM.
0291 --->10) Calculating dose in phantom voxels for regular navigation
0293 As mentioned above the regular navigation has the option to keip voxel frontiers when two voxels share the same material, what can make the CPU time several times smaller. But this option makes that all energy deposited is computed in the last voxel, instead of distributing it along the voxels traversed. To properly calculate the dose in each voxel the G4PSDoseDeposit scorer can be used.
0295 It takes into account the fact that,  when the particle travels through the voxels it looses energy and therefore the energy lost per length (dEdx) is bigger and also the effect of the multiple scattering is bigger. 
0296 The algorithm to make this correction is an iterative one, as the step length increase due multiple scattering (that converts the geometrical step length in what we will call the true step length) and the energy loss are correlated.
0297 It works in the folloing way: first the total true step length is distributed among the voxels proportionally to their geometrical step length; with these values it is calculated one voxel after another the value of dEdx and then the value of the kinetic energy at the entrance of each voxel; with these values it is calculated the geometrical to true step corrections due to multiple scattering for each voxel; finally these new values are used to recalculate the energy lost in each voxel. It has been demonstrated for dose in a water phantom and in a real phantom that the two-step iteration described is enough to reproduce the dose calcualted when no skipping of voxel frontiers is done.
0299 This scorer is implemented in this examples if the regular navigation option is 
0300 chosen. It is triggered at the method RegularDicomDetectorConstruction::ConstructPhantom() by the call
0302 SetScorer(voxel_logic);
0304 --->11) Calculating dose in phantom voxels for nested parameterisation
0306 For the nested parameterisation the geometry comprises replicas in X and Y which are then parameterised in Z. This means that to get the correct voxel idendification the replica depth has to be taken into account. The G4PSDoseDeposit3D scorers uses a fixed algorithm to calculate the voxel ID, according to the number
0307 of voxels in each axes and the associated replica depth. G4PSDoseDeposit3D("DoseDeposit", fNoVoxelsZ, fNoVoxelsY, fNoVoxelsX, 0, 2, 1) contains the number of voxels at the top level (0) and then two daughter levels down for the Y-voxels and one depth down for X.
0309 --->12) Output
0310 dicom.out is produced running the macro file run.mac. It has 2 columns: the first is the number of 
0311 voxel (ordered in x,y,z) and the second the dose there deposited (in Gy)
0312 It is produced, as an example, with a compression value of 32
0315 --->13) Partial phantom 
0316 It is possible to create a partial phantom, that is the intersection of a phantom with a volume. You may define the volume with the command 
0318 /dicom/intersectWithUserVolume 0. 0. 0. 45.*deg 0. 0. TUBE 0. 150. 100.
0320 where the first three arguments are its position, its second three arguments are the rotation around the global X, Y and Z axis and the rest of the parameters are the same that you use to build a solid using the ASCII geometry format
0322 Alternatively you can intersect the phantom with an existing Geant4 volume with the command
0324 /dicom/intersectWithG4Volume VOLUME_NAME
0326 The job will create an ASCII file names "phantom.g4pdcm" containing the partial phantom. To read this file all what is needed is to set the enviromental variable DICOM_PARTIAL_PARAM to 1
0328 --->14) Visualisation
0330 The Geant4 drivers are not meant for visualizing millions of voxel and visualising the DICOM geometries can be very computationally demanding.
0331 The users may want to visualise each DICOM slice separately or use higher compression values when visualising a part of DICOM project.