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0001 //
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0025 //
0026 /// \file exoticphysics/monopole/src/
0027 /// \brief Implementation of the G4MonopoleEquation class
0028 //
0029 //
0030 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0031 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0032 //
0033 //
0034 // class G4MonopoleEquation
0035 //
0036 // Class description:
0037 //
0038 //
0039 //  This is the standard right-hand side for equation of motion.
0040 //
0041 //  The only case another is required is when using a moving reference
0042 //  frame ... or extending the class to include additional Forces,
0043 //  eg an electric field
0044 //
0045 //  10.11.98   V.Grichine
0046 //
0047 //  30.04.10   S.Burdin (modified to use for the monopole trajectories).
0048 //
0049 //  15.06.10   B.Bozsogi (replaced the hardcoded magnetic charge with
0050 //                        the one passed by G4MonopoleTransportation)
0051 //                       +workaround to pass the electric charge.
0052 //
0053 //  12.07.10  S.Burdin (added equations for the electric charges)
0054 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
0056 #include "G4MonopoleEquation.hh"
0058 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
0059 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
0060 #include "globals.hh"
0062 #include <iomanip>
0064 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0066 G4MonopoleEquation::G4MonopoleEquation(G4MagneticField* emField) : G4EquationOfMotion(emField)
0067 {
0068   G4cout << "G4MonopoleEquation::G4MonopoleEquation" << G4endl;
0069 }
0071 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0073 G4MonopoleEquation::~G4MonopoleEquation() {}
0075 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0077 void G4MonopoleEquation::SetChargeMomentumMass(G4ChargeState particleChargeState,
0078                                                G4double,  // momentum,
0079                                                G4double particleMass)
0080 {
0081   G4double particleMagneticCharge = particleChargeState.MagneticCharge();
0082   G4double particleElectricCharge = particleChargeState.GetCharge();
0084   //   fElCharge = particleElectricCharge;
0085   fElCharge = eplus * particleElectricCharge * c_light;
0087   fMagCharge = eplus * particleMagneticCharge * c_light;
0089   // G4cout << " G4MonopoleEquation: ElectricCharge=" << particleElectricCharge
0090   //           << "; MagneticCharge=" << particleMagneticCharge
0091   //           << G4endl;
0093   fMassCof = particleMass * particleMass;
0094 }
0096 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......
0098 void G4MonopoleEquation::EvaluateRhsGivenB(const G4double y[], const G4double Field[],
0099                                            G4double dydx[]) const
0100 {
0101   // Components of y:
0102   //    0-2 dr/ds,
0103   //    3-5 dp/ds - momentum derivatives
0105   G4double pSquared = y[3] * y[3] + y[4] * y[4] + y[5] * y[5];
0107   G4double Energy = std::sqrt(pSquared + fMassCof);
0109   G4double pModuleInverse = 1.0 / std::sqrt(pSquared);
0111   G4double inverse_velocity = Energy * pModuleInverse / c_light;
0113   G4double cofEl = fElCharge * pModuleInverse;
0114   G4double cofMag = fMagCharge * Energy * pModuleInverse;
0116   dydx[0] = y[3] * pModuleInverse;
0117   dydx[1] = y[4] * pModuleInverse;
0118   dydx[2] = y[5] * pModuleInverse;
0120   // G4double magCharge = twopi * hbar_Planck / (eplus * mu0);
0121   // magnetic charge in SI units A*m convention
0122   //  see
0123   //   G4cout  << "Magnetic charge:  " << magCharge << G4endl;
0124   // dp/ds = dp/dt * dt/ds = dp/dt / v = Force / velocity
0125   // dydx[3] = fMagCharge * Field[0]  * inverse_velocity  * c_light;
0126   // multiplied by c_light to convert to MeV/mm
0127   //     dydx[4] = fMagCharge * Field[1]  * inverse_velocity  * c_light;
0128   //     dydx[5] = fMagCharge * Field[2]  * inverse_velocity  * c_light;
0130   dydx[3] = cofMag * Field[0] + cofEl * (y[4] * Field[2] - y[5] * Field[1]);
0131   dydx[4] = cofMag * Field[1] + cofEl * (y[5] * Field[0] - y[3] * Field[2]);
0132   dydx[5] = cofMag * Field[2] + cofEl * (y[3] * Field[1] - y[4] * Field[0]);
0134   //        G4cout << std::setprecision(5)<< "E=" << Energy
0135   //               << "; p="<< 1/pModuleInverse
0136   //               << "; mC="<< magCharge
0137   //               <<"; x=" << y[0]
0138   //               <<"; y=" << y[1]
0139   //               <<"; z=" << y[2]
0140   //               <<"; dydx[3]=" << dydx[3]
0141   //               <<"; dydx[4]=" << dydx[4]
0142   //               <<"; dydx[5]=" << dydx[5]
0143   //               << G4endl;
0145   dydx[6] = 0.;  // not used
0147   // Lab Time of flight
0148   dydx[7] = inverse_velocity;
0149   return;
0150 }
0152 //....oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo........oooOO0OOooo......