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Warning, /geant4/examples/extended/eventgenerator/exgps/macros/test02.mac is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # test02
0002 #
0003 /run/initialize
0004 #
0005 /gps/particle gamma
0007 # square plane source
0008 /gps/pos/type Plane
0009 /gps/pos/shape Square
0010 /gps/pos/centre 1. 2. 1. cm
0011 /gps/pos/halfx 2. cm
0012 /gps/pos/halfy 2. cm
0014 #cosine-law distribution
0015 /gps/ang/type cos
0017 # linear energy distr.
0018 /gps/ene/type Lin
0019 /gps/ene/min 2. MeV
0020 /gps/ene/max 10. MeV
0021 /gps/ene/gradient 1.
0022 /gps/ene/intercept 1.
0024 # commands below are independent of gps
0025 #
0026 /analysis/setFileName test02
0027 /analysis/h1/set 1 100 1 20 MeV
0028 /analysis/h1/set 3 110 -1.1 1.1 none  #cos(theta)
0029 /analysis/h1/set 4 130 -15  375 deg   #phi
0030 /analysis/h2/set 1 100 -5 5 cm none linear 100 -5 5 cm none linear #x-y
0031 /analysis/h2/set 4 120 0 360 deg none linear 100 -1 1 none none linear
0032 #
0033 #/control/execute vis.mac
0034 #
0035 /run/printProgress 10000
0036 #
0037 /run/beamOn 100000