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Warning, /geant4/examples/extended/eventgenerator/CMakeLists.txt.pythia6 is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # CMake configuration file for building Pythia6 from the source
0002 # downloaded from the PYTHIA6 download site:
0003 #
0004 #
0005 # To build Pythia6 library:
0006 # % cd mydir
0007 # % mkdir pythia6_source
0008 # % mkdir pythia6_build
0009 # % mkdir pythia6
0010 # % cp CMakeLists.txt.pythia6 pythia6_source/CMakeLists.txt
0011 # % cp pythia6-version.f pythia6_source 
0012 # % cd pythia6_build
0013 # % cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../pythia6 ../pythia6_source
0014 # % make
0015 # % make install
0017 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0018 # Setup the project
0019 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16...3.27)
0020 project(pythia6 Fortran)
0022 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0023 # Locate sources and headers for this project
0024 #
0025 file(GLOB sources ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/*.f)
0027 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0028 # Add library
0029 #
0030 add_library(Pythia6 SHARED ${sources})
0032 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
0033 # Install library
0034 #
0035 install(TARGETS Pythia6 DESTINATION lib)