Warning, /geant4/examples/extended/electromagnetic/TestEm8/testPAI.mac is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 #
0002 # Macro file for the initialization phase of "TestEm8.cc"
0003 # author: V. Grichine (based on TestEm8.in)
0004 # It creates the default geometry (simple absorber cylinder )
0005 # Few powerful commands (see also README):
0006 # /testem/setGasMat XeCH4C3H8
0007 # /testem/setWindowMat G4_MYLAR
0008 # /testem/setWorldMat G4_AIR
0009 # /testem/setGasThick 10 cm
0010 # /testem/setGasRad 20 cm
0011 # /testem/setWindowThick 50 um
0012 #
0013 # List of available materials (basically gases at STP): G4_Ar, G4_Kr,
0015 # G4_PROPANE, empty (G4_Galactic), Kr7CH4, ArCO2, Xe20CO2, Kr20CO2,
0016 # Now few gas mixtures from experiments:
0017 #
0019 /control/verbose 2
0020 /run/verbose 2
0021 #/tracking/verbose 2
0022 #
0023 # select EM PhysicsList: emstandard (default)
0024 # also available: emstandard_opt1, emstandard_opt2, emstandard_opt3,
0025 # emlivermore, empenelope, pai, pai_photon
0026 #
0027 /testem/phys/addPhysics pai
0028 #
0029 #/testem/phys/addPhysics pai_photon
0030 #
0031 #/testem/phys/addPhysics emtandard_opt3
0032 #
0033 #/testem/stepMax 10 mm
0034 #
0035 /testem/phys/setNbinsE 20
0036 /testem/phys/setMaxE 0.010 MeV
0037 #
0038 #/testem/setGasMat ArCO2
0039 /testem/setGasMat G4_Ar
0040 /testem/setGasThick 1.5 cm
0041 #
0042 /run/initialize
0043 #
0044 /run/setCut 0.5 mm
0045 /run/setCutForRegion GasDetector 1.8 mm
0046 /process/em/verbose 0
0047 #/run/particle/dumpCutValues
0048 #
0049 #/gun/particle e-
0050 #
0051 /gun/particle proton
0052 #
0053 #/gun/particle mu-
0054 #
0055 /gun/energy 200000.00 MeV
0056 #
0057 /run/beamOn 1000
0058 #